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Utterly embarrassing
3 October 2023
When you have the budget of Marvel, the caliber of actors involved (who all perform brilliantly), this is an amazingly awful showing. The writers and directors should be forcefully moved to Alaska and never allowed to touch scripts or stories again.

The writing is truly shameful. My 4 year old tells more logical stories about weird dreams he has while on allergy meds.

Don Cheadle's lines are so terrible, like they were written by a monkey using AI.

The dialogue is childish. The story is awful.

Internet fan fiction is 30x better than this. I can't understand how this was approved by anyone with a brain.

If this is what writers can give, maybe Disney shouldn't be paying them and replace them with AI.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Great effort, melodramatic writing
28 March 2023
Seeing some characters like Nightwing brought to life for the first time is fun. There is some potential. Some good moments. There is a lot of cheesy drama, long dull plot lines, characters that are inconsistent with their comic book versions, and terrible dialogue. Some of the writing seems like it came from elementary school students. Character development is juvenile at best. The costumes are cool, but this is another example of great potential characters completely ruined by visionless, passionless direction and lackluster writing that drags out any good arcs so long they become dull and disappointing.
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Cursed (2020)
A fitting title...
23 October 2020
Cursed is an accurate description. Things that are cursed in this show: -the writing -the acting -the characters -the wardrobe department -hair and make-up department -the story-telling

It looks like they spent a lot of money trying to make this the new game of thrones. But the characters are written like cheesy sci-fi channel archetypes.

The show can't decide if it wants to be a forget what you know about history type of show or a "this is our own world" kind of show. So it bounces back and forth in a way that fails at both.

In the end, Cursed is how I feel for having watched it
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The Kid (II) (2019)
If a story had memory loss
12 April 2020
A story without much story from a director who had no direction. If you're looking for a billy the kid movie that shows nothing of the life of billy the kid except his cocky attitude and inept attempts to escape. This movie can't decide if it wants to be about Billy the Kid. Pat the sheriff who hunts him, or Rio, a boy who has very little to do with the other story but shoehorns in to fill the movie with something resembling a plot. It tries. It fails. Lots of talking but not much to say. But don't worry Chris Pratt has like 4 min of screen time.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Imagine comic book + Nickelodeon writers
5 March 2020
Seasons 1-3 I loved Season 4 was really good Season 5 things start falling apart Season 7-8 epically bad

Arrow should be subtitled- how to turn treasure into trash.

I can't stand not finishing a show I start. This one got so bad, it is painful to push through. Seasons 1-3 aside here's the issues with this show.

Let's count the terrible 1. Green Arrow is an archer, who for some reason rarely uses his bow to shoot arrows. 2. Green Arrow is known for lots of trick arrows, which are essentially never used in the show. 3. Melodrama everywhere 4. Writers spent too much time being terrible and not enough learning how to write 5. Pacing- unbelievably bad and unbelievably formulaic. They never adjust to build suspense, never do any actual recon. 6. Arrow is a tactician who never uses tactics. He just walks straight ahead into things...kind of the opposite of an archer and a tactician 7. Repetitive-each season picks an idea to beat into the grave. (Vigilantism, is it ok to kill, making decisions on fear, pick a social justice issue. They beat it to death by having different characters in different places repeating the same poorly shaded social agenda) 8. Shallow characters who you couldn't care less about and are wildly inconsistent. None of the characters tote a consistent view, they all just switch around to create...melodrama 9. Weak plot lines that are somehow rushed and too slow at the same time. 10. Lack of any character growth to speak of. 11. Repetitive...I know i said it before but... it's bad. 12. So much forced conflict between characters the show becomes laughable and childish.

There are more but you get it- Stop after season 3 or just don't watch it
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6 Underground (2019)
It's a long commercial for a product you don't want to buy
23 December 2019
Let's count the truly terrible elements: 1. The dialogue 2. The opening sequence 3. Disorganized and poor plot they tried to hide behind unnecessary and confusing time jumps 4. The directing - makes you wonder if Michael Bay has ever made a movie before 5. The characters - developed like 1 dimensional caricatures of people. 6. The shots - sooo unnecessary they distract from what little story their is.

Not even Ryan Reynolds can save this catastrophe of a film.
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The I-Land (2019)
If you handed a 3 year old a crayon and asked them to draw a story, it would be better than this...
28 September 2019
Started watching thinking: ok, a knock off of Lost, maybe they don't ruin it with the ending. I was so wrong. They ruined it with EVERYTHING. The concept was interesting enough for my wife and I to SUFFER through the first two episodes. Maybe the terrible dialogue and just truly painful writing was a design choice due to the characters having memory loss? Maybe. Then the scientists and warden start talking. Wow. I'll say it backwards: wow. A character should never have a monologue in which they tell you they are going to pour a drink, comment on the drink, comment on drinking alone, and comment about how much they like the drink when drinking alone. All of that is wasted. BUT THEN THE SCIENTISTS talk. My son is less than a year old. He doesn't pronounce words yet. His dialogue is more interesting and intelligible than this. What I want to know is: with all the amazing writers in the world who can't get their content out there, how did this steaming pile of horse crap, how did this script written by someone who I'd assume was in a coma while writing it, how did this get made, get a budget, and get put out? How can the same media giant that makes Stranger Things make this? You mean to tell me Netflix cancelled Punisher, Daredevil, Santa Clarita Diet, the OA, and thought: "Yes, this is the show that will do just as well as those?" I dont like starting shows and not finishing them. This is SOO BAD, you would literally have to pay me a considerable sum of money to turn it on in the background while I was doing something else. I am actually a dumber person for having watched just a few minutes of this show. Save yourself, dont even turn it on. Hide it from your list and write a strongly worded message to Netflix telling them we deserve better content.
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Point Blank (2019)
Hope you don't like hearing the dialogue
6 August 2019
This movie suffers from super loud effects and almost non-existant dialogue. At one point they had to add subtitles for an English movie where the actors are speaking English. Just buy better audio mics before you make a movie.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
How the mighty fall
31 July 2019
Season 1 I loved arrow. It was one of my favorite shows. It was a little campy with some typical CW cheese but a great show. It held strong for a couple of seasons. Around season 4 or 5 it started falling into melodrama, ridiculous forced conflict, and painfully inconsistent characters while the writers became interested in debating ethics of vigilantism than being a superhero show. No one cares about that. Seriously. With shows like punisher and daredevil, Arrows fall into repetitive, cheap drama and lazy story telling crew painful. My rating of 7 is just because the first few seasons were so good. The latter were awful.
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Satisfying conclusion to an epic saga
6 May 2019
I love marvel movies. They aren't always the greatest movies, they are usually really good, but they are always fun. To tie all the stories together, develop these characters, create emotional connection, and still be fun and entertaining is no small task. Lost couldn't even end a couple of seasons on an island. This crosses time, reality, and space and yet still is a wonderfully satisfying conclusion to 22 films. Wonderful. Simply wonderful. Though why am I writing this? Is there really someone deciding whether or not to watch the epic conclusion to these movies based on an IMDb review?
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The Predator (2018)
Lost in script...
6 May 2019
I can't tell if this was a bad attempt at a comedy, a bad attempt at an action film, or the result of a lost bet that someone forked out serious cash to make. I love a lot of the actors in this: but the garbage script they were given to work with is unredeemable. The concept had potential but the execution was so laughably bad it made me long for the dialogues of 8th grade plays. How is it this hard to make a good film with predators in it?
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Adequate but lacking
9 March 2019
As a lover of the MCU I was very excited for this movie. It has all the Marvel elements you'd expect: action, fun, dash of comedy. The way they approached the origin part of the story was good, little fresh style for telling it. What this movie absolutely didn't do:

1. Develop side characters- we spend all our time with Captain Marvel's character and everyone else is about as deep as a puddle after a long drought. 2. Sloppy plot- This movie never bothers to tell us why to care or what's at stake. You watch it because it's Marvel. And that's it. 3. Bad guys- in the muddy plot the antagonists...are shallow, confusing, one dimensional, and soooo underdeveloped it's laughable. It honestly feels like they rushed so hard to put this together the writers forgot about basic art of story-telling. The conflict just sort of is...no why...no conflicting agendas...just fight because we want to. 4. World building- the opportunity to dive into alien races just gets chucked out the window. The only thing this movie really seemed to care about is promoting girl power. Which is cool and all, but not to the neglect of you know, an actual story.
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Deserves the awards
2 March 2019
Im not one for biopics and I've issues with Bryan Singer being allowed to make movies, but this film was interesting enough I had to check it out. Acting, casting, music, all of it, was sooo good. So interesting. Great film!
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Struggles with execution
2 March 2019
Really interesting combination of ideas. Fun new approach to zombies. I don't mind dubbing. The problem with this show is the characters are written to be pretty idiotic, with a few small exceptions most of the people are unbelievably dumb. Some of the plot points are pretty trite and ridiculous, even for the genre. The style and setting are so different it's interesting but really suffers from some poor dialogue writing. Potential...so much potential.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Unique and compelling
2 March 2019
It took me a minute to get into it, but once I did, it was a really interesting, really unique show. Definitely worth watching.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
One of the best comic portrayals
2 March 2019
Canceling Iron Fist made sense. Canceling Luke Cage made sense. They were ok shows but not great. Daredevil was a sad loss, as it was great. This, this is the worst cancelation choice I've seen since Firefly. This show captures the gritty action of a complex anti-hero so we'll. Not sure you could ask for a better actor to play him. Such a waste, not sure what Netflix is doing. Bad life choices.
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Knightfall (2017–2019)
Surprisingly engaging...
17 December 2018
The opening of the pilot is a bit cheesy, but stick with it. This show balances drama, suspense, action, and politics, with the mystery of secret society really well. Ok it's a show that uses historical characters and people and plays around historical events. Yes, history legalists may find lots to complain about. But as a show, it's entertaining and pretty gripping.
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Helix (2014–2015)
Clumsy attempt at a thriller
17 December 2018
Season 1 wasn't bad. It had some forgivable B acting moments, but it was interesting. Season 2 is what a show would be if the writers all quit but they kept making episodes. Improv has more thought out plot-lines. The characters are all over the place...or worse, one-dimensional. The conflicts forced and fabricated. Viruses that do ridiculous things making elements that could be creepy feel absurd. It's just bad...
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Inconsistent across seasons
20 September 2018
It took me a minute to get passed some of the original concepts of the show. It did get pretty good for a few seasons before the writers ran out of ideas and the story just became slight twists on the same plot. The last season was soooo terrible it was almost unwatchable. Characters get stuck in sudden and wildly different personalities. Absolutely ridiculous decisions made my numerous characters that no one would ever do, they do things that make sense only to create conflict in the plot. It's either bad or lazy writing. Everything feels forced. Even the good ideas are drawn out to the point where they get stupid. Bloodryana was a cool concept...but they took it so far and to such a ridiculous place...it's sad to see a decent show become trash.
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New Girl (2011–2018)
Schmidt is the best
3 August 2018
Wasn't sure what to think of this show when I started. It quickly became one of my favs. It's so funny. Great character chemistry. All and all a fun show
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A weirdly fun blend of style and genre
3 August 2018
This is a fun movie. Guy Ritchie's style comes through like crazy. It's super odd at first, the story telling style with modern humor and editing in a fantasy story, but as soon as you adjust to that, it's a fun and fresh take on a story that's very entertaining. Acting is great too, so that's a bonus.
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Sloppy and stupid with a ridiculous concept to boot...
3 August 2018
Problem 1: anyone who touches a weapon of any kind basically turns into a demon controlled monster who wants to kill everyone. Why is that's problem? Well you can't care about characters if they cease to exist the moment they engage in the story.

Problem 2: There are so many characters that have nothing to do with the overarching plot, making the story confusing to follow.

Problem 3: the first rule of writing is: you have to play by the rules of the world you create. These writers just make up rules to fit the moment with no consistency. The world fees very undeveloped because they have no true rules to what the world is.

Problem 4: character motivations are obsurd and they make no sense.

Problem 5: No real good guys. Just people who don't turn evil as fast as others.

Problem 6: the actual plot is completely lost in a bunch of wild and non-sensical scenes that no one cares about.

Problem 7: (petty problem alert) The main character (Gai) is a tiny part of the story. Weird. Why name the show after someone who's almost never in it?

Here's the message of Swordgai - everyone is evil and weapons make them demons. The only not totally evil people are Buddhists who avoid violence. No matter how good someone may be, protecting themselves or others will turn them evil. The end.
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Feel good, paint by numbers movie
30 July 2018
Lots of fun elements. Great graphics. Overall fun story. Nothing like saving the world by playing a video game. While fun and enjoyable, there's nothing really gripping or compelling about this movie. It's just kind of a place holder until the next actual good movie comes out.
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Bumbling inconherent story
30 July 2018
There was a lot of intrigue to some of the other Fate series. Granted, they all struggle a little bit with character motivation and story conclusion. This one however, not only feels wildly disconnected from the series, it struggles to even put together a basic explanation or story. Imagine staying up for 46 hours straight and then trying to take a test in Latin. That's what following this mess of a story. Save yourself the trouble and just avoid it.
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Luke Cage (2016–2018)
Flip flop of a show...
23 July 2018
You know what every comic book fan wants to see in a superhero story? Action? No. Great villains. No. Devious plots? No. Fast paced story? No. We all want good guys and bad guys to get in the same room, have dialogues and then leave over and over again with nobody doing anything. Yay! 13 hours of show per season...20 minutes of action...the rest is Luke Cage telling bad guys to stop and then doing nothing as they murder a bunch of people. It has some ok moments...but really struggles to do anything.
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