21 Reviews
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
If you enjoyed the original 911 leave this alone
19 April 2024
This is written and acted poorly. The original I felt for, I laughed cheered and cried for them. This I feel nothing. The chemistry between the characters has nothing. Even between the farther and son. The worst is liv who has had so much plastic done there is no expression to her character.

I have no problem with the diversity of the characters. This day of age most programmes have plenty of it. But they just don't gel together. It's just feels like actors reciting their lines to get their pay cheque.

Stick with the original 911 and leave it there. A sad and disappointed spin off that ruined what the original had done.
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The Full Monty (2023– )
Don't ruin your memory of a great film
27 June 2023
Imagine the original film. Now take out the story. Then take out the comedy. And this it what your left with.

There's no real running story throughout the whole of the series. Its almost Like an anthology of living in Sheffield. Each episode has its own very thin plot. Each one as depressing as the last.

Yes we know this is based around the 6 down on their luck men from Sheffield, but at least the original film had humor to it.

The whole show is a complete waste of the talents of the cast. As well as a complete waste in getting t hem all back together.

There is hope in the 1st episode that you imagine the story will be them getting back together to do their show on a talent show, sadly this is dashed very early on.

Don't ruin your memories of a fantastic film by watching this.
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Robin Williams acting
10 October 2021
Much like Jim Carrey he his renowned for his comedy. But the films where he truly shows his acting powers are often overlooked. Although very dated now. This film will only be appreciated by those who remember having to get their films developed. This is Robin Williams at his best. But it's a slow oh so normal story. No big explosions no over done Holywood. Just plain creepy stalker..Robin Williams without his humour unimprovised lines, plays it so straight it's frightening.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
If I wanted to spend the night reading I'd grab a book.
16 September 2021
The 1st season was great. Me and the Mrs thought we had found something good to watch for a while. Yes there was a bit of the terrorist speaking in native tongue so yeah a little bit of subtitles. Then came season 2.

I enjoy reading I read Lee child. And pratchett. However when I want to read I grab a book. I like putting on the TV to chill and listen to. But my goodness so many subtitles I might as well just read the books.the story was OK, but remember your tv not a book. Lost interest quickly.
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Waiting... (I) (2005)
You either worked in a restaurant or not
4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It seems there are two types of reviewers. The high scoring who have worked the trade, or the low scoring who haven't. Me personally 30 years in the trade. So yes I enjoyed it. I will say however I serve in the UK. So some things don't quite transfer across the pond. Ie we don't have buss boys we bus tables ourselves and we ain't so reliant on tips. Having worked in the trade, alot of it in relatable. However there is to much time spent explaining the game played in the restaurant.this could of been left out to create better character development. Totally love the 24hrs in the trade story. We all been there end of party wake up hung over, next to co-worker do breakfast lunch dinner onto next party.i do think a bit more work was needed but the humour of what goes on in a restaurant is on point.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Stopped watching midway of season 4
4 May 2021
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The first 3 seasons were great. The dynamics between the 2 main characters was great. I totally understand that after the ending of season 3 it still needed somewhere to go. But without the dynamics of brody and Carrie it quickly feel apart. In actual fact I began to find Carrie very wooden in acting, the story quite unbelievable. The best actor is the man who plays Saul.but after season 3 it all becomes slow and boring.
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Palm Springs (2020)
could even be better then the classic GHD
10 April 2021
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If someone says timeloop movie, everyone thinks of groundhog day. Quite rightly so. It seems there was GHD then there where imitations. Naked probably being the worst of this type of film. Seriously dont ever watch that.

Then along came palm springs. One of the things that makes this film different is that its not just one person stuck in the loop. This adds another depth to this tried and tested type of story.

So apart from the obvious live like there's no tomorrow together. Enjoying the fun of nothing matters and no punishment for their actions, the film then takes the darker turn of what happens when they dont want to be around each other. Hating and missing the person who is going through the same torture of reliving the same day over and over. This is what makes the film different to other time loop movies.

It also shows the different perspective of length of time in the loop. Nyles has been in the loop so long he's actually forgotten what he does for a living. While Sarah is new to it and wants out.

This review only loses a star for the ending. Which is always hard for this style of film. I almost feel it should of ended with the explosion leaving the audience to make their own story from there. The ending falls flat in comparison to the rest of the film. Its like they had to give it and ending but didnt know what to go for.
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8 November 2020
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I loved this. Totally invested in the characters. It's an emotional rollercoaster. A modern day bonnie and Clyde. Perfectly filmed, directed and acted. The two main leads had teenage angst and awkwardness perfectly portrayed. Although the story unbelievable it's easy to follow. The sheer joy and freedom of being a teenager until the initial murder followed by a complete change of pace. My only issue is who the heck done the musical score.
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Gemini Man (2019)
CGI ruined it
22 July 2020
The concept is ok. It's a good idea but very much Hollywood. Lots of action not enough character development. But sadly the first action scene with the motorbikes just ruined it for me. The cgi and green screen is so bad. I could no longer take the film seriously. The effects don't get any better. It's easy enough to watch, but could of been portrayed so much better
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
I'm so glad with covid-19 I didn't pay to see this in the cinema
25 June 2020
What a huge waste of time. I never read the books and judging but other reviews I'm glad I didn't or I feel my review would be worse. As a kids movie I would rather watch spy kids 3D again than this. The acting in nothing short of terrible even our great dame Judy can't be bothered. As I watched I found I didn't care for any of the characters in this film, and totally lost interest in a very thin plot. The CGI was laughable, don't waste your time on this film
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Watch for entertainment only
25 June 2020
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Nice easy going easy to watch kinda program. But don't apply any kind of time line, paradoxically logic to it because this program don't follow any of it.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
The best time loop film ever
15 December 2019
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This is Ron com not sci fi. It has bill murrey at his best. It takes you on a journey of laughter and tears. Who cares why just go with it. When it comes to time loop films this is the one they all aspire to be.
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After GHD this is probably 1 of the best time loop movies around
15 December 2019
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There is no denying ground hog day is the best time loop movie of all time. I gotta say I've seen many films try the same thing (naked being 1 of them) and very few do any good. This film however works it brilliantly. The good thing about this film is it doesn't show you the many constant loops but through the way the story works you know he has done it many times over and over again. I love the pause moments when the day what now, to him respond I don't know never got this far. There is a certain amount of light comedy moments that will give you small giggles. For those who like to dissect films like this like I do I couldn't find to many paradox issues either. Enjoyed this film far more then I expected
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Great concept cut short
12 May 2019
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What a great program and it could go so much deeper, so sorry it was so short absolutely loved it, Groundhog Day on drugs
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
I'd rather rewatch twilight
12 May 2019
Not really watching it but the wife is. But by what I have seen it's a load of rubbish. Predictable story line, poor acting. CGI the muppets could do better. By what I've seen as teen love vampire what ever love story there are go watch twilight still rubbish but better then this
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Writing a review on this is better then watching it
12 January 2019
So here I sit. Currently this film still going as my wife is easily amused. However I'm so bored it's unreal. This film is so dreadful I don't even care about what's going on. I think watching paint dry would be more interesting
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Naked (I) (2017)
Poor mans ground hog day
9 August 2018
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If you want a comedy with time loop watch Groundhog Day. This is a very poor in comparison. It's a time loop so that he can grow as a person and truly capture the love of his life. Except in GHD he does truly grow as a person and turns out to live be what he once hated. In this he simply listens in to the guests conversations so he can steal a few workable lines so everyone thinks he's a better person. Also I was told this was a comedy. I was lied to, the acting is poor the story thin the jokes are few. Hardly worked up a grin let alone let out a laugh. The amount of time he has seems to differ depending on what part of the story is going on. At times he barely has time to do one thing other times does every thing with time to spare. Wish I was in a time loop and learnt not to watch this
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Misfits (2009–2013)
Brilliant to start with
11 July 2018
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This show is fantastic. Show what would happen if everyday folk got powers. I like how it you can watch an episode without getting to entangled in the entire overall story. The powers they have and the enemies they come across are very well devised. Dairy boy is one of my faves. However in much agreement with many other reviewers the first 2 seasons are amazing the 3rd season struggled and just don't bother after that
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Warm Bodies (2013)
A brilliant take on Romeo and Juliet
11 July 2018
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For those who can't see it let's look at the facts The main characters are called R and Julie They come from rival sides and fall in love There is even a balcony scene The premise love conquers all is still prevalent The only difference is at the end all the dead come alive rather than the other way round. A light hearted film not to be taken to seriously.
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would rather do the ironing then watch this again
14 November 2015
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Well where do you start with such a poor film. poor acting and unlikable main characters. A film that has very little to do with UFO's. don't watch this film if your expecting fights with little green men. I understand the film is more about the breakdown of human society then actual UFO's. however you do kinda wish the aliens would just zap the main characters away just to end the film. some lame slow-mo fighting, wheres the fights seem to of started for little or no reason. I didn't even reach the end of this film before I turned it off. I normally like to watch a film while doing my ironing so i put this on, but to be perfectly honest i'd rather do my ironing in peace then watch this again.
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Carrie (2013)
not a bad copy of the original but definitely not better
14 November 2015
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This starts pretty well. keeps very close to the source of the book and is similar to the 1976 film. however the tension build up is not as strong. When it came to her discovering her powers it did seem a bit more like watching Matilda then a horror. The graphics of watching the books flying around where just poor. As for the massacre at the prom was just over acted by the lead roll. Where Sissy Spacek was able to portray the evil from her eyes, with Chloe there was a lot of arm flaying and twisting, and a lot of poor visual effects. The only person who came up trumps is carries mother, still able to portray the bible craziness and pure terror at Carries powers very well. not a bad film on its own, but simply does not stand up to the 1976 original.
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