
20 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
Loved it
16 November 2020
Finally back at the movies and saw the much anticipated (by me) Tenet. brain hurts a bit and I don't know whether I'm coming or going (you'll get that reference if you've seen it) and I loved it. It was all action from the get go with a music score to match but I'm not going to try and explain the plot except to say time travel is involved. Great performances from David Michael Washington and Robert Pattinson as well as Elizabeth Debicki and a sinister Kenneth Branagh. If someone who sees it can explain a Temporal Pinser Movement to me again please get in touch!
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Relic (2020)
20 July 2020
I got an early start on Relic, (because I live on my own I didn't want to watch in the dark). But really, I needn't have bothered. The scariest thing about it was the eerie, unsettling was the only thing that signalled a sense of foreboding and menace. The performances were good but it didn't do what it set out to do. I wasn't scared at all! I was a bit disapponted.
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13 July 2020
In the latter half of last century Walter Mercardo was celebrated in Latin American and hispanic communities across the world. Walter presented a daily astrology show that was watched by millions, he radiated positivity and love all in the most fabulously outrageous capes and costumes. This is a delightful and heartwarming homage to a man who touched so many lives. Just watch Lin-Manuel Miranda's delight when meeting Walter!
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2 July 2020
The Personal History of David Copperfield is a delightful retelling of the Charles Dicken's story of the riches to rags and back again of one of Dickens most enduring characters. Armando Ianucci (Death of Stalin, The Thick of It) has written and directed and there are wonderful performances from a stellar cast. Dev Patel is charming as David and Ben Wishaw is sickenly obsequious as Uriah Heep with Hugh Laurie and Peter Capaldi also really good. I could keep naming people in what can only be described as a gorgeously colour blind cast.
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The power of art
11 March 2020
Can Art Stop a Bullet, at its simplest, is a documentary about artist William Kelly, but it's so much more than that. Centred around the creation of an art work for Kelly's State Library of Victoria Fellowship the film explores the relationship between art and activism, and the power of images to change how we think and to effect real change. This is well paced and very well edited (I had mild apprehension at the beginning when there was a bit of shaky had held camera action but thankfully it was brief), well worth seeking out. 4 Stars #librarieschangelives
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8 March 2020
Miss Fisher was a bit of a disappointment, the Crypt of Tears could easily have fit into an hour long TV episode. While the costumes and scenery were lovely and the soundtrack great the plot was a bit thin and it dragged. 3 Stars George: I lost the plot and couldn't figure out what was going on but I enjoyed the scenery and the the 1920s jazz soundtrack was fabulous. 3.5 stars
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Old fashioned film noir hits the right note
2 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Set in New York in the 1950s Motherless Brooklyn harkens back to 1940s and 50s film noir, with hard boiled detectives, beautiful dames and city corruption rife. Ed Norton (who wrote the screen play and directed) is fabulous as the detective suffering from undiagnosed Tourette's. He tends to stay in the background but when his boss and mentor is killed he starts searching for the truth. My only criticism: Soundtracks need to add to the story and at first I found the jazzy score to be intrusive but after the first few pivotal scenes it settled down and was excellent. I really liked this film, 4 stars
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Cheesy but good
21 February 2020
As it's dads 92nd birthday we went to see a movie I knew he'd love, Call of the Wild. Based on the classic novel by Jack London the movie tells the story of Buck the dog and his adventures as a comfortable city dog to a working dog in The Yukon, this is squarely aimed at the family market, playing down the cruel treatment of sled dogs and the harsh life. The CGI animals were good but didn't take me out of myself. It's schmalzy and cheesy but good fun and I shed a few tears. 3.5 stars George: A very dramatic movie with fantastic scenery of The Yukon! The animal animation was fantastic and Harrison Ford played a good role as the curmudgeonly loner. I remember reading Jack London's novels and I enjoyed this adaptation very much. 4 stars PS Meredith cried several times.
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Mr. Jones (2019)
Fake News isn't a new thing
16 February 2020
Mr Jones Is the true story of Welsh journalist Gareth Jones who exposed the famine in the Ukraine that killed millions during Stalin's reign. While 'Fake News' as a term is relatively new the concept is not and is used by governments all over the world and at many times throughout history, this film is a timely reminder to never believe everything, even from reputable sources. Great performances and some nice cinematography. particularly in the Ukraine scenes. A little bit slow to start but once it got going it was excellent.
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It's OK
3 February 2020
Loud, shouty, bangy and a flimsy storyline doesn't necessarily make for a bad film and Bad Boys isn't bad but it's not super good either. There's some laughs and Will Smith has a nice screen presence. 3 Stars George: the action was a bit overwhelming at times, lots of explosions and the body count was huge. It was way to loud. There was some good car chases though. 3 Stars
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Parasite (2019)
Don't Miss It
3 February 2020
This is my second viewing of Parasite and it's just as good as the first time I saw it a few months ago. It's been winning lots of awards and deservedly so. Ki-taek and his family live in a dingy basement and struggle to make ends meet, but when they see an opportunity to insinuate themselves into the wealthy Park family they devise a plan that, at first, is working like a charm. It's very amusing and with great performances, and you'll be surprised by the conclusion. This Korean film is about family and class division, and no matter how good a plan you have you can't plan for the unexpected. Parasite is the well deserved winner of the Palme d'or at last year's Cannes Film Festival.
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Just Mercy (2019)
Good addition to the genre
1 February 2020
There have been several films about the problems with the American justice system, the plight of African Americans within the system and lawyers working with death row inmates and wrongly convicted people. Just Mercy is a good addition to the true story genre with strong performances from Michael B Jordan and Jamie Foxx and a compelling story.
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25 January 2020
Mr Rogers is a famous American children's show host. He's not really known here but is often referenced in American television and movies so I felt like I did know him a little prior to this. The film is really about journalist Lloyd and his journey, but while telling his story you get to know the impact Fred Rogers had on generations of American children. It's a little slow at times and occasionally a little bit choppy but it certainly plays in the heart strings and is carried by the strong central performances, particularly Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys.
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
Prepare to be outraged
20 January 2020
Bombshell tells the true story of the women who sued Roger Ailes, head off Fox News, for sexual harassment in the mid 2010s. Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman are great as the news anchors who decide enough is enough and Margot Robbie is fabulous as the young up and comer who is wrestling with how to deal with Roger Ailes and build her career. The supporting cast is impressive in this timely film. Prepare to be angry and indignant!
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Dolittle (2020)
Dolittle did very little
18 January 2020
Dolittle lived up to is name and did very little. It had all the elements to be a good fun family film but failed, the animals were all cute and funny and the plot had promise but it just didn't hang together. And Robert Downey's welsh accent was a bit suspect and at times hard to understand. Disappointing 2.5 stars George: when I saw the trailer I thought this would be like Rex Harrison's Dr Dolittle but as it turned out I couldn't understand the story and the soundtrack was too loud. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. 2 stars (but I still enjoyed being at the Movies)
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1917 (2019)
Don't miss it!
13 January 2020
It's 1917, France, and two soldiers are sent on a mission to cross no man's land and get a message to another platoon to stop an attack that would result in great losses. This is a fantastic film. Beautifully shot, with long tracking shots that heighten the urgency of the quest, and a music score that adds to the tenseness. (I needed a restorative G & T afterwards) Wonderful performances from George Mackay and Dean-Charles Chapman and great support from a who's who of British actors. Don't miss this on the big screen.
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My Spy (2020)
Good family fare
12 January 2020
Dave Batista does a bit of an Arnie in this film about a CIA agent and a precocious 9 year old girl he is surveilling. Good solid family fun with a few laughs and charming performances. 3 Stars George: although it was a kids movie I enjoyed it and it was so far fetched I enjoyed it all the more. If a CIA agent is like this heaven help us! 3.5 Stars
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Good fun
9 January 2020
Mickey runs a weed empire in England and is trying to sell it off and retire. Enter a cast of nefarious criminals determined to run the price down and take it over themselves. The only criminal group we didn't see was the mafia! Hugh Grant is particularly good as the slimy journalist and special mention for Charlie Hunnam (sigh 💕). There's a lot of bad language and very liberal use of the C word. The plot kept me on my toes with lots of twists and turns and the rest of the cast were good value. I do have a small problem with mythologising and glamourising criminals don't it only get a 3.5 from me. George: Very unusual movie. Not my type of film generally and I didn't appreciate the bad language. It was an interesting story and I didn't know what was coming next or who was going to 'kick the bucket' next. Having said all that I did enjoy it even though every second word was a swear word. 3.5 Stars
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About an Age (2018)
Coming of age shines
3 May 2019
Five teens on the cusp of adulthood spend a night drinking, playing games, spilling secrets and discussing their futures. For a first film this indie production was pretty good, the cinematography was great, the editing excellent and the performances were solid. A really nice coming of age film.
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Please Like Me (2013–2016)
Quirky, funny and above all satisfying
15 March 2013
Josh Thomas proves he is more than a pretty face in this endearing comedy about discovering yourself. Josh and his family and friends, like all of us, are grappling with everyday life and trying to find out who they are and what they want to be. While josh is discovering his own sexuality he is dealing with a mother with mental health issues, an ageing aunt who has decided she is too old to be nice to people anymore, and the father who can't quite let go of his ex wife. Then there are his friends, Claire his ex girlfriend who is falling for his best friend, both of whom are trying to keep it a secret from Josh. And Geoffrey, the boy that Josh has had his first encounter with but is not to sure that he likes. I'm loving this show and can't wait to see more of Josh Thomas over the coming years, I then he is going to do some great stuff!
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