
41 Reviews
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Lifeboat (1944)
HATED this childishly vengeful and hateful plot
15 May 2024
We should all rise up and expose... Germans!!! I am not German, I know no Germans, I have no special feelings FOR Germans. I DO however, enjoy and seek out WWII-era films, even feel-good patriotic stuff- but this I hated. Hated! The dialogue I hated. Characters flat and nothing extraordinary marking them as individuals. The whole theme seemed to be to try and find, and expose, sneaky, dishonest killer Germans in their midst. I would not be surprised if it took one day to write this. After watching, I felt sorry for the German people. In the film I got NO hint that it was the evil of Nazism the survivors were against, but simply Germans, German nationality itself.
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Not boring, like I thought it would be.
23 August 2023
I am a "reformed prude", after living a very hedonist life, not unlike "Suzi" in episode one, so the "naughty" jokes, irreverent humor in EVERY episode can get a little old. We get it, penises are funny! Olds craving sex- Funny! Sigh.. aside from all that, the show itself IS interesting and catches your fascination. I cheered when the episode guests cheered. I laughed when they laughed, and almost cried when THEY cried.

"Ella", the cleaner with the very cool Swedish glasses has an accent that is exactly like Isabella Rosselini's and I found it pleasant to listen to. "Johan" is I think gay also (?) and a character! I love them all. I love the Swedish style sense and I think Americans are terribly curious about the whole Swedish thing. The show will help the viewer "Let Go" of their own anchors that hold them down. I myself have "red dotted" in my mind, several items in my own home that I need to Swedish Death clean.
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Beautifully crafted masterpieceft
10 May 2023
"sometimes dreams get in the way of seeing what's right in front of you" "there are good people here... Find them, and make friends with them!" Mr Electricidad, Max's teacher advises him. Can you come up with wiser maxims than these for a kid? I'm not even halfway through this precious gem and already I am so delighted with it. Listen, I am over fifty years old I've seen a lot of film, theatre and even drama radio, this is a lovely and fantastic creation. Gorgeous and dreamlike location I mistook for silicon valley was actually filmed in Austin Texas (check out the very remarkable homes in the film) five stars for a fun, entertaining and moral lessons worth remembering.
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Surprisingly, not bad!
27 February 2023
Film got "limited release" in select theatres, a reason why it hasn't been seen by everyone.. Californians and ex-Californians will chuckle at the in jokes, maybe you Angelenos can explain them to the other viewers? I laughed out loud at one of the girls claiming she's "not Mexican" when addressed in Spanish (Bruno tells her she better look in the mirror, she sure looks it).

Vilmer walderrama is unrecognizable! As the hunky neighbor. This film released in 2011 but the girls look for jobs, in the.... Newspapers?? Even I, a dinosaur, didn't look in want ads in newspapers since at least 2003. Staring at a glowing rectangle isn't romantic for film I guess. This is a GREAT film to watch with the kids. Interesting and funny enough to keep youngsters interested, formula plot, but good enough for adults. And Walderrama is super in this, which surprised me as I wasn't his fan before this film. Fun, interesting, "L. A." jokes and happy ending.
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Our country, our America
22 January 2023
Youngstown, OH. Steel industry left, but the families are still there. A beautiful river runs through the town. Craftsman homes- gorgeous homes with original builtins! Beveled glass windows in French doors. Real wood floors and these houses are abandoned right and left like in Detroit but in Youngstown you'd actually want to live. The Christian community through the Church has made great differences in many lives here by being the "village" that helps raise the children there who are experiencing challenges. The documentary aired on PBS in Phoenix on Jan 22nd, 2023 again and it was informative, interesting and inspiring to see children featured in the program enjoying trick or treating in their own town. Interviews with the black residents - Youngstown has a lot of black people that worked in the steel industry which the industry is now gone- they discuss their memories and current opinions and hopes. What a wonderful program and I will ever be reminded of Youngstown and the families there. My only regret is in my later stage of life, that I will not be here long enough to buy one of those beautiful antique glorious Craftsman home there too, and to enjoy the pretty trees, rivers and nature there.
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Unfunny Soap. Cary Grant hams up corny message film
13 January 2023
A "message" film, one that poorly masques anger toward the McCarthyism of the time (In the 1990s US Gov released files proving McCarthy was in fact correct and in fact had under-estimated the number of Soviet pro-Communist agents infiltrating US gov positions, too bad this film in the past assumes the contrary) Grant plays his usual goofball self, in heavy-hammed fashion to boot. A scene where Dr. Praetorius shows up unannounced at Deborah's (Crain) family home and farm, "Arthur" (Crain's father in the film) sets Dr Praetorius down on the porch and before Praetorious has gotten past the front door, Arthur spills his entire life story upon his first meeting the Dr. Arthur rolls his eyes dramatically as he confides that the farm owner,Deborah's uncle and his own brother, is so greedy that he claims him and Deborah as tax deductions (he audibly gasps out the words "TAX.. deductions".. Well directed, well acted, well cast- but the CORN is as high as an elephants' eye. There are some cringe moments where you just want to holler out "Oh.. Please!" This reviewer sorely vexxed for paying for the rental of this forgettable soap opera.
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Goosed (1999)
Jewish jokes- maybe you didn't get them..?
21 December 2022
LOVED this darling, memorable, big little film. Jennifer TIlly plays herself, so to speak, and her outfits are cute: 50's embellished sequined sweaters, cute halter dresses and so on. Christian LaCroix, Natori! To name a few of the costume designers.. Aside from her outfits- Star studded cast and star studded non-acting credits- Branford Marsalis supplied the sax music in this relaitively unknown movie. To give you an idea of some of the jokes in this that were to me, hilarious, were when the parents (Joan Rivers, Robert Klein)do the happy dance when they hear (misunderstand, actually) that Tilly is dating a man in medicine. It aired on the "THISTv" network on December 20, 2022. My personal complaint with this story is the ending, rather, the lack of one, but I swear it won't detract from the watchability of the entire thing. Please watch, and enjoy! There are some familiar faces in this surprisingly nice little .. gem! It gets gem status.
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Jesus of Nazareth: Part 1 (1977)
Season 1, Episode 1
Watchable, artistic, great effort.
13 November 2022
James Earl Jones, the "usual" for these spectacles, but don't be dissuaded by the common belief big money sunk into grand project and star packed cast equal a crappy flop as the serious and non pretentious acting make an interesting and entertaining effort. Character development par for subject. Mary is lovely, innocent and "behaves herself" as director does fine work keeping subject and story flowing. Infant as baby Jesus adorable. Beautiful scenes, costumery. Ustinov good choice for a haughty ruler. Aired on "PosiTV" network over the air Phoenix Arizona market Nov. 12, 2022. Should air again on various networks if you wait around.
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Russell presence ruins entire film
29 August 2022
I can't think of a more poorly miscast talent than Ros. Russell in this. She's clearly a comedic actress. Shame, shame! Putting her in this, the producer should have used his brain. Then had the audacity to plug her again in the record store scene! She is so terrible in this that it makes it practically unwatchable. Everyone else is great- Max Schell is perfect in this role. Would have been better presented as a Tele-Play. Try to watch and ignore Auntie Mame and you may plod through it. I managed to eke out the real tale out of this film version and it is worth it, I think. The directors did a great job creating a homo-erotic scenes, this 55 year old straight woman thought so anyway.
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Strange "movie".
10 August 2022
The plot and characters are "normal", why does everyone watching it try to figure out what it "is"? At first I thought I had turned to the religious network that plays religious films- no, it's on the "THIS" network.... Ah ha! Directed by. Tom Whitus- who directs "faith and family" stuff. Now it makes sense! Actors I'd never heard of, formula plots dug right out of the trash from 1940s film cutting room floors maybe - In this "film" (sigh) there's a dog involved, a bitter newly paralyzed man, another family tenuously attached to that man, strangers and "love". Almost every scene seems bathed in a sickly sweet golden early morning light- like they do on the series "Heartland". . The scenes are too contrived, "crafted". Acting isn't terrible, it's just the entire feeling of the film is oddly nonspecific, you can't put your finger on why the film is just..."weird". This project isn't cheaply made, but the dialogue is banal at best. Best watched by small children who may benefit from life's lessons and moral themes.
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Crackers (1984)
Louis Malle gets a 0 on Rotten Tomatoes?!
9 March 2022
The general public greatly disappoints me. There is no way on Gods' green Earth this film wins a zero in any movie review media. This film was in the list of an online platform channel (Roku to be exact). It is a "feel-good" happy ending comedy, so how can you go wrong with that? I being in a nostalgic '80s film mood, and I knew it had to be enjoyable if Donald Sutherland was in it, and a fun '80's good deal when Christine Zalinksy (sp?) plays. The film starts out a predictable theme, but it does not detract from the storyline at all, in fact I found myself looking forward to what would be an unsurprising closure (probable happy ending, a little romance, and the inevitable resolution). The crooks of this film are the wise, crafty ones: "Ramon" played well by the 1980s "Latin gang member character" Trinidad Silva (tragically killed by drunk driver in 1988 I believe) - comes up with a preliminary plan using Sean Penn as " Dillard"-with a pathetically bad Southern brogue. "Broadway" character: Larry Riley plays a pimp that is forever carrying around baby Tyrone. Check out the darling outfits Tyrone is sporting in scenes he steals every frame. Viewers please have the courtesy to at least acknowledge how well this was directed. Ignore crummy accents, stereotypes and ENJOY the story for what it is: a feel-good, fun and memorable little movie.
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Corny, sappy melodrama starring two "names"
22 February 2022
Just dropped in to write this turd stinks. You will be embarrassed watching it, even by yourself. This cheesy tv movie of the week topic that never happens in reality made me despise Robert De Niro. No comment on female talent, I don't care for her anyway.
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Remember it is just a performance
30 January 2022
Memories of scenes and the music from the score have never left my memory. I recall the characters and story vividly, and it is not a bad memory, either. This film was not ever intended to send a "message".
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Remember... theatre is to entertain, story-tell, not a "message" or lesson.
30 January 2022
No spoilers in this review my friends. May I disclaim, and I hate having to to do so, about some thoughts by others expressed concerning the content in this bit of work. There is nothing but pity I feel for those who to me as needing to see a film and want it to.. to.. what is it- give an example, teach a moral, or even as much as educate! The viewer. A film is a film is a film. Don't you ever forget it. OK, so now we go on to the movie and my thoughts: Memories of watching and loving how well this was made. And with what? The big names of the day in teen actors. Wow! How did they produce such a fine, well done bit of work is just so amazing. Ode to Billy Joe is not a morals tale. It is not a message movie. It truly is not, because the individuals that worked on this film would not do that. To create a performance and do it well was the whole intent of any artist. "Message movies" or "films" want to teach you how to think. They want not to let you conclude, they TELL you the conclusion! Entertainment films can really make you move, they make you cry and laugh or just think, but they have the courtesy to let YOU do the thinking because they respect you. They don't have to talk down to you, as if you are cognitively impaired, they let you think all whatever you want. So, can we please just love a play or a book or a film because it's good acting? Good direction? Yes Max Baer, Jr directed, and very nicely. You feel what the characters feel, and that should only happen when the film "wants" you to and that is a feat in itself, and that's exactly what separates a well-made film for a crappy one. When I first watched this film way back in the mid-1980s it was aired on broadcast television. The "Z Channel" may have had it in their library, if I am not mistaken, but I must have been about twelve years old when I watched it for the first time. It affected me so greatly! Never has the melody of title song left my long-time memory. The pity for "Billy Joe' swelled up and had me in tears and at the edge of my seat! Especially during the carnival scene.. let me tell you, this would be a film I would not allow young people to watch, but only because they will not fully understand it. Going back one hundred years when I was a kid, I knew what was happening and who exactly was doing what, but the emotional maturity required to remind oneself "it's just a movie, it's just a movie and in no way a "lesson" to be taught can be tough for a kid, even one that "knew what time it was". .That one scene which is at the carnival was not at all that shocking, even in the late 1970s.. wait- no! It is typical of 1970s film making. Go watch "Bloody Mama" after watching this, and I tell you several scenes in that work could not would not be put in any type of media today. Please watch this and remember it is a performance. Just as any art at it's very best requires masterful workmanship whether it be a wristwatch, a car, or a painting. It is an experience really, this film. I do hope you watch it and love it as I did. It is a performance by persons who are expert at portraying characters and put to that performance by very smart craftsmen Oop! Crafts-people ;)
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Film I'd never heard of before, but so memorable
15 January 2022
Broadcast TV network "ThisTV" ran this film over the air 01/14/2022. It's one of those small, quiet, memorable films. Not being a writer capable of great reviews, I can only leave my subjective opinion of this film- which is, as I said one of those little known, quiet - gems. A gem it is.
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Last Man Club (2016)
"Christian" film, but without any Christianity
5 January 2022
I honestly assumed this was a Christian religious production, because the casting was so odd, the dialogue and entire theme smelled "amateur", although nothing was badly done! Something about it kept me watching- perhaps it was the very mild suspense to see how it all ends up- group of oldsters supposedly WWII veterans... in 2016??? How old would that have made them? Well, many many instances of one waving off reality, such as escaping from the police,... twice!! Apparently in small towns across America, radio and computers haven't made inroads quiet yet. Gentle, forgettable, mildly enjoyable film the young kids would greatly enjoy, if not, make them watch it as punishment.
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10 Stars- There were no errors, at least that I could note myself.
29 November 2021
Beautifully directed (Philip Leacock), beautifully cast and beautiful story, by: Louis S. Peterson ... (screenplay) & Julius J. Epstein ... (screenplay) Louis S. Peterson ... (original play) Acting is superb by all- I will give a pass, a gentle one to Johnny Nash as he sings, some may find his character rather lukewarm. My apology is it's fine, for his character. The films affect on me was at the time I watched it (airing on broadcast 'TheGrio' network) urging, yet in vain, for anyone and everyone in the household to come sit down and watch this "great, great film" with me. One particular scene is brilliantly... written? To make it past potential censorship and that is the barroom scene with the ladies. The mere dialogue will also make it past the children in the household, until the word "prostitute" is said out loud by Johnny Nash.... Just, watch it. Every part of it is so well done, it's a film you really will find yourself unable to turn from the screen.
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In Tears...
19 June 2021
With laughter watching this episode. There is so much right about this episode, that to list what made it so remarkable is beyond my ability. The face mugging, the slapstick, the Yiddish humor! This episode aired on Decades network TV recently. Upon looking into this specific episode I read it is the very last episode made of this program.
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Car 54, Where Are You?: I've Been Here Before (1963)
Season 2, Episode 25
Raging Bull - boxer La Motta's in this
15 June 2021
But, I had just read of the fact here in IMDB that the famous boxer is in this episode. Memorable scene: Toody's eyeballs sharply staring back and forth, right and left between Muldoon and Captain Block. Hilarious! All I can write you all is that I adore this show. Disclaimer: At first I smirked at the Cop Are Big Dopes trope thing, please put it past you and watch the show for what it is: a brilliant comedy program. Brilliant- you don't see it, watch more episodes again and again. As of June 2021 the Car 54 show airs late at night on the "Decades" over the air broadcast network. Owning a DVD or ?? Collection would not be a bad investment.
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Bright Road (1953)
Why so poorly directed?
27 February 2021
Nice, sweet, and mostly happy little black cast film, that is unfortunately another victim of all-black cast films of history: Miserable Direction. I don't know what the director of this cute movie was doing during filming, but I don't think it was directing! He may have been busy hanging out in Ms Dandridge's trailer :) This film could have been so much more, if only the actors were directed properly. Belafonte's performance was wooden, unbelievable.
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The Wiz (1978)
Why nine stars for this "flop"?
19 December 2020
You will never, ever see New York City as it was in this film AGAIN. DIana Ross is indeed too old to play Dorothy, but your belief can be suspended for The Wiz, consider it is a movie- and this film is so far removed from reality one can and does forget the age disparity of Ms Ross to "Dorothy". In this, she portrays a young schoolteacher, we can live with that, can't we...? Historically this film will not be the critical flop it was in its release- it is a fun, happy and a huge fantastical disco-esque, musical dance show. Airing on "Bounce" TV Network on 12-19-2020, a rarely seen on air show as of late- this is a fantastic and very enjoyable watch. Compare if you can reviews for The Wiz 40+ years ago to your own opinion now. See what I mean? It's packed with stars- and honestly,the rotten reviews it got even in the 70s were undeserved. You can't take stuff like The Wiz seriously. Gone With The Wind it ain't- take it for what it is, an enjoyable, singalong bunch of fun.
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Hated this contrived, hand-wringing nonsense.
8 September 2020
It's no classic in my opinion- it was merely earth-shattering when it was released, which gave it some kind of credence. I hated this crap, I hated the teachers and parents with the same, tired "I just don't understand teenagers today.." handwringing. I hated the teachers who seemed so spineless, so afraid, and most of all I hated Vic Morrow's "tough guy" character, which he really wasn't tough, he was a big baby.
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Mrs. Brown's Boys (2011– )
One star- only redemption is fact it is filmed in color.
29 May 2020
It's offensive, but not in a cool, irreverent way- just offensive. A male actor in drag plays Mrs Brown- who eagerly took the home visit physician's rectal thermometer away so she could (sadistically) take her father's temperature. None of the players in this has a defined persona, except the very rude, hateful Mrs Brown who does nothing but shout out crude toilet or sexual insults. Even a child would not find this funny. This show would make a child cry.
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Lost Lagoon (1957)
Surprisingly well-made tale
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Very "Mid-Century" for those who love all things mid-cent, this should be the icon film of that era, truly. From the title and summary you may imagine this to be an escapist picture - that it is not. Whomever budgeted this film wisely went with a great director, editor instead of placing the money on the talent - using actors that are not top billers. Very watchable stuff, with plot that is not only believable, but fraught with real-life dilemmas and moral questions. Ending delightful, although unexpected!

** Spoiler Stuff Ahead**: The ending confirms the character of Charlie - our castaway in the picture, who reverts back to his good old self- instead of choosing the fantasy world concoction. And you know what? the wife LOVES him- despite his shortcomings, despite his unfaithfulness- and he goes back to her in the end- an actual good ending - for those who are of the persuasion to "do the right thing, even if it costs you".. You might cheer and laugh out loud at the "Jerk Overboard!" in the last few minutes of the film - but you will sneer at the corny "one long, last look" Charlie and his young fling give to each other from afar - for that I took one star rating away.
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One film that got me weeping & blubbering
18 December 2019
Oh what a fine film. Girl with the WORST mother in history- a trashy, deceptive narcissist who almost ruins her daughter by selfishly assuming she'd continue in her mother's footsteps. She teaches her teen daughter how to apply lipstick- to be used as a tool to capture innocent men to scam them out of their money- at least that's how the "mother" sees it. Her daughter, Ziggy, manages to find and marry a perfect man who is killed in action, leaving her a widow with an enchanting baby: "Button-nose". Ziggy is cheated out of her child by lying, evil persons - the juvenile authorities granting Ziggy one way window visits with that adorable pumpkin, watching her child's "first steps" from afar had me blubbering, not many films cause me to shed tears like that. Every character in this movie is their own character- every personality developed, you feel for them, cheer for them, hate them and love them. SO worth watching!! The babies alone- oh man, what fabulous direction!!! How did they get that baby to follow directions? It was great. And- GOOD ending. A great movie for anyone who loves miracles, Irish mothers, babies, and who has experienced deception. What lies can do to a woman!
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