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My Norwegian Holiday (2023 TV Movie)
I never hit the fast forward button.
4 December 2023
A well cast hallmark movie is a joy to behold. It makes such a difference when all of the characters are believable in the roles that they have. This is one of those rare movies. It's also hard to single out in a one actor for a great performance. Every actor was believable and their performance and every performance was wonderful to watch.

Apart from most Hallmark movies, this one had a few," didn't see that coming." it was also an extremely well written movie with great background shooting. I really watched this movie out of boredom and I'm extremely glad that I was honored to watch a genuinely great Hallmark movie.

Congratulations to all involved, and congratulations to hallmark for keeping it fresh and fun to watch to the end. By the way, David looks like a young tall Brad Pitt. Grandma is a younger Maggie Smith and Rhiannon, reminds me of no one. Lots of great actresses rolled into one. Great smiling eyes.
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The Blessing Bracelet (2023 TV Movie)
I was drawn to this movie.
20 June 2023
I was drawn to this movie because of the casting directors. Jackie Lind and Penny Perry are two of the top casting executives in the world. It has been a while since I have seen them team up because every time they did I loved the movie. I know it may be stupid to an average viewer, but these two are like Batman and Robin. They just never go wrong. Their movies are classic Hallmark.

I was absolutely shocked that Hallmark would return to a faith based movie. Hallmark has returned to a wholesome show. To be honest, I have turned off many a recent Hallmark movie within the first 15 minutes. The chemistry between the two leads is excellent, and the supporting cast fills in many of the lulls between the lead interactions. To hear Hallmark mentioned the word God unabashedly is absolutely fundamental for those of us who remember and wish Hallmark would return to the good all days.

I don't review movies to tell you what to expect and give a synopsis of the show. I did enjoy the show and would recommend it.
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A Dream of Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
This movie has it all. A true Hallmark classic.
18 November 2022
I really enjoyed this movie. It has all of the characteristics of a Hallmark classic. The difference being you don't feel the need to go to the bathroom, to go to the kitchen, to use the fast forward on the remote. I take that back. You do use the fast forward on the remote to get back to the story as quickly as possible because I'd like some Hallmark movies this story does have a level of suspense.

It is the subtleties let's make this a great movie.

Start out with casting. Nikki and Andrew are absolutely perfect together. These two seem to have great chemistry with whoever they are paired with. It was genius putting them together. You failed her emotion, you become involved in their character. That's due to great direction from the Director. The subtle music is excellent. Music guides The person who watches to feel the emotion and height in the scene. The supporting caste can often make or break a production. If they are not believable then you don't believe in the main character.

This is a very well written story about a woman who has her Christmas dream granted that she wanted to change her life. Her life was indeed changed but not what she wanted it to be. The story is about the grass is always greener. But if you turn the grass over it's just dirt.

Anyone can write a review. Anyone can tell you what they've just seen, like a car accident.

I'm just telling you that this is one of Hallmark's better movies. It is worth watching and why it is worth watching. Everything clicked. I am in no way shape or form connected in anyway to Hallmark. I just wanted to write a review and let you know why this is such a good movie - technically. I have turned off the Hallmark movies within the first fifteen minutes. I never got up off the couch on this one. It is that good. It is well worth watching, and maybe now you'll know what makes a great Hallmark movie.
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Lights, Camera, Christmas! (2022 TV Movie)
Ahhhhh. Hallmark is back with quality movies.
7 November 2022
Hallmark is back with quality movies. Although I enjoy watching Hallmark more than any channel, it seems like many of the movies are pushed out like puppy mills. Truth be told I have turned off several before they even finished.

This wasn't one of them. Kimberly has never made a bad or even boring Hallmark movie. There is a reason she has risen through the ranks to become one of Hallmark's great stars.

I don't know Brotherton very well, but he sure did nail the part of a conceited movie star. I was also impressed with his tenderness when it called for an emotional scene.

Overall I thought the set was great, the direction was wonderful and the overall chemistry was extremely good, and I mean extremely good. Kudos to the casting Director.

This is a Hallmark movie. How could you possibly ruin it with spoilers? Everyone knows who will end up with who they are meant to be with and it will always be a happy ending.

But to get to the happy ending you must first watch the movie all the way through. I highly recommend that you do this. This is a movie worth watching start to finish.
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Pumpkin Everything (2022 TV Movie)
I didn't recognize Taylor at first!
10 October 2022
First off, whoever did Taylor's hair and make up needs to find a new career. Not a good look. I'm sorry, she looked unrecognizable. I'm the person who even rates casting and the director. BTW, casting was atrocious and directing appears to have settled on the first take - every time. I want a director who won't settle on an emotional yelling scene until the vein bulges from the actor's face. THAT'S acting.

Chemistry is when the viewer thinks the two actors kissing scene didn't take (and especially NEED) any direction. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Bupkis.

Her male lead looked lost and I have NEVER seen such bad chemistry between two leads. You can't fault Ironside except I got the feeling that he was there for a check.

I have reviewed a lot of Hallmark movies, most with glowing reviews. Not this one. My lowest score EVER. I love Hallmark. I hated this movie - couldn't wait (or cared) how it ended.

This should have been on Hallmark Mysteries because it is a mystery how this stinker made it to air. Sorry. Remember, this is my first really negative review.
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Always Amore (2022 TV Movie)
Well writted
28 August 2022
Well, I flunked chemistry in high school and I didn't take algebra because I didn't want to fail a foreign language. Autumn and Tyler should have taught my chemistry class because they are damn good at it. Yes the story is predictable, but isn't that why you watch it?

What do you do want to see is a well written script performed by a fine cast with chemistry and believable characters. This is one of those movies.

I enjoyed this movie because I recorded it on my DVR. The best thing about that is eight clicks and the story continues without watching a single commercial. This is one of those movies that keeps you entertained and you won't want to lose your train of thought by watching some silly commercial.

It was on the verge of overacting by some characters, but unless you have personally lost someone you can't give a genuine performance of the mind numbing pain that is involved.

I do get props to the writer because she did not stereotype any of the Italian characters. Kudos to casting by Jackie Lind. She learned from the best ball players. Always a home run.

It passes my ultimate test. Yep, I'll watch it again next year.
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One December Night (2021 TV Movie)
Sure to be a Christmas classic
14 November 2021
Back, back, back, way back way back. It's a home run! Hallmark does it again. From perfect sets to slipping in the pre-1950s pick up trucks, Hallmark has a way of bringing back memories for the older viewers. I especially love it when they bring in actors and actresses that us old fogeys can relate to. DiDi was my favorite.

I think the part I like best was that all of the players seem to have great chemistry with each other and again, were the perfect choice for their roles. You can thank casting for that.

I do not work in the movie industry, and never have. I just appreciate a really good movie that just might make your eyes need windshield wipers and you feel your heart come a little closer to your mouth.

This is one of those movies. This is what I like to call a one sit movie. You sit down, you watch a movie and never get up from your bed or couch.

Thanks Hallmark. This is one of those movies I will enjoy watching the second time just as much as the first time and I still remember who won the game.
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My Christmas Family Tree (2021 TV Movie)
Grab a box of Kleenex
14 November 2021
Not once. Not once did I reach for the remote to push the fast forward button. I hate to say this but I have actually hit the delete button halfway through some Hallmark movies this year.

This was not one of those instances. This is a very well written, very well directed, and very well cast movie.

Every single actor and actress in this movie did an outstanding job portraying their role. I can't say enough about how well put together the entire project was done.

It's a Hallmark movie. We know how it ends. We know all the traits of a Hallmark movie. It didn't matter in this particular movie. You get sucked into it and would rather pee on the couch then hit the pause button for a bathroom break.

Thank you Hallmark. One of your better movies. I won't give anything away except have Kleenex at the ready.
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Roadhouse Romance (2021 TV Movie)
Gomer said it, Surprise, surprise, surprise
12 September 2021
Can't sing, but can act. Can't act but can sing. SURPRISE! Alaina can do both! I was expecting cardboard. I got a genuine actress. It's actually harder to be who you are in real life. Kudos to the director to let her be her. Jackie did great casting as always. Tyler was Tyler. Any actress will have chemistry with him. He IS Mr. Hallmark.

Tyler reminds me of the actors of the 50s. He IS the character he is playing - ANY character.

Ok. Now the bad. These two outshine the supporting cast bigly. Can't be the script because I have a feeling Tyler doesn't follow a script. Story is cute, but once in a while Hallmark, make a mess of things.

I have it an 9 because Lauren once or twice made me feel she was aware of the camera. That and I know she'll get better the more Hallmark movies she does. Sorry Ms. Pickler, she's already better than you.

As usual great movie from Hallmark.
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A Glenbrooke Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Autumn is great with great supporting cast.
13 December 2020
Finally a Hallmark movie that didn't make me want to use the fast forward button. Who would want to fast forward any of Ms. Resser? Antonio, not so much. I loved the performances by ALL of the support cast. Well written and beautifully acted. Autumn expertly and believably plays a rich woman incognito. Antonio played his part as written. It's the "little people" that made this movie work. Nice twist and turns and some new twists from Hallmark. A really nice movie which could have been a classic tear jerker. I'm just sayin'. Thanks Hallmark.
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Watch this movie!!
9 November 2020
Ashley is Miss Christmas. Here's the challenge. See if you don't find yourself gently smiling when she breaks out into one of her patented huge smiles. This is a really good movie. Gee, guess how it'll end. Yeah, who cares. She makes this movie. I also enjoyed all the supporting actors. Hallmark has a tradition of great supporting actors who make the main leafs shine every time. Great casting. She should be in every type of holiday movie. Heck, I'd like to see her in a groundhog movie. Thanks Hallmark.
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Deliver by Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
All the main actors remind me of other great actors.
7 November 2020
Dumbest critic I've ever writed. When Alvina says, "It's complicated," she's is exactly like Kelly McGinnis in Top Gun. (her eyes) Thornton has Keanu Reeves crooked smile. The list goes on and on. One female actress had Momoa's eyebrows. I just kept seeing EXACT replication of each actor's traits an deliveries while watching this movie. A well written movie, unlike this criteek. Told you it was dumb. Watch it and see if I'm not right tho. And yes, I can spel.
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Holiday for Heroes (2019 TV Movie)
More Egan please
7 November 2020
I've read all the reviews. Agree with most. Some are just plain self absorbed. This movie is well written, very well acted and sappy as molasses. Yes, not a "white" Christmas movie. A lot of diverse characters. They can all act and are all integral to the plot. Egan is a great actress and yes, she has a mole, but damn is she great in this role. Hallmark should use these two leads more often. Another great Hallmark sappy movie. Isn't that why you tuned in? Inaccurate? Sure. As professional race car driver, pilot, athlete, ghost writer and more (I love my life), I can usually tear up most movies to shreds when it comes to accuracy. Who cares what mistakes were made (32) if you don't know they existed in your own life experiences. My only criticism is that there should have been more of an explosion of TRUE emotion in the last 2:21 of the movie. We've seen these scenes on the internet. They make you quit breathing and your eyes need windshield wipers. They could have done better by watching some of the true life scenes. (Can't spoil the terrific ending). Still overall a great heartwarming sappy Hallmark movie. Just what you've been waiting for. Still good the second time around.
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Same Time Next Week (2017 TV Movie)
For those who have lost a loved one.
23 September 2020
Kudos to the writers, director and actors. To those who have lost a spouse, as I have, this is a very well written movie. Well acted. Well directed. Sure we all know how it ends, but trust me you don't have a clue what it's like to lose a spouse. Only those who have experienced it understand the total depth of pain and loneliness. Amazingly the writers captured several of the feeling. You don't want to know or experience what it's really like. It has a great supporting cast with plenty of sub plots to ease the mood. ''Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all - except for the mind numbing pain." Thanks to all. From my soap box I would say that for those who have lost, close the book and start a sequel. My wife would have wanted me to find love again. You never have to push someone out of your heart to let someone in.
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Timeless Love (2019 TV Movie)
It's about TIME!
19 June 2020
Finally a Hallmark movie that kept my attention. Yeah, I knew they'd be together at the end, but it wasn't a typical Hallmark lovie dovie schmaltz. Both lead were excellent. Acting was spot on and believable. Well written. Funny and serious but mainly ORIGINAL!! Loved it and I have watched every new movie for years. My compliments to the chef. And the director. As we say in the restaurant business, "Well done".
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Just My Type (2020 TV Movie)
Typical Wholesome Hallmark movie.
3 April 2020
Kavan Smith. Team Bethany with Kavan. This was not a cute movie. It was a movie without the cuteness. This movie relied on real acting to keep you watching. It succeeded quite well. The plot was familiar, but I didn't care - I just wanted to see where this went. Shout outs to the director. Interesting shots and great chemistry among all the actors. The dog needed more lines. I think characters were developed to form the story and you never saw them again. That was different. You kept expecting them to pop up. Change it up Hallmark, you'll keep us fixated and perhaps bring a few sheep back.
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Winter in Vail (2020 TV Movie)
Tyler Hynes is Robin Williams
14 January 2020
Ok. It's a Hallmark movie. Girl meets obnoxious boy. Boy melts her heart. Someone has died. You know the ropes. But is it worth the watch? Yeppers. Lacey is always the Hallmark princess. Tyler ab libs many of his lines and true to form they're gems. Good story. Great scenery. Three best things. Lacey and Tyler aren't actors saying lines. They ARE the characters. You don't hit the fast forward on the remote - except commercials. Third, it's a Penny Perry casted movie. She puts the magic together. Great job Hallmark.
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Valentine in the Vineyard (2019 TV Movie)
Of course it's wonderful. IT'S HALLMARK
10 February 2019
If you have been watching the previous Vineyard movies, this makes great sense to you. If you have not been watching the series then you were left out in the cold. For those of us who have been watching, first off it was a good addition to the Vineyard series. If you have not watched previous movies then start checking your DVR every month to find them. But I thought the usual characters did their usual great jobs. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the characters were still as good as the previous, and that the bantor was still quick witted and humorous. Because the characters gelled so well together I am looking forward to the soon to be released "Babies in The Vinyard." The actress who played Shay was a welcome delight and a great add for Hallmark.
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A Winter Princess (2019 TV Movie)
Good casting leads to good movies.
19 January 2019
Ms. Hall reminds me of Rachel McAdams. Me. McNally is a young Gary Cole. Both bring good acting to challenging roles. European royalty should not have English accents. The story is cute and nice to see a princess in the lead and not a prince.

Also nice to see REAL SNOW. I think you'll see more of Ms. Hall. True Hallmark material. The African American actress was excellent.

All in all worth watching and the ultimate compliment, goats hurry back from the kitchen as to not miss anything - or - putting the DVR on pause as to not miss a second.

You'll like it if you're a Hallmark fan. Might I suggest a few more surprises in Hallmark movies. Perhaps HE is revealed as something HE i Portrays himself to be, but only in a good way. BTW her ball dress was hideous.
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Everyone agreed-except one yutz
23 December 2018
Now this is worth watching. Every actor and actress was a credit to their part. Aimee played insecure brilliantly. Her ending was Hall of Fame worthy. Brett was perfect in his caring portrayal of an ex-marine. Great direction. All the supporting cast supported effortlessly with a dovetail into the story. This was a well written heart string tugging Kleenex at the ready movie. Thanks again Hallmark. This should have been the final movie of the year. Great movie. Truly the Heart of Christmas.
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Welcome to Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Well Pooh on you guys, I liked it
14 December 2018
No one plays blonde better than Jennifer Finnegan. She has an infectious smile. Great smiling eyes. Eric Mabius played his role to perfection. His comedic timing and delivery is unmatched. Use him more. The supporting cast were all believable. Yes, Hallmark makes a lot of movies. Yes, some are better than others. Have you watched Christmas movies on other channels?? You'd think it was any other day of the week. Yep, mushy feel good marshmallow monotony. THANK GOD. still THE best channel on cable. Keep it up Hallmark. I'll keep watching. This is a well written movie, well directed with great photography.
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A Shoe Addict's Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Home run touchdown hole in one
27 November 2018
Jean Smart never takes a bad role and with every role she takes, she makes it a gem. Candice, of course, does a 20/10 bringing her character to life. Two great actresses. Well written. Could not predict the next scene. THANKS HALLMARK. Perfect music. Perfect cinematography. Congratulations Hallmark. I couldn't leave to go to the bathroom. Still haven't gone. Wanted to write this review. Best of the year. .
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One of the better ones.
24 November 2018
Penny and Lind as casting directors have done it again. The director pulled emotion out of his actors. Every shot was pleasing to the eye. Kudos to the editors. Great acting. Great actors. It tugged st my Heartstrings like a puppet. Typical Hallmark Up and down emotional roller coaster. Best compliment - it gave me Goosebumps at the end - and something was in my eye. REAL Love is in the air again. Au is for gold. Ki should be on the periodic table for kissing. That's because there was chemistry between the actors and actresses. Finally. More Ashley Williams please. I liked it just as much as the original. Thanks Hallmark.
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Return to Christmas Creek (2018 TV Movie)
Didn't make me smile enough.
23 November 2018
Really good acting. Love it when Hallmark uses "old" actors like Webber. They bring nuance and feeling to the story. Tori is really good. Genuine. A really good Hallmark movie is one where you don't even want to go to the bathroom for fear of missing a few words. This wasn't one of them. Try to change up the Hallmark predictablility of how the movie progresses. We all know how it'll end. Duh. That's why we love Hallmark. Add a few twist, turns and hooks. Thanks Hallmark.
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Christmas at Graceland (2018 TV Movie)
Sorry for a first bad review
23 November 2018
Kellie was very hard to understand. Some of that I blame on the sound editor. Her acting was ok and thank God she has a great smile. Too predictable. I blame the make up people for making her look 45. Writing was weak. She should not have sung until the end. Could have cut back on the twang. Imagine that don't go over well with the northern folk. Never bought that she was a financial analyst. Good as a mom. Great smile. I might add that an actress is only as good as the director. 50-50 Kellie's fault. All this being said there is not a better channel on tv than Hallmark. Thanks Hallmark.
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