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Interesting material, but oh so boring
21 April 2024
I remember going to the theater with my closest friends to watch Clue. We all agreed that it was a a good movie but we wanted more. We thought it could have been better. The cast was superb.

But, this documentary ...while it does give interesting information about the making of the movie, it was presented in such a boring manner that I quickly find myself falling asleep. The interviews were at times very long and lacking in depth and substance.

Although this documentary was made in 2022, the quality is so low it looks and sounds like it is from the 80's. I understand it might be the director's first project, and shows.

I got up to grab a snack and hit pause. When I noticed it wasn't even halfway through, I decided to cut my losses and switch to something else.
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Road House (2024)
Movie was okay, but the casting left a lot to be desired
4 April 2024
Jake did a decent job of holding this movie on his shoulders. He wasn't as suave and smooth as Swayze, but he held his own. Most of the rest of the cast was, IMHO, horrible. At the top of that list is Conor McGregor. Who in hell thought that he'd make a good actor in a film? The minute he strutted into the scene, I was tempted to turn it off. His never ending grin and his walk as though he had a pineapple shoved up his bum were distractions that were hard to ignore. And his limited dialogue...did he write his own lines? They were cringe.

Jessica Williams' portrayal of the bar owner was wooden and lifeless, almost as if she was back in high school in the annual drama class performance. Daniela Melchior (Ellie) was also quite subdued and boring while playing Dalton's love interest, and that side story went absolutely nowhere. Most of the other actors fall into this same category for me, with the possible exceptions of BK Cannon (Laura), who added a very down to earth and realistic performance, and Arturo Castro (Moe), who added some much needed comic relief.

The story itself was meh...similar to the original Road House, but with it's own twist. Not a very exciting plot, but it was an easy watch (except for the Conor McGregor's screen time).

This should have been called "Beach House" instead of "Road House". LOL.
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Didn't laugh once
16 January 2024
My wife loves watching this guy on social media. I've never particularly cared for the few short videos that I've overheard while she watched, but I thought that maybe, if he has a stand up special, then surely he'll be funny. Wrong! I didn't laugh once...not even a grin. Kevin's timing is sssslllloooowwww and the pay off is nil. His overuse of the auto tune is really annoying but that's his gimmick. I have no clue how he ever got his own special! He's simply not funny. Do yourself a favor and skip this one, it's painful to watch. And I actually paid $5.99 to watch this? Dude, you owe me $6 and an hour of my life back.
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A Longgggggggggggg slowwwwwwww burn
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Did I say it was slow?

I had no information going into this movie. I had no clue what it was to be about or what to expect. It was the #1 movie for the day on Netflix, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Huge mistake.

It does get to the "plot" quickly...something is awry in the world and things are not as they should be. Internet is out. Phones don't work. Ships are crashing into shore. Emergency alerts on every tv channel. At first, I was thinking it was building up to some sort of alien invasion, and it took quite a while to rule that out. And that's part of the problem...after it is revealed that something big is happening in the world, there is no progression, and what little "reveal" we get is still leaves WAY too many questions unanswered. .

Then suddenly, the boy becomes ill and his teeth fall out. Why? We get speculation from the others, but we never find out. While dealing with him, we find that the young girl is missing. There's another big WHY? During a very scary time when it's apparent that it's very dangerous everywhere, she simply wanders off. Did she go to find the deer? She didn't know about the bunker...that was revealed by Kevin Bacon's character to the other guys, and they hadn't returned to the house. So...why was she so intrigued to go to that other house? There was nothing shown previously that made anyone wonder about that house...only a lone deer in the front yard. She gorges on cereal and junk food as if they had no food. WHY? Was she hungry?

Then she stumbled upon the bunker. Did it never enter the girl's mind that she should go find her parents? No...all she cared about was watching that last episode of Friends. For real? That's how we're going to end?

That's over two hours wasted. I do give credit when it's due though...I kept watching till the end because I kept waiting on something...anything to happen. So at least the director kept my anticipation building...but NOT in a good way, as it turns out.
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Suspension of Disbelief is crucial while viewing this movie
12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Almost all movies require a certain amount of suspension of disbelief, but wow...this one re-defines the phrase to the utmost degree.

How many times can John Wick fall from two or three stories, then not only get up and walk away, but stand back up and immediately fight multiple people and take them down?

How many cars can hit John Wick, yet he never suffers a single broken bone?

And then there's the blind assassin. Come on. Really? How can this man be so skilled in hand to hand combat? How can he hit a target (John Wick) with a gun while standing 60 paces apart?

And wow...the dance club scene...all that violence, fighting and gun shot happening and yet the crowd just keeps dancing as if they don't see nor hear any of least not until the very end of the scene. THEN everyone begins to scream and run out. WTH??

Suspension of disbelief is required for most movie viewing, but damn...this one just gets so ridiculous that it becomes laughable.

And then in the end, John dies from multiple gun shots from a blind man. He deserves a much better farewell than that.

Simply unbelievable that this script made it to the screen. The director should never work again in Hollywood again.
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Interesting enough, but way too long
21 October 2023
I thought this series of documentaries about cult movies would be a fun watch. Although it was interesting, it just dragged on and on. Way too much time was spent on each film. I got so bored before first hour was over, I fast forwarded through the rest just to get it over with. After that, I didn't bother to watch the other two parts of the series. A much more concise and edited version might have kept me more engaged. Perhaps this is targeted to avid cult movie enthusiasts, and not your average movie fan. If that's the case, then many might find this series a bit hard to get through. Your mileage may vary.
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This is bad...really bad.
4 September 2023
This is absolutely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The directing, the plot, the special effects...horrendous. But the worst part is the acting by Armando Gutierrez...he was so cringe.

What was Shirley McLane thinking when she took this role? She's an iconic Hollywood actress. This one certainly didn't need to be on her resume.

This is absolutely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The directing, the plot, the special effects...horrendous. But the worst part is the acting by Armando Gutierrez...he was so cringe.

What was Shirley McLane thinking when she took this role? She's an iconic Hollywood actress. This one certainly didn't need to be on her resume.
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Tuned out after 30 minutes
1 September 2023
What a boring piece of work this is. You've got an hour and a half to cover an entire decade, and for the first twenty plus minutes, all they show is the Apollo 13 mission. Granted, that was a huge story, but they could have (and should have) shortened that bit by a good 15 minutes. And what's up with the extremely weird background music??? Finally, we get passed Apollo and what's next? Skylab...followed by details of the Viking mission to Mars. Did NASA produce this film???

I wanted to change the tv after 30 minutes, but for some reason, the wife wanted to keep going. I pulled out my phone and started playing a game. This is one of the worst documentaries (or whatever this is supposed to be) I've ever seen. Way way way too much detail on all the NASA stuff that was totally unnecessary.
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Great episode!
1 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Of course everything is over the top, but that's what's so great about this show. I grew up in a very religious household and was in church every possible moment as a child, and seeing the hypocrisy, even in comedy form, hits home and makes me laugh, because I know that there is truth in these stories.

After the siblings were kidnapped, it appeared to me that Keefe was being set up as the supposed hero. His character is so quirky and weird, but he is freakin' hilarious. I was so hoping that he was going to be the one to rescue the Gemstones, which would redeem him and thus allow him to continue on in the church by Kelvin's side. They are such a strange and wonderful pair. But alas, that wasn't meant to be...Gideon saved the day, which was fantastic.

This show is one of the best comedies ever on tv. I hope it keeps on keeping on for a while...
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The Witcher: The Cost of Chaos (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Never read the books nor played the game...
29 July 2023
Having never read the books nor played the game, I did enjoy this series for the most part, especially the first two seasons. Originally, the story featured a Witcher that fought monsters. It was full of magic, a little lust, and a budding romance. Then in season 3 the focus was 100% on a war. No more monsters (okay, maybe one monster). No more lust or love between Geralt and Yen. And with very few exceptions did we ever get to see much of a glimpse of this supposed power that Ciri has...which was the basis of the series to this point, wasn't it?

Again, I have no history with the story/lore, but it does seem as though the shift in focus made this a completely different story than how it began. Maybe that's why Henry wasn't happy and left. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the journey, but even I could tell that this was a little off the rails. This season finale was a big let down. Episode 6 was the high point of season 3, so I started off watching this second half with high hopes. Then the utterly boring episode 7 happened, which made me worry about episode 8. And yeah, I was correct. It was not the great send off I was expecting for Henry's departure.
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Really? That's the premise?
16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the first had a main character that you sympathized with and pulled for her to survive. In this sequel, within the first 15 minutes you realize that the character that you assume will be the lead figure throughout the rest of the story actually wants everyone to open their eyes and end their life, in the name of redemption of their souls. That was enough for me. I turned it off. If I'm going to watch a movie about the possible extinction of humankind, I'd prefer it to be something more positive and hopeful. I like seeing underdogs succeed when there's really no hope. But this?'s a HUGE pass from me. This doesn't interest me at all.
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If you're looking for depth, this isn't it
7 July 2023
This isn't a documentary. It's just a bunch of rather lame stories about celebrities that have stayed at The Carlyle as told by the staff. There is very little history about the hotel shared.

The worst part...the audio is TERRIBLE. There are two big issues...1. The background music is way too loud and it covers up the many soft spoken individuals that are being interviewed. And 2. The interviewer is off screen asking questions without a microphone, so you can't hear what is being asked. It is very, very annoying.

A lot of fluff, but nothing really interesting is shared. And it guess on and on...way too long for what little you get out of it.
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House M.D.: Bombshells (2011)
Season 7, Episode 15
Absolutely ridiculous
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What in hell was this? All of the dream sequences were stupid and annoying. Easily the worst episode of this show's entire run so far. There are just so many things wrong with this episode, I can't begin to list them. I wish I had skipped this one, but then again, the show has been heading downward, so this episode doesn't surprise me.

At least one good thing came from this end to the House and Cuddy relationship. There is not a woman on earth that would enter into a relationship with such a egotistical, immature, and inappropriate bastard. In fact, he's wearing on my nerves, but hey, I'm nearing the end, so I might as well stick it out.
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OMG, what a borefest
16 June 2023
What a bloated mess. This movie rambles on and on. After the first 30 minutes, I was worried that I had not become attached the the story or any character. One hour in and I started playing a game on my phone. I didn't care about anyone or anything. This movie was just one big ego stroke for Cameron. It's nothing more than a three hour high quality video game that you can't play. All of the humans, including the reincarnated ones, are annoying as hell. And we suffered through three hours just because the memories from one dead marine wants revenge? Come on...where's the depth to this story?

Sure, the cgi is impeccable, but it's just so much that it's overwhelming, and not in a good way.
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Hilarious! We need more from these guys!
27 May 2023
I've listened to a few of the Smartless podcasts and I've loved every one of them. The banter between the three guys is much like sitting in on a family dinner with three brothers...always taking jabs at each other, but out of love and respect.

While the podcast is produced on Zoom, this series takes a look at the guys taking their show in the road, meeting their surprise guests in person in front of a live audience. While we don't get to see the entire interview with their guests, we do get tons of behind the scenes footage of the guys being themselves traveling from city to city...and it's freakin' hilarious.

The only thing I question about this series...why is it in black and white??? Why would anything like this be shot in black and white? But hey...that's not enough to keep me from giving this a hearty 10 out of 10. It's one of the best things I've watched in a long time and certainly one of the funniest and most entertaining. I might even watch it again soon.
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Boring, disjointed, and confusing
26 May 2023
This was hard to watch. There is no substance and no real purpose of this film. It simply glossed over so many topics about her life but never really got into much detail. It was so boring at times that I found myself playing on my phone. I feel like I know nothing more about her than I knew before I watched this. And the editing was horrible.

There are numerous voice overs from family members that you never see in person. That was very annoying. The audio of those off screen voices was so bad, it sounded like they recorded it in a bathroom on a hand held cassette recorder.

I've watched a ton of documentaries and this is certainly one of the worst I've seen. Do yourself a favor...skip this one.
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House M.D.: Birthmarks (2008)
Season 5, Episode 4
This is getting old
28 April 2023
While this was a good episode, House's infantile childlike attitude is growing tiresome. When he's in his element diagnosing patients, the show is great. But acting like a 5 year old the rest of the time is really annoying. It's enough to make me want to stop watching. What grown man acts like this??

Repeating to reach the required number of characters....

While this was a good episode, House's infantile childlike attitude is growing tiresome. When he's in his element diagnosing patients, the show is great. But acting like a 5 year old the rest of the time is really annoying. It's enough to make me want to stop watching.
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Night Court (2023– )
John L is the only reason to watch
19 March 2023
In a word, this show sucks, and that's a shame...The original Night Court was hilarious. John Laroquette is the only actor with any real comedic timing and delivery. He even makes his lines that are at times terribly written bring a chuckle. The lady playing Olivia almost ruins the show. The bailiff is played by a comedienne, and I understand why I've never heard of her.

This show is so poorly written...The writing team must not understand comedy, because they sure can't write a good joke.

Melissa doesn't annoy me as much as she seems to bother many other reviewers...she's okay, it's just the material she is given lacks comedic substance.

My wife loves the show...I have to watch this show and Call Me Kat weekly. Please have pity on me.
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Netflix can drag out a documentary
3 March 2023
It seems as though Netflix wants all of their documentaries to be three episodes long at about an hour each. While this doc has a ton of info to share, just like so many others before it, they say the same things over and over. The first hour and a half is devoted completely to the boating accident.... And it could have easily been presented in 30 minutes or less. I found myself fast forwarding through many of the interviews, as it was a loop of personal accounts of the accident and the individuals involved, but they were just repeating what had already been said.

The story, or stories, are interesting, but all interest gets lost due to the terrible editing and long winded presentation.
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Black Adam (2022)
A disappointing film
18 December 2022
While Dr Fate may have been introduced first in print, for those of us who aren't followers of the comics, Dr Strange is the sorcerer that we identify more with, simply because we got to see him first and certainly with more depth. Everything about Black Adam felt like a low budget remake of Marvel characters. Hawkman even looked similar to Anthony Mackey. Atom Smasher was far too much like Ant Man. Hawkman's compound might as well been Dr Xavier's home for the X Men, complete with the aircraft rising from the front lawn.

Like so many others have reviewed, the Justice Society was simply thrown at us as if we were to already understand who they were. There was no character building whatsoever, other than a one or two sentence dialog that tried to briefly explain how they came to be superheroes. It was extremely rushed.

As for Black Adam...I usually like Dwayne Johnson's films, but in this one, he was stiff and wooden. The other characters...of course Dr Fate was a standout, but it was as if the writers purposefully wanted us to hate Hawkman. His attitude and cockiness were unbearable, knowing that he would be easily defeated by the likes of Black Adam. Perhaps in my mind, I was comparing him to Marvel's Falcon and his much more personable and likable demeanor. Either way, I just wanted to see him get his ass kicked.

All things considered, I was simply underwhelmed. 2022 was not a good year for the superhero genre.
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The Goes Wrong Show (2019–2021)
27 November 2022
Granted, I've only seen season 1 (season 2 is not available on Tubi), but this is some of the funniest stuff on TV that I've watched! Each episode had me rolling! Each performer has their own quirk that plays into every episode. The laughs are endless. I wish I had found this sooner.

British comedy is so much funnier than American comedy, and this is a perfect example. (Repeating to get the required number of characters). British comedy is so much funnier than American comedy, and this is a perfect example. British comedy is so much funnier than American comedy, and this is a perfect example.
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The Crown: Decommissioned (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
That's it?
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a lackluster and disappointing conclusion to the season! This season has had a few episodes that were forgettable, but I'd never expect the season finale to be one of those. The decommissioning of the Royal yacht was presented as the high point. Really? That's all you've got?

Tony Blair makes an entrance into British government, but we only get a glimpse of what might be to come on season 6.

This entire season seemed extremely disjointed. There was no flow from episode to episode. Such is the case with episode 10...other than the fact that Charles was now divorced, the episode didn't carry any idea forward from previous shows. Of course, we all know what is eventually to come, but getting there has been quite boring and stiff. This is certainly not The Crown that I had grown to love in seasons 1-4. This is an entirely different animal, and it's made me less excited for final season...whenever that may come.
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The Crown: Couple 31 (2022)
Season 5, Episode 9
Too much wasted time
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Way too much time was wasted showing couples that we didn't know nor care about in their quest to be divorced. I get what the director was going for, but we know what's coming...we know that Charles and Diana are divorcing. The set up was completely unnecessary.

I'm not sure why IMDb requires 600 characters for reviews...I think my review about this episode is simply enough. It's concise, but to the point.

Way too much time was wasted showing couples that we didn't know nor care about in their quest to be divorced. I get what the director was going for, but we know what's coming...we know that Charles and Diana are divorcing. The set up was completely unnecessary.
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The Crown: Mou Mou (2022)
Season 5, Episode 3
Off the Rails
11 November 2022
So far, I'm having trouble really getting into Season 5. The first 4 seasons had me hooked. But this season...meh. And this episode certainly didn't help. Focusing on the Fayeds, it seems to have lost focus, but hopefully only momentarily.

Maybe this season will get better, but I've found myself falling asleep far too often, and I'm only 3 episodes in. Maybe it's because nothing of note has really happened yet. Perhaps when something major occurs, it'll hook me again.

I'm also having trouble with the new cast. I came into this season with no preconceived ideas.... I had an open mind. But every time I see the Queen, all I can picture is Delores Umbridge. That's hard to shake.
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Worst movie I've seen in years
23 October 2022
Holy hell this one is bad. It's so bad, it's laughable. I can't begin to tell you how many looks of contempt my wife gave me for forcing her to watch this movie.

How does this one get so many good reviews? It's horrible!!!

Now, why in hell does every review have to have 600 characters? I think I've made my point...

Holy hell this one is bad. It's so bad, it's laughable. I can't begin to tell you how many looks of contempt my wife gave me for forcing her to watch this movie.

How does this one get so many good reviews? It's horrible!!!

Now, why in hell does every review have to have 600 characters? I think I've made my point...
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