
7 Reviews
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The Donner Party
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First, I called this a "SPOILER" but this movie is based on an historical event, even though it may be dramatized, if you made it through the 8th grade, you kind of know how it ends. But anyways.

I am a big fan of historical films, though it is based on the Donner story, and I would say that, if I had to guess, at least for the emotional reactions, conversations, and such, that is pretty much as good a possible scenario as any. It was well written, and I enjoyed the fact that they tried to give the perspective of all the primary characters. Even if it was one you may not have agreed with, you can still at least gain an understanding of why they chose to do what they did. Very well directed as well. The director was able to get true emotional responses from the actors, making the characters just that much more realistic.

I am a former truck driver, and have, many times, been over Donner Pass in the dead of winter. It looks just like where they filmed. And it is STILL just as treacherous.

I think, even though I will have to say it is probably more "drama than data" its still a good perspective look into the psychology of those in the party, even if it is only loosely based on historical fact.
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Too Funny!!
24 May 2014
This movie was terrible, but not in the "awful" sense. Filled with puns, plays on words, and enough disco nomenclature to satisfy even the most die hard. I just happened on this film, and thought, "What the Hell?". It was worth it. Its silly, its campy, and horribly lame, but a totally delightful romp with the Ginger Dead man. This movie promises nothing, and it delivers in spades!! I watched it 4 times back to back, just because I was laughing so hard. This movie is worth a watch if you just want to laugh at out of date humor, or if you are one of the 8 people who remained sober through the '70's and just want to take a, "roll" down memory lane. I saw there are other "Ginger Dead" movies, I am going to have to hunt them down!! KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!!!
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Live Animals (2008)
Loved It!
24 May 2014
I really enjoyed this movie. I am not a movie buff, I just watch ones that sound interesting, and this one did. Never heard of any of the actors, but it was well written, and well acted. It has such a deliciously twisted story line, and the characters are quite realistic. Wayne was my favorite person, so totally nonchalant and business like. It added so much depth, and Edgar was perfectly psycho enough!! If you want a decent, suspenseful, and entertaining movie, I do not think you can go wrong. It combines elements that are the most primal in all "live animals", the basic emotions that exist in all creatures. The director and actors did an awesome job, and I understand this was not a high budget film, it has became a standard in my favorites list and is destined to stay there for a long, long time!
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14 May 2014
OK, I try to see artistic merit in the films I see, but I'm just not seeing it here. I mean, really?!?!? I usually prefer to have crackers with this much cheese.

The "fight" scenes were just, well, awful. I freely admit, I am not into the whole martial arts and vampires thing, but I do enjoy a good movie, providing its good. I understand that this is, primarily, a "booby and blood" film, but even that was left wanting at best. Poorly written, poorly filmed, poorly acted, and a cast of ugly, ugly people.

If you are really just hard up for some back ground noise, and have nothing better to do, I suggest you stick a roll of quarters in a blender for 96 minutes. It will still be less painful than sitting through this disaster of a "movie".

If I had paid more than $.99 for this movie out of the bargain bin at (i wont name the retailer, i am sure they would be ashamed) I would be beyond mad. As it stands, could someone PLEASE tell the producers of this movie I would like the 96 minutes of my life back that I wasted on this abomination.

On the upside, if you take a DVD, drill a hole in the edge, and suspend it over your garden, it helps keep the birds away.

With this said, I bid you all, good day!!
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The Apostate (2000)
I Enjoyed This Movie
20 December 2013
I really enjoyed this film, and for someone who is neither a Dennis Hopper fan, and the last thing I remember seeing Richard Grieco in was "21 Jump Street" (now I feel old) I really was able to appreciate the depth of the characters, and the overall storyline had my attention from the very start. For an impulse buy movie, it is one I will watch again and again. The ending had me confused at first, but after reviewing the final scenes (I am not going to divulge anything specific) I was able to figure out where it was going. I think the depictions of the Catholic church were really good, and especially loved Father Killans "confession". Its sad they butchered the final cut in post production, but when it comes to films, writers/directors are interested in art and vision, whereas editors and studios are interested in run time and box office gross. In my opinion, not really a fair trade off.
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I Liked It!
26 November 2013
I had never heard of this film before buying it on the cheap at the video store, but it looked interesting so for $1.99 I figured why not? I really enjoyed the movie overall, they characters were easy enough to believe and the story save for a few points was readily followed. I thought the character of Maggie was well cast especially, and the role of Peter was also well played. I was really unprepared for a few of the twists, which I consider a good thing, as it often kept one guessing. I don't know that i would have paid $20.00 for the DVD, but it is one I watch regularly and wont tire of anytime soon. It has a decent story line, and I feel a decent ending. I would have appreciated a little more back ground information on the more senior members of Maggies "cult", but you cant have everything. Still well worth the watch.
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The Conjuring (2013)
26 November 2013
No spoiler, but I have seen scarier episodes of "Scooby Doo". The story line was acceptable but, seriously, unless you need sleep you're wasting your time. They over hyped this movie terribly, the only truly scary sight is the cameo appearance by the actual Lorraine Warren during the second college lecture. If this is truly from their case files, I seriously doubt that there is much fact put into the movie.

It is mildly entertaining, and some of the effects are decent, but the whole hype (and not just from the media, as I have multiple friends who saw this before I did and claimed it was the scariest movie they ever saw) was just totally overblown.
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