
2 Reviews
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14 January 2024
It's highly likely that some people find the plot and certain situations too ridiculous, perceiving them as exaggerated. However, many lesbians and gay individuals, including myself, grew up in similar or even worse conditions. Growing up in extremely religious and conservative environments as a lesbian is devastating, suffocating, depressing, and entirely oppressive. That's precisely why, and because i resonated with the main character, i enjoyed watching it. The plot is excellent and unfolds naturally, with surprising elements that keep you engaged. There are revealing insights into the modus operandi of sects and cults, fraudulent and repressed leaders, indoctrination, conversion therapy and control. The performances are exceptional. If you are a lesbian who grew up in a religious environment, you will undoubtedly appreciate this movie.

One thing worth mentioning, and the reason i don't give this movie 10 stars, is that the audio quality was low. There's a strange sound and some background noise during the dialogues, but it's understandable given the budget.
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15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Requiem for a Dream" is an exceptional cinematic masterpiece that immerses us in a world filled with despair and personal struggles, where the characters face life's adversities and the failures of the system surrounding them. Through an intense and visually striking narrative, the film delves into a range of complex themes such as addiction, dysfunctional relationships, the objectification of women, the diet culture, and medical negligence, all intricately intertwined.

In the case of Sara, her story unveils the societal pressures and beauty standards imposed by the diet culture, emphasizing an obsession with extreme thinness. Influenced by media portrayals, society has created an unattainable ideal of beauty, which becomes an obsession for Sara. She becomes trapped in a cycle of fad diets and weight-loss pills, desperately seeking to conform to imposed standards. This obsession not only showcases the harmful effects of the objectification of women but also sheds light on how society and the system fail to provide healthy alternatives or genuine support for women to develop a healthy relationship with their bodies and self-image.

On the other hand, Harry, Marion, and Tyrone are victims of the failures of the system in different aspects of their lives. Harry spirals into the world of drugs, a personal decision influenced by economic hardships and a lack of opportunities. As he sinks deeper into addiction, he faces criminalization and a lack of proper medical attention. The scene where the doctor, instead of treating his arm injury, decides to report him to the police, blatantly violates the Hippocratic Oath, exposing the flaws in the justice system and healthcare system.

Marion, in her desperate desire to escape her reality, succumbs to drug use and finds herself in a vulnerable position. In her relentless pursuit of drugs, she becomes entangled in a degrading environment where she is objectified and treated as a commodity. This highlights the violence and dehumanization that women often face in desperate situations, revealing the societal and cultural flaws perpetuating the objectification and devaluation of women.

Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge the additional adversities faced by black people. Throughout the film, this character, Tyrone, experiences racial discrimination and limited opportunities due to systemic racism. This further exacerbates his struggles and adds an intersectional layer of hardship to his story.

This movie is a daring and powerful masterpiece that boldly addresses the darkest aspects of the human condition and how systemic failures can lead to despair and degradation. Through its complex characters and raw narrative, the film prompts us to reflect on the importance of empathy, support, and the transformation of social and cultural structures to provide real and healthy opportunities for those battling adversity.
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