
39 Reviews
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Mammals (2022)
Quirky & Darkly Romantic.
30 December 2022
I don't know why the Brits hate James Corden so much. He is obviously talented. I loved him as Smithy but this is a very different more dramatic role. The film is an ode to love. Beautifully styled with gorgeous London views and glamorous people living glamorous lives. Everyone is stylish and beautiful. Most especially Armadinne who is breath takingly gorgeous. Therein lies a small issue central to the plot, cos it just didn't seem possible to me that this wealthy, glamorous, sophisticated and exceedingly beautiful woman would fall so madly in love with the poor, working class, overweight, stodgy though seemingly ambitious chef that is Smithy.

However that aside, the cameos by Tom Jones, the Coco Chanel sidebar, the music and the sheer magic of the writing all add up to a highly watchable show. I can't wait for series 2.
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Ridley (2022– )
Easy watching British police drama
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed Ridley. Adrian Dunbar is pleasant as are all the cast. This is one of those police dramas typical of the British genre. It is a bit of a Soap Opera. Lots of cliches and holes. Such as why is the female lead detective playing 2nd fiddle to a retired cop ( who had a breakdown no less) and is only involved as a consultant. Why does she say ' I can't go in without a warrant" and then not only enter but search the premises.

Why is a whole team of expensive detectives working on one cold missing person case? Why has the bar got 3 bartenders working but no drinks being sold? Much like Vera if you don't ask such questions and just go with it, the show is quite enjoyable, the stories interesting, cast engaging and Adrian Dunbar has a nice singing voice.
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Game Night (I) (2018)
Plenty of laughs
31 August 2022
Enjoyed this immensely. I watched whilst recovering in hospital and it really lifted my spirits. McAdams and Bateman are a great combination. Their chemistry is fun to watch . I hope they do more together in the future. They played this just right, but all of the cast had their moments. I especially loved Jesse Plemons as the creepy cop and the unexpected pairing of Horgan and Magnussen.

The comedy is clever, fun, keeps you guessing with unexpected twists, and even moments of tension. A bit of a twisted crime caper, it reminded me of an updated 1930s screwball comedy, with its witty repartee between partners, farcical and confusing situations and reversals of the traditional male/female roles, plus plenty of physical, fast paced action. There is something for everyone to enjoy. It's a bit of fun when you just want to be entertained .
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Gracepoint (2014– )
Soapy acting and direction, but the storyline hooked me in
1 May 2022
I binge watched this on cable so it was good enough overall.

I felt it was slow and stilted in the early episodes but the story itself is good with interesting characters so kept me involved

I had watched Broadchurch years ago and at that time I was glued to the screen it was so gripping. I had however forgotten who had done it so I kept watching this version.

The performances of all the actors in Broadchurch was great and the plot full of unexpected twists and turns. I found this US remake much slower, softer more melodramatic. The actors playing the parents of the dead child were not convincing in their grief and anguish, especially the father who mumbled and seemed monotone in his emotions. The mother often looked and sounded younger than her teenaged daughter which was distracting. David Tennent was brooding and unkempt looking and his emotions raw.a brilliant actor. The portrayal of his relationship with his daughter was unconvincing and didn't seem relevant to the story as it wasn't developed and went nowhere.

Anna Gunn put in a fine performance in parts but it wasn't consistent. There were some good supporting characterisations, the most interesting being the vicar, an Odd character that I remain intrigued by. Jackie Weaver was menacing but this is not her best work ( see The Boys if you want to see Jackie brilliantly play malevolent) All in all if you like a Soap with a bit more bite this is it. Not as good as the original but still quite good.
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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
Intense Police Drama
8 June 2020
The British do police drama better than anyone. This series is one of their finest efforts. A talented ensemble cast navigate taut and intense internal police investigations. Each series builds upon the preceding series but focuses on its own strand of the corrupt relationship between Criminals and Police. Plenty of red herrings and twists and turns to keep one guessing, The pace is fast and often thrilling. Series 5 not as good the others in my opinion but still watchable.
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Melodrama at its finest
15 May 2020
For some reason I had never heard of this movie but having exhausted Netflick the Covid lockdown sent me searching and I uncovered this. I'm a fan of Kathy Bates and she is fabulous in this. Even better than her performance in Misery. Jennifer Jason Leigh plays her daughter, a tortured soul whose suffering is hard to watch and unexplained till late in the movie. Judy Parfitt almost steals the show as the cold hearted and sometimes quite cruel but privileged employer. It's a story about women; about strength, endurance, pain, secrets and truths revealed. The police work appears unrealistic and the Background music I found annoying, but put that aside and you are in for a movie full of raw emotion that tugs on the heartstrings. Well worth watching.
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Hidden (2018–2022)
Atmospheric crime drama
25 February 2020
This is a police crime drama that's full of creepy and strange characters and places. It's shot in low light and odd angles to heighten the dread. It's not a who dune it cos you learn early on the villain. Rather it's a will the police get there in time and will all the secrets be uncovered. There is plenty of side melodramas to draw one in. In parts it's quite poignant, even sad. Fine performances by the whole ensemble with the young girl who plays Nia stunnng. I binge watched it over 2 days. Loved hearing the Welsh Gaelic spoken. It adds to the richness.

Can't wait to get my hands on series 2
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Joker (I) (2019)
8 January 2020
I'm blown away by Joaquin Phoenix's performance. He totally inhabits the persona . I couldn't tear my eyes away. Mesmerising. That dance on the steps surely must go down as one of the most iconic scenes ever and using Gary Glitters music subversive. The movie is absorbing and disturbing. The violence makes an impact would being too gory. You could read a lot of symbolism into the the movie. A parable of our times? I just let it wash over and immerse me. Highly recommended!
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Plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing
28 December 2019
A great storyline that kept me coming back for more.. admittedly Patrick Dempsey never looks 33 but he is good Looking enough to carry the role. The actress playing NOLA is mesmerising. A wonderful performance. All the support cast are wonderful and the plot full of red herrings and unexpected twists. This is great entertainment. One does need to suspend belief a little as police procedure seems to not be properly followed and why some people divulge information unclear. I found the last episode a bit pat. However overall I enjoyed it thoroughly Even though the subject matter was distasteful the series as a whole needs to be watched before judgement is cast
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Tension slowly builds
23 December 2019
I liked this movie a lot. Moves at a languid pace. Allows you to get to know the characters. Starts like many movies with typical teenage angst The story unfolds revealing depths and layers that are unexpected. It's all done with a light touch. No blood, no car chases. The violence is muted and perhaps more macabre because of that. Both father and son are acted beautifully. It's a great cast. There is plenty of tension. The end a surprise. So not brilliant but a stolid offering.
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The Irishman (2019)
Screen legends last hurrah
7 December 2019
What a wonderful gift to be able to watch a Scorsese collaboration with this extraordinary cast. This is an old style gangster film of a time in history now gone. Similar story in many ways to Goodfellas, The Godfather and others of that ilk. It's a story of few surprises but masterfully recreated nevertheless. Great characterisations, full of wonderful dialog such as the quirky 'fish' scene. It does meander along giving glimpses through one man's life, but doesn't explore too deeply the psych of the protagonists or political plays involved. Noticeably absent of female characters, with the father daughter relationship so surface it's appears token.

At 3 hours it is way too long and one wonders if a bit of judicious editing would have improved the pace and tension. The de-aging technology is a wonder of skill, but I felt the main characters all still looked a bit old for the parts they were playing. They did look 20 years younger but not the needed 40 years and it couldn't disguise their movements and physiology, which were of elderly men. The scene showing DeNiro climbing over rocks disposing of a gun is a case in point. In the last part of the movie they were old men so that didn't matter.

All that aside they are all masters of their craft and delivered wonderful performances. Pacino explosive passion, Pesci power contained and DeNiro humble. It felt like a labour of love and to see them together as an ensemble is something special.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Season 1 and 2 fantastic. Season 3 not so good
22 November 2019
Season 1 and 2 had me hooked and binge watching. Incredible characters. Menacing, terrific ensemble performances and characters that mesmerised ( Billy Bob Thornton in season 1 and Kirsten Durnst in Season 2). Plenty of twists and surprises. Seasons n 2 was a bit more zany with the scatter brained hairdresser a knockout. Overall Television at it's finest Season 3 misses the mark somehow. It's all over the place. The pa ing and style changes from epidsode to episode The characters don't connect with me. The whole thing doesn't ring with any possibility of truth. It lacks the black humour of the other seasons. I find my interest and attention waning, especially when one of the characters tells a story. wTF Don't get me wrong, it's still good and definitely watchable, just not great
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Overlong exploration of family resentments
9 October 2019
In many ways this s a fine movie. A beautiful setting, wonderful performances and a story with depth. The music is fabulous and interesting but being unfamiliar with the genre I found the performances overlong. There was also a lot of scenes showing the wedding preparations and all the speeches at the rehearsal dinner slowed down the pace. The movie excelled in the actors performances. Anne Hathaway was a revelation, though her character was unattractive, annoying, self centred and drama addicted. It's no surprise her sister resented her. All the performances from the main roles were first rate. It was lovely to see Debra Winger. It's been so long and she elevated her role, allowing us to see the deep pain beneath her tightly controlled facade

It was slow, overlong but kept me interested.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Misses the mark
5 October 2019
First up I'm a big fan of Elton John. He is a truely creative hugely talented composer, singer and entertainer. I have utmost respect for him. I was looking forward to getting to know more about how he became who he now is. The film in my view lacked authenticity. The story flipped flopped from one character to another without revealing any glimpse of the true character or motivations of the key people in his life. Why did his father and mother act as they did. Never explained. Everyone is two dimensional. Simplistic.Wooden. No depth. It inferred that Elton was in great emotional pain for a large part of his life but it wasn't clear why. As a result he came across as petulant and indulgent. The story arc is confusing with glaring inaccuracies which is annoying when the movie is supposedly describing the life of someone so public. It has of course gorgeous costumes and lots of big musical numbers. It is in essence a musical. As a musical it had the most potential, but Elton has a unique voice. Taron Egerton does a great job being Elton, really captures his look, but how could he be expected to reproduce the greatness that is Elton's performance. The film may have worked if we could have been swept along by Elton singing. What's wrong with miming. How uplifting that would have been. Instead we are treated to a karaoke. The movie falls flat and I grew bored. Disappointing.
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Kidding (2018–2020)
Darkly Savage and Enthralling
24 August 2019
Brilliant. Jim Carrey will go down as one of the greats. Genius is often overused but in this instance well deserved. His range from the meek placid children's singing dancing icon, to the man consumed with raw grief and rage, is a wonder to behold. Each episode his unravelling increases but in unanticipated ways. It's hard to watch but hard to look away. He is supported by a wonderful ensemble who each deliver a fine performance. This is television at its best. A combination of drama with moments of tenderness and even comedy but always intriguing. I can't wait for season 2.
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One to binge
27 June 2019
It started off a bit slow and bland but as it progresses it really draws you in. Quirky offbeat sometimes dark, the angst, naivety and awkwardness of being young is palatable as the protagonists land themselves in unusual and unsettling situations, Both leads offer outstanding performances, contrasting and bouncing off each other. They are the type of kids who in real life you would hate to be around, in this you can't help but root for them. This definitely does not tread the usual path taking you on twists and turns. A dark comedy or just pathos? I'm not sure but it's worth watching.
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Shetland: Episode #4.6 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
26 May 2019
A drama that grows in depth and quality with each season. Stephen Walters character in particular was terrifying and poignant together. A true tragedy in the classic sense. Stephen Walters portrayal was outstanding. What an impressive actor he is. This is a performance that will stay with me. As usual the lead is restrained and understated but the emotion portrayed more powerful because of this restraint. It's a fine ensemble of performances all round. This season is a classic whodunnit. It had plenty of twists and turns and various red herrings. Plenty of personal drama as well, with the vistas and light of Shetland adding to the sense of melancholy. The ending took me by surprise. Emotions stirred. Highly recommended.
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High-Rise (2015)
Weird and hard to follow
12 March 2019
It appears to be a metaphorical tale of society's base appitites and urge to descend into anarchy. It has elements of class warfare, elitism, impacts of privilege, mans need for violence and just plain madness. It has a wonderful cast and visually it's intriguing but ultimately it's too hard to follow and unsatisfying. It just makes no sense. We gave up half way. Life's too short...
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After Life (2019–2022)
9 March 2019
A series that beautifully presents one man's journey through a place of deep pain and sorrow. Leavened with moments and characters of real comedy to prevent it descending into bleakness, its an intelligent and moving commentary on some of the terrible ills of our society...drug addiction, isolation, abandonment, rage. Ricky Gervais and an ensemble cast of wonderful and familiar actors reveal the psyche and human side of people dealing with real problems, pain and loss. They do this in a sympathetic way without descending into smalch or misery. I think the writing is terrific. It does have a moralising subtext, particularly in the last episode, but perhaps the world needs this in a time when so much of what we are presented on screen lauds violence, cruelty and people taking advantage. Let's hear it for all the good guys! Recommended
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Deeply moving....
2 January 2019
Beautifully acted, period piece that captures the attitudes, pressures and societal mores of mid century Britain. It's hard to imagine a similar issue happening to a young couple today with our oh so liberated, sexualised young. A beautiful tragic romantic tale with glorious music, wonderful cinematography and outstanding performances, it moved me to tears. Very finely crafted but I did feel there was a lot left unexplained which I suppose does allow one to fill in the gaps ourselves. This is a weepy so have the tissue box ready!
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Interesting and clever filmmaking
23 November 2018
Netflix is certainly the home for this unusual western movie. I can't imagine watching it in the cinema. I found each of the stories clever and interesting,, with the one about the nervous bride the most enjoyable. My husband preferred the singing gunslinger. So it's all a matter of taste. Each of the stories are unrelated but share a theme. All are offbeat and keep u guessing. Wonderful performances from a stellar cast. I loved all the cameos. It put me in mind of the old tv series " Alfred Hitcock presents" where Mr Hitchcock would introduce a theme relating to a quirky or suprising 20 minute episode which followed. I feel the Coen bros could have presented these stories similarly..the viewer could then pick and choose an episode to watch or binge watch the Lot. Personally I found sitting down to watch it all in one sitting tedious. I broke it up and enjoyed it better. It's good filmmaking but not I suspect to everyone's taste.
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Loved this!
22 November 2018
What a great movie. It just swept me along. Fine performances. Freddy lived life in the fast lane and sadly paid a high price. Such a talent. Such chutzpah. Such creativity. A really larger than life character that was born to perform. A true artist. I felt like I was really watching him. Wonderful! Highly recommended.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
Series 1 good. Series 2 far fetched
21 September 2018
I enjoyed series 1 though Marcella herself totally frustrated me. She is not likeable but was functioning if seriously mentally ill. The idea she could be this ill and no one around her notice and no one closely connected would take some action to get her help, was unbelievable. However the crime investigation was gripping.

Series 2 started off well enough. The crimes gruesome and baffling but after a couple of episodes it just spiraled. Marcella became so toxic, in fact manically nuts that she repulsed me. The story lines became muddled, messy, illogical and totally unbelievable. Like others have said, whole story arcs were just forgotten about. Certain characters and story lines that we followed over a number of episodes just disappeared with no explanation. No semblance of police procedure was followed. Marcella just ran around at will, maniacally clobbering people and smashing up things, with no reprisals. It was almost cartoon like if it wasn't so grim. Having said that, Anna Friels performance as a woman totally disintegrating into complete psychosis, is compelling. It's hard to look away. The whole premise of series 2 however is preposterous. Perhaps the writers ran out of ideas or got stoned or something, especially the last 10 minutes of Episode 8 which was ludicrous and disappointing. I won't bother to watch series 3
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Kiri (2018)
Sad and emotional drama
3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Once again Sarah Lancaster turns in a masterclass performance. How an sheplumb such depths and yet live a normal life. This time all unravelling raw emotion, her devastation painful to watch. She is wonderful.

A grim tale well told by a wonderful ensemble cast. Finn in episode 4 in particular provided a nuanced outstanding performance. He is a talent, we will see more of him I hope. all the cast were excellent.

I was disappointed by the ambiguous ending, was justice served?However I found the entire serious gripping and ultimately very sad.
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Wonder Wheel (2017)
Sumptuous cinematography with powerful performances
13 December 2017
Don't listen to the critics. See this film and make up your mind for yourself. Woody Allen movies are not for everyone but for those who enjoy himI believe you won't be disappointed. Beautifully shot, glorious colour and sets, invoking immediately a bygone era. The cinematography and designers deserve accolades.

It's a heightened reality. A classic melodrama full of raw emotion. Very theatrical, the prose is beautiful is parts. I loved the writing. It's very reminiscent of a Tennessee Williams exploring the human condition ala Glass Menagerie. Some people have deplored the fact it's written and performed like a play but I think it added to its power. Kate Winslet is fabulous. She gives a powerful nuanced performance but all the cast were good, except perhaps Justin Timberlake who was lovely to look at, but didn't quite nail his character.

It is a bit slow at first but draws you in until you are quite caught up. I think it's one of those films you will either love or hate. I loved it.
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