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X-Men '97: Remember It (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
10 April 2024
I'm not one to write reviews but this episode just left me speechless. Perfect in every sense, action, drama, animation is top notch. Story just made the time fly. This episode will be remembered as one of the best tv animation half hours. It's that good.

The juggling of the X-Men is superb not failing to include a moment with almost all of them. This kind of awesome writing reminded me of infinity war or endgame. So many characters and we feel close to every single one of them.

If anyone has any doubts that this revival would be as good as the original, rest assured, it is! Happy to see Marvel at it's best once more.
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Only worth to watch Jonathan Majors as Kang
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So where to begin... Premise is good, they go to quantum realm, they have an adventure they get back. Quantum realm should have been only half the movie, other half should have been how to get there. No, it's a CGI world with a villain that did nothing but be a joke. That's ridiculous MODOK. He looks ridiculous but he could be at least menacing. And turning ridiculous into something great has always been Marvel strength. Just look at Arnim Zola. He's basically a giant robot with a teletubby tv face in the comics. Pretty menacing in winter soldier. But no they couldn't/wouldn't figure out a way to adapt him, so he's just kind of there. Mostly comic accurate (not even that he's supposed to be body horror deformed) physically but the rest? He's just kinda there for laughs. Laughs that don't come.

Fine, but the heros go on a journey right? No! They merely travel. They see wonderous things and what do they end up? Same as they were before. There's no character progression for any of the main cast except maybe Janet! Hope has literally nothing to do the entire movie. Scott and Cassie have a tiny argument about Scott being a hero and having to help. All good by the end, no lessons learned, nothing. Status quo is reset. And the inhabitants are portrayed as inept if they need 4 shrinking heroes that mainly give out a small uninspired speech to motivate them. That's literally it. The heroes do nothing of substance that the inhabitants couldn't do on their own. And such a waste of talent... Even bill Murray feels flat, Wich I thought impossible, but here we are.

CGI was shady, some good parts, but mostly boring green screen stuff, or volume. There's even a shot where Cassie and Scott embrace while giant that has nothing to compare them to like a building or something recognizable, so they look like regular size just slightly slower. Got my biggest laugh, but I'm sure it wasn't supposed to be funny, didn't work either way.

Some of the character designs are good, the hole guy, the lamp guy, but again they have barely anything to do.

The only true quality in the movie is Jonathan Majors as Kang. It literally saved the movie. I can't stress this enough he's phenomenal! And I hope Marvel puts him in much better projects cause he nailed it! Can't wait to see more of him.

I'm inclined to think a lot of the blame falls on the writer, that didn't know/care about these characters. It's just poorly poorly written. And KF that approved this.

Trend continues for Marvel unfortunately. They try so hard to be funny, they fail. Laughs came easy when they weren't actively ridiculing themselves. They need to take themselves serious and sprinkle some jokes not make a mockery of the source material and frankly of the fans. If the writers don't have respect for the comics, this is what happens. Thor 4 and Quantumania. I thought mom and eternals had issues but at least they took themselves serious. This? This an insult.

I give it a 6 mainly for Kang or this would be a miserable 5.
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Halo (2022– )
Visuals on point, the rest...
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Helmet off? Lost interest immediately, don't really know how the first episode ended cause i switched off.

Don't plan on seeing the rest. Live action has to learn to keep the fundamentals from the games Wich I'm a huge fan since the first one.

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I Care a Lot (2020)
Took to long for some satisfaction
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this movie is average.

Except when she gets shot. I cheered. Alas it was too little too late.

One star less for making me wait.
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I'm now 100% convinced most of the overly bad reviews are from people that didn't watch the movie.
7 March 2019
Disclaimer: I'm not putting a spoiler tag because I don't give out story points but I do mention moments, tones, acting and reactions so please thread lightly if you want to go with a clean slate wich I recommend.

So just came out of the movie (it came out the sixth here) and I can say this is not a female agenda movie! I'm a male and I loved every bit of it. There's a couple of scenes that reminds us this is a girl granted but these are very subtle or used for somewhat comedic effects, but for the most part male/female is interchangable. She could be a man and the story would be basically the same, so it's a non issue. ( I make this point because of all the controversy, but rest assured it's all bull)

This is a troubled hero trying to find what it all means and Brie Larson plays it very well with subtle tones, a crescendo of roguish attitudes and humor that reflect her inner turmoil. The trailers don't make it justice at all. Samuel l. Jackson is at its best minus the profanity and the deaging thing is mind blowing to say the least. The banter between them flows so well. The supporting cast are scene stealers all of them. Maria, Monica, Talos, Coulson, Jude law, Annette and the freaking cat. The action scenes are riveting, well put together and the finale! In the words of doctor Bruce banner, you guys are so screwed now! The beginning gave me a heartache (you'll see) and the first endcredit scene got cheers from the public. The story is one of the best in any shm, I was glued to the seat for 2 hours and change but it flew by. And it's funny, more than I expected, with that MCU signature humor. Again the trailers don't make it justice.

Now, I gave this an 8/8.5 ( have to watch it again if I'm keeping the 9 or downgrade it to an 8) rounded to 9, but it's a 8.5 because it tries a little too hard to include scenes tying to the larger MCU where it didn't need them. The movie stands on it's own merits and it would be slightly better without the "see what we did here wink wink" moments.

Overall it goes to my top ten easily and one of the best most unique origin stories in the mcu. Highly recommend to see it. I plan to see it at least one more time as I mentioned.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Do not give up at the beginning! Wait and be rewarded!
3 February 2019
Boy I hated this show so much at the beginning! It was awful, not funny, pretensious, pseudo intelectual! For the first 3 episodes boy I was almost giving up... And then it wasn't! Those first episodes are there for a reason and it pays off. Must watch TV. You will not regret giving it a chance past the first few episodes.
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Much, much better than expected.
28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, I went in with some low expectations, the trailers were ok, the troubled production didn't inspire great confidence and i didn't like the casting of Han Solo.

Boy was I wrong...

this was an enjoyable, gun-slinging, train robbery, double and triple cross type of movie, where Han Solo fits like a glove.

Or should i say Glover? glover is Lando. No questions asked, womanizer, charming, the inflection of his voice is pitch perfect. Han Solo not so, but after the first 15 minutes your brain adjusts just fine and you see the rogue you love even if the face is not the same.

Now to the great stuff: Chewbacca is the standout. He is truly the big standout. He does more in this movie than in all the Saga movies put together. He flies, he Rips arms off (finnally!!!!), he is the soul of the movie. really great to see Chewie in all his glory. If not for anything else it's a joy to see the big walking carpet being the big walking carpet that we just ear in tales, here we get to see how he got the reputation. (and Lando and Han)

Now, some could argue that this was unnecessary and they would be right! But damn if it isn't a blast seeing the Kessel run, The winning of the Falcon, and the events that ultimately lead Han to become the not so idealistic rogue we see later on.

Double crossed by his mentor, triple crossed by his love interest, he learned a few lessons here. And the idealistic youg boy we see at the beggining turns into the guy that shoots first asks answers later we love.

So, was it necessary? No Is it Fun? Hell Yeah!!!!! And what more can you ask about a space western set in Star Wars universe?

Also Darth Maul and the connectivity to Rebels and Clone Wars!!!!! What a great and unexpected surprise, it shows they are really into the "new Expanded" universe that we always just dream, even in movies like avengers where the TV Shows are a side note.

I truly hope they don't get bummed out by the low numbers and give SOLO 2\Lando a shot, cause I really would love to see what happens to Qi'ra and Darth Maul at dathomir. boy if someone said to me one day i would see a robot legged Maul speaking about dathomir in a movie, i would say no way jose, now anything is possible!! And that's saying something.
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