
14 Reviews
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Holy Hell (2016)
Jaw-Dropping, MUST-SEE & Quality too???
17 February 2024
1st off, this should be COMPULSARY viewing for end-Highschool years to teach them about critical thinking and the dangers of cults and narcissists.

Anyway, it's JAW-DROPPING! It's so shocking in how extremely messed up this leader was and how none of them spot it... I feel so bad for these sweet innocent people...I'm not into these kind of things but i COULDN'T STOP WATCHING!

3rd STAND-OUT thing NEVER happens in docos, esp when they are over a 20 year period: The footage is from a QUALIFIED Film Maker ON THE INSIDE!! So it's amazingly shot! Evokes all the right images, feelings etc!!!

Watch it! You won't be disappointed!
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Forced myself only because I LOVE "Blade Runner"...
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very disappointed. Gave it every chance!

{I'm 50 & LOVE "Blade Runner"}

Can't believe no one mentions the AWFUL, CHEEZY dialogue! I can overlook the cliché, unoriginal story, etc to watch cool visuals, just like the recent "Rebel Moon..." weirdness! <- a copy n' paste of every fantasy & Sci-Fi movie. WATCHED & ENJOYED despite lack of quality...but THIS? No. Too HARD TO WATCH.

Every character's mouth spews cliched, CHEEZY nonsense!

It's as if 5yr old wrote it!

^Yes, i did allow for 'loss in translation' from Japanese, but it can't account for how awful it is - really jarring.

Just look at this example in 1st episode:

'You lost your memory but you remember you live here, that's funny... i live here too, always have.

'Aawww' 'You like animals?! ...but...that's not a real cat, it's artificial'.

When you watch this, you will see, it's so unnatural, so forced and so on the nose (to blatantly bring up the topic of replicated animals), i just couldn't enjoy it anymore.

The previous fight scene had me groaning and rolling my eyes.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Can't Stop watching this AWFUL show!... >: (
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is SUCH garbage!.... Which sucks, 'coz I still can't stop watching it!.. >: ( ('Coz it's a great concept & i love anything Sci-Fi-ish)...

The WRITING is so AWFUL and most of the *acting is also SO AWFUL, it's HARD TO WATCH!.... and yet, i can't seem to stop myself...

Ppl are constantly talking like some B-grade script, saying corny, cheesy, utterly cliche stuff and doing almost everything the opposite of how real ppl behave...

^ The last straw, for me was a scene where this guy... a psychologist, is trying to 'talk a woman down', who has a rock and is threatening... [SPOILER:}

she drops the rock and says, 'give me a moment'...He says, 'OK' and promptly turns his back on her!!!!... I mean come on! This sorta nonsense is every other scene and is painful to watch!...

I think, in the end, i will just stop because there are SO MANY GOOD shows around these days and this is literally just wasting my time!
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SoOoo Disappointing!
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great atmosphere, style, actors and music but because of the writing, the characters...bad dialogue and poor development - the story, or rather lack of it... is weak, un-engaging and almost boring.

After a week or two, I know I won't even remember it. Such a shame because it looks really cool. Could have been so good.

OH! And Emile Hirsch, in a movie about art and artists you LAZY 'artist'!!! You couldn't even shave your head for art's sake!? Or should we blame the make-up department, because that bald-cap he wears toward the end is so APPALLING! NO ONE ON EARTH's head looks like that when shaved. Just a polished flawlessly smooth shiny plastic looking dome... OMG it was so awful! - Completely destroyed the whole ending of the film! It was so glaring that it stood out so much as if you could suddenly see all the green screens or the set around the scene or the boom mics! YUCK!

Very disappointed.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Not as good as people say....but it is fun...
18 July 2020
Even the trailer had me suspecting that this would be full of action film cliches... Sure enough, this series is predictable and cliched.... This series IS entertaining IS 'fun'.... Gratuitous nazi-killing is always fun and satisfying....Nothing like seeing a bully/villain/disgusting monster getting what they deserve... There's something to be said for also showing that 'revenge' and 'vigilantism' are not righteous... Someone once told me nothing someone says before the word 'but' counts....So... Buuuuuut.... While the acting is pretty good and i probably only looked at this because of Al.... COME ON! The german accents are TERRIBLE!!! How can the #1 review of this say, '...all the other actors nailed the performances....'?!?!!? This show has born and bred GERMANS with accents so bad as to be irritating, suspention of disbelief-breaking!!! THEY ARE AWFUL!!! What i cannot understand is WHY producers/directors/casting people don't HIRE GERMANS TO PLAY GERMANS!!! I mean COME ON! It's common sense! A child would know that! All in all, I wouldn't say 'don't watch this' - I'd say, if you are bored and just want to but your brain on the coffee table and have some fun, then, by all means, this is definitely a lot of fun!
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Tainted (II) (2020)
A bit more than just cliched violence for violence's sake...
18 June 2020
From the trailer I was worried this would just be gratuitous violence for violence's sake... but it was more! A pleasant surprise!

Great acting and wonderfully dark atmosphere.... You can almost feel the weight of a harsh harsh life of pain, violence and suffering on the main character's life.

The story-line/plot is very cliched but because of the great acting and the well main 'characters', those cliches somehow didn't annoy me (as it normally would have me rolling my eyes and groaning). It seems to me that this film is constantly pushing a message - which I appreciate! (I hate senseless violence and I hate glorifying violent or criminal lifestyles like mob-life or gangs even more!) This film does the opposite, it shows that those lifestyles of crime - drugs, murder etc are horrible, dark and that they TAINT you... for the rest of your life... There is a MORAL to this story which those horrible Hollywood movies usually don't show and for that, I have to write this, so it's not overlooked! Oh.. the moral, as i said above? It's about how low behavior 'taints' you and that it is UGLY. Not a high quality 'great' movie but definitely well above average and worth a look!
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Capone (2020)
B O R I N G : (
1 June 2020
I was so looking forward to this! When I saw the trailer, I thought, 'What an interesting take/angle on this famours gangster!' - Losing your power through old age and your mental faculties - GREAT idea! Unfortunately this couldn't be further from the truth. The trailer gave me the impression he was still 'making moves'. Alas, this is literally nothing but watching his deterioration. There is only ONE 'rising action' element of plot but throughout the movie, I really couldn't care less which way that that 'rising action' climaxed!.... Which means something has gone terribly wrong! I got bored around 40 mins in and at 60 mins it was actually starting to become painful/torturous and I almost stopped watching... Considering the woeful climax, I wish I HAD stopped at about 60 mins in! The ONLY way this movie might be interesting to you, is if you have never seen any movie where someone declines/degrades over time/loses their mind and even then, there are far more interesting movies where that happens... Truly disappointing as I'm a big fan of Tom Hardy. The quality of the cinematography, music, actors etc was all top notch so it's really tragic...
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STUPID story with decent action & acting.
1 June 2020
Rated as 1 star because I am infuriated that this is yet another movie with a STUPID story where the CHARACTERS BEHAVE LIKE REAL PEOPLE WOULDN'T BEHAVE! There are also more than 2 HUGE plot holes that make absolutely no sense - you will see, if you waste your time on this.

This is also a done-to-death-cliched story/plot..... If you see the trailer, you will see what I mean.

The ONLY redeeming features of this movie are that the action and acting is decent. If you HAVE to watch a movie because you literally can't do ANYTHING else, then this might keep you entertained for 1 ½ hours.... Don't blame me if you are angry afterwards though... I was constantly screaming at the screen, 'Aw, come on!!! NO ONE would DO THAT!!!'

How do movies like this keep getting produced?!?!!?!
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Passengers (I) (2016)
5 Stars because there's nothing WRONG with this movie but it's not fantastic either.
1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
NB: NO real spoilers - I'm sure the trailer shows what I'm saying...

I love Sci Fi and so I may be giving this movie more credit than it deserves. I love ANY Sci-Fi movie that has beautiful space cinematography and this one has that :)

Like my summary says, there's really nothing wrong with this film. although I do have some gripes:

There's just not enough 'umph'.... I never felt any real dread or fear and nor was there any REAL surprises.... The characters were well developed enough but the rest was predictable...

Major gripes: Slingshot maneuver was ridiculously close to the sun...

movies have some common sense responsibilities, like not showing dangerous first aid practices (without identifying them as flawed), yet, in this movie, like so many others, I keep seeing people pull OUT objects that have punctured their bodies while there's either no medical professionals around or without some way to plug the wound or in most cases, NEITHER.... Makes me very angry. KIDS, YOU NEVER REMOVE AN OBJECT FROM A PUNCTURE WOUND UNLESS YOU HAVE A DOCTOR TELLING YOU TO DO IT (THE FOREIGN OBJECT MIGHT BE HOLDING YOUR BLOOD OR OTHER VITAL STUFF IN PLACE!)....

Other than those, here is a BEAUTIFUL and fun little Sci-Fi film that I enjoyed for the moment.
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SPOILER AHEAD (but only MINOR - will NOT ruin movie) - This film was AWFUL and DISAPPOINTING!
16 April 2016
I know that people tend to over rate movies here (either too high or too low) but how this got over 7 when I assume there are millions of 'fans'... is beyond me.... I'm not going to critique the acting, as it was fine... Just the story and the writing.. those choices... OH my Good God.... I just have to vent my spleen: I honestly found it to be ****** stupid and idiotic... A T R A V E S T Y! Oh my G..g...g....they COULDN'T make it dumber if it was their INTENTION to make a RIDICULOUS film... The HURTS. ...

OK, get this: after real hatred builds and builds to the point where an intelligent guy wants to MURDER another guy. I mean REALLY...really. ..really wants to END him.... but wait. .. through some {sarcasm}spectacularly AWESOME story- writing {/sarcasm}, just by COINCIDENCE, it turns out BOTH their MOTHERS have the same name. the thoroughly deep-seated, well- thought-out murderous hatred?... Poooof! Gone! 😮 'Your Mom's name is also Martha?' 'Oh man, why didn't you say bro?!

'Let's be buddies now!' 😮😲 WTF?!?! Just like that!.... in 10 seconds! 😛 Oh and that's just the start of the sh*t-for brains script of this rotten tomato! This (not the porcelain sink over superman's head), is where i flipped and realised I'm not in the same dimension anymore. Clearly I'm in a Bizzaro Universe! No serious professional would make such a crazy film with a huge budget....😑😮😕 The ending is also spectacularly stupid when you consider the superman universe. Literally, a 6 year old wouldn't have made such awful choices and works probably have come up with a better story... Wow.... i'm really stunned...
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WEAPONiZED (I) (2016)
Don't Waste One and a Half Hours of Your Life!
26 March 2016
This movie is terrible!

I got sucked in by the trailer, which made it look pretty good...

I can't believe how bad it really was...

A horribly unoriginal concept for story, TERRIBLE script and some of the worst acting I can ever remember seeing.

There are only TWO movies that were so awful I couldn't watch them to the end.... THIS one and a movie called "Nemesis" ( and THIS ONE...

I stopped watching "Weaponize" at 55 mins....

It's a shame because I like Rourke and Sizemore.
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Infini (2015)
Ignore the rating, this is good.
16 October 2015
IMDb ratings are always skewed downward. You need to add 2-3 points to all IMDb ratings. Why? Because the www community is full of armchair critics who have no idea what they are talking about. The same thing would happen if you posted a work of art and asked people to critique it. There is nothing WRONG with this movie. IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) it is a strong 'horror-sci-fi'. If you liked "Event Horizon" or "Alien", I suspect you will like this! There are many far worse (including big-budget) sci fi movies about lately! Acting was great. Cinematography/atmosphere was great. Story was good. I really can't find a flaw in this movie. I watch so many, I tend to forget them quite quickly and while I have forgotten most of some big budget films, I still remember this one.
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Alien Outpost (2014)
Most underrated film yet
19 February 2015
I'm truly grateful my instincts served me. The trailers were not great and the IMDb ratings for this film were awful... but I watched it anyway. IT WAS GREAT. No criticisms at all. I guess if you think 'hollywood nonsense' all flash no story makes a great movie, then this isn't for you.

If you liked movies like District 9, then this will be right up your alley.

Great characters, great story, great cinematography, great effects and great action!

I hardly EVER write reviews but just HAD to to try to make up for the poor reviews by idiots who have no idea...
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Vendetta (I) (2013)
Solid Action-Drama
5 January 2014
When I checked this film it only had a 5.6 rating. My ONLY reason for writing this review is to RIGHT that WRONG.

There is NOTHING so wrong with this film as to rate it so low. 5.6, to me, means 'boring, predictable, cookie-cutter, Hollywood action films with no 'substance' to them....And even some of those can rate a 6 or so just for pure action fun-entertainment value...But THIS film is MUCH better than those dime-a-dozen action/revenge films and "Vendetta" is so well executed. If I HAD to criticize anything it would only be that I don't think the way Alistair Petrie's character, 'Spencer Holland', was written was realistic. It's just my humble opinion that any ranking detective that is next in line for super, would NOT be as dumb as 'Spencer Holland' is written to be. If you like this genre, I don't think you will be disappointed and I'm sure you'd rate it higher than 5.6! ;)

CAVEAT: Most of the negative reviews of this movie seem to be comparing it to 'GREAT FILMS'...or classics... When I review or recommend a film, I review/recommend it based on the genre and what the movie is INTENDED to be. E.g.You don't compare a Steven Seagal film to a Ridley Scott movie! So what I'm, saying (badly, I admit), is that, for what it's MEANT to BE, "Vendetta" is a solid 7-8. (It's not MEANT to be a classic guys!)
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