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The Amazing Spider-Man in my opinion is an underrated reboot.
8 July 2017
The Amazing Spider-Man is directed by Marc Webb and stars Andrew Garfield as the web slinger himself and Emma Stone as his crush, Gwen Stacy, and Rhys Ifans as doctor Curtis Connors/The Lizard. This movie, like the previous Spider-Man films, was very hyped and anticipated for. The reactions were very split for this movie. Some people hated this movie, some people loved this movie. I certainly don't hate this movie but I don't quite love this movie either. I like it a lot. I love some scenes, but there are a couple flaws preventing this film from being great rather than being just good.

The movie begins with Peter as a young boy and already this film score is not as good as Danny Elfman's score for Raimi's trilogy. James Horner, however, did do a very nice job, just not quite as well as Elfman's. I like this scene with Peter as a boy. It explores ground that wasn't discussed much in Raimi's trilogy. Other than that, most of this movie retreads the first Spider- Man. I honestly don't have a problem with that. Force Awakens did a similar thing but they did it well. So did this movie.

Andrew Garfield is a very good Spider- Man in this movie, but not as much of a Peter Parker. He's kind of a punk, he rides his skateboard in school, and, of course, he sounds like a 27 year old. And that's because Andrew Garfield was 27 when casted for this movie. However, I love his chemistry with Gwen Stacy. The reason it was so good was because Andrew and Emma were dating in real life. And some people really hate seeing Uncle Ben die again, but I honestly don't mind it because technically speaking, it's one of the best scenes in the movie. Great performances, lighting, set pieces and music.

Let's talk about Spider-Man. I love the action scenes. His action style is awesome. The special effects are great. It's cool to see a smart Spider-Man. What I don't like as much was his suit. It looks very basket ball like and his eye pieces look like sunglasses. That's because that's exactly what his eyepieces are and his costume design just seemed lazy in my opinion.

The Lizard in this movie was ultimately wasted. He starts out like he can be this really cool villain but his evil plot ended up being sort of disappointing and ultimately absurd. It was kind of distracting. I liked the action scenes with him, but his visual design also could've been better. His comic design looked better than the design we actually got.

Speaking of the action scenes, while being good, it takes over half the movie to even get to one action sequence either the Lizard. It's kind of sad actually. We have a lot of build up to Peter and Spider-Man and the Lizard. The good thing is the build up is good but they needed to get to the point faster. The first Spider-Man had his first fight with Green Goblin in the second act. In this movie, Spider-Man and the Lizard don't have an action sequence until the beginning of the third act. It takes awhile to get to the point. That's the only problem. I like the scenes leading up to the epic action scenes, but it was just too long for my liking.

I certainly don't hate this movie I like a lot of the scenes and love some of them too. In my opinion, it isn't as good as the first two Raimi Spider- Man movies, but certainly better than Spider-Man 3.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider-Man 3 is the worst Spider-Man film, but it's not terrible.
7 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spider-Man 3 is the third and final film in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy and stars the same cast from the first film plus new actors and actresses such as Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen Stacy and Topher Grace as Eddie Brock/Venom. And yes this movie is very disappointing.

Spider-Man 3 followed the wonder that was Spider-Man 2. This film had to satisfy fans, bring epic closure to the film, and finish the character arches in a way that made sense. And this movie failed to do all of those things. Don't get me wrong. This isn't Batman and Robin bad it's just disappointing. For those that have not seen the trilogy, I am going to talk about this film and the rest of the trilogy in detail, so you have been warned.

So let's talk about the satisfaction. Yeah there is barely any. Throughout the movie, sub plots and new characters are being thrown into the mix at random points. One example is when Peter and Aunt May find out Uncle Ben's killer is actually someone else and he is still at large and he happens to be one of the villains in this movie: The Sandman. I can accept that, but they threw it in the middle of the film when it could have been one of the first things the film introduces. It's a surprise that was out of place. I also feel like it was thrown in to have people care about Sandman more even though we were given a reason to care already. Sandman just wants to take care of her sick daughter which also stupidly keeps a locket of herself. And do not get me started on how Sandman becomes Sandman. After running from the police and punching a dog, Flint Marko stumbles upon a silicon experiment. The scientists even notice a change in the silicon mass but the don't even bother to see what it is and they just assume it's a bird. It's very dumb. As long as we are talking about Sandman, let's talk about his action scenes. They are very unmemorable and the special effects look bad which makes Sandman a cheesy villain just like he was in the comics. What Spider-Man 2 did well was take a cheesy villain, Doctor Octopus, and improve upon his character. Spider-Man 3 tried, but failed. Not to say all of his scenes were bad. The train scene, which I will talk about later, actually was pretty good.

Also, a symbiote landed on Earth, right next to Peter and MJ making out, but they don't notice. The symbiote follows Peter and stays in his room for God knows how long, and finally attached to Spidey's suit, creating Black Suit Spider-Man. The problem is Peter doesn't question it. He just automatically loves it and accepts it. We learn that the symbiote is slowly making Pete evil. The problem with that is the way they execute it. His hair color changes from black to brown whenever he takes off the black suit. He flirts with girls all the time and dances sexually all the time down the streets. This is without a doubt the low point of all the Spider-Man films.

How are the character arches? Too filled with side characters ruining everything. Peter and MJ literally have two love triangles to worry about. One of which we have seen before in the first Spider-Man film. Harry Osborne is the new Goblin. And he is taken down easily and loses his memory in the first twenty minutes of the movie. What a let down. But he comes back later when MJ feels lonely and the story needs to have something else going on. Gwen Stacy is shoe horned in to have more tension between Peter and MJ when this movie was already filled with a lot of other crap. Eddie Brock cheats at his job and is disliked by Peter Parker and when Peter rips of his black suit, the symbiote lands on Eddie and he turns into a terribly executed Venom for like five minutes. This movie is packed like crap. It's annoying and very distracting.

Luckily the whole movie isn't like that. There are good scenes. The train scene with Sandman and Black Suit Spiderman. Great special effects for the most part and great action and lighting. Venom's reveal and Peter ripping off the symbiote was very well directed. Aunt May is always good in the movie. Kirsten Dunst had a very nice performance. Her performance was probably better than Tobey McGuire's or James Franco's. Gwen Stacy makes very smart choices and she felt like the only one to make smart choices in the scenes she was in. And Harry and Peter teaming up to fight Venom and Sandman at the end was also beryl good, even though both Sandman and Venom were terribly executed villains.

I don't hate this movie, but I am disappointed it was no where near the level of Spider-Man or Spider-Man 2.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spider-Man 2 does everything a sequel should do!
6 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spider-Man 2 is directed by Sam Raimi and is the sequel to the very popular "Spider-Man" film in 2002. This movie was very anticipated and a lot of people were very excited to see this film. Did it live up to the hype? Over the years, very many fans have said this to be the best comic book films of all time and certainly the best Spider-Man film. How was it re-watching the movie 13 years later? This movie delighted me upon re-watching and I am glad to say this is the best Spider-Man we have so far (I have not yet seen Spider-Man Homecoming). If you have not yet seen this movie, first of all go watch it, second of all, I am going to be talking about the film in detail so you have been warned.

The movie begins with the same opening credits and the same music that I loved in the first film and again begins with Peter sort of narrating what is going on in his life right now. The movie, right off the bat, just starts pounding Peter to the ground over and over again. They handle this in the movie very well. It never feels out of place, all the actors do a very fine job handling these scenes, and you really understand why Peter feels the way he does in this movie.

We get introduced to a new villain, Doctor Octopus, played by Alfred Molina. Doctor Octopus in the comics is a very cheesy, corny villain. What this movie did very well in regards to characterization is make Doctor Octopus an awesome, threatening villain in which we understand his motives and why he is doing the evil things he is doing. And yes. Doctor Otto Octavius in this movie is very cool to see and gives us some of the best action scenes in a movie ever. The best action scene and the obvious stand out of the entire movie and Spider-Man trilogy in general is the train scene. It's very well choreographed, the special effects are very good, and the stakes are very high in this scene as Doctor Octopus moves the train at full force then breaks the lever. Spider-Man uses his webs with both of his arms to attach he webs to the walls on both sides of the train while he is at the front of the train to stop the train from reaching the dead end and falling to everyone's death. It's amazing and he pulls it off which is very cool.

As for flaws in this movie there are barely any. Occasionally during action sequences the extras have strange fake screams that kind of took me out of the moment, and sometimes the extras will say something funny or cheesy which again kind of takes me away from what is actually happening. Also, when Spider-Man has decided he is Spider-Man no more, we get this very interesting scene with the song "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head". I understand what Sam Raimi was going for but it just seemed out of place, it had some weird shots, and overall very cheesy. The scene even ended with an out of focus freeze frame. Yes it is very cheesy.

Overall this movie is extremely entertaining. All the actors did an amazing job. The special effects are very good. The lighting was not as memorable as the first but still very good. The score again was fantastic. The sound mixing and editing was on point and the movie had great stunt work and action scenes but also very good character scenes. Spider-Man 2 is my favorite Spider-Man film up to date not including Spider-Man Homecoming which I will be seeing soon.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man is loads of fun!
5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spider-Man has gone through a lot over the years and especially in the 2000's. This film is directed by Sam Raimi and was the first movie in a very popular comic book movie trilogy that exploded in the box office. This was easily one of MARVEL's best films at the time and let me tell you. In 2017, a lot of scenes really hold up well. If you have not yet seen this movie, first of all, go watch it, and second, I am going to be talking about this movie in detail so you have been warned.

The movie begins and automatically I love the score. Danny Elfman did a superb job composing my favorite Spider-Man theme so far. The opening credits, while being long, really prepare you for this awesome comic book ride you are about to go on and yes a lot of scenes are very cheesy. Even the opening credits are cheesy. The dialogue begins with Peter Parker, played by Tobey McGuire, narrating. Right off the bat you feel very sorry for Peter as he is without a doubt bullied in many ways in this movie. The only people who seem to care are MJ, played by Kirsten Dust, and Harry Osborne, played by James Franco.

In this film, Peter has a large crush on MJ, which was handled very well. The dialogue they share together in this movie work 100%. It was very relatable. When I first saw this movie I had a massive crush on a girl and I really understood Peter's feelings and emotions which makes Peter Parker in this movie more likable.

The scene where he gets bitten by the spider actually holds up very well. It's very dramatic and the cinematography is very good. He comes home from his field trip after he was bitten and we meet Aunt May and Uncle Ben. In my opinion, this is perfect casting and these two are brilliant. So far they are my favorite Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Peter is feeling very sick and he looks very pale. The spider bite on his hand has swollen up and looks very disgusting but it makes his transformation that much cooler.

We also get introduced to Norman Osborne, played by William Dafoe. He was a good actor throughout the movie, but his voice acting sometimes suffered, not to mention his Green Goblin suit is Power Ranger-like. The costumes in the movie elsewhere are completely fine but this suit just seemed to lack.

When Peter becomes Spider-Man, this movie really starts to get fun. It's very funny, cheesy of course, but very good set pieces when he climbs his first wall. And yes, he has organic web shooters which I am totally fine with. He got the powers of a spider, why can't he shoot webs? It makes sense to me. And the sound mixing for the webs are iconic and very good.

The wrestling scene is very good and very funny, which leads to Uncle Ben's death, which was very emotional and one of the best scenes in this movie, and right away you feel for Peter and you are rooting for Peter. I love the car chase right after, and the fight in the abandoned building is brilliant film making with the lack of music and lighting.

From here on out Spider-Man is awesome, but also cheesy like the comic books. In fact, some of the dialogue with Spider-Man and Green Goblin are lines straight from the books. And I got to say my least favorite scene in this movie is the first action scene with Spidey and the Green Goblin. It is very cheesy, kind of cliché, and the CGI doesn't hold up well in that scene.

However, Green Goblin gets really cool when he learns Peter is Spider-Man. He breaks into Aunt May's home and May is taken to the hospital which is a very well directed scene and one of the better scenes with the Green Goblin. And of course, the abandoned hospital scene is beautifully directed in terms of almost everything! The lack of music, lighting, costumes and stunts it's all very good! Spider- Man's suit gets so worn and ripped it's very good visual art.

This movie ends on a very good note and yes a lot of scenes hold up well. Yes it's cheesy. Yes, CGI is a bit dated and the Green Goblin looks like a Power Ranger we get it. But this movie is loads of fun and a must see.
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Not Perfect But Still Good
16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this movie as a kid and liking this movie. Now that I am a teenager I still like this movie but I have newer thoughts on this movie. So let's discuss, shall we?

So first off, the movie begins and already the musical score has shown itself to be really powerful and great. The opening credits scene is nicely done as well. When the movie actually starts is where I kinda start getting nit-picky. The movie is narrated by a kid, and just in my opinion, he is a little wooden and you can tell he probably hasn't voice acted much. His actual acting is a different situation.

We get introduced into the main protagonist, Mahoney, portrayed by Natalie Portman, who is great in this movie. I am a musician and so is she in this story so I can really connect to her struggles and thoughts. I love people who I can connect to. I like all the actors in this movie but she stands out which is not a bad thing.

When the Emporium, which is basically a character by itself, is introduced, there's a montage of the awesome magical things the store can do. My only problem with this montage is that some of the shots are awkward and a bit off in some places. And the CGI, and let's be honest in some places there had to be CGI, it's not the best and looks like a straight to DVD movie even though it was released in theaters. However, I love all the store has to offer us. It's like Toy Story but live action which I think is pretty cool.

Now it's not just the main kid in this movie but all the kids in my opinion seem off. I felt like all they had to say was pretty cheesy and because they are just kids they don't act the best. Apart from that, the rest of the actors are actually really good and have really good lines. The comedic moments and dialogue is really good. The slapstick in this movie isn't the best and didn't always land with me. And in my opinion, because of the big picture of this movie, some of the slapstick is actually not needed. Another nit-pick, as the movie goes on, some of the editing in terms of putting together the shots don't always align and are sometimes painfully obvious. Also, each "chapter" is organized as if it was a book, which I don't mind. However, the chapter titles are pretty cheesy and in my opinion, strange. But maybe that's the genius of this movie. There are a couple really good scenes in this movie and one of my favorites is when Eric, the kid, shows Henry, or the "Mutant," his hat collection. They have such a nice playful banter and always makes my family and I crack up laughing.

My only big flaw with this movie is the end or the last "chapter". I just don't get it. After Mahoney obviously made the block of wood fly because she believed and Henry passed out, Henry wakes up and Mahoney acts like it never happened. Then she believes again or whatever followed by surprisingly awkward dialogue. Then she starts to conduct the store back alive and the CGI here is definitely out dated and pretty bad actually. Also, there is like five seconds where the movie turns into like a computer animated film and it's completely useless. One of the last shots is of Mahoney conducting the store to life again but the problem is that almost nothing is happening and not to mention Mahoney's conducting is pretty awkward. And the very last shot is also pretty strange. There are just things I don't understand about this ending!

Overall, the movie definitely isn't bad. Far from it. It just isn't great. There are for sure some great scenes, and definitely some awkward ones. Overall the special effects were mediocre which is disappointing. The sound editing and mixing are fine. The score is pretty good and overall the characters are good as well. Just the script and mainly towards the end just kind of gets a little ridiculous. This is a good movie and it is worth seeing.
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Clue (1985)
19 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, I did not grow up playing this game. I kinda knew it had characters like Mr. Green and Scarlet, and it was like a detective game, but this kind of stuff never fascinated me. But boy was this movie extremely entertaining.

I loved each and every one of the characters. They were all so interesting and funny and I cared a lot about them. I was on the edge of my seat throughout this whole movie wondering who was gonna die next, who was it, and what was gonna happen. Yeah. You can tell how amazingly shocked I was to find the alternate endings. Gosh that shocked me and the fact that the movie got me jumping in the air wondering what the heck just happened deserves recognition.

Yeah everyone needs to see this movie. It was very good and very fun to watch. And I totally knew it was the butler ;)

Yeah go watch this movie now.
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OK let's get real here. This movie does no justice at all to the original game.
2 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So yeah I saw this movie and I was expecting to hate this movie. But I was wrong. I only mildly think this movie is adequate. So let's get down to business.

Yeah this movie most definitely gonna make a lot of money. A lot. It is aimed towards kids and kids just love the Angry Birds games because there is like a million of them now. This movie is about the red bird. He has anger issues. None of the other birds like him, he gets on people's nerves and he isn't very social. When pigs come to their island, he is the only one to think that they are up to something and he ends up being right because the pigs steal the eggs. Angry Birds.

Did you notice how only two of the sentences I said related to the actual Angry Birds game? How the red bird is angry, and how the pigs steal the eggs. The rest was all new. New isn't a bad thing, but let us explore through the new world of Angry Birds.

Let's start with the good. The animation on the birds is fantastic. It looks very detailed and they spent a lot of time on that to make it look right and the birds look perfect in this movie. A lot of the scenes are funny in just the right way. Take the yellow "missile" bird for example. Josh Gad nails this role and I loved the sequence with him when he had the cool copy of the Quick Silver scene from Days of Future Past. Hilarious. But I wish the rest of the movie was like that.

Now let's talk about the bad. Wow this movie is boring. I am super glad that this movie is short because I was dying for this movie to end. It's awfully paced. So much of this movie is focused on the rising action that the climax feels like five minutes!

Mighty Eagle was such a sloppy, boring, stupid character. He was so annoying! His actually character reminded me of Metro Man from Megamind. Metro Man if you don't know was the superhero of Metro City. Famous among all the citizens of the city. He then faked his death so he can escape having to work hard and save the same person over and over again. It was boring to him. He was then discovered to be alive but not as a superhero anymore. Mighty Eagle was a similar character. But he was such an idiot.

The pigs were laughably bad. They were even singing country music it was so bad. They were annoying. They look awful. Not one of them even got a black eye which is disappointing.

There was maybe one cool scene with them and that was when they flew the airplanes and I thought right away bad piggies and I just thought about how cool of a sequence it would be of them flying and the birds attacking them. It would be my favorite scene by far but the slingshot had to break in the worst way possible. Such a wasted opportunity.

Speaking of wasted opportunities where the heck were the little blue birds? Granted they are in this movie but only for ten seconds. And the pink bird! She did nothing in the movie! All the other birds did all their cool tricks but the pink bird was so wasted and ruined.

And the only thing parents might find interesting is the fact that the red bird says "pluck my life." Yeah that happened. But no other thing will be interesting to an adult in this movie.

I am pretty sure that Angry Birds is forever dead because this movie could not bring back the nostalgia of the actual first game for me. It gave me boring humor and wasted opportunities with bad characters in the mix. But hey! At least kids like it.
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Why the Heck Wasn't Spider-Man on the Poster?!?!?!
7 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I finally saw this movie! Gosh I feel like I was the one who hasn't.

Spider-Man was in this movie.

How was he?

Holy crap this guy was freaking incredible.

Anyways, I will stop fanboying and actually review this movie.

Yeah this movie is splendid. Some people are raving this movie as the best comic book movie of all time. I think The Dark Knight still holds that title. But my gosh was this movie a close second. MARVEL is on a roll. I have no worries for the next Avengers movie what so ever. Because this movie was kind of the third Avengers. And the third Captain America movie. And an introduction/prequel to Black Panther. And basically a short introduction to Spider-Man too. All of this is crammed all into one movie but it's all handled so well that it truly feels like an Avengers movie. It was done so much better than a recent comic movie that has two beloved super heroes clash against each other... :)




So the first thing I noticed about this movie was the score. It seemed a little odd to me at first. It took some time for me to adjust, and then I got over it and kinda loved it. It was exciting especially at the end.

I loved all the cool dramatic scenes with the Winter Soldier he was excellent. And we learn in this movie that Hydra also experimented and made several other Winter Soldiers, but he was the only to survive.

I loved all the amazing action sequences they were all spectacular. All the super heroes shine in this movie it's so cool. And you totally understand everyone's motives. I was going into the movie saying "Team Cap." But during the movie I was like, "Oh yeah. Good point Iron Man." Everything makes sense in this movie. It all seemed like this could happen for real.

And another cool person in this movie was Black Panther. I loved him and I cannot wait to see his own movie. I loved how real his motivation felt. I mean, Bucky literally killed Black Panther's father. And he witnessed his father die, which is one of the hardest things a boy can go through.

OK I can't take it anymore. I need to talk about SPIDER-MAN!!!!!!

He was the funniest part about this movie. I loved him. It's so great to see a Spider-Man that is actually funny. And interesting. And a teenager. And again you understand his motives. He's amazing. He also talked about Star Wars in this movie. Yeah. Spider-Man: my favorite super hero ever, just talked about my favorite movie series ever. Unbelievably amazing. Brilliant. Spectacular.

Yeah and also Ant-Man turns big in this movie and is freaking hilarious. Not only that, but Spider-Man takes him down AT-AT style. Again. Brilliant. Splendid. Incredible. Ant-Man in general was just hilarious in this movie as well. He was awesome.

But I especially love the Captain America Bucky Iron Man fight at the end. Literally one of the best super hero scenes ever. But don't get me wrong I loved the air port scene as well. Just this duel was incredibly entertaining. Iron Man basically hates Captain America after this movie. I can just see it in his eyes. I love the part where he yells that his shield is not his and that he doesn't deserve it. It's so tragic. Captain America drops his shield.

This Spider-Man is the best Spider-Man I have seen so far. However. He does look very CGI, computer, animated like. And that kinda disappointed me. But that doesn't take away the fact that he was awesome in the movie. And you know the shot where the two sides run at each other? Spider-Man was added to that scene. Great, but, then why the heck isn't he on the poster?

Overall this movie was spectacular. Possibly the comic book movie of the decade.

9 stars!
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An Amazing Conclusion to an Amazing Trilogy!
3 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I finally get to see this movie, and to be honest, I don't know which one I like more: Batman Begins or The Dark Knight Rises. They are basically equal to me.

Let's start out with what I love first: This movie is extremely entertaining. Probably the most entertaining of the whole series. I loved watching it. The special effects were great just like the rest of the trilogy. Catwoman was amazing. Bane was an awesome villain. The story was awesome. And the action was awesome.

Now let's go to the parts I didn't quite like as much. At first Bane's voice was a little weird. Don't credit me for this, but I heard someone say his voice was like 3-D. It took some time to adjust. And there are a few lines of dialogue that took me away from the movie and were overall just a little dumb.

But I basically loved everything else.

But I have a question.


Did Batman survive at the end? I mean, we saw him blow up while in the airplane thing by the nuke. But the end made him seem like he was alive. Alfred saw him at the restaurant place, and Robin (I know, how cool is that?) went to his Batcave. But is he alive?

I love the mystery of at all.

The Dark Knight Rises is an amazing movie. But maybe just a tiny bit overrated.
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An Amazing Movie! But...
26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong. This movie was outstanding! It was awesome! I loved every second of it! It's just a tiny bit overrated. It's awesome and all, but I wouldn't put it in my top five.

So I'm gonna get right into it. The Joker. How is he? Eh, he's alright...(Relax I'm just joking) God I think I have a new favorite super villain! This guy...Oh my God he was just so amazing! He is so smart (like he should be), he was dangerous and threatening (like he should be), and he was interesting (like he should be)!

Batman was awesome, Two Face was awesome, the action was stupendous, the score was awesome! I'm serious guys all I can say is that this movie is a must-watch! But like all movies, there is a flaw. Here is my flaw: There was a scene in the movie where a whole bunch of people dressed like batman tried to save the day or whatever. To me it just seemed like it was lazy writing and random.

That's basically it guys go see this movie right now! Thanks for reading my thoughts on The Dark Knight!
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Don't Listen to the Idiots Who Hate This Movie. Also Known as the Professional Critics...
26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK, maybe the idiots don't enjoy musicals the way I do. So I am gonna say now that if you find musicals boring, you'll probably find this boring too.

Other than that let's get right into this Phantom of the freaking Opera! Gosh I was expecting the most girly musical ever and what did I get? A girly musical but that's not the point because this movie is more than just that! It is a mature musical. It knows what a musical is supposed to be and it succeeded to be just that.

And I gotta say the music was pretty amazing. I gotta hand it to Andrew Loyd Webber. This music was outstanding! I loved just about every second of this movie. It was just so interesting and beautiful and dramatic in just the right way. To be honest with you guys I don't know how a non-musical lover can hate this movie. Face it. The Phantom of the Opera is your dream musical you wish your school can do. Because I know I do.

I literally loved this movie so much the morning after I saw it I went on my computer to listen to the soundtrack and I was listening to it all day.

What are the flaws? Well, I don't really like the actress who played Calotta. She was just way too dramatic for me. There were some lip- sync problems with the song "Think of Me". And I just don't understand why the Phantom has a wax sculpture of Christine. It was kinda random and it ruined the awesome moment in the song "Music of the Night".

Otherwise this movie was pretty solid and awesome. I can't wait to watch it again! Thanks for reading my thoughts of The Phantom of the Opera!

What is it that we're meant to have wrote?...Written!
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Batman Begins (2005)
My Review For Batman Begins! Gosh What Rock Have I Been Under?
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
We have all seen this movie right? Cool. If not, WHY?!?!?!?!?

Batman Begins is the movie where, well, Batman begins. Pretty self explanatory. I loved this movie. The characters were great, the action was amazing, the dialogue was pretty well done. It felt like a movie! But I am gonna be honest here...The first time I watched this movie I fell asleep, so I had to watch it again. I watched it again, and I fell asleep again. Yeah...this movie suffers from what I call realistic syndrome. It's so much like real life that some scenes are pretty boring. And real life is boring. A lot.

But don't get me wrong this movie was amazing! I loved it. And I had no problem watching it again for the third time without falling asleep. Because even though it's a little boring it's fun to watch.

I don't have much to say about this movie other than the fact it was pretty cool. This movie got me into Batman. Thank you for reading my thoughts on Batman Begins!
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Another Kung Fu Panda Movie. Should Make For Some Fun Times!
25 March 2016
This review will have some spoilers so go read a book if you don't want spoilers. Kung Fu Panda 3 is the third installment of the surprisingly successful Kung Fu Panda series. And to be honest with you guys, I like them all basically the same amount! They're all great and funny. So when I walked out of this movie I was wondering what movie I liked the best. The first, second, or third.

Kung Fu Panda keeps its series going strong and if it can keep going I'll take 4 or 5 maybe even 6 movies. It's hard for a trilogy to be as solid as Kung Fu Panda. Because there is always a movie that isn't quite as good as the rest. Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Jurassic Park: Jurassic Park 3. Toy Story, Lord of the Rings, and the Dark Knight are the only movies that I can think of who have solid trilogies. Now we can put Kung Fu Panda on that list!

This movie was great. I liked the villain a lot more than I thought I would. J.K. Simmons, I love you man. I liked the music a lot too! Hans Zimmer has shown once again he can make a good soundtrack. The characters were great. I loved Po's father, I loved his step-dad more than I usually do. The action was great. It was just straight up a great movie.

Do I have any flaws with this movie? Yes. But it's so little I really walked out of this movie not really caring. Neither do I care to tell you.

So that is my thoughts on Kung Fu Panda 3! It was just a solid movie that I ended up loving more than I thought I would. Thank you for reading my thoughts of Kung Fu Panda 3.
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Zootopia (2016)
The Animated Movie That Brought Animated Movies to a Whole New Level
24 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This review is gonna be spoiler filled so you have been warned. So Zootopia is the story of mammals of all shapes and sizes living in harmony together. Lions, rabbits, foxes, giraffes, you name it they got it. Judy is a bunny who believes she can be anyone she wants to be, and she wants to be the first rabbit cop. And that really isn't normal in Zootopia. Usually the police officers are the bulky, large animals like rhinos and buffalo. But she continues to work hard at making her dream come true and eventually does become Zootopia's first rabbit cop. Yet no one takes her seriously. She doesn't get to be in the chase for all the savages that have been mysteriously been going on.

Oh my gosh this movie is amazing! It really is. It's so clever and funny, and everything is so well thought out. It all makes sense. I loved Nick the fox. He was so great in the film. Foxes are known for being smart animals. What was he in this movie? A smart, slick fox. Exactly what he should be. I loved the chemistry between him and Judy.

But this movie isn't just funny and smart. It's serious. It has racism, stereotypes, drugs, like the real world. This isn't just some cute kids film. If this wasn't filled with animals and animation, this would be an adult movie. It's so well done.

Now let's talk about some of the serious situations. Some of the carnivores in this movie have been mysteriously going savage and hurting and eating the other animals. You find out later that it's because the herbivores have been infecting the carnivores with a drug from a special plant. And the thing is, stuff like that is real. People get stuff like marijuana from plants and genetically modify it to be the most dangerous drug it can be. And the bad part is people actually sell the drugs and give it to people in real life. And do you know what happens? They go "savage" and do the things the carnivores do in this movie. Go crazy. Insanity. Suicide. Murder. All because of one tiny little plant.

And because of all these strange savage animals around, people don't trust each other anymore. There is this one scene where there is a mother bunny and her daughter on a train. A tiger goes and sits right by them, acting how a normal person would. Read the newspaper, listen to music. And the mother bunny takes her child and scoots away from the tiger. All because of a plant. It's an awful chain reaction that is true in real life.

This movie is so surprisingly mature. No animated movie really dared to cross the line of family-friendly. Zootopia did and it was beautiful. Do I have any issues with the movie? Yeah. It's not huge or anything. But the the main villain of this movie is a tiny little lamb. And even though a normal person can go insane and make drugs, I just find it a little out of place. The other lambs that were working for her looked fine because the had sheep horns and such. Like I said, not big, but it did kinda take away a bit of enjoyment for me for this movie.

Guys this movie is truly mature and beautiful. I am so glad I watched it. I am gonna buy this movie when it comes out on blu ray and put on the shelf of other great Disney animations: Big Hero 6, Inside Out, Toy Story 3. Thank you for reading my thoughts on Zootopia.
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Gravity Falls (2012– )
Now I can say I have watched all episodes of Gravity Falls
17 February 2016
My gosh this show is amazing. It's hilarious, it's so much fun to watch, and there isn't a single episode that is bad. It has so many fun plot twists and elements in the story that all connect together in a really strange way. It's mind blowing. It's extremely entertaining. The characters are so great and interesting. The dialogue is so funny and memorable. We feel for the characters: Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford, and countless others. And shockingly this show has only forty episodes but it has been out for four years! Do yourselves a favor and watch this show. It's amazing and you will not regret it. This is my favorite Disney show since Good Luck Charlie.
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My favorite documentary. There's something special about this one.
3 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Anybody is welcome to watch this movie, and everyone should.

Miss You Can Do It! Alright. My family was picking what movie to watch for the night, and our Dad suggested this one. I never heard about it, so I wanted to see how this will go.

So in the beginning, we see the same teenage model in fashion shows and pageants. I thought that was going to be the movie. A girl with a disability winning what she always dreamed of winning. But this movie is so much more! So this teenager makes a pageant for girls with disabilities, and let me say, it hits me right in the heart. And hearing about the girls and their stories makes me want to cry.

Some of the girls made me laugh too. This movie is like taking something sad and putting some good into it and it makes a light that follows every girl. Like there lives will never be the same anymore. It's now something grand to cherish, instead of something horrible that terrifies you.

This movie easily became my favorite documentary. Though, I haven't seen a lot of them. Everyone should watch this film. It might change your life, too.

8 Stars!
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This is not Indiana Jones!
3 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A PG-13 movie. Watch with someone older than 13 at all times!

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull! Let's start where it all began for me. I'm like 4 years old, and my Dad shows me the first three. Then my brothers and I see the the trailer for this one. We were all excited to watch it. But my Dad has a rule that we can't watch PG-13 movies until we were 13. So I had to wait. Five years later I forgot this movie even existed until my family was watching it on TV one afternoon. I got to see the part where the alien forms and kills the person. I also got to see the UFO. Yes, what I just said was exactly true. Sorry to disappoint you.

I was disappointed too. I didn't want to see aliens, I want to see Indy taking over cars an epic fight scenes and Indy swinging from his whip and falling in love with another girl because he's just that cool! Instead I got a boat car and a fight scene not with the bad guy getting chopped up in a propeller, not getting caught in a stone grinder, and not falling off a cliff while hanging on to a tank, but the bad guy getting eaten buy big (beep) ants! I also got old Marion. Just keep her in Raiders, thank you very much! Now back to the tragic back story. 4 years after that, I realized I had none of the Indiana Jones movies on Blu-ray or DVD! So I went birthday shopping and came across Raiders of the Lost Ark on DVD, and the whole Indy collection (including this one) on Blu-ray. I couldn't get both, so I had to choose one. The Indy collection it is.

So that month I had a classic Indiana Jones marathon. Then, I looked at the crystal skull. I started to think, don't judge a book by its cover. So I faced the truth. It's time to watch it.

You know how the Paramount mountain always turns into a real mountain in Indiana Jones? Well, for this one, the mountain turned into a molehill. Which in the land of idioms and metaphors isn't supposed to be possible, but I guess in Indiana Jones land it is. Then we start hearing Elvis Presley singing "ain't nothing but a hound dog," then I wondered if I put the right movie in. Well, I guess I did because right after that it says, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," so, yes. It is the right movie! Then we have the car playing Elvis driving by a bunch of army vehicles wanting a drive race. Is this really an Indiana Jones movie? Because if we took the credits out and showed it to a person who never saw this movie, they would not guess it would be part of an Indiana Jones film.

If they took out the groundhog hill and put in an actual mountain, took out the car with Presley singing and just had the army vehicles driving to the warehouse with some mysterious music in the background, that would be a great first scene.

Then, so far so good, we see Indy for the first time in 20 years, then we have the stupid lady try to read Indy's mind and says, "You're hard to read, Dr. Jones!" I said, "OK, you're losing me Indiana Jones!" And for the rest of the movie, that's exactly what it did to me! Things I dislike. The alien box. The rocket launcher. The stupid groundhogs that appear in every scene. The nuke town village thing. In the house, the fake people are watching Howdy Doody. Howdy Doody! Indy doesn't die from the Nuke. No one can survive that. Indy gets fired. His Dad and Marcus are dead. Mutt. The bar fight scene. What is this, the Outsiders? Oxley. Marion. What the heck? They dissected Martians? I'm D-O-N-E, done. The skull has the powers to destroy peoples minds. We get to see the Russians do just that to Indy, to! Mutt's Indy's son. Mutt can apparently sword fight and catch up to speeding vehicles by swinging on vines. The monkeys. The ants. The boat car. The waterfalls. The alien. The UFO. Indy and Marion get married. How many was that? Oh! 23. Twenty three! What do I like? Not much. I do like some of the action. I do like the classic Indy they put in here at times, but not all the movie obviously or else I wouldn't have made that long list of things I hate. The soundtrack is good, like always, but not as good as the original Indiana Jones' soundtracks.

I know a few people who haven't seen the original Indiana Jones but have seen this one and loved this one. So, I thought to myself. This movie would be awesome if you haven't seen the originals. So this movie is not Indiana Jones. There's the classics, and this one. You can't put the two together, that would be chaos.

So overall, I did not like this movie as much as I wanted to when I was 4. So when my kids ask me one day how many Indiana Jones movies there are, I will say, "Only 3!"

5 stars!
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Dream works' best. Yes, I just said that.
15 February 2015
This animated film is PG, but I think anyone around the world should watch this movie.

(Spoiler Alert). First of all, let's get one thing straight. This movie is awesome and accurate. If you are a Christian or a Jew, watch this movie or Joseph: King of Dreams. That movie is good too. Don't watch Noah or Exodus: Gods and Kings if you want to see a Biblical accurate story. This movie and Joseph are pretty close to being 100% biblically accurate! There are a few minor things, but I'll tell about those later.

Not only is this an animated film, but it's also a musical. And a pretty darn good one, too! I love to listen to the soundtrack, and I listen to it like everyday! Some of the best songs are Deliver Us, Through Heaven's Eyes, Playing With the Big Boys, The Plagues, and Believe. Which is pretty much all the songs but who cares?

Now let's talk about the minor changes that aren't what the Bible says. There's only two, but they are important. So, what do you think? When Moses came back, was Pharaoh his Dad or his Brother? The Bible doesn't say, but I'm pretty sure Moses would've said in the Bible that Pharaoh was his brother ( which he is in the movie). But I like this version too! Have you had a big fight with your brother before? None as big as this, ladies and gentlemen. Another minor change is Moses didn't complain as much as much as he did in the Bible when he had to go back to Egypt, and he didn't have to find Aaron at this place so he can speak for him. Nope. Moses speaks for himself. But that's OK, I like this version, too. So there were minor changes to the story, but they're good changes unlike the movie Noah.

There's pretty much only one thing I don't necessarily like. I, honestly, think they could've done their animation better. It wasn't the best, but it also wasn't the worst. Dream Works has a way of doing that with their animation in movies. Movies with not so great animation takes you awhile to get used to. Like you're first like," Oh this is a bad animation movie," then after awhile it becomes natural. Not with this movie. This movie knew it had bad animation, so they made a thrilling beginning to say, " This is what we can do with this animation!" And that's exactly what they did.

The casting was great, I loved the cast. I love the music. This is my favorite Dream Works movie. They did a great job with it. Like I said earlier, anyone should watch this movie, even if you're not a Christian! Watch this movie if you haven't and if you did, watch it again because it's just that awesome.

8 stars!
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