
5 Reviews
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Cliche ridden shlock
27 January 2024
Aside from its attempt at being funny, and failing miserably - this disaster of an attempt at making a film is a great example of the curse of the video age of filmmaking. Too many unnecessary films are made each day because it's easy enough to do and first cost much. The story is ridiculous, even for a comedy. The actors are the who's who of C - level films. The NY goombah crew - I won't give them the satisfaction of naming them - are as bad as ever. Over the top, cliche characters, that chew up the furniture as they speak. The hillbillies, the mob, the bad jokes, the bad editing, the bad direction, and the bad storylines were tough to take. Sometimes watching a bad movie is rewarding because you get to see just how bad it can be, but this one took the cake. There's no way it can be rated over a 3, but the cronies involved must've flooded the ratings page. Don't bother.
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Gravesend: Dust Is In The Air (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
It keeps getting worse...
21 October 2023
Impossible as it may seem, this "show" just keeps getting worse. The writing goes nowhere and the acting is flat, unmotivated, and poorly directed. The use of flashbacks doesn't help whatever storyline this "show" is aimlessly trying to follow. There are scenes thrown into the mix just for kicks. There are so many actor/investors with no talent spitting out lines only a cliche possessed writer could scribble out. The worst of them all - Willie Dimeo - aka William Seinwels - His delivery and continual PAUSES in the middle of simple phrases shows his lack of training and his inability to realize the number 1 problem with the show - him. Even the seasoned actors are bad - Chaz, Leo Rossi, Armand Assante (chews the furniture) and the rest. Feel sorry for the investors and the future suckers who get snookered in by this charlatan.
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Can this guy be any worse?
17 October 2023
Wow! After watching William Seinwels aka DiMeo's nose cover the screen in Gravesend, I stumbled upon this horrible film. Basically, it combines poor writing, poor directing, good cinematography, and lots of bad acting. Copy cat themes seem to run throughout the film without any cohesive storyline. Armand Assante and Kathy Moriarity do their best , but come off as bad as the rest of the amateur cast. Seinwels leads the way with another poor acting job. Seems he's the same in every film. His raspy inarticulate delivery combined with his beating up people and scoring chicks is his MO. Good locations and camera work help, but this one is beyond help. Please stop making mob movies. The genre is finished.
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What the ?
5 August 2023
I watched with a friend who worked on the crew and he paid. That's the best thing I can say about it. Lucas Till is about as intimidating as a ballet dancer. He's supposed to be some hot-shot killer - NOT! The story is poorly constructed and poorly written. The actors spit out words that are flat and uninspiring. The direction (this guy gets hired by people who must be clueless) is flat and poorly staged, even after doing their best to mimic MATRIX-like shooting scenes. Ruby Rose was not into it. Don Johnson must be in dire straights to work on these low budget films. The rest of the cast was equally bad - retreads from this Dinucci guy's other bad movies.
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Wished I got knocked out !
23 July 2023
The tough streets of Brooklyn is the backdrop except every house in every neighborhood looks nice? DeMeo looked lean an mean, but his writing and acting was not good. For some strange reason this guy is infatuated with gangsters. The story is the rags to riches climb for Anthony Rodrigues who's picked on as a kid for being 1/2 Spanish. Maybe in the 60's - not in the 80's. Anyway, he makes it, wins the title, then has a comatose interview with a half-asleep and totally disinterested Larry Merchant. The live story between DiMeo and Shannon Doherty is ice cold.

Danny Glover was asleep saying his lines, Michael Madden looked and acted awful, Alec Baldwin was good, Annabella Sciora was horrendous opposite Christian DiMeo, and Joe Dinofrio was his usual bad self. Too many obvious cliches - they actually call Dinofrio, a Joe Pesci wannabe. Directorial decision we're all wrong especially the ridiculous cameo of Paul Borgese who directed the mess. The Best thing about the film were the muscle cars.
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