
35 Reviews
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Tires (2024–2025)
Has potential
26 May 2024
The first two episodes are almost unwatchable, I only kept watching because I had time to kill. The 3rd episode it starts to pick up and you can see what kind of show it has potential to be but it's still not a good show. Shane Gillis is a funny guy but he's an atrocious actor, to be fair he is barely acting more just being himself but he can't keep a straight face. There's actually no good actor on the show but it's a decent concept that could be funny with some writing help and with really good guest appearances. I enjoyed it every time the "wops" came in and started saying dumb stuff. The biggest issue I had though was the entire season is 2 hours long, should've been 12 episodes minimum but we'll see.
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Around the Horn (2002– )
18 February 2024
If you're obsessed with Tony Reali for some reason then maybe you have a reason to like this show but besides that I don't understand the appeal. Tony Reali listens to mediocre analysts debate over several subjects while giving them scores based on what he thinks their argument merits, so he in complete control of the show and steers the debates. It feels like too much power for someone who is closer to Hembo than an actual host, he's not personable; funny or provides any insight on any subject. If you don't love one of the analyst debating I don't even understand why you would watch this show; it's the Tony Reali show which is embarrassing enough, just end it.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Misleading Reviews
18 February 2024
I was a little excited for this movie not gonna lie. I knew it would be corny but I didn't expect it to be as horrible as it was. For me any horror film rated above a 6 is at least worth watching but idk who reviewed this movie because it's absolute trash. You can tell how bad it will be by the whole Black Friday sequence which is laughably bad, but it somehow gets worse. There is not one good scene in the movie if im being honest. I feel very misled so I'm trying to save you from a waste of almost two hours. At this point I just need to fill the characters so I'm just gonna finish by saying if you like this movie, I hope you get your IMDB reviewer card revoked.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Pure mediocrity
8 February 2024
There's not much to say about this show but I need to use six hundred characters so here we go. The acting is good and the cast is great but the storyline and characters are awful. Maya Erskine's acting is great but as a character I hate Jane, she's an awful person and John deserves better even though you have to be a psycho to do the job in the first place. There's nobody I care about and for an action show it's quite boring. I have no interest in season two and based other reviews I'm not alone. Lastly I'm one hundred percent convinced Paul Dano only accepted this role because his name is "Hot Neighbor" a title I'm sure he cherished.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
6 February 2024
The show has a lot of negativity and I feel like most of it is unjustified, especially people acting like there can't be two female police leads. However the casting of Kali Reis was an awful decision, it is genuinely hard for me to watch her scenes. Acting is an art and like art it's open to interpretation, I know of lots of actors who people love who I think are not good at all so this is just my opinion but I feel like if they casted a better, well known actress for the role of Navarro this whole season would met with a different reception. I'm 4 episodes in now so I know there won't be any kind of change but here's to hoping they stick with what worked in past seasons going forwards.
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Did We Watch The Same Thing?
31 January 2024
Look it was not a bad film, the cinematography was amazing but that is really the only thing that blew me away. All in all I thought it was a disappointing film, the cast was great however I did not find the acting to be good at all which I did not anticipate. Leo is one of the greats but this was a very forgettable performance for me and I am very confused by the praise for the female lead. I was not impressed by her at all. I felt all the characters came across as dumb and boring. The thing that really got to me though was how unnecessarily long the movie was, there are 15 minute scenes that should have been cut completely. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, it was a bad film.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Very good but...
17 January 2024
There are moments and episodes where this could be the best show on television, the problem is there are also too many filler episodes or dull moments for it be the best show on television. I thought the first season was pretty much perfect, not really anything I would change about that but every other season since has had episodes that a complete waste of time. Season Five started off really good and was setup for a very entertaining season but for me personally it fell off really quickly, had maybe three episodes that were pointless and one of the worst endings to a season I have ever seen. It's good, not great.
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The Whole Family's Crazy
27 December 2023
From hiking the desert to child slave labor, this Steve. Cartisano guy was a real psychopath who preyed on distraught families once their kids started acted out. This man had a real evil about him that seemed obvious to most the kids but not the dumb parents who were paying outrageous fees just for their children to be bullied into behaving better, a method which always works. Steve is the real POS here no doubt about it but the documentary would have been better if we heard less from his wife who made him sound like a pioneer and almost heroic. Her along with their daughter keep trying to say he had nothing do with the bad things that happened, not only at 1 but 3 of his camps since he was never there. Not really a great argument for a man preaching how much he cares.
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Wow that's bad
24 December 2023
It says part 1 but I couldn't imagine a reason why anyone would want to watch part 2. I was really looking forward to this movie, I thought it was gonna be fun, seemed like a cool story and I thought I liked the cast. I was wrong. This movie was absolutely awful. The main actor should not be leading a film, she's not good enough to carry any scenes. The most disappointing part of the movie to me though was the action. I expected non stop well choreographed action and instead got some of the worst fight scenes that I can remember. I understand there are enjoyable action movies you can turn your brain off for and they're still fun, this isn't one of them.
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It was really good but...
12 December 2023
The movie was very entertaining, phenomenal animation and great characters. However the storyline was not good to me. It wasn't intriguing it feels a bit overplayed. I do acknowledge that this is a kids film and I'm a grown man so there's that but I really loved the first movie.and maybe set my expectations too high for this one. Based on the reviews I thought this movie would be an improvement on the first but I didn't think it was at all. I found myself uninterested at times and losing focus. Like I previously stated it is a really good movie but if you're looking for to to blow your mind like the first one did, I think you'll be disappointed.
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It was okay
29 November 2023
What made me watch the movie were the multiole reviews I read which compared this movie to Hereditary. The only relatable thing between the films is the shock factor, that's it, which in all honestly shouldn't be a big deal in a HORROR movie. You better shock me. The dialogue was awful, the acting not much better and if it weren't for the handful of wild scenes i would say this was an awful movie. The concept was good and I understand what they were trying to do here but it just didn't hit the mark. Maybe someone will remake it with a good lead and more exciting conversations, if that's the case, it'll probably be good but for now you can skip it.
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19 October 2023
As my title suggest this movie is WAY TOO LONG. There is just too much time filler and the action, although impressive, has gotten fatigued. The first one made sense, the second one I understood and the third one provided a nice opportunity to wrap the STORY but they didn't, instead it was more just a non stop choreography dance. The scene that really made start zoning out was when he's in a shootout with about 100 men in a club while people continue dancing around them completely unaffected by what's happening. Multiple times you can see a bad guy wait for John Wick to look at him before attacking, it's just getting old.
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Should just follow Annette
12 October 2023
Only relation to Castlevania is the name Belmont and Vampires. I mean there's not much to say about this show, definitely not six hundred characters worth but I'll give it a shot. It seems like a fan such as myself, who does not have much writing experience decided to continue the story on their own. Like others have said it's just missing the same feeling from the first as well as not nearly as talented voice actors as it's predecessor. The dialogue is corny and over the top. Annette is a great character and the show would have been much better if it followed her storyline and was focused from her POV. No need to continue Castlevania if you can't live up to the original, go a new route.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
S1 was good S2 not so much
16 July 2023
Season 1 gave you the feel of where this was headed, a long family crime show with plenty of groups to focus on. There were what seemed like clear protagonists and antagonists and it was clear who you wanted to root for, not because they're good or bad but because of what their purpose was. Season 2 went away from that, they instead blurred everyone's lines and made everything so convoluted that I honestly don't care who lives or dies in the show anymore, nobody's story is engaging enough to care what happens to them. I know a lot of people are thinking they do this in a lot of shows but I've never seen one change so drastically from one season to another.
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Arnold (2023)
Maybe it's me
11 June 2023
I've always been a huge Arnold fan, his movies were always clearly very corny but were entertaining. Early on in the first episode I have a new level of respect for Arnold and how he set his goals and stuck to them and made what he wanted out of life. By halfway through episode 2 I wanted to turn it off; the man is so arrogant and confident for someone who is one of the worst actors I've ever seen. I was expecting him to laugh at himself and make jokes about his acting abilities because I thought it was obvious he is not a good actor but he truly believes he is and what blows my mind is after reading some of these reviews, you guys do too. He was great as the Terminator, I will never deny that, but to act like this man has great range is almost insulting to all the real actors out there. I liked him when I thought he thought it was funny, him thinking he's truly a great actor, changes my opinion a little.
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Bupkis (2023)
I'm not a Pete Davidson fan
16 May 2023
I'm not a big fan of his, I don't think his stand up is good and I don't think he's a good actor. He was great in the CC Roasts though. However this show is great, he's great in it, the supporting cast is great, the dialogue is great, im just very pleasantly surprised. I'm particularly impressed with the supporting cast, it's amazing. So many great actors playing family members who themselves can steal an entire episode. I've gotten emotional a few times already and laughed out loud which is the ultimate range I'm looking for in a great show. This is a play on Pete's life so as long as he doesn't do anything too stupid to get cancelled, there will be plenty of material to be had as well. I look forward to it.
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Silo (2023– )
Don't understand the love for this show
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every review I read is how great this show is and how they got "hooked" or can't wait to see where this leads. I feel like I'm watching something different than everyone else because this show was very slow and the definition of okay. There is literally one surprise in the entire season and it comes in the last minute of season one. I'm just really sick of shows where some guy kills his way to the top while nobody can see what's going on. The show isn't as bad if you think of it from their prospective, being born and raised in a bunker because it's the only thing that makes sense of how dumb and easily manipulated all the people are inside the Silo. I probably would have enjoyed the show if it were 6 episodes but it dragged on so much that I have no interest in Season 2.
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Scream VI (2023)
Now I get it
9 May 2023
I was about 35-40 minutes into the movie and I was confused about the bad reviews that I kept reading about this movie, I thought it was off to a really good start. Then idk what happened, it almost seems as though the movie was filmed by two different people or just completed so far apart that they forgot what they were doing in the first place. Bad acting, no good twists, awful ending and I'm just overall very disappointed. You'll see a lot of people saying it's no longer the Scream franchise, that it's lost it's way and should rename the movies, after seeing this film I couldn't agree more.
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Animal Control (2023– )
Something about it
29 April 2023
It's not great, I've never cracked up but it's oddly charming. I thought it was gonna be the Joel McHale show but it's not it's pretty equal screen time which makes it a little less stale. It's a relatively unknown cast to me and I watch everything but it works. One thing the show desperately needs to do is get Jack more screen time and storylines, hes the best character on the show and is only a side character. Idk what they need to change but something has to be done to make it stand out more. It's one of those shows that I'll keep watching but also would not be surprised at all if I found out it was canceled.
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Beef (2023– )
Only watched one episode
25 April 2023
I've only watched one episode so I can't give you my opinion on the show as a whole but just what I have seen so far. The acting is great and the cast was a good choice. Like I said I only watched one episode but the series already seems very predictable, I googled 3 things that seem to be very obvious that they're going to happen and all 3 things were correct and stated as "shocking moments". Nothing can be shocking if someone can see it coming in the first episode. I'm sure there will be a few surprise moments and some great scenes but it's just not a show for me as I like to be surprised, maybe more episode will change my mind.
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NBA Today (1992– )
17 April 2023
NBA Today is absolutely horrible, The Jump was bad too, idk why NBA shows keep getting rambling hosts but it's a problem. Rachel Nichols, Stephen A and Malika Andrews all host who like to hear themselves speak and don't offer any actual insight. Malika Andrews is the worst host I have ever seen and is so damn condescending I rarely am able to get through an episode. She's hot that's why she's the host, there's a compilation video on YouTube of NBA players getting annoyed by her, so it's not just me. The only entertainment on the show is Zach Lowe trying to speak and everyone making fun of him while he makes valid points. Perk is a joke and RJ is trying to get famous. They need to get Tim Legler on this show to break down plays and maybe it could have some legitimacy.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Mixed Bag
7 April 2023
I just finished season 1 of The Night Shift and while I enjoyed the majority of the series, it does have some issues that don't seem likely to change. Let's start with the good: Great action, intriguing storyline and great acting by the lead role, someone I've never seen before and expect to see more of. It's a pretty dark show, there are some gruesome deaths that are both shocking and entertaining for the premise of the show. The bad: some dialogue is laughably horrible, the mistakes are repetitive and the bad guys are obvious. I knew who was behind everything halfway thru episode 2. If you can suspend your logic, you might enjoy it.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Has it's moments but overall, just ok
31 March 2023
It's a fantasy show about humans and fairies living together in a Victorian like era, but the fairies are treated as bums and monsters along with other fantasy creatures who they refer to as "critch". The show follows a policeman with a secret and an idealistic fairy who wants to change the order of things, both of whom make moronic decisions on a daily basis that constantly undermines what they claim their morals to be. Visually it is amazing and I did find myself get pulled in from time to time but with over the top acting and unbelievably predictable outcomes, the show can't be great or groundbreaking, I understand why it was cancelled.
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Interesting story horribly told
26 March 2023
This is the story of a man who has possibly murdered over 100 women, killed over a 25 year span, people who knew him liked him and yet I found myself staring at my phone the whole time. I should have read a few more reviews before I watched, there are a few who state how the director has a history of basically coercing people into giving not false but altered statements. I don't think these people are lying, it just feels forced and awkward, not a good interview process.

It's a crazy story, one that everyone should hear but I do wish someone else would give this story a shot, I feel there needs to be more news details, police accounts, more interviews from the Black coalition that was heavily involved and just overall better editing. It's not a waste of time because it's a powerful story but it's so horribly told I can't recommend it.
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Almost unbelievable
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start out by saying I have watched interviews with serial killers, read about horrific crimes and even watched a list of movies banned in the US because of how sadistic they were. This was the worst of all of them. One reviewer wrote "it's as if the SS won" that's pretty accurate. It made me very uncomfortable throughout most the film, watching these men talk happily about the murder and rapes they committed, as though it was just something everyone did. They are very strange men, especially Herman who plays a woman multiple times in their re-enactments, he acts as though he's some sort of celebrity as he walks through town forcing store owners to give him money or he'll hurt them. It's long and took me 3 different sittings to get through it, but it's worth it, very disturbing but something that almost needs to be seen.
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