
3 Reviews
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Maiden Voyage (2004 TV Movie)
Time filler
1 September 2006
The boat stayed afloat - but the movie sank. I feared the worst when I saw the opening credits... It probably is as awful as the others have said, but it was VERY late at night and I watched on TV as I lay comfortably in bed - the best thing I could find at the time! (Which tells you how appalling the competition must have been)Yes it creaked, was as weak as all get-out but it filled the time and I smiled at some of the dreadful moments of which there was no shortage. When luxury cruise liners operating out of the States are virtual cities with every luxury on board, I did wonder throughout why anybody would pay good money to go on this rusting old tub! Not a decent surface in sight! The "lounge" was so tiny it was ludicrous. It made twelve people "a crowd". It must be the world's only cruise liner without a swimming pool. The aerial shots revealed it to be a stumpy, ugly old vessel looking suspiciously like a superannuated ferry. (And as is pointed out above -it apparently WAS.) Fortunately I'm not THAT familiar with Kiwiland to have recognised any landmarks so I was spared that pain. It seems the NZ taxpayers there didn't get away so painlessly. It was so bad it was good! Casper van den Bierg is decorative. I'd never seen him before! He really must have NEEDED the work.
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Capote (2005)
Tale of Hoffman
27 June 2006
Although the face was familiar I admit to not knowing Hoffman's name until now...clearly an under-rated actor. Maintaining the character over the full shooting period must have been exhausting and a trial for the greatest actor. Admittedly he was offered wonderful material to use. A flawless performance. (Although it would have been unlikely anyway,I could never have been a friend of Capote's. The voice would have driven me to suicide or murder after an hour or so.) This is a truly compelling film with a superbly crafted script, sensitively handled by the director and cameraman. On a negative note - I gained the distinct impression that despite the displays of apparent warmth, Capote was a chilling creature at heart - something of an opportunist.
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17 July 2004
I come to this debate late having only just viewed the video. I also confess to lack of serious enthusiasm for this genre. I find them mildly entertaining but never thought-provoking, apart from wondering later "I wonder how they achieved THAT special effect." "Stigmata" is in a class of its own - apart from the excellent script, effects, shots pulled and editing. But apart from commendable technical excellence I thought its profundity made its predecessors appear superficial. This may well be due to its touching my own faith - some might say lack of it. I attend church most infrequently, thrill to much religiously-inspired classical music and wonder at the spectacle of Cathedrals the world over. Yet I see the Church in whatever guise, as a massive administration used over the centuries as a weapon of control while it sought power and influence, accumulated wealth - and committed thousands to the sword and flame. The theme of "Stigmata" was that God is within and around us - not built into buildings of wood and stone. It put into a phrase what I have always believed to be true. Each of us is an amalgam of good and evil, our "good" side continually striving to subvert the "bad". Is this what R.L.Stephenson might have been suggesting with "Doctor Jekylll and Mr Hyde"? Two within one. We have seen throughout history the way the individual's concept of what is "good and right" paradoxically permits him to carry out evil or disagreeable acts in the belief that the aim is a worthy one. I hardly need elaborate on this. The "flower children" of the 1960's had an enviable aim. A perfect world could be achieved through people simply being "good and kind". Unhappily it is a flawed philosophy since they failed to take into account that within each follower lurked the darker side. Psychologists are well acquainted with "libido" and "mortido". Most people find an outlet for their libido. But what of the other? The whole secret of life is to find a creative way of harnessing the destructive energies in an acceptable and creative manner! (Even the crop-dusting pilot is an example of this. His creativeness is his skill as a pilot, yet simultaneously he spreads death to millions of parasites for the benefit of his fellow beings. He may not be aware of this himself, of course. So yes - The "spirit" is within and around. The other, less acceptable message to the truly "religious" is that the Church, always fearing any erosion of its power never wishes to have its own righteousness questioned. Why were we not given freedom to study all the Dead Sea Scrolls? We also have evidence from archaeologists that Mary Magdalen bequeathed her scrolls to the world, and we also know that when Peter initially returned to his trade as fisherman after the crucifixion, the entire movement would have died had it not been for Mary's persistence and efforts. But the early church could never for a moment acknowledge its debt to a mere WOMAN! The females have always been written out of most faiths, or confined to minor roles. Perhaps the Roman Catholiic Church felt sufficiently guilty to allow her limited honour - but only as being the mother of Jesus.

"Stigmata" was a reminder to us all that - and that women are as much a part of religion and history as we males.
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