
7 Reviews
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The Call (I) (2002)
23 February 2007
This film is wonderful and makes great use of flashbacks. Too, it's nice to see the budding of these young people's lives as the film approaches its key message. This movie succeeds where so many other longer features fail. It also leaves you thinking for days on end.

Alexis Fields really shows the film world just how grown up she is. I mean...I can still remember when she played the heart tugging Little Sheila off 'Roc', and I have to say that her appearance in this film is on a whole other level in performance. 'A+', Alexis...A+.

More films should touch upon the issues faced in this film. Too many people fail to grasp just how quickly life can change in a single moment or after making a single choice. Still,though, the dramatic pace and message in this film serve as friends by helping make the story real, not cheap like the usual preachy message films that you watch and listen to over and over again.
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The Sentinel (1977)
Truly Unique!!!
3 January 2006
Of all the movies of the seventies, none captured to truest essence of the good versus evil battle as did the Sentinel. I mean, yes, there were movies like the Exorcist, and other ones; but none of them captured the human element of the protagonist like this one. If you have time, check this one out. You may not be able to get past the dated devices as such, but this is a story worth getting into.Then there are all the stars and soon-to-be stars. My absolute favorites were Eli Wallach, Sylvia Miles, and Burgess Meredith. Then there are the subtle clues that lead to what's going on too. Pay close attention. I had to watch it four times to catch on to all the smaller weird statements like 'black and white cat, black and white cake'. Plus, the books are really good as well. I'm just sorry that they're not going to turn the second book into a film. It's so scary that it would outdo this movie.
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20 August 2005
This film was a great commentary on the contrast of human values, especially the characters and their personal aspirations. It reminds us not to take everything about our lives so seriously and that all too often, some of the best things can come in the smallest of packages.It was nice to see Florida and Evilene act out different roles other than their showcased parts. The best part of the film was the crazy music. You can tell that the cast members had a really fun time. It's no Broadway legend, but it's cheesiness and its simplicity are sure to catch your eye. I caught it on BET Starz and I never forgot it. It makes me wish that people still had such house parties! Enjoy!
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Resident Evil (2002)
Not bad actually
16 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
To me, this movie has the same strikes against it as did HP3. Movies are not literal adaptations of the source material. It really is a good movie. I love the games, but a single game can make about three movies, and nobody has the stamina or patience to sit through all that. Also copying the games to a fault would have brought in too much hackneyed cliché material.

Would I have loved to have seen Leon, Wesker, or the Redfields? Yes, but this cast didn't disappoint me in the least. Milla was awesome, and Michelle was out of sight, and nobody can tell me that that ending was not amazing.

Yes, 28 Days Later was good, but in my opinion, Resident Evil was far more chilling.

It gave the eerie feel and the tension of the games. I didn't need much more than that, and it's not as if this were supposed to be Aliens or anything. Mortal Kombat and Super Mario Bros. were nothing to rave about either. At least I can say that I got scared by this.
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Crazy as Hell (2002)
21 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I had to watch this movie twice to get the concept behind it, but eventually I did. Warning: Potential Spoilers. It copies 'Dante's Inferno,' 'Angel Heart,' and the final tale that is featured in 'Tales From The Hood.' Consider the realm of 'Hades' and the name used in the movie 'Sedah,' and you can begin to figure the movie out from there. Also, notice what building the hallway looks like in the movie right as Adams is about to leave and he talks to the nurse, and you will understand this movie completely.

Give this a chance. It's a first attempt at a directorial debut. you may have to familiarize yourself with certain themes from Greek myth and literature, but once you get these themes down, you will want to keep watching 'Crazy As Hell.' I have to give this movie seven out of ten stars, but it was worth my time. I can't wait until it comes on the 'BET Starz' channel again.
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Brimstone (1998–1999)
The Best Show: Must Kill FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 November 2004
They were crazy to cancel such a great show. This was a perfect opportunity to breathe some much needed life into television. I got so sick of watching all these sex plots. Everything was sex, infidelity, or girl power. For cryin' out loud people. There's more to life than man meets woman. I liked seeing a byronic hero instead of this perfect 'Clearasil' kid. John Glover was the best devil of all time. He had a special care-free way about him, kind of like your neighborhood friendly creep. I also liked seeing the transgressions manifest themselves as unearthly powers, especially in the cases of 'Hasdrubal Skaras', 'Ashur Badaktu', and '(Sally) Anne McGee'. This show was a winner as were 'Mantis', 'VR5', and 'Millenium'.
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4 November 2004
This movie amazed me beyond words. The concepts were well used. I felt energized after seeing this movie on the first day. I know that people complain about not being scared, but that part is over. We got all of our scares from the first movie. All that's left is the showdown between man,mutant, and the powers that be. Alice was superb. As far as the ending. It left us open to an unnervingly distinct possibility. Alice will turn evil, and Jill and the others may have to kill her( which would in the end follow the original scary movie rules that dictate that the heroine can't survive the second sequel)and Jill as a result would become the new heroine( which would make the game purists ecstatically happy). As for Alice taking over, remember, she is the only surviving team member from the first movie. She demonstrated her skills as a superb officer without the enhancement procedures. Naturally, she would be even better as an operative after enhancement. Remember also, that Jill and the others were relatively new to this. They may have been aware of a few aspects of T-virus contamination, but nobody but Alice and the upper echelon knew the true level of the problem. As far as the brain power, it is a known fact that humans of average intelligence only use 7% of their brains. Einstein used 33% of his. Were the T-virus to activate other parts of Alice's brain then yes, she would have extra-sensory abilities.I mainly enjoyed the fact that the movie showed us what the T-virus was actually designed to do through Angie Ashford and Alice Abernathy, instead of it being a complete mistake that involved disastrous side-effects. As far as Dr. Ashford becoming a zombie at the end, there is an obvious assumption. The T-virus worked more efficiently in Angela, and she was able to walk as a result of implementation. He, also having taken the T-virus, was not able to walk afterward. Perhaps it was a matter of metabolism. Compare the exposure and infective transformation rates of Carlos and Yuri,Alice and Matt, and Rain, Kaplan, and J.T. The movie made perfect sense and far surpassed its predecessor.*****/*****
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