
36 Reviews
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I love Conan but (Too much swearing for him and not enough jokes)
27 May 2024
Conan O'Brien Must Go: A Fun Ride with Room for Improvement (6/10) (Too much swearing for him and not enough jokes)

Conan O'Brien Must Go is a solid travel comedy show with plenty of laughs. Conan's signature humor is on full display, and fans of his podcast and previous work will feel right at home.

The Good Stuff:

Conan's A-Game: Conan is hilarious. His self-deprecating jokes and awkward interactions never get old, and the show is full of laugh-out-loud moments.

Fan Reunions: The heart of the show lies in reuniting with podcast fans. These segments are genuinely heartwarming and add a unique layer to the travelogue format.

Travel with a Twist: The show takes viewers to interesting locations, but it's not your typical travel documentary. Conan's comedic lens keeps things fresh and avoids feeling overly touristy.

Room for Improvement:

Inconsistent Laughs: While there are comedy gold moments, some jokes fall flat. The humor can be hit or miss, especially for those unfamiliar with Conan's style.

Uneven Pacing: The show sometimes struggles with pacing. The editing could be tighter to keep the momentum going, especially during travel sequences.

Limited Cultural Exploration: The focus is on Conan's antics and fan reunions. While the locations are beautiful, the show doesn't delve deeply into the cultures he visits.


Conan O'Brien Must Go is a fun and entertaining show, perfect for fans of Conan's humor. It offers a unique travel experience with plenty of laughs and heartwarming moments. However, the humor can be inconsistent, and the cultural exploration feels a bit shallow. Still, it's a solid 6 out of 10, and worth checking out for a good chuckle.
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Boring redundant hyperbole
13 May 2024
Stephanie Kelton is a fool and a fraud. Once again Netflix produces a lemon

"Finding the Money" promises a revolutionary understanding of economics,

but instead delivers a one-sided infomercial for a controversial theory. The documentary relies on charisma, not critical analysis, to peddle Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) as the answer to all our financial woes.

Step Right Up, Folks, It's Snake Oil Economics!

The film hinges on Professor Stephanie Kelton's enthusiastic lectures. Kelton comes across as passionate, but passion doesn't equal peer-reviewed fact. MMT's core tenet - that governments can simply print money without consequence - is a recipe for economic disaster in the hands of most. The documentary ignores historical examples of hyperinflation caused by reckless money printing.

Where's the Beef? (Besides Kelton)

MMT is presented as a complete economic theory, but dissenting voices are scarce. The film cherry-picks interviews with a small group of MMT proponents, creating an echo chamber effect. Where's the debate? Where are the mainstream economists who find MMT wanting?

Pretty Pictures Don't Pay the Bills

The documentary uses flashy graphics to illustrate complex economic concepts. Unfortunately, these visuals can't mask the film's lack of depth. Serious discussions about inflation, interest rates, and currency valuation are left unexplored.

Finding the Money? More Like Losing Your Time

"Finding the Money" might appeal to those seeking a quick economic fix, but for anyone looking for a balanced and nuanced understanding of our financial system, this documentary is a waste of time. Skip the propaganda and head to your local library for some real economic education.
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Source Code (2011)
Awful acting , directing and storytelling
24 April 2024
Source Code (2011): A confusing mess with a nonsensical plot

Source Code starts out interesting. A soldier wakes up in someone else's body on a train about to explode. But the intriguing premise quickly unravels. The sci-fi mumbo jumbo about inhabiting past memories is laughable, and the whole thing feels like a bad episode of Black Mirror. Jake Gyllenhaal sleepwalks through his role, and the supporting characters are forgettable. The repetitive time loops are tedious, and the ending is predictable. Don't waste your time on this one. Awful acting , directing and storytelling. A boring mess of a film.
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Absolutley Boring !!!
26 February 2024
4 minutes of black screen which turn into 2 more minutes of boredom. Learn how to pace a story in a film bruh. Im a WW2 film buff but this is a major let down which tries to be 'artistic'. Many scenes looked like scenes from other films. When the kids are in the river ,look just like War of the World where tom cruises kids are near the river and bodies float by. No originality, even the sound is off. Watch the opening scene where the blaring sound of birds ,not indigenous, are waling away needlessly in the background. Another pathetic attempt and getting an indie oscar. Loved the vomit scene on the stairs, really moved the story along. LOL.
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Argylle (2024)
Same ole boring characters same ole story
4 February 2024
If you like cliche you will love this. Same character cool as a cucumber no matter what is happening, same ole glorification of guns and violence for no reason. Same dull predictable plot twist and characters you have seen done better elsewhere. Obligatory DEI messaging from hwood of course now an industry standard. My suggestion, stop casting people based on who they and cast them based on what they can do with a role. But we all know hwood doesnt listen to fans, they listen to advertisers which drives films now. There is a reason this hasnt been advertised all over social media its because they know its a stinker. There is not an ounce of originality in that business anymore only formulas that advertisers demand. Skip it.
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Awful ,boring, pathetic
15 November 2023
Dream Scenario is a nightmare scenario. I LOVE Nick Cage BUT this is bad, very bad. Poor dialog, standard scene shots, BAD acting all around, bad directing. Awful story telling, underestimates the audience intellect. There must have been a big payday for Nick to do this one. The usual side characters that talk like no one in real life. The dialog is routine and dull, the setups are boring and typical and the storytelling is a long slow disaster. It doesnt even seem like Nick is trying too hard with this character. Pathetic boring trash from the indie market that will leave you saying "Huh?????"
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Jules (I) (2023)
E.T. meets Cocoon
15 August 2023
Not a great film but watchable. I dont know if it was the actors or the directors that were off on this one. Maybe it was both. I love Kingsley but he and the others seems off and amateurish which makes me think either this productions war rushed, misdirected or they just weren't paid much for character development because they all seem wooden with rushed standard formulaic dialog. In a few scenes, we've seen before in other films, I was way ahead of the storytelling. The alien, well, not a memorable one, it looked like something I could make on my laptop. Still it did make it past the 10 minute mark that I give a film to get me hooked. It was good to see Jane Curtain in a lead role, she always has been talented and underutilized as an actress, but like the others, she seems not that engaged in the film. I would chalk this up to poor directing and lack of interest from the actors and a weak screenplay. Hollywood is so cautious not to offend anyone that they end up offending everyone with a poor movie.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Awful acting Awful Directing
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Acting is terrible Directing is even worse. Can you hold a useless scene more for us??? Im going to get even with the person who recommended this crap

"90 minute movie that includes 5 minutes of a widow eating a pie on the floor while her deceased partner, wearing a sheet, watches. Couldn't finish it. Just nothing at all for the first 45 minutes. Like seriously, a guy running around with a sheet over his head like Charlie Brown's Halloween special.

Literally, 5 minutes watching a widow eat a pie on the floor of her kitchen. While her deceased husband under a bedsheet watches. We couldn't stand to continue through it. That was 30 minutes in already.

If you want to watch a movie wondering about the emoting of a ghost under a bedsheet, this is for you. Otherwise, avoid.
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Motel (1989)
They need a sequel
31 July 2023
All of these motel are STILL there. It would be great to see an update on what has changed and what has not.

Christian Blackwood's fascination with the open road has led him to visit some interesting places and even more interesting people, several of whom are the subjects of this unique documentary. It's a road movie set just off the road, at the type of unassuming overnight lodging most travelers take for granted. The director's natural curiosity enables him to separate uncommon individuals (mostly women) from their otherwise common surroundings: a trio of owner/managers in Santa Fe; the wives and girlfriends of men behind bars in Florence, Arizona (including one touching May/December romance); and (best of all) the eccentric dancer who, single-handedly, revived the old Armagosa Opera House in the semi-ghost town of Death Valley Junction, California. The film is a reminder that everyone has a story to tell, and those related here are too unusual to be anything but the truth.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Best Film in 25 years !
14 July 2023
THIS is how you use CGI properly. Just enough to change the feel and flow of a film. This thing is a beauty. The set, the style, the era, the characters. The dialog is well crafted with efficiency and art. Child actors decay the illusion of a film unless a directors knows how to show them in a story. The story is told with flair and imagination with the grace of honest drama. The characters don't tell you the story expect for a few places. Bravo. Such attention to detail and creative storytelling. Wes Anderson does not have the Blockbuster movie and probrably never will because his films are a fine art that hold up over time, not many directors can say that. This film inspires me to work on my own art, this makes me feel just how lazy of an artist I truly am. A fantastic 'A' list of stars getting back to what made them actors in the beginning, the 'Craft'. You are going to love it if you love good film. A classic and the best film Ive seen in 25 years. Thank you.
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The Ms. Pat Show (2021– )
Cosby Show without jokes
19 May 2023
More pandering PC crap from Hollywood still catering to garbage demographics with no talent. Standard over the top arrogant jokes from mediocre talents. Get ready to be insulted white people you bad bad race. The characters are cookie cutter ghetto trash , of but they somehow are upper middle class. THIS is actually and insult to the black race in America. You have seen this show done over and over and over before. Watch the standup dialog in the first episode then you will see the level of the rest of the series. If you are in a coma then watch the entire series. Sick of Joe Rogan recommending crap shows.
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Renfield (2023)
A waste of Nick Cage
10 May 2023
Boring typical dialog that no one uses, lame standard characters. 8 minutes of narration until the story starts. With all the money in Hollywood why cant they get anyone to approve a script with some originality? This movie feels like drudging through another taylor swift song about one of her exces and how he did her wrong and shes not going to take it. Just dull and lifeless from the start and real let down as Cage is amazing and did what he could with it but the rest is plain awful. If you dont like the film after 10 minutes then turn this off because it will not get better for you. Shame Shame Shame.
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What's in a Name? (2022 TV Special)
This is an appology not standup
26 July 2022
This is a pity party for Dave. Trying to rally up his black base and the trans community so he can continue to spur racial hatred and bigotry. Dave is a great comedian but has falling off the cliff in recent years with his agenda. That would be ok if he really believed what he was saying but he is just trying to stay relevant and rich he doesnt care who he hurts.
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Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks (2022 TV Special)
Dude really???
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's AWFULLLL. Huge fan but what a mess this is. Visually it looks cheap, the sound is terrible and his writing is pandering. Damn shame. You had 2 years to write, even couldnt go anywhere and this is the crap you came up with bill Burgandy???
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Tiffany Haddish really?????
24 June 2022
Are we not done trying to make her a thing kevin hart? She the token female black in every movie now and she is just that a token. Biggest no talent in the film.
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Us (II) (2019)
Diversity Crapola
2 June 2022
Skip it. Show some 'realistic' black people, go ahead I dare ya. Boring directing,acting,dialog and story. Possible the worst film of 2019 and there have been literately hundreds of films that year.
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Baskets (2016–2019)
So good but canceled by woke
26 January 2022
Finally something good. Even the side characters are well played, funny and interesting. Great work but we know 'they' don't want us to have anything too good.
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Scream (I) (2022)
it's awful
17 January 2022
Cliched worn out scenes. Awful acting even for a horror flick. I think people need something nostalgic to be good now but this is not it. Hollywood still is broken.
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The Freak Brothers (2020– )
It is as funny as Tiffany Haddish
26 December 2021
Awful writing boring characters and this has been done better by soany others. Very lame joke Tiffany plays it gehtto how original Tiffany. Making comedies a cartoon is the only way you can push boundaries now but this goes nowhere. Nice to see Tubi doing originals but they are lame originals like Amazon and Netflix afraid to do anything good.
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American Folk (2017)
Ahhhh no
7 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lets start how nice this lady is to him. Stares and smiles at him on the plane then introduces herself. Ahhhh never happens unless you are exceptionally good looking or famous. Then of course she tells him to get into her cab and offers for him to stay with her. Yeah sure ,that's believable as creepy as he plays his character. Boring dull dialog, poor acting. Good idea though but awful directing. Im giving it 1 because it is the same cookie cutter things we have seen from hwood forever. Boring. Women dont always go out of their way to be friendly and men are not always dumb like his character.
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Finch (2021)
7 November 2021
Anything less than a 1 star is a lie. This is boring and over produced. You will find yourself day dreaming. Just garbage trying to not offend anyone. What a waste of time and money.
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Nick Cannon (2021–2022)
28 September 2021
Nick has no talent but keeps getting work smh. Ok this show is also a bore-fest. Lame PC topics, dull lifeless interviews, oh and of course why not put kevin hart in there for good measure. In the old das this would have been canceled by now, but hey they still have drew barrymores show on air for some reason. Hollywood is still bottom feeding with awful shows and films.
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Cry Macho (2021)
I sure hope its not his last film
24 September 2021
It's great to see him still working but this one falls flat. It watchable but some of the actors around Clint are not that good. Rushed dialog, poor dialog and some cliche scenes make this a solid 5 out of 10 imo. I could see Clint playing an old wise priest saving a village thru politics and violence maybe next time.
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Contagion (2011)
a terrible film
12 September 2021
Boring cliche acting story telling and directing. Dull and lifeless with stupid scene with nothing but background music.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Oh what an awful idea (REAL REVIEW)
27 June 2021
A silent horror film? Ok but you had better back that up with some great action and get creative with character development, they did neither. 90 minute film and the first (most important) 10 minutes of the film they are in a store and we dont know why. Prepare for extreme boredom. Of course I think they made a sequel too LOL. Awful over acting and weak directing. Dont be fooled by fake reviews here , they pay services to have people leave good comments.
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