
14 Reviews
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Crossing Over (2009)
This movie made me angry and ashamed to be from here.
14 April 2012
Wow, this really shows the worst of real-life situations and the total insanity that is the U.S. immigration system. It hit me at a core of my personal and religious beliefs that spoke loud and clear, that the whole idea of immigration and nationalism is insane. And I did study psychology and I mean insane, right up there with delusional schizophrenia.

I see now, that nationalism is the worst sickness to ever be inflicted upon the planet. It is truly a mental illness by all definitions of the word. I would never support the INS. What a bunch of lost people, breaking all the higher laws of human rights and going against the will of God.

This is pure pure pure insanity. When will people wake up? Loved the film, because it so clearly showed what a bunch of crazy insane people the human race is. Wake up! National sovereignty is insanity. Sovereignty should be only at the individual level, where it only logically deserves to be.
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This movie was a misrepresented tragedy
13 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie propagates the common myth, that happiness lies just over the next horizon. This obvious aspect of the film, sticks out like a sore thumb, to such a point, that it makes it unbearable to watch. I had to grin and bear it with my wife, who had enjoyed it. She had a different opinion. I could see that this film was attempting to appeal to the romantic nature in us, at the expense of delving entirely into a dangerous fantasy.

It sets up an unrealistic view of reality, I suppose like many romantic films. But this one is the worst I have seen, because it comes too close to the truth, in a misleading way. Don't get me wrong, I am a romantic. I enjoy the Twilight series as well as Disney films, among many others. These are fantasy, but so clearly fantasy that one can truly escape reality, which is, I think the primary reason people enjoy films.

With certainty Meg Ryan's character will not be happy with her next relationship. Studies prove this. There is always magic at the beginning of every relationship. I can predict that in several years that the magic will leave the next relationship. The flaw is in her, not in Bill Pullman's character, who is a good man.

In summation, I perceived the movie as watching two foolish people, making the obvious blunder of thinking the next relationship will make them happy. Now, if that's how it was meant to be perceived, I would have given it a very high rating.
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The Informers (2008)
Pass on this one
26 April 2009
The problem I had with this movie is the script. It was something almost anyone could have written and I found myself not sympathizing with anyone or anything in it. The acting was, of course, quite good but not excellent, considering the actors were capable of so much more. In the end, its just a depressing film about a worn out subject: morality. I guess I wanted something more, something actually clever. I was surprised the rating was so high on IMDb. I suppose because people still believe that if you make a film depressing enough, put enough high quality actors, it's going to be good. The truth being that its very easy to make a powerful impression by showing a glimpse of the lives of dysfunctional people. Its much more film-worthy to craft a drama where one can truly sympathize and relish in the skills of the actors, such as with films as "The Shawshank Redemption" or "The Green Mile." However, this film just left me with a feeling that this was made to satisfy the egos of the actors involved or in an attempt to win an award. So I give 4 of 10 stars for the acting talent and the attempt, but really two thumbs down! This is a pass.
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Surprising Film. More than I expected.
28 January 2009
Definitely on my list of "must-see-once" films. Its a low-budget film, but makes up for it with acting, directing, story and in the musical score. Overall, its a beautiful composition and keeps one riveted, although lacking in frills. I disagree with some of the discussion that its an impossible situation, as I have seen a lot in life and to me its a composition of many different elements, even if rare or unnoticed. So much in life we never hear about. There are many outright miracles, even in our modern life and you will see them if you are fortunate enough. This film really shows the contrasting belief systems between those who simply can't believe in such things and those who perhaps, see miracles everywhere.
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Must own this film!
28 January 2009
In my opinion there are 4 categories of film: (1) Ones to completely avoid - (The majority of them.) (2) Ones you can live without but worth seeing once. (3) Ones you should definitely see once. (4) Ones you want to watch again and again. This is a category 4 film! I love the rewrite of this classic. Hats off to Kevin Reynolds and Jay Wolpert. I can imagine they got a lot of criticism for changing the original storyline of Alexandre Dumas père, however I want to applaud them for their courage. For that reason, I give it a 9. By far, my favorite version in film format. It takes you across all emotions but in the end leaves you cheering for the good guys. It has a little bit of everything and suitable for men and women. Thank you!
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Well composed suspenseful action sci-fi flick
30 September 2007
Being a male, I might be slightly prejudiced as Milla Jovovich definitely is entertaining to watch even on her own. But here goes my review: From beginning to end, this movie just really makes it as a hypnotically entertaining science fiction suspense/action film. Directing, acting, special effects, plot, all came together into a well executed cinematic creation. I was glued to the screen and even jumping out of my seat as surprises awaited every turn. I found no dull moments as each scene was entertaining in its own way. I would give this a higher rating, but found myself holding back because I generally do not like this genre of film. 8 would then be my highest rating for this genre. Glad I was talked into seeing it and would even sit through it again with pleasure.
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The first REAL effective self-help movie
25 July 2007
I would not trade this movie for all the other self-help movies I have seen in my lifetime. This one cuts to the point, that everyone side steps around. Because if you really knew the real *secret*, you would so quickly get it, you would not need to buy into all the other half-ass solutions out there. I'll leave the secret of this movie a secret, cause if you watch it, you will get it by the end (I hope). I hope everyone gets what this movie is saying who sees it, but I imagine some will not. Like Dan, we resist in favor of our familiar attachments, our desires, the past, the future, everything else but *now*. Everyone wants instant satisfaction, but they never understand what that is. This movie explains it all, finally. Thank you!!! I understand now what has eluded me for so long. Bless this movie. This is a miracle.
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Sicko (2007)
This film was being too kind to the American Health Care System
11 July 2007
Finally a film close to the truth, which I had found in my life. I lived 30 years in the U.S. and several years in foreign countries with socialized medicine. I recently moved to Europe again and am glad I have. Nonetheless, I was able to get a copy of the movie and I must say that he was being too kind! Europeans pay half as much overall for their health-care in Europe and it is sooo much better. I am sure its from the efficiency, not because they get less care. I feel much better treated by the doctors. In the U.S., so much time is spent on things related to the insurance companies and getting paid. It seems the doctors just rushed me and in fact, the U.S. leads the world in the number of misdiagnoses, I think cause they are too focused on the business aspect of it. Moore left that little fact out! I lost two relatives to misdiagnoses in America. Its funny, cause I sometimes hear Europeans complain about their health care and I even heard one say that the U.S. health-care system is so much better. When I hear their complaints, I have to laugh. They are so spoiled! They don't know how good they have it. But in general, the people who complain the most, get the better country. So, keep it up Moore, maybe people will learn to demand more from their government. Good luck U.S.!
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A worthy film, more for girls than guys
17 June 2007
I went to see this film with my girlfriend. We both liked it, but she left crying and told me that she probably enjoyed it more than I. First off, I never saw Edward Norton in a bad film and the Painted Vail is no exception. The film starts off rather slow, but remains interesting throughout. The script is entirely realistic, believable, and cleverly written as well as masterfully executed. The acting and directing are top notch. Its a film mainly about relationships and the imperfections in each of us. There are many issues explored in this film and some of them relate to our present world situation. Its essentially a tragedy, but its beauty and meaning surpass any depressive aspect to move us to recognize what is best within each of us.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Flawed movie - thumbs down
17 June 2007
I really tried to enjoy this film, but upon reflection should have walked out of the theatre to save myself from the disconjointed and disturbing finish. The only reason I did not leave was that I was watching the film with other people and did not want to disturb them. This film was sold as an action-comedy, however I found myself barely laughing at the sparse and semi-funny jokes. A 5 year old could have written this script and I am not kidding! By the end we were squirming in our seats just waiting for it to end, while watching the rather painful action scenes. Frankly they were just not put together well. The lack of any harmony or cleverness in the plot or in the directing just left me exhausted. Well thought out action sequences are usually artistic in some way, but not this film. OK, so it was supposed to be raw and gritty, but sorry, it just did not work. I understand what they were trying to do, but it just did not come together well. The film was more of a mess than any thing and went on way too long.
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Clever witty and a great addition to the series
15 June 2007
Humour is definitely the highest theatric art form, and Shrek is right up there at the top. Let's face it, it takes a lot more intelligence to write a good comedy than a drama or action film. In comedy, creativity and timing is critical. Shrek 3 has both! I own the first two Shrek DVD's and will definitely be adding this one to the collection. In general I do not like animated movies. Shrek is the only exception! As to the neigh-sayers, I would hardly know what to think. I mean, when B-Movies, like Sunshine for example, and horrors get a higher rating than this one, I guess there really is no accounting for taste. So if you like comedy and appreciate creativity and timing, go see Shrek. You will enjoy it. I would like to thank the creators for making this film.
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Bravo. More of this please!
10 May 2007
Brilliant piece of comedic work. The timing was perfect. I would throw away Lord of the Rings, Spiderman series, all of it for just more such well-crafted comedic works. I come from a family of song writers, and really appreciated how realistic this film was. I challenge writers, directors and actors to give us more of this kind of truly skilled art, that is so lacking in film making today. Drama, action, horror, sci-fi, that's easy s??t to come up with. Hell I can write a script that makes you just feel bad. How about one that makes you feel good, like this film, but without getting unrealistic. Genius, genius, genius!!!!!! I love this film. Please Hollywood, wake up!!!! Make more films like this. God, please! All else is crap compared to this. In fact, I am staying away from the cinema until Hollywood produces another clever film like this one!
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Awful to watch
10 May 2007
I was really looking forward to seeing this on DVD, but found myself extremely bored by the story line and rather disturbed by the camera effects... Just tired of the 1984 themed movies, give me something else, please... I mean really people, any idiot can produce something dramatic and dreadful. I'll give you a script for something sad and disturbing. That's easy. How about a well tuned comedy or romance or something with true character development that we can really relate to? This was simply the hardest film to get into, because it was alien to me in every single way. Maybe if I were a drug addict or on drugs, I would have appreciated it? I think so. Anyway, I gave it a 3, just for showing originality and courage, but I wish I had never wasted my time...
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The Secret (2006 Video)
Absolute best movie I have seen in all my life
4 November 2006
I have watched it over 20 times. It has changed my life and the life of my family and friends in every way for the positive. It is just truly amazing information. I have a degree in physics as well and agree with everything in the film 100% fits with what we learned in quantum mechanics. This stuff has to be true. There is no "sloppiness" in the Universe. What you see and feel must manifest 100%. The only thing is that the film only touched the surface of the subject. What I believe is really going on, from experimentation and observation is that consciousness exists in a higher dimensional space (we know 11 exist) and from that higher dimensional space it is possible to change entire time lines in this space, which is four dimensional. Essentially the consciousness, existing outside our time line, is making decisions, the decisions are affecting the neurons in our body and creating feelings. The feelings and thoughts attract the experience. So, really the true cause is the consciousness, which has an ability to not react and create. Now, you can explain this from other points of view as well. Every word uttered by every Avatar from the beginning of time completely fits into this. Also, the reason why ceremony and "day-dreaming" are so important and the reasons why we do it. So much makes sense out of this film.
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