
20 Reviews
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Ignore the Bad Reviews!
7 May 2019
Absolutely hysterical! The low ratings are unfathomable to me but I surmise they were given out by uptight folks with no sense of humor. I know that some were expecting a remake of Le Dîner de Cons/The Dinner Game, but this movie is only loosely on the premise of that oldie.

Do yourself a favor and watch it. If you have a sense of humor you will love it.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Hey Netflix? Season 2. Now. PLEASE
6 May 2019
Dark comedy fans: Be ready to binge watch all ten episodes in one night . If the writers stay on point, this could go down as the next Breaking Bad in popularity. Christina Applegate gives a phenomenal performance but the shining light is Linda Cardellini. Enjoy. You won't be disappointed and it will leave you screaming for more like the rest of us.
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Hereditary (2018)
I am very critical when it comes to this genre so.....
1 October 2018
For me to ever be squeamish during is movie is saying a lot. I found it extremely disturbing to watch at times... (its just a movie, its just a movie- keep repeating to yourself when needed) I concur with other users; was a tad let down at the end. his ending has been done before. None the less worth the watch!
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Love dark comedy? Don't miss this!
8 May 2017
A dark comedy that everyone in this day and age can relate to. From an existential crisis, to depression, people being "disgusting" to each other, and the criminal element all rolled nicely into this little delightful flick.

The characters all march to their own beat, some more eccentric than others, but all are living in the real world today, with today's problems we all are plagued with; which is the overall charm of this film.

Elijah Wood is spectacular giving a top notch performance showing his true talent as an actor. And Melanie Lynskey as always is amazing and endearing in this lead role which is sure to get her some long over due recognition. This might just be my favorite film of the year.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Mark my words, THIS will be the most talked about film of the decade!
30 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I promise this great little horror flick will be the most discussed and debated about movie of the decade! (And not because of the film itself, but the "racial issue" the story outlines)

The writer of this flick, Jordan Peele, is a pure genius. Not only did he give us something completely new, fresh, and completely original, but he had the guts to touch on what will surely be a completely controversial topic.

Love or hate this movie, sparks are sure to fly over the story line and subject matter. You know that a federal issue is made out of anything and everything these days by the bleeding heart - political correctness gang and everything is made out to be racial issue or have prejudicial undertones that is going to send people off the deep end or result in the infamous "hurt feelings". So if you are one of those cry babies, you better pass on this movie or you might just have a stroke.

For everyone else, this surprising and delightful little horror flick is a must see! Peele not only is able to keep you glued to the screen and on the edge of your seat, but also keeps you guessing from start to finish. Just when you think you know where the plot is going, BOOM! You get tossed in a different direction. And just as a bonus, there are some great comedic moments.

So before everyone sees this movie and starts getting ticked off and ugly about the subject matter, do yourself a favor and go see this mini masterpiece of bizarre macabre! Hurry before the PC whiners ruin it for you!
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Split (IX) (2016)
The Male Version of Sybil! but failed to go where it needed.
16 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
M. Night Shyamalan is one of my favorite writers and directors so I was really psyched about this flick and it was greatly anticipated. Just to be clear, this is not meant to be a horror flick but rather a psychological thriller. So don't go in to watch this movie thinking its a scary movie and expect the "BOO!" factor.

Mcavoy gives his most epic performance; undoubtedly his career's finest as well as most difficult. And sadly, I am sure will also be overlooked by the Academy.

The story line is successful in keeping the viewer engaged throughout the entire film. While the movie begins to unfolds it somewhat mirrors the 1970s film "Sybil"; a woman afflicted with D.I.D. going thru the motions with each different personality along with the psychologist. Except THIS time it was a man. Yet the plot was still fresh and entertaining with a touch of crime and severe mental illness thrown in for extra fun.

The disappointment only comes as the ending starts to unfold. What was intended to be a "twist" in the ending was a "Marvel Comics" style cameo by Bruce Willis making a reference to a "Mr. Glass" which was a character from the movie "Unbroken"; another Shyamalan flick. Is this an indication of an "Unbreakable 2" or are the two movies suggested to be connected? Who knows because the whole ending and unfolding of the ending failed miserably. If the viewer had never seen "Unbroken" or didn't remember the movie, the ending was even MORE ambiguous. I had seen "Unbroken" and still felt like I wasn't following and left with yet another frustrating ending. Also not Shyamalan's style.

I expected much more from this flick. I WANTED to LOVE it. It almost seems like Shyamalan just gave up when it came to finishing off the story. Not bad but not great either. Definitely not Shyamalan greatness.
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Paterson (2016)
"BANG!!!" (that was the sound of my bubble bursting...
16 February 2017
As with Manchester by the Sea, this was another long anticipated movie on my watchlist to see. And yet again, as with Manchester by the Sea, my excitement turned to disappointment as I struggled to keep my eyes open and from nodding off to sleep.

Adam Driver has a spot in my heart and I believe he is a strong up and coming actor; one to keep a close eye on. With that said, I am not sure why he was cast in this role. His character makes for a very unlikely match in every way, shape, and form. However, his was the strongest performance, which was far from his best. The rest of the acting was absolutely criminal.

I am still struggling with the 1 hour 57 minutes of my life I will never get back, along with the fact that I am starting to lose trust in my fellow IMDb reviewers that gave this film an average of 7.7 when this flick should have barely been able to climb to a 6.

Perhaps if you are an artsy fartsy person who is big into poetry, and BAD poetry at that, or perhaps you are a native to Paterson and want to watch it for posterity, then this flick just might be for you. As for the rest of us, our time would be better spent walking our dogs, making cupcakes, having a beer, etc etc etc...
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Passengers (I) (2016)
A Little Something for BOTH sexes!
11 February 2017
Great date night movie. Probably will not be what you expect. I hate science fiction but this movie is much more than just some silly flick with spaceships and outer space. The plot is fresh, surprising, and unique.

Jennifer Lawrence ,as always, is on point and gives the viewer their moneys worth. Phenomenal "Star Wars" quality sets and special effects. I imagine the majority of the movie's budget went towards special effects, computerization and props. This flick probably just reset the standards.

Take a chance on this flick. You will be glad that you did and it might just make your list of favorites!
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What did I miss?
4 February 2017
I had been anxiously waiting for this flick to be available to stream so I could watch it as I am one of those people who never goes to a movie theater. I scrutinize every single new movie out to see if it is worth seeing; reading reviews on IMDb, looking at critic reviews, specific genres, etc etc...Needless to say, "Manchester By the Sea" made the top of my watchlist.

However, now that I spent two hours of my life that I can never get back, I am perplexed. Why? Why was/is this movie receiving such great reviews? As the viewer, what did I miss? Clearly I am missing SOMETHING. I dunno. Maybe you can watch it and come back and explain it to me? I don't get it.

From start to finish, this is a hardcore drama..pitch black..with no silver lining. And being a very "dark" person myself, dramas are my favorite genre. The story line appears to be heading somewhere, yet never makes it there. Kudos for the acting; I thought Affleck and Williams were both on point and the story does keep you engaged. (My reason for giving it a "6") The next thing you know, the end credits are flashing across the screen and you're asking yourself: "That's it?!?!?!"

Perhaps if you watch it with no expectations and dismiss all the hype, you may not be as sadly disappointed as I was. It would make for a good Saturday afternoon "Lifetime" movie. Beyond that? Nope.
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Ringu (1998)
Still lean to the US version
4 February 2017
I had already seen the USA version of the film before I got around to watching the original version. I am not one that is fond of watching foreign flicks in subtitles, however, I had heard that this version is far better than the USA remake. I strongly disagree.

The story line was virtually the same with only a few changes made to the USA version. It isn't hard to see how the US screenplay writers for The Ring took this more simplified plot outline and was able to just run with creativity and mold it into the great classic that it has become. The acting in Ringu is sub-par and the story tends to drift rather than keeping the viewer engaged. The language/subtitles probably hinders the impact of the story for English only speakers, so I will cut some slack there.

None the less, it truly is a phenomenal story- both versions, but "The Ring" is my easy choice.
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Surprising Plot!
3 February 2017
I see a lot of reviewers calling this a "horror" flick. But considering that most horror flicks today are polished B- Movies and can't get an IMDb user rating above a 5, I find that referring to this little gem as a horror movie is giving off the wrong impression.This is more of a scary psychological thriller.

The plot is surprisingly fresh and has the viewer's eyeballs "glued" to the screen on the "WTF?!?!" factor and sustained the intense suspense from beginning thru the rolling ending credits across the screen. The gore is minimal but the "creepy" factor is fairly high on this little doozy of a flick. You wont be disappointed.
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If you liked the first one.....
31 January 2017
Let's tell it like it is; if you don't like stupid goofy comedies, neither the first one or the sequel will be your thing. If you loved the first one as much as I did, you need to see this one! Mac and Kelly are buying a new home, trying to sell their current home, when....yeah, you guessed it! A sorority moves in next door. But of course. This was a given. Where else could the story have possibly gone? Even thou you would think the show would be a tad tuned down because its now a house full of girls next door instead of guys, you would be wrong.

Casting gets an A+++ as they brought back all of the lovable crew from the first movie; a mistake so many film makers make by not bringing back the original cast that made the magic the first time.

Just as many laughs as the first flick, just as much inappropriate, over the top - socially offensive behavior, along with the old friendly faces!
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Magnificent thriller!
15 January 2017
Emily Blunt gives one stellar performance as the protagonist "Rachael"; a painful, clinically depressed, alcoholic, divorcée who torments herself daily by taking the train that passes directly in view of her previous home, where her ex-husband and new wife reside. As the viewer, you cannot help but be in love with Rachael, she is in extreme pain and her life is a train wreck, but she is ever so endearing. This story has several turns and twists, never failing to keep the viewer engaged and enthralled thru every second of this great little flick. Don't take your eyes off the screen or you could miss important details that outline this complicated story plot as it unfolds. Don't miss out on this fantastic little thriller!
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Best of the 3 in the series
11 January 2017
Never a dull moment while the Wolfpack is over in Thailand- not Vegas. The insanity has gone international this time. Was a tad surprised to not see higher ratings here on IMDb- this is clearly the best out of the 3 Hangover movies. It does help if you have seen the first one or you will be a tad lost So if you haven't seen the Hangover (The first one) then watch it before you see this one. All of the original cast from the first one returns for this sequel. But fair warning; they don't hold back on ANYTHING! This one pushes it to the limit, which is part of what makes it so great. Not for the easily offended- nothing is sacred in this one. Down right raunchy at times but full of laughs and many surprises from beginning to end.
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Not what I expected
26 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With all the hype of bringing back the original cast, one would think this movie would have been fantastic and geared around the old favorite characters. Right? WRONG.

Are the writers and producers so obtuse they didn't realize the selling point of this episode was the return of the original characters? You know that is what everyone was expecting when they paid for their ticket, only to be sadly let down.

While the movie does contain all the flair with special effects and amazing visuals expected in a Star Wars episode (Which is the only reason I scored this film a 5) but let's down the viewer by neglecting to write the old characters into to the story.

If you are going to watch this flick hoping to see your old favorites with the storyline revolving around them, you will be sadly disappointed. To give you an idea; Mark Hamill doesn't even have a speaking role. Hi camera time was about 10 seconds. No exaggeration.
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Mad Money (2008)
Ignore the IMDb Bad Reviews!
28 July 2016
Ignore the IMDb Bad Reviews! I am really starting to doubt the endorsements from the IMDb Users not to mention the blatant lack of taste and inability to discriminate. The casting is 100% on point. The Queen, Keaton, and Holmes form a perfect modern day, realistic Stooges routine, portraying regular people in a struggle we all go thru: MONEY! Danson was as equally hysterical as Keaton's husband. I don't think they could have cast different actors and achieved the same magic.

It's smart, funny, and the plot is something that every viewer can completely related to and dream about. Don't miss out on this little gem!
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Ridiculously Underrated Sleeper!
16 March 2016
A score of 5.9 with 12,000 reviewers here on IMDb reminds me of just how simple minded the majority of movie goers can be. But if your IQ is higher than room temperature readings and you enjoy a complex, thought provoking, psychological flicks, then this is a must see for you.

If you are tuning in for a Robin Williams' laugh, forget it. This is a serious role and effortlessly show that Williams' talent went far beyond just comic roles. Perhaps fellow movie goers rated this film low out of disappointed not to find any chuckles in this flick, or were upset to find another movie where Williams' character was a homosexual male. Your guess is as good as mine.

Toni Colette's outstanding performance shouldn't be missed by her following; it is perhaps, her best work that has gone unappreciated and unrecognized.

Don't miss out on this little sleeper.
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Underrated and Ignored
1 February 2016
I won't bother to repeat a summary of this flick as so many others have done so already. What I will tell you is not to be foolish by not seeing this movie. This is a film you must pay attention to. Close attention. The films shifts from past to present in the blink of an eye. You don't want to miss a second.

The mere fact that this movie didn't make a clean sweep at the Academy Awards and walk with every Oscar is beyond me and probably the majority of the comments on IMDb. Stephen King's writing at its finest, the best possible dream casting, Kathy Bates and Jennifer Jason Leigh gave monumental performances, I would say their career finest. But the Academy in their infinite wisdom chose to turn a blind eye to this masterpiece. Perhaps you can decide for yourself; I think this film was robbed of its true merits.
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Corky Romano (2001)
Low Ratings are misleading
7 October 2015
I have a feeling that the people that scored this movie so low did so because they are part of the small group of ultra sensitive people who are offended by politically incorrect movies or just have no sense of humor, but I would be willing to bet it is the same group of people that rated Eddie Murphy's Norbit as a bomb. This is one of the few movies that had tears of laughter running down my face. And I am a harsh critic on what is funny- a stand up comedian's worse nightmare. Yes, it is a goofy movie. It isn't meant to be serious. Chris Kattan is absolutely hysterical. Chris Penn plays a great mobster and is quite funny even thou his role is meant to be a more serious role. If you want to laugh for an hour straight, don't miss this movie. You'll thank me later and be perplexed on the ratings like I am.
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Shopgirl (2005)
Great little flick for a Sunday afternoon
27 May 2015
Not what I would call a rom-com and don't even bother to force a guy to sit thru this flick (although it would be good for guys to see how their behavior or lack there of can really destroy a woman; this movie paints a dark example)

I give kudos to Steve Martin for his writing ability; he truly captures the female perspective in a romantic relationship. He was spot on. The movie kept me intrigued, never dull nor did it drag. Great little flick for a Sunday afternoon.

The biggest mistake Steve Martin made with regards to this film: THE CASTING

The choice of Claire Danes for the lead role was spot on. The mistake he made was casting himself and Jason Schwartzman as the other love interest. Blame it on type casting of these two male actors if you want but neither one of them fit the roles in this film very well at all. So bad in fact, the viewer feels cheated. Its so bad in fact, I thought to myself: "Who do they think they are kidding?" Had two other actors been chosen to portray these two male characters, I promise you would have seen a much higher user rating, probably somewhere in the high 7s.
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