29 Reviews
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Femme (2023)
20 January 2024
There was absolutely nothing not to love here. The writing and the direction were spot on, it was gritty and real, no gloss, totally believable. The locations were perfect to set the scenes, the pacing was spot-on, no superfluous dialogue, everything kept the story moving along at just the right pace, and the actors performances were incredible. So fully developed and 3 dimensional, you were engrossed in their story and whilst the main characters' performances were flawless, all the supporting cast were perfect in their roles as well . I was hooked from the very start and this is one of the very few films where I wished it had been longer. An outstanding piece of work.
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I tried so hard...
8 May 2022
To like this film but ... After an incredibly slow start that you keep hoping is building to something great, it goes absolutely nowhere. Chris Pine is great, acting is spot on but c'mon, it's like polishing a turd - poor script, non-descript acting from the rest of the ensemble, tired action sequences and not one of the characters is remotely likeable, you kinda don't care if they live or die.
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The Alienist (2018–2020)
3 E's
24 January 2022
Enjoyable, excellent and engrossing. I had to binge watch the 2 series over 3 days, I couldn't stop.

Beautifully shot, the attention to detail is outstanding, superbly written for the most part however some of the writing for the character development didn't quite make sense (which is why I gave it 9 and not 10 out of 10) but the actors totally made it work, and here is where my highest praise goes, the acting was superb, Dakota Fanning was even more brilliant than she usually is, but there wasn't a weak link, every actor was brilliant in their role. Loved this and I'm crossing fingers and saying a wee prayer that there's another few seasons made.
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Pants ... Just pants
28 August 2021
I gave it 2 stars as a mark of respect to the DCEU but this film is just rubbish. Torturous writing which led to either poor acting or over acting, there was no happy medium. The story was all over the place, much like the CGI, and there were so many plot holes I just sat on the couch non-plussed for the best part of the movie. Another reviewer said they almost walked out of their own living room in disgust ... never a truer word said!
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Absolute Rubbish
18 July 2021
Full Disclaimer - I could only stomach the first 20 minutes then I changed channels!

Badly written, soo badly acted it was embarrassing, I mean even Orlando was shockingly poor. Stupid (and I know that's not a very descriptive adjective but it fits) storyline, so convoluted - which you would forgive if it were well acted, but it's not!

There are absolutely no positives in this movie.
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Ach just go with it ...
3 July 2021
Ok so the whole time traveling makes sense if you've watched Avengers Endgame and not Hot Tub Time Machine, but forget about trying to wrap your mind around time travel, unless you have a degree from Starfleet Academy your never going to get it. Instead just enjoy a really great action movie! Interesting story, well acted and the CGI is phenomenal. And I did find myself at the edge of my seat at one point so that's pretty darn good.
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I have no words ...
24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I come on here to review because I love movies and to give credit where it's due, and to throw shade when a movie is crap, but for this film I didn't know where to start.

It's brilliant. Absolutely utterly brilliant.

Really smart casting. Great soundtrack. Beautiful filming. Direction was spot-on. The story itself was tremendous and the way the writing was done was truly phenomenal. I still can't get over the ending, I was definitely not expecting it to go there. Which was a testament to the skill of all those involved in telling this story.

Ignore any doubts, you have to watch this film!
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Absolute garbage
9 May 2021
I'm guessing the budget for this movie was spent on Willis' salary because everything else was obviously done without any money.

Directing, embarrassing. Acting, amateurish. Costumes, cheap. Design, basic. Music, nails on a blackboard. Script, woeful.

There was seriously nothing worthy in this crap.
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Absolute drivel
12 March 2021
I so wanted to like this, I mean what a great cast, but what utter rubbish. Badly written (script, I haven't read the book) - it was cringe worthy listening to the actors. Badly edited - it flopped around like a parrot on Ritalin. So badly acted - individually they tried but it just did not gel together. And the whole feel of the movie was like watching a really bad school panto.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
This is just hilarious
5 February 2021
I'm not going to get all poncy and talk about characterisation or set pieces, there's no point. This is just brilliant. It's quirky and it's funny, damn funny. Despite the fact we've had aliens on earth before this is fresh and imaginative and Alan Tudyk is just spot-on with everything. It made me laugh out loud - a lot! - and it takes a lot to make me laugh out loud.
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Greed (I) (2019)
Gloss and grit
10 January 2021
A good film but kind of wanders with too many storylines. The ending jars with the feel of the overall story and the closing credits become preachy when the data should have been brought into the main story since that was the crux of the main storyline.
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Ideal Home (2018)
What a gem
22 December 2020
Beautifully filmed, kudos to the director, and the acting was superb. No weak links, each of the actors seemed to be so comfortable in their roles, a really relaxed professional delivery. Loved that they filmed this in Sante Fe, gave it a really original organic feel. Don't be expecting action and car chases, this is a beautiful, at times both heart wrenching & heart warming story delivered in a relaxed comfortable style.
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Blackhat (2015)
Fine if you want to waste 2 hours
5 December 2020
So badly written it was embarrassing. Chris Hemsworth and Viola Davis did their best but you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. The acting of the other leads was wooden and painful to watch. The 'love scenes' - I use the term loosely - were embarrassing but fortunately brief as there was no chemistry between Hemsworth and Wei was non existent. Special effects were laughable. The Director tried but as I said earlier, silk purse and sows ears! I gave 5 stars as it did make me watch it all the way through so I could find out how it ended, so that was a plus, however it was cringeworthy all the way through so don't waste your time ... unless you've got a lot to waste 😁
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Luce (I) (2019)
Spoiled by the ending
27 September 2020
Interesting story. Excellent acting. Bit of a slow pace but that's understandable in some thrillers. But what a waste of time, the ending goes absolutely nowhere! Literally the film just ends with the character out for a jog. What a crap ending
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Dolittle (2020)
A feel good movie
19 September 2020
I'm not sure what people were expecting when they give this a low rating. It's a sweet story, well acted. What more do you want from a film about a human that talks to animals
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Truly Amazing
12 September 2020
Where to start ... The acting is beautiful, the depth the actors give to the characters is just phenomenal. The filming is breathtaking, not just in setting the scene but giving the perfect pace in every scene. The locations are almost characters in their own right. Music just perfect. Direction outstanding. I seriously could not find a single fault with this film. This is one of these movies you kind of stumble across when you don't know what you want to watch. Trust me, watch it. You will be rewarded. I just wanted more. Truly wonderful!
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The Judge (2014)
31 August 2020
Watch this if only to see outstanding performances from RDJ and Robert Duvall, but to be honest, that's a disservice to all the amazing supporting cast - Jeremy Strong to highlight just one! A beautiful story wonderfully told by great actors, under masterful direction. I gave it a 9/10 because in a couple of places the pace did dip, but it didn't affect how great this movie is. Totally worth watching!
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Proximity (II) (2020)
What a waste of a good budget
30 August 2020
To be honest I only watched the first 40 minutes and gave up. None of the characters were likeable so you don't care what happens to them, but my biggest gripe was how amateurish it was. The opening scene was ok and I thought 'ok this looks good' but then the opening credits make it look like it's going to be a Men in Black movie so you don't know where the film is going to go and for the first 30 minutes you hope it's going to be a Men in Black movie because it's so bland but it's not. then I gave up 10 minutes later
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We're Here (2020– )
25 August 2020
A-MAZING! No other words for it. So moving, so uplifting, so down right fabulous
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21 August 2020
This was an outstanding film. So well written and acted. Direction was superb and so accurately filmed. Gotta say I cried through a lot of it as it is SO moving, especially as what the characters go through is true-to-life, but it was also SO uplifting. A truly wonderful experience
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Muppets for adults
15 August 2020
The story is imaginative - which means you can enjoy it as a Muppet movie or get lost in a whodunnit. Really really well written - so many great 'nods' to the Muppets - and a really enjoyable film. If you liked Avenue Q you are going to LOVE this
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So Happy
25 July 2020
I haven't watched a film that has made me this happy in ages! This is the epitome of a 'feel good movie'. I laughed, I cried; it had me on the edge of my seat and I even caught myself shouting at the TV at one point. All the cast were phenomenal, direction totally on point, locations spot on and I loved it. I did contemplate giving it a 9 because I wanted more songs but do you know what, it is perfect the way it is.
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The Saint (2017 TV Movie)
Wasted Potential
18 July 2020
Oh wow, this was so badly acted it was cringe worthy. To be fair to the actors it was a very bad script, but even so some of them were terrible, and I never come down hard on the actors as its usually the Directors fault. On this occasion it was the Director and the cast. Everyone was just phoning this in! The Saint was a great TV series, both the original and the follow up. Even the Val Kilmer film was passable but this was just pants. Why can no-one make a decent Simon Templar film / TV show. This had so much potential but it was wasted by boring direction, woeful script and amateur acting. I gave this a 3 in deference to the original Saint. This garbage deserves a 1! 🙄
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Mixed up and messed up
27 June 2020
There was zero chemistry between the hosts. Alexa looked and sounded bored and uncomfortable all the way through it. And the whole judging system was flawed. One week designers were almost booted off because their outfits were too commercial but the next week the teams were pulled up for not having any commercial appeal. Not sure what the producers were going for with this show but it falls short.
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Hollywood (2020)
17 June 2020
What's not to love about this! Sensitive, witty, thoughtful, thought-provoking script, beautifully acted by a stellar cast. Directed with skill and a love of the subject matter. Sets, props and costumes could not have been more accurate and a delight to see. It's not factual, it's not biographical, it's art. And every episode, every scene, every character and every shot was a joy to watch.
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