
5 Reviews
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memorable! not seen enough!!!!!
28 January 2009
this movie was so bizarre. i can barely remember it, in only half-envisioned scenes that flit through my memory.... but i long for it, to possess it, to own it..... and where is it, in this day of videos and DVDs and TCM? i loved the frozen dead! i love it still! let me revisit this twisted, simple and torturous, evil story! who needs especially good special effects when one can be completely creeped out by a classic presentation like this??? come back to me, O scary movie seen once upon a time on television.....ah, the 70s.

might i add that other creepy favorites of mine which also i'd long sought are now available on DVD: most specifically "Asylum", that don amicus flick... delightful!
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My Three Sons (1960–1972)
"My Three Sons" is a lovely show. SPOILERS if you haven't seen it!
21 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"My Three Sons" is a show of the same happy-family caliber as "Brady Bunch". and yet it is a milder, gentler show, always portraying the nuclear family unit as warm, loving, supportive, and well-wishing. not a thing is wrong with seeing a family--albeit lacking in motherly figures until the last season or two--look out for each other's best interests, show respect for parental and grandparental figures, and treat everyone with kindness, giving the benefit of the doubt to all. remember how the elderly uncles are incorporated into the family and participate in meaningful ways? look at how uncle Charlie could cook. remember how Ernie is adopted along the way as a son? so lovely. much later in the series when widower dad Steve finally remarries, a daughter is adopted into the family, and is treated respectfully by her much elder new brothers. (think how late teens and early twenties persons look to a seven year old.) do we not value respectful, obedient behavior toward our parents and caregivers and authorities? then this show holds up, despite all the changes the household goes through--as any household is apt to have in twelve years of life. lovely, lovely.
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Norm (1999–2001)
O how i miss this show
5 October 2006
i haven't gotten to see this show since it went off the air, but i think of it now and then. norm Macdonald is both hilarious and a sex god. that's a REAL man.

i liked laughing until i peed myself every time i watched this show. you wouldn't think the premise would be so good, but the cast made this show work. or maybe that i was (and maybe some other citizens are) forced to do work we don't really want to do, and we like to laugh at someone else trying not too hard to fit in.

so this show is out on DVD? i must find it. now, would somebody also put "Open All Night" on DVD, and "Becker" too??? Please????
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The Shaft (2001)
20 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i liked this movie enough to keep watching it.

....was this filled with gratuitous violence? but if a thing becomes alive and evil, i suppose one wants to realistically display the horror of it all. and i mean, of course one has to suspend disbelief to watch a lot of horror movies (and many, many comedies). but everything in "the shaft" clicked along well enough--played by the horror movie rules, and didn't distract me with silly scenes where a person might say, "oh, no way....." and i say this buying into an elevator itself being a crazy killer. that was kind of fun.

"the shaft" was pleasant enough for a late night escape from complete boredom. it was not as silly and unbelievable as much other crap.
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i hate those guys!
13 September 2006
i hated andrew and adrian. and at least you know what kind of a jerk adrian is right up front. andrew was by far the worse human being. i guess since i've known a few filipino mail order brides who came over looking for a better life and married white American losers whom no American women could put up with, i recognized too much behavior in adrian and then andrew. what a jerk. there was nothing that Lucia did that made me think she deserved either one of those men, or any of the other men she had experience with. (heck, yes, i even know the horny old goats too who want to take advantage.)

the things people will put up with in pursuit of possible betterment of their situations.

what possessed this guy to make a film like this? exposing even a fictional jerk side of himself???? bleah.
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