
15 Reviews
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Genius or Garbage?
15 November 2021
I can totally understand why so many people are not liking this show. It is indeed slow (very slow) and for an Alien invasion movie, features a dramatic lack of aliens. Personally however, I don't mind slow and have to say that I am enjoying watching it despite the fact that I can't quite figure out whether the show is garbage or genius. You do however get a strong sense that they have bitten off more than they can chew with this. In order to fully develop all 5 separate storylines, there is going to have to be a LOT of episodes and right now we only have 4 left to go in season 1. Judging by the apathy with which the show has been received I don't give much for the chances of it being renewed for further seasons which means we'll probably either be left with unsatisfyingly rushed ending or no ending at all (like the show's 2005 namesake). In summary, right now I sort of love the show but when it's over I sense I'll be left with a feeling of disappointment and resentment!
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Capitani (2019–2022)
Thoroughly entertaining and very accurate
27 February 2021
As somebody who grew up in Luxembourg near a village very much like Manscheid, lived there for thirty years but hasn't been back for a while, this was a massive nostalgia trip.

If you don't know Luxembourg it is hard to explain just how accurate the characters in this show are. Many of them felt very familiar to me and every village has them.

This by far the best tv show or movie to come out of Luxembourg... probably ever. There may well be some plot holes but in general this is very well done and keeps you gripped to the end.
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7500 (2019)
A Real Gem
23 June 2020
This film is without doubt worthy of a far higher review score than it currently has.

Yes, it's a bit different, it's gritty and realistic and doesn't have that glossy Hollywood feel with a hero riding to the rescue and saving the day so that all can enjoy a happy ending.

... and maybe that's why some people don't like it.

In many ways, it does feel a lot more like a documentary and can feel a bit slow at times but I was hooked from the first minute and couldn't take my eyes off it.

Well worth watching.
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1917 (2019)
Has its flaws but who cares?
5 March 2020
Yes, there are flaws in this movie. The plot is a bit unrealistic and one does have to question how bullets repeatedly miss our hero.

These are things that you will only reflect on afterwards though. As you watch it, you are pulled into the story and I defy you to take your eyes off the screen for even a moment. The cinematography is truly epic and fully deserving of its Oscar. Set design is also very impressive and doesn't pull many punches when it comes depicting the horrors of war.

This is a must see movie. Even if afterwards you decide that actually you didn't like it as much as you expected, for the two hours you are watching it, you will be utterly immersed and you can't say that of too many movies.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Well, I liked it!
4 March 2020
I see lots of reviews here taking exception to the ending but I was relatively satisfied. OK, so it was a little unbelievable but in the main everything was tied up and explained. I have seen other shows where the endings have disappointed me much more than this one ("Lost" being the one that always springs to mind).

It was entertaining, and kept you watching right up to the end. Definitely a binge watching contender.
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Christian Bale at his finest
14 February 2020
There is a lot of good in this movie but for me by far the best is the performance by Christian Bale. He is faultless in this move, even down to the subtly Brummie twang and expressions. Very believable.

The actions keeps you on the edge of your seat and even though you probably know the story beforehand, its delivery is superb.
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Anna (II) (2019)
Perfectly watchable, classic Besson
14 February 2020
Yes ok, there may have been some slip ups when it comes to time appropriate tech but who cares? This was an enjoyable action thriller in the classic Besson style. You probably won't want to rush out and watch it again but certainly perfectly entertaining while it lasted. Certainly didn't feel like that was going to be 2 hours of my life I'll never get back as is so often the case!
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Won't bother
27 January 2020
Watched about 20 min of the first episode. Started to suspect very much that this was going to be rubbish. Came on here to see the other reviews, suspicions confirmed. Didn't bother any further!
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Good Entertainment
14 January 2020
Was it Oscar material? No

... but if you just want a slightly quirky couple of hours entertainment, you could do a lot worse. Give it a go.
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A Confession (2019)
Very Good
14 January 2020
OK, let's get it out of the way to start with... shaky cameras. Yes, the style in which this show was shot is frankly perplexing. I can't for the life of me think why they thought this would be a good idea. I was about 10 minutes in and was starting to wonder whether I should stick with it on account of the camera style.

I did though, and I'm glad I did. This is a really good show which by all accounts is very true to the actual events. It is well told, gripping and fantastically well acted by Freeman and Staunton in particular. Truthfully, by the end of the first episode, I didn't even notice the shaky camera anymore.

Watch this show, it's worth it.
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15 Days (2019)
It's not THAT bad!
9 January 2020
This is not the greatest murder mystery show you will ever see. The acting is a bit ropey in parts and the ending is frankly a bit flat. I see a lot of reviews here saying that the characters were just not likeable but I rather think that was the point. They aren't supposed to be.

Fair enough for a bit of mindless entertainment but don't expect too much and will be instantly forgettable.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
A lot to love about this show
8 October 2019
Yes it is slow and it may not be to everybody's liking but there is a lot to love about this show. The acting is without a doubt excellent but the most interesting thing about it is how it seems to break almost all the rules and norms about how to make a tv show, from the short format of the episodes, to the camera angles, the format of the shots, the credit sequences, everything is different from what you are used to. There is more than just a hint of Hitchcock influence here and definitely worth a watch.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Great Fun
26 September 2019
As a Richard Curtis written movie, Yesterday is exactly what you would expect it to be. Only knowing the basic concept of the movie before it starts you can quite easily predict the entire storyline with relative accuracy. You also know that it is going to be sweet, fluffy and feelgood.

As such, there isn't anything particularly original going on here and it's not going to be remembered as one of the greatest movies of all time but nevertheless it is still great fun. The music is of course fantastic and there are some good jokes in there to keep you entertained. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it and could quite easily watch it again.
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Criminal: UK (2019–2020)
Style but no substance
26 September 2019
I really wanted to like this. The concept was very promising even if it was quite obviously trying to cash in on the success of "Line of Duty", throw in one of the greatest actors of his generation in David Tennant and it seemed like a surefire hit.

It isn't!

I watched the first episode and thought it was fantastic with Tennant at his usual best. Couldn't wait to watch the second episode and see how the story would develop only to find that it doesn't.

For me this show would have been infinity better had it just stuck to the Tennant story line and over the three episodes had kept you guessing as to whether he was guilty or not. As it is though, you have three separate stories, each of which are painfully simplistic in the small time frame dedicated to them. Yes ok, some of the interview techniques are relatively interesting although often rather unbelievable but ultimately I found this to be a huge let down, maybe all the more because it promised so much and was hyped by the media. Honestly though, if you want tense interview room drama that keeps you guessing all the way, just watch "Line of Duty" instead.
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Elf-Man (2011)
Simply awful
29 December 2018
People who have given this movie anything more than 1/10 have surely done so sarcastically, right?

Off the top of my head I honestly can not think of a movie worse than this that I have ever seen. Everything about it is terrible!!
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