
17 Reviews
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
C'mon now. It's not That bad.
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK. So it was a bit dull and samey. Clichéd, guns blah, blah, blah.

But watch it to the end, .... please .

Not because there's anything interesting in the storyline, or the acting is any good.

The scene in the station is hilarious.

Just watch the extras ambling back and forth. The tall guy with the silver hair pulling his suitcase toward the exit, then back in again. Or the guy wearing a red tie, with a suit bag over his shoulder, walking out, then seconds later walking in.

I mean, if you're going to use the same extras for different shots, at least get them to change their jacket or prop bags so it's not so blatantly obvious.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
4 July 2022
I enjoyed the first couple of seasons, it was a bit different and off beat and funny. But by the third season you could tell the writers were just desperate to spin out a few more money making episodes. Honestly, when will US Tv companies realise that quality always beats quantity.

The show went from funny to surreal to ridiculous to soppy.

By the end, I felt I was in my own hell loop.
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Last Man Down (2021)
The Wooden Woodsman
18 February 2022
An incredible film.

Truly incredible.

Incredible that it made it into Netflix top 10 movies of the week.

Incredible that these people list their profession as "acting".

Maybe they should have spent less money on protein shakes and more on acting lessons.

I'm only surprised that Bruce Willis didn't make an appearance in it.
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The Shack (I) (2017)
God awful.
4 January 2022
I should really have read the synopsis first.

Going by the trailer, it looks like it's going to be an action packed crime thriller.

How wrong was I ?

It really should have come with a warning, "Sentimental Religious Hocum".

Almost an Angel meets afternoon TV movie. Hell, if they'd stuck Santa in it too they could have had a Christmas TV hit.
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Miss Bala (2019)
¿Qué? No entiendo
7 February 2021
Just watched this on Netflix. This might have been an OK film but for the fact I am not fluent in Spanish. I know it's my own shortcoming, but wouldn't it have been nice to have the option of English subtitles so that we mere monolinguals can understand the other half of the film.
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Not much cop !!
19 January 2021
I managed to get through a whole16 minutes of this dire attempt at dark humour. It wasn't the unfunny jokes or the bad timing that ruined it for me. I have watched far worse lately, on Netflix. It was, in fact, the fishbowl lens and off horizontal camera work that made it unbearable. Yet again a film director trying to do something "different" to stand out from the crowd. Newsflash : It has all been tried before, and nobody has ever said "that shaky camera work really made the film stand out for me". If it hadn't been for the drunken cameraman, I might have endured to the end ...... Might have, but probably not.
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Give this film the bullet !
16 January 2021
Technology advanced enough to create a see through/chameleon like cyborg with realistic skin and movements ........ And robot soldiers. But still using guns and bullets to fight wars with. But then again, the Americans really LOVE their guns, don't they.
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Hard Kill (2020)
Hard Kill ?..... More like Hard Watch.
15 December 2020
Absolutely awful script, and acting. Every sentence is followed by a long pause. Some of the sentences .... even .... have ..... pauses .... in .... them. Painfully slow and boring. Even the action sequences are slow. I love Bruce Willis, but why did he get involved in this B movie ?
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Doomsday (I) (2008)
Mad Min
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why does every futuristic apocalypse film turn into a Mad Max rip off. Apart from the clichéd vision of the future, the film is a pretty good action film. I can't understand why the inhabitants of Glasgow would all turn to cannibalism, when there are apparently thousands of cows wandering around the A73. Oh, and Scotland has NEVER been dusty .... Ever. Very strange decision to film the final chase in South Africa.
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John Henry (2020)
24 October 2020
I wonder if Terry Crews had any idea how badly the director would let him down in this one. Hard to imagine he would be happy with the final cut of this film.
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Fearless (2020)
23 October 2020
Only two stars ....... and those are for the animation. The storyline is just awful. Acting is terrible. No discernable humour. The whole film totally failed to grab my attention.
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Mar de plástico (2015–2016)
Wannabee soap opera.
18 September 2020
It started off with promise, but sadly, gradually descended into a clichéd soap opera. 14 hours to come to a conclusion. I don't know if I can bring myself to watch the second series, knowing that it will probably follow a similar dragged out pattern.
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Outlawed (I) (2018)
20 December 2019
The acting was awful, and the script, worse. From the narration at the very start, I knew this was low budget tat.
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Occupation (2018)
Ratings bad
22 September 2019
If you look at the date of the ratings on here, the vast majority of the 10/10 ratings come at the start. Obviously to anyone that actually watched the film these scores are exaggerated and manipulated. Most, but not all of the positive ratings specifically " big up " the Australian film industry. Now, while I can't comment on all offerings from Australian film and tv, the ones I have seen in the past have been a great deal better than this tripe.
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Occupation (2018)
Honestly an honest rating. Honest
22 September 2019
Managed to watch until the end, but O.M.G. it took some willpower. First 20 minutes I thought "ok, we'll see where it goes from here". Then ..... A highlights section, an eight month jump, and no discernible plot path. Just a load of slow motion running, and pyrotechnics. If they spent as much money on acting lessons as they did on explosives it may have salvaged a tiny bit of credibility. It honestly felt like it was originally made to be a pilot mini-series, but someone cut it into a 2 hour movie. No character or plot progression, just a jumble of badly edited scenes stuck together. Oh and some of the reviews on here are just stand out. The cast and crew must have spent ages trying to think of positive things to write.
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The OA (2016–2019)
The O A ( On Acid )
5 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The synopsis made it seem like a watchable thriller, but that was far from being the case. I should have guessed a few episodes in, when they started their contemporary dance movements that it was descending into farcical fantasy. I actually made it to the end of the second series. Past the telepathic giant strangling octopus, and on to the Truman Show ending. It really was dire ....... and yet I watched. Like a slow motion car crash, unable to stop.
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Residue (2015)
And then ?????
23 June 2019
They might have said before I wasted over two hours of my life that this "thing" doesn't have an ending. Three episodes for a pilot ? Seriously ? No wonder it wasn't taken up by anyone. I think they spent more of the budget on polythene than actors.
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