
3 Reviews
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Make No Mistake - The Black Donnelly's Should STAY.
7 March 2007
It's early to say this but judging by the first two episodes this show is going to be something special. I love this show. Now, granted I was at first interested in it because the main characters are Irish, as I am. But this show is about so much more than just being Irish, or even just the mob/organized crime. It's like the tagline for the show says.. "Family above all" and how far one brother is willing to go to protect his brothers. Will he put himself first? Or will he save his brothers? Some people say this show is like The Departed (Which I loved, so I'm not saying anything bad about the Departed)

It's only like The Departed because 1.) The main characters are Irish. 2.) It features some organized crime (but mostly dis-organized) and violence. This really is an excellent show. Not many shows have the balls to put so much effort into a pilot. Pilot episodes are usually those boring shows that set up the story but have nothing to them. This series pilot was intriguing and actually had a plot and trusted you to keep up, which is something most pilots wouldn't even dream of doing. The second episode just proved how great this show is. Not only is it violent and all - but it has a dark sense of humor. Which is great, I personally find it very entertaining.

So here's what I'll say... Watch the Black Donnellys. Give this show a chance. This is my new favorite TV show, and if NBC does something RIDICULOUS and cancels this amazing show I will forever give up watching TV because this is a great series and I can't wait to see how it unfolds.
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Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006 TV Special)
Very Very Funny
8 January 2007
If you are a fan of Dane Cook's then you'll definitely love this. It's just a lot of Dane being Dane. And it's GREAT. There's old material thrown in with a lot of new stuff. And all of it is great. He even uses one of his old jokes in a new one. It's a great blend. It's also a pretty decent length of a show, about an hour & a half long. I'd say if you get the chance, watch the uncut version on DVD too. There's about 40-50 extra minutes in the "DANE-gerous" version. Including an encore, some extentions on a few of the bits that aired on the HBO special, and a few completely new things. I have to give Vicious Circle a 10/10 for pure excellence. I quote VC every day. It's great and even if you're not a fan of Dane Cook's this might turn you into one.
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not the best movie ever made, worth a watch
6 January 2007
I have to say, I am biased because I love Dane Cook. That being said I tried to be fair when I saw this movie. By no means of the imagination is this going to win an Oscar. At the beginning it seems like the kind of "Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, other boy likes girl, boys battle for girl". It then combines with "boy messes up and has to prove himself to girl." I hated the ending, love Dane Cook, like this movie. I'll definitely buy it. I'd say if you're just looking for a good laugh see this movie. It's not a serious complex movie, just simple happy silliness. Also, don't judge this film before you see it, it may be for you or it may not, so give it a chance.
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