
39 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Patrick, your Legacy is intact...
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted a Remake of "Road House" and Jake is one of my favorite actors. But "Road House 2024" is not "Road House". It's just another Action Movie, The Original Road House was about the Road House Bars as much as it was about the Characters and action. This movie would have been much better if it followed that. Yes, Key West was the Perfect Place, but not giving the Bar more time was truly lacking. Jake, and Connor were good but the lack of Bar Time. In the original Dalton, taught the Bouncers how to fight and gave them Rules. Which established his and their Character Growth. This was almost just a bunch of Action Scenes thrown together. It's not Road House but alright, so don't expect it to be as good.
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Syndicate (2012 Video Game)
The Matrix, meets...Equilibrium. Classic...
13 April 2024
This is a 2012 Game played in 2024. The story is a little weak, but if you like The Matrix, John Wick, Equilibrium (look it up). As a matter of fact it almost is the video game version of that movie, with a little Matrix and John Wick thrown in. Wild Gun play and Computerized Mind Control. The Music, Voice acting and Graphic hold up to today's standards. But it is Super Violent. It is like a Super R Rated movie. A ton of destruction goes on. But what makes it different is the ability to control others as you are fighting by hacking chips in others brains. This ability makes it way different than other shooters. If you are a fan of Sci Fi action, get this game. But it is not for kids...
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009 Video Game)
2 April 2024
There is talk of a Next Generation Wolverine Game. Well, it's not necessary. X-Men Origins Wolverine is one of the Greatest Games Ever. It is surprising that a Game that came out on the PS3/Xbox 360 is as good if not better than anything that is out now in 2024. And the Game, has a better Storyline than the Movie, with a ending that the Movie could have used. And for it to be two Generations behind, it looks damn fine. We got "Logan" but we never got a Rated R Wolverine movie in his Prime. Well, this game is it. Wolverine is basically unstoppable in this Game. The Wolverine you always wanted to see, well get this Game. And how can a Video Game flesh out Characters better than a Movie. Play this Game and find out... Classic !!!
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Bulletstorm (2011 Video Game)
Hidden Classic...
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This by far was one of the most Foul, fun, and beautiful games I have ever played. I didn't expect much. But once the story got going you are not going to want to stop playing. And yes in 2024, this game has some of the best Graphics and set pieces. The story is pretty basic, but the dialogue between the Characters gives them so much Personality. Imagine Deadpool, in Gears of War. It's fast paced, with great weapons. Which means you can play in different styles. It would be great if this became a franchise. Because the end ask for many sequels. Also the planet was a Character within itself. Many times during the game you will stop just to take a look around... So, do yourself a favor in 2024 get this game, it better than some of these $70.00 New Games. But remember it's rated a Hard "R" for language and violence, it's not for kids. But it is Great !!!
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Justice League: War (2014 Video)
Just Copy...This
4 January 2024
All the DC Live Action Movies had to do was to follow this Movie. This Movie had everything they needed to create a DC Cinematic Universe. It was the forming of the Justice League. It also expanded into the Flash Universe, which they could have had Black Adam be Villain turn Hero. They had their own "Thanos" in "Darkdeid". The Action, Characters, Story etc, just had to be Copied. Everyone should of had there Origin Stories some as they were. Wonder Woman, Shazam, we're fine. Ben Affleck should of had his own movie with Leto's Joker and Harley Quinn. They could have had a New Green Lantern Movie. And once everyone origin movies we're established (maybe 5 to 6yrs). They could have done the whole "Darkseid" taking over the Universe/Earth Thing. Then even later brought in the Doomsday Story with the Death of Superman Storyline. It was All laid out for them and they Blew it...
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Come on DC...
2 July 2023
Shazam ! Fury of the Gods is getting a bad Rep. It is as entertaining as the first movie. Great Cast, big movie effects. Great Action and Humor. "Taste the Rainbow". Now on to DC. You want to do a Reboot of the DC Universe just when you are getting cohesion with your Characters and Fanbase. Take these established Characters Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Suicide Squad, Aquaman, Shazam, Justice Society. And continue to build the DC Universe with the Actors you have established. These are actors that the Fanbase knows. To start clean sheet seems a waste. Shazam's problem is not it's a bad movie. It's Superhero fatigue. But it is a Good fun Movie.
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Fast X (2023)
Yes, we all know what this is...
24 June 2023
Okay, I was just about to give up this Series after Fast 9. But Jason Momoa held it up. He knew exactly what this Movie was. He is having so much fun. Everyone knows that it basically a Superhero Movie at this point. Huge, Stunts and Set Pieces. But in this one the cars are not just Transportation, they are Heroes too. The cars, jump ,swing fight, just like the Humans. At this point they know what these movies are and just Go for it. And Jason Momoa is chewing all the scenery. He playing over the Top in a over the Top Movie. And they added all of the Family. But it is fun this time (mostly because of Jason Momoa) And the Set Pieces. So turn your Brain off and enjoy it... It's Crazy!
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Transporter 2 (2005)
Audi A8 W12 Co-Staring Jason Statham
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Audi A8 W12 Co-Staring Jason Statham. If you like cars and are fans of Audi. The Car does as many Stunts, as the Star. Jason Statham. It jumps, kicks, climbs walls, etc. And it's Great !!!. This is the true definition of a "Leave your Mind at the Door" Popcorn Movie. The Action is over the Top. The Villains are over the Top. The Car and Stunts are over the Top. And it all fun. It's done mostly in Camera. There are some quick cuts, but it does have a Style all it's own. The other Transporter Movies, are fun but don't have the Style of this Movie the Transporter 2. So if you are a fan of over the Top Action you will love this Movie. And you are want to buy a Audi A8...
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Sisu (2022)
You don't need Marvel to be a Hero
27 May 2023
Sisu, is probably a movie that most people have not heard of, let alone seen. But what a Wild and entraining ride. For a Movie with a relatively small cast it was well done. The Story, atmosphere and action was fantastic. The silent protagonist kept the movie flowing. With some truly despicable villains. The cinematography and action was top notch. Great pacing. If you are a fan of John Wick, Tarantino movies, war movies, action movies, movies with a dog, and revenge flicks. You will really enjoy Sisu. And it was refreshing from the usual over done Special Effects extravaganza that mainstream Hollywood usually puts out.
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21 May 2023
Everyone raved about Shang Chi and the 10 Rings. Well Nezha Reborn, makes that look like amateur hour. This by far Greatest Animation I have ever seen. Not Disney, Pixar or any other Studio has done better. So detailed, so fast, so beautiful. Now on to the Story. Many times I past this up on Netflix thinking it was a kid's movie. But, boy I was wrong. The story has very high stakes. The action is incredible. And the Visuals are just picture beautiful. The pacing is sharp and fast. There were many surprises in the story I was not expecting. This movie is what I thought The 10 Rings would be. But because it is Animated, there were no limitations. So if you are a fan of Superhero movies, Anime, Visual Storytelling, it gets no better. It is my new Favorite movie. I won't spoil it, watch it yourself. Very Enjoyable...
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Sci Fi Classic
21 May 2023
This Movie is almost 20 years old and still holds up today. The Special Effects are better than some of Modern New Movies (Cough: Star Wars, Marvel's latest and DC). And many where Practical. This movie and The Fifth Element will go down as Sci Fi Classic Greats. I didn't read the book, but the first time I saw it, I said what a interesting Concept. The World wasn't Created by God. But Some being who's job it was to do so... Brilliant and Funny. And the casting was perfect. President Sam Rockwell was hilarious and Strange. Along with Mos Def, Martin Freeman and Zooney Deschanel. I think people who don't like movies like this don't have much of a imagination. But if you are a fan of The Fifth Element and Galaxy Quest. You will Love this movie. And Remember...No Thoughts.
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The Original Trilogy
28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is as good as the Original Jurassic Park. It is a different kind of movie, but it follows the story established in the 1st Movie. The Special Effects still hold up. And one of the greatest movie scenes ever is the Trailer over the Cliff Scene with the Glass Breaking !!! The Raptors in the high grass, seeing two T-Rex for the first time. Jeff Goldbum was never better.

It made perfect sense that Malcolm wouldn't want to go back, but he was put in a Situation that he could not get out of. Yes the last Act was a little much, but it gave you what you thought you were going to see in Jurassic World Dominion. Dinosaurs in the regular world. And the last three movies basically stole the same storyline as the Original Trilogy. Only the Original Trilogy did it better. The last three became more and more unrealistic and detached from the original concept. The Original are a Spectacular Trilogy that still holds up today. I'm surprised more people don't respect how great of a movie it is.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Simple But Great Storytelling...
23 April 2023
It's Amazing the difference between the Disney Star Wars Movies and the Disney Plus Shows. The movies were just "Money Grabs". The Shows are done by Star Wars Fans. And you can tell. The stories are not over complicated and follow the main character. They do have fan service, but it's not just there for fan service, it's part of the universe. I enjoy all of them but The Mandalorian is the best one. It's great production values and characters really stand out. And the stories being simple, makes it easy to watch. You can tell, different from the Disney Star Wars Movies. There are Star Wars Fans, behind these Projects. It like watching a live action...Comic Book.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
Negative Experience
22 April 2023
This Movie is one of the most exploitive, negative movie experiences ever put to screen. There is not one positive character in this slow moving anticlimactic screenplay. Drug dealers and drug addicts. People taking advantage of other people. It's been few movies that I have seen, that left me with a feeling of hopelessness as Moonlight. And I have never seen a movie were you don't care for a single character. The Oscars only rewarded it because of the backlash it received. It is not a good movie, it is not a good script. The Oscars once again showed how it is Truly a antiquated and not in touch with the Movie going audience. For example "Top Gun Maverick", "Avatar" , both good well acted movies. Both Movies saved Theaters but were shunned by the Oscars. "The Woman King" which was a compelling film, nothing. But it rather push something, that was slow, boring and pushed incredibly negative stereotypes. Moonlight was used by The Oscars and Hollywood to be back in the fold. Save yourself some time and don't watch it, unless you want to see typical stereotypes in a slow boring movie...
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Tony your a...Ass !!!
14 April 2023
This maybe one of my all time favorite Shows. When Tony 1st started, it was about food. But by time it got to "Parts Unknown". It showed a man, that the World Changed and changed the Perception of the World. What I loved about it from China, Vietnam to Texas. Tony and the show, showed us strip out the B/S and we are all the same... People sharing and telling their stories, showed us all the nonsense doesn't matter. His travels around the planet, he listened to people's stories, he talked about there truth's. But all in all it showed "People just want to Live and be happy wherever they are..." So, Tony you Asshole, you will be missed. And Thank you...
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
More As it Would be...
10 April 2023
Black Summer is The Walking Dead without the B/S. Straight action and Survival. The Characters are doing what they have to do to Survive not build another life, but to just get to the next day. Loyalty is tested, Survival is tested. What drag the Walking Dead down was the drama between characters, it got away from the Horror of Survival of that World. Black Summer doesn't give explanations of the world and it's fast pace is more realistic. People think in the moment. Friends and family change. Motives change. There is no trying to understand why or how. Just let's get to the next day. Also, there are so very creepy moments, not just with the Zombies but the People. There are moments that will have you saying..."Wait What, did I just see ???". Fantastic, thrilling show...!!!
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Spectral (2016)
Metal Gear Solid/HALO/Ace Combat Movie...
20 February 2023
This movie is what I want out of a Metal Gear Solid/HALO Movie. Great Realistic, Gritty look. It's Sci-fi near future Military Movie. It has Ace Combat, Metal Gear Solid, HALO, Style all over it. Great different Story Line, Great Action, Amazing cinematography. It easily could have been set in (for you Video Game Fans) in the Ace Combat or Metal Gear Solid or HALO Universe.

Also, amazing that this is this Director's 1st Movie and Screenplay. Way better than bad cheap looking HALO Tv show. He needs to do a Ace Combat, Metal Gear Solid or HALO Movie...

If you are into Sci-fi and Video Games. This is your... Movie !!! One of my favorites.
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Final Score (2018)
Die Hard w/ Dave Bautista
24 July 2022
I'm a Dave Bautista fan. And so if you like him and the Movie Die Hard, you will like this... Decent villains and action. And decent weekend watch.

Just don't watch... " Interceptor"
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Dumb Fun...
12 July 2022
I wasn't expecting much. But there are so many funny moments & One Liners. The Cast is great the writing is dumb. But it's so much fun. Better than a lot of Big Budget Horror/Comedies. Perfect Double Feature to Sean of the Dead. Get your friends, drinks, food and have a good time...
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Top Gear (2002–2022)
TOP GEAR is...Back !!
9 July 2022
After many years of trying to find the correct new Host. Chris Harris, Freddie Flintoff, and Paddy McGuiness are funny, exciting Host. They have Great Chemistry together. The show is a natural progression of the old show. And the Stunts, and Gags are Vintage TOP GEAR. So, yes TOP GEAR is Back !!!
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Godfather of Harlem (2019– )
2nd only to "The Wire"
13 May 2022
This is one of the most entertaining shows ever... Some of the Greatest Acting on TV. A mixture of real life events and fiction, brought into a throughly entertaining package. Every Actor is had done a phenomenal job.
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Terminator/Matrix Prequel
19 February 2022
Look at this Movie as a Prequel to "The Terminator" and "The Matrix". This Movie is the Beginning of the Machine War from both of those Movies... The Machines Rebellion Against Mankind So look at it like that... It is one of the many Stories before the Machines took over... And yes many would be sad especially at the Beginning of the War. And for all the Bad Reviews, it's better than many of those Terminator/ Matrix Reboots/ Retreads/ Rehashes. Especially the last couple of Terminator and Matrix Resurrections.
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"DC"... you got a lot of work to do !!!
20 December 2021
DC Movies have a lot of work to do to catch Marvel. I won't spoil it. But it was so much fun. Don't ask, don't look at trailers, reviews, etc. Go in "Cold" and you will have a great time...

And "DC" get to work...!!!
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Let Cory Fukunaga do a MGS Movie...
21 November 2021
Director Cory Fukunaga did a great job of adding fun back to 007. The tone was lighter than the other Craig Movies. The Gadgets didn't stand out like a Sore Thumb, like in Skyfall. The Team was Good. The new 007 thing made sense. Daniel Craig has been a Wonderful James Bond, and this was a good Send off for Craig. Director Cory Fukunaga would make a good Director to do a MGS Movie. The end was very MGS. Good Job...
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The Entire Series has been... Great
3 October 2021
Okay, they have been out for a while. But I finally took time to watch them. They are quality Stories, with kick-ass fighting !!! And the early ones are based on a trueish story. But the Stories are Great the action is Great. And to yourself a favor don't watch the terrible dubbed versions. The voices don't match the actors.... And quality... Series of Movies.
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