
4 Reviews
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Understand This Before Watching
14 February 2024
Upon originally seeing this movie in theaters back when it came out, I, like many folks in the reviews, came away from it a bit disappointed. With a star studded ensemble cast and incredible setting, I was ready for the kind of edge-of-your-seat thrill ride we've come to expect from Tarantino- but what I got instead was a thoughtful, deeply nostalgic love letter to an era of Hollywood that made Tarantino fall in love with making movies.

After understanding this and watching the film again, it was 10x more enjoyable to just sit back and marvel at how different things used to be. The revisionist history concerning the Manson murders is fun, too, when you realize just how differently important moments from history could have played out with just the slightest change in circumstances.

Hollywood today is completely unrecognizable from the "Golden Age" we're presented with in this film, and for better or worse, I think QT was simply trying to remind us that it wasn't always like this.
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The Masterpiece Of Our Time
15 November 2023
There Will Be Blood is one of few films that has the singular ability to enthrall both the film snob and casual viewer with a mesmerizing train wreck that demands the viewer's full attention from the first frame and never lets go of the reins. You might not like it, but you cannot look away. Daniel Day Lewis is, of course, fantastic. He embodies the character of Daniel Plainview in a way that is both frightening and fascinating- you will leave this film wondering how Daniel Plainview continues to cosplay as Daniel Day Lewis in media interviews. The story is gripping, unapologetic, and allows us a window into the intersection of unabated greed and the American dream without ever approaching the tone of preaching to the audience. The film takes no stance on the morality of its contents, it simply showcases its story and allows the viewer to formulate their own opinions. It is truly a masterpiece of the modern era and will stand the test of time as such.
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Groundbreaking Story Done The Right Way
14 November 2023
Blue Eyed Samurai is mesmerizing. It has everything- gripping story, side characters and arcs that you can't help but invest in, beautiful animation, and intensely violent swordplay action that make the stakes for the characters feel even higher. The best part is the surprising move to make the main character, a lone wandering samurai, female. Rather than this detracting from the story with heavy handed agenda-driven plot lines, I feel it actually adds to the story in a tasteful way that feels deserved. Take notes Disney/Marvel, THIS is how content featuring unconventional gender roles SHOULD be done.
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Big, Bloated, Soulless.
15 October 2023
Where do I even begin? Rings of Power is an odd mix of recycled themes and story points from Peter Jackson's LOTR series, and completely new ideas that provide zero value to the story and disrespect the source material. It ends up alienating hardcore Tolkien fans while simultaneously failing to resonate with casual viewers. Arguably it's biggest sin is the writing. Actual quote from the show: "The sea is always right!" ... Are you kidding me? That historically astronomical budget must have been used exclusively on the CGI and set design, because that is about the only thing this show has going for it. Just a massive miscalculation by the studio in thinking that LOTR fans- one of the most notoriously nerdy, lore-obsessed fan bases in all of pop culture- would be happy with a reboot that tramples all over the lore of the Tolkien-verse.
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