
15 Reviews
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The Orville (2017–2022)
More than a Star Trek spoof
11 April 2024
This started off as a Star Trek spoof by the makers of family guy & Ted. So you'd think just a curiosity. However from the very first episode the live for real sci/fi was felt in the show. The characters were great, great writing, original challenging ideas that real sci-fi buffs (let's say those who actually read books & short stories by Wyndham, Asimov and the likes) appreciate. So not just dumb comedy. And as the series progressed in the second season, comedy going for a hard laugh disappeared to the background, but luckily the light & optimistic tone remained. Then in the third season budget went up and CGI was incredible. This is a fantastic sci-fi show for lovers of the non-hardcore-action, thought provoking sci-fi genre. Highly recommended.
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Must've been great back then
9 April 2024
Do you know when reviewers start their review by saying: "I really, really wanted to like this film"? I tried to avoid that first sentence, but hey, what can you do?

The reasons I wanted to like this are the status of this movie; as a movie buff you know about Bertolucci, and Brando is a legend whose performance I loved in Apocalypse Now and some other movies.

But the time in this review has come to say "but". But.... This movie was slow, too slow even for my taste. Nice cinematography, but nothing unusual these days. And with regards to the story and the themes; it must have been daring and controversial at the time, but it really doesn't hold up in this day and age. Some movies can be enjoyed in the context of those days (the graduate for example), this is not one of them. On top of that the characters are unlikable.

Conclusion; groundbreaking at the time, but terribly outdated an irrelevant half a century later.
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Ome Cor (2022)
What a mess
28 March 2024
You gotta live Martin van Waardenberg, but unfortunately he makes bad decisions too, and this is one of them. The movie has no scenario, it just movie from one scene with a 'famous Dutch person' to the next one.

The comedy is only seldomly funny. The drama is cringey; badly acted and badly written. And even Van Waardenberg himself is not on top of his game: he can play a foulmouted fool like no one else, but this is not one of his top 50 performances.

I wanted to like this movie, and there were some chuckles ("betonknie") in the beginning scenes, but irritations grew as the movie progressed.

The proceeds of the movie are apparently for a children's hospital, there you have it, at last something positive about this mess of a movie.
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The Warden (2020)
Nice images, but ultimately too bland
11 March 2024
The Warden (original title literally translates as The Birdwatchman), stars well-known Dutch comedian Freek de Jonge in a serious drama role as an old hermit living in solitude on a beautiful sandy North Sea island. His only connection to the main land is through an old radio system, which he uses to transmit the bird count to the mainland.

As expected, it's a very slow moving movie. Lots of beautiful images of North Sea beaches, waves and seagulls. Some things happen, threatening the old man in his existence.

There is no clear storyline however, and it seems like the director wants to suggest a deeper meaning by not explaining anything. This works well in some arthouse films, but unfortunately not in this film.

The boring music doesn't help either, it sounds like an AI-generated playlist for hotel lobbies

I'm afraid the film doesn't live up to its pretensions. Only recommended for lovers of Freek de Jonge and/or beach landscapes.
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Only half of the story
21 January 2023
This documentary is worth a view if you respect Sinead as an artist, grew up in her heydays, or take an interest in the history of feminism and women's rights.

I have always liked Sineads music a lot, and have been interested to learn more about the music she made in those mysterious years after her 'cancellation' by conservative voices following her tearing up the picture of pope JP II during het performance at Saturday Night Live.

Unfortunately, that scene from the nineties is the end of this movie, so the desire to learn more of the much less documented later period stays undocumented.

The movie mainly focuses on her youth, rise to fame and her heydays and her downfall, the latter two of which are all too familiar subjects already. The other two parts (youth & rise) are interesting, also as a context for what would follow later, as they explain well how Sineads activist side grew.

As is the case with the music of the last.30 years, her life of those years is also missing from this documentary. Conversion to Islam, rumored lesbianism and the very sad death of her son recently are not here, and that's a journalistic choice that can only be respected.

However, there would be a lot of years & material left for a sequel to this documentary, describing the years post 1992. Maybe less commercially viable, but I'd watch it!

Finally, I've always respected Sinead as an artist and as a human, and this documentary has further solidified that image of her. A troubled mind, but a wonderful principled and sincere person - and a unique artist.
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Highly original, warm and funny
25 December 2022
Wow. I loved Be Kind Rewind for so many reasons. This movie is so original you are probably never going to forget it. That is... if you enjoy very quirky European humor, that director Michael Gondry is known for. Became of fan of his for after this and Science of Sleep.

Despite the European director and script, the American cast works! The script seems to be written for Jack Black. If you (like me) think he did his best & funniest roles in High Fidelity and School of Rock, you'll love this one. Mos Def is great too.

Lastly, anyone truly appreciating eighties and nineties movies, will certainly like this movie more.
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Bacurau (2019)
A mess of a movie with some nice local touches
15 December 2022
Those who compare this to a Tarantino movie don't really appreciate the crafty dialogues and the great scenarios with interwoven stories that Tarantino's movie have: all of those things are missing here.

The movie lures you in with mysteries, disappointingly most of those are unsolved by the end of it. The story is paper thin, and the ending is bad because it's so predictable.

I'm giving 4/10 because of the exotics on display that make it different from an American movie: some beautiful shots of Brazilian outlands, the nice Brazilian music, and because of some nice atmospheric village characters such as the DJ, the musician and the old naked couple. But none of this is good enough to save the movie.
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The Way Back (I) (2010)
Beautiful scenery, flawed storytelling
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes I loved the movie, because it's great to watch a survival road trip from Siberia to Lake Baikal, through the Ghobi Desert, china, Tibet & finally India. Beautiful shots! The suffering in Russia & Mongolia was really shown very well, You could almost feel the blisters of the desert sun on your own face.

However, so many mistakes in the storytelling department: some characters were not worked out (of one I only remember he liked salt, Mark Strong's character arc wasn't properly closed) some parts so rushed (china & Himalaya were crossed in a minute). I really disliked the ending; they should've told us what happened to the other survivors (I.e. In the ending titles), instead they only showed it for the main character. Also, in the ending titles I would have expected them to tell "they walked for x months and walked y miles"). So many missed opportunities that a 7/10 is the highest score possible.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
22 October 2022
I love movies with a twist, movies like Memento, Tenet, the Sixt Sense, the Usual Suspects or Fight Club are rewarding on a second viewing because only then you realize how masterly the twist has been there all along, hidden in plain view. However there are only a handful of films that are still that rewarding after a 3rd, 4th or 5th viewing.

Cloud Atlas is unique in that it's the only film I know that gets better the more you see it. The first time I watched it, I thought it was beautiful but flawed, and incomprehensible. However, every time you watch this movie, you understand and appreciate it better. No other movie I know of (certainly not blockbusters with A-list stars) is so ambitious, so deep. It is truly a gift that keeps giving. Watch this every year.
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Foundation (2021– )
Read the books - love this series
16 October 2022
Read the first 3 books, and am reading #4 now. I read the comments of people saying this has 'nothing' to do with the books; that's nonsense. Is it exactly like the books then? No, that's not the case either.

The writers have expanded upon the books. Where Asimov, especially in the first chapters of the first book, takes giant multi-year leaps within a few pages, the writers of this TV show are zooming in more on how this empire looks with a great story about 3 clone-emperors - a great story which creates the continuity which is necessary for a TV show.

This approach shows above anything else that the writers are hoping for dozens of seasons and hundreds of episodes; A very fitting and respectful approach to Asimovs millennia spanning storyline.

On top of that, the Actors are good, and the show is visually stunning.

This has the potential to become a legendary show like Star Trek TNG, with more continuity.

Update after season 2: wow, rated S1 a 9/10, upgraded to 10/10. This is such a fulfilling show, such clever writing, such great performances. As someone who watches a lot, very seldom am I genuinely moved so much by a show as I have been by episodes 7 to 10 of Season 2, a perfect series.
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Neither fish nor flesh
30 September 2022
As a huge Bowie fan I really wanted to like this.

Unfortunately the movie is quite flawed:
  • asynchronous storyline or not? Footage from different eras are mixed throughout the movie, but the director is also trying to tell a story of different periods.

  • focus on only 3 periods only. The 3 periods in the storyline are basically Ziggy/ Aladin Sane, Berlin & Commercial 80's. Nothing about pre-Ziggy, soul period (young Americans), or after '85 (1.outside, tin Machine, hours, reality/heathen, the quiet period after heart attack that nobody really knows anything about, or comeback/ next Day/ Blackstar/ death. The movie is 2,5 hours long, so you would expect some more attention to the lesser known work & periods.

  • doubling footage. Some footage shown multiple times, like the elevators in Japan. Why? Is there not more different footage available?

  • lack of new footage: many scenes already shown in multiple Bowie documentaries, e.g. Amstel Hotel and the interview with the English bloke. Again; is there really nothing new of less known to find about one of the most famous guys of the last decades?

  • footage of influences. A lot of footage of movies Bowie apparently liked, like Voyage to the Moon, Nosferatu, Metropolis. However without source or any explanation or even context and in overabundance.

As a Bowie fan I appreciate that a story is not always linear, and I appreciate artistic & weird movies too. But this one felt too much like a lazily put together collage of footage that was most easily found.
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Dune (2021)
2 October 2021
My main problem with Villeneuve's Dune is it all looks so plain and, well.... A bit boring? Hardly any colors (black & brown), and everything's so normalized. Baron Harkonnen for example, is just a fat dude. No interesting clothes, not even outrageously fat, and not as repulsive (facial warts, eating habits) as Lynch's Baron of the TV series version.

The only cool thing about the visuals is that it's all on a huge scale, but the space ships are just dark, hardly any other interesting features (with the exception of the balloon powered ship). Costumes too are black & brown. Boring, middle of the road, unimaginative Sci-Fi.

Casting on the other had is very good, absolutely loved all casting (except for the baron). As said, characters would've been more interesting with richer costumes. Also, the aren't that many differences between Houses or cultures, this is really a big fail, since Herbert's source material is such a rich source of cultural differences.

I miss the funeral scene of Jamis, unlikely to come back in part II.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Intelligent SciFi without lasergunfights or aliens
15 August 2021
Breathtakingly beautiful movie about loneliness. There used to be movies like this in the seventies, before every SF flick needed to be an action flick; The Quiet Earth and Silent Running. If you loved Passengers, it is highly recommended you watch these. Enjoy!
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Watch if you liked Silent Running and Quiet Earth
24 April 2021
An SF movie about loneliness. Sounds depressing? Wel yes it is, but it's a damn good movie for people who love smart science fiction. Movies with a similar theme, the end of humanity, are Silent Running and The Quiet Earth; far from mainstream, slow, a bit sad, but painstakingly beautiful.

Actors all great, beautiful imagery.

Don't believe the negative reviews.
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Brilliant & original
14 January 2021
Go see for yourself if you don't believe it. Geez how long does this review need to be?
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