
23 Reviews
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Scream VI (2023)
Trailer misleading but a good time nontheless (Minor spoilers)
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie from start up until around the last 20 minutes with the reveal that felt way too Scream 2 - Just like Scream felt way too...well, Scream (1996). The Intro was very creative, kills were ok-ish but the tally isnt high enough when you think about it. I did enjoy the growth of the four survivors of the last movie and this time around you do really care for them. However, I was really let down by the last movie partially because of the misleading trailer with quotes like 'this one feels different' - only for it not to be. The trailer for this movie was also misleading with the 'Theres never been a ghostface like this'. Hasnt there?!

Despite the flaws with this movie (and marketing) the film does have some great tense chase scenes, and also drops of humour here and there. It does well to try new things but often relies on the same old tropes the originals used both for scares and story. That being said, although the final showdown is disappointed beyond belief, the rest of the movie is enjoyable. 7/10.
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Outer Range (2022– )
A Good Start
21 April 2022
I decided to start watching this after seeing the trailer - i thought it looked intriguing and mysterious which absolutely is.

This review is coming after watching the two episodes relessed early. For those reviews you see saying it doesnt make sense, the reason is because we have only had 2 episodes, and honestly it isnt even hard to understand. But moving on to the series, the acting is as you would expect from a cast like this - very good!

Its a little dark at times, and has a few pacing issues here and there. However, from what i have seen so far - im interested to find out more. Its hard to give it a overall rating so far, but my verdict is from the first two episodes.

I'd recommend watching the first two episodes if you are a little curious.
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Self-Indulgent snoozefest!
25 March 2022
If this is the height of modern cinema in which a film like this can be nominated for 12 Oscars then god forbid.

The only thing i thought should gain the film merit was the cinematography. That was great. Ut the rest?

Boring characters, a plot that chooses to hide too much to the point where i dont understand why the relationships in the movie are the way they are. No intriguing storyline.

Honestly, this is a case of the subject matter being put at the forefront, to the point where the people behind the movie forgot how to make a compelling movie.

Really really disappointing.

3/10 (all marks for cinematography).
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The Batman (2022)
Pretty good!
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this Batman interpretation but it still had several issues for me. However, to start Pattinson was great as the dark knight, and thought the narration matched the tone brilliantly especially at the statt of the movie. The intro was great as was the whole first 2/3 of the movie i would say. A great neo-noir detective movie which really keeps you engaged. They made the right move skipping the whole parents death scene and just got straight in to Batman.

I think most of the cast did a pretty stellar job - although I was unsure of Turturro as Falcone, and even Wrights Gordan had some weird dialogue deliveries. Dano was great as the Riddler but we do not see enough of him in person - too much video messaging! Kravitz was also pretty good in her origin. Farrell was fantastic as Penguin - even the voice was a complete transformation!

Some of the problems I did have were that we didnt really see any Bruce atall - Pattinson is pretty much Batman 95% of the movie. The score (which reminds me of the Vader/Emperor tune from Star Wars) got played waaay too much to the point it got a little annoying and i couldnt help notice. Its one of the more complex batman movies and I did find some parts confusing - for example we never found out how Riddler knew the stuff he did. Some areas needed a bit more explanation.

However, strong Batman entry. Is it as good as the Nolan movies? Probably not, but an enjoyable adventure im sure a lot of people will love and prefer!
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Better than expected
17 August 2021
I quite enjoyed David Ayers SS film, but i liked this one quite a bit more.

From the trailers i thought it looked too overcrowded and extremely silly, making me think this would be some cringey kids version of SS. I was pleasantly surprised though after checking the film out. The Ayer version felt more like just a squad, than a suicide squad. Gunn changes that here.

James Gunns films (minus Guardians) have always had some gore as an ingredient and it is definitely heightened in this movie and i am all for it.

The opening scene is one of the best ive seen without giving too much away. It has humour, gore and just acts as a great premise for the movie.

Its a slight shame we dont see some of the old crew from SS around but a few of the team come back. Margot Robbies Harley Quinn again is fantastic. Some of her action sequences are great and she is always funny but the whole squad has their funny moments. One person i liked a whole lot more this time was Rick Flagg - you could see the tone shift change with this character from the previous movie.

The new additions are great - Cena and Elba have a fun and comptetative relationship, and PolkaDotMan and Ratcatcher 2 are also fantastic.

The villain in the movie is maybe a bit bizarre and silly but i had such a blast anyway, i just had to embrace it. The only other minor flaw perhaps is that is goes on for maybe 15 minutes too long.

Overall, a fun, gory rollercoaster ride. Hopefully theres a new SS film to queue up for soon.

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Some great moments, but unfullfilling.
31 January 2021
I'm still a bit unsure on how i feel about this movie overall - i cant help but think it was a little bit unfullfilling.

When i saw this films announcement I was very exciting - Denzel, Rami, and Jared all in one film about a serial killer? Sounded unmissable - and sure it stayed that way for me. It definitely draws inspiration from Se7en to a degree and fits in nicely to the time its supposed to be set. It feels like a 90s kind of thriller.

The acting is great - but this is to be expected from three oscar winners. To me the trailer made Maleks character seem like a rookie - the new kid on the block shall we say - but that certainly isnt the case. He is confident and assured and i thought he did a very good job in this role. Denzel is also good but at times he feels like a backseat character. Leto, again is creepy as we have seen regularly in his roles over the past few years. His character is the most interesting and he isnt your one dimensional antagonist - Hes funny and sarcastic and Leto was a lot of fun to watch. He keeps you guessing.

However, the plot itself bring the most impirtant part of the film is quite stale and you are left unsatisfied. I appreciate Hancock went for a different kind of ending that filmgoers may not expect - does it work? I'm not so sure. Maybe theres a bigger message here but a film that starting off as gripping and tense deserved a better conclusion.

Overall, some great acting and the cinematography is beautiful at times. However, its not enough to lead the focus away from the thin story.

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Underwater (2020)
Not bad.
14 December 2020
Sci-fi is probably one of my least favourite genres. I never liked the alien films, star trek etc. Blade runners the only exception. However I quite enjoyed this film for what it was.

Its gets into the action very quickly which is both a pro and a con. For a 90 minute film which seems unusual in the sci-fi genre it means theres lots of time for the action. However, this sacrifices the character backstories. We dont really know who these characters are as people so any catastrophe that occurs lacks a real impact.

Kristen Stewart seems to be a bit like marmite with audiences - some like her and some dont. Her performance here i think is actually really good. She has a final girl attribute here (not a spoiler) in order to survive and she does a pretty good job. The rest of the cast is ok but its Stewart who in the most interesting to watch.

Amidst the few cool action sequences and very few yet effective jumpscares, the story itself as to what is happening is a bit lost. In the end it sort of just came down to accepting it was a survival film and the reasoning of why they are there becomes irrelevant.

Overall, pretty enjoyable popcorn movie.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
First season great- the rest not so much.
3 December 2020
I remember watching the first season when it had just been released. It was fantastic. It had an interesting and myserious premise and i remember finding it quite scary at times. It was eerie and tense - we werent quite sure what was happening but it certainly was strange as the title suggests. The characters chemistry was fun and believeable. The ending to the season could have been better but overall pretty enjoyable. It became one of my favourite TV shows.

Unfortunately, it seems like a lightening strike once kind of show. Throughout the series the cast has been great! Its just that everything else hasnt. Although it keeps its 80s aesthetic what is really needed to uphold a series is a story. The first season didnt entirely clear this up for us - and neither did the following two. We are at the end of season 3 and honestly i dont know what the show is about anymore. Also, the same formula is being carried out. Step 1 we see a new threat, Step two split up and work in teams, step 3 all come back together to defeat evil monster. Its sad to say this series got tired quickly.

Side note - Every film i have seen since this series release that contains a young cast gets compared to stranger things. Guys, ST did not invent the 80s. Nor did it invent kid adventure films. Give it a rest eh?

As an optomist im hoping season 4 can bring this series back around and i would really welcome it. Fingers crossed.
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Summer of 84 (2018)
Suckerpunch ruined it
3 December 2020
This was a neat little film which was well shot with good pacing and a good little cast. The film had a real 80s vibe. I've seen other reviews comparing it to that garbage stranger things show (1st season was good rest has been boring and seems to be going nowehere). Also, guys not everything that has a group of young kids as the leads needs to be compared to that. ST didnt invent the 80s. Anyhow it sets off like a fun little buddy film which reminded me of the burbs - an all time classic - but the kids version. Like that movie i was always guessing whether or not the supposed killer was actually in fact a killer and it wasnt all a misunderstanding. The film played on this very well.

Where the film falls apart for me is that the characters are particularly likeable. Its not that they're unlikeable - theyre just a bit 'meh'. Also the last 15 minutes really take this film in a different path which was a real shock. Although i welcome the idea of this as i dont think ive seen a kids movie take this kind of a turn - it felt a bit unwarrented. Was the film gripping and entertaining enough beforehand i would have let them off the hook. But of a suckerpunch that the film didnt deserve to pull off.

Overall, kinda fun little flick but id recommend the burbs.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
A fun time.
2 December 2020
I thought Suicide Squad was a decent movie. And so did many others including Jeremy Jahns until they saw the other critics reviews then hopped on the bandwagon of hate to make themselves seem more prestigious. One of the things i liked from SS was Margot robbie as Harlequinn, which i think most would agree.

This is very much a harley quinn story so it feels a slight bit misleading to call it a BOP movie. Anyhow, i enjoyed the movie for what it was. It was a fun, colourful themed movie with some good action sequences. Margot is a lot of fun as harley and to be fair i could watch her all day.

The films plot is okay but doesnt make itself the forefront enough. There are little side bits going on at the same time which take away from the general idea of the movie.

Understandably one of the main concerns at the moment in cinema is representation. Representation matters - we have all heard this and although its prominant message should be to be inclusive, i can understand some critics annoyance of the way men are perceived in this movie. I think there may be one decent guy who 5 minutes later turns out to be a sellout. The rest are truly god awful. I take this with a pinch of salt however cos i imagine the purpose of the film is to show gang related scumbags and not the good side of gotham.

I liked the style of the film. However, looking at an overall big picture its hard within the DCEU to see where this would fit. Its hard to imagine Batfelck or even Lex Luthor having a conversation with Ewans Black mask. Also little side note, there should have been a backstory to Cassandra - without this i have no idea why we're supposed to root for the little thief? Atleast make her a bit charismatic ot humourous maybe..! Also, Huntress is severely underused to the point she didnt really fit into this movie.

The DCEU needs some serious work. However, i found this film to be a good overall fun themed movie. Good action scenes and a standout peformance again by Margot Robbie.
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Ghosts of War (2020)
9 November 2020
Films with endings like this are what have started to put me off watching random little films on streaming services. They always try to do something different which is admirable, but how many of them stick the landing? A poor ending that still makes sense is better than a random ending that makes you feel annoyed at the fact you gave a film like this a chance in the first place. Maybe thats just karma?

I'll start the actual review by saying this movie isnt all bad. The acting is pretty steady but its Kyle Gallner and Skylar Austin who give the better performances of the bunch. They feel like they have more to do which may be why i feel this way. The cinematography is nice and looks pretty authentic for the most part for a world war movie. It reminded me of the movie Overlord which was released just a few years ago which i really enjoyed. This film at first seemed to have a similar idea, trading zombies for ghosts, so i decided to give it a watch.

However the film falls apart quickly. In order to be a horro film you have to be scary. This misses all the marks and fails with cheap jumpscares. None of the characters are really that interesting making it hard to grasp a connection to any of them.

You may have seen other reviews criticising the ending. I have to agree its certainly quite bizarre and different. I didnt mind this, but just when you think your going to get one final scene/battle whatever you want to call it, the movie ends. Its a very very weird choice.

Overall, some good acting and an interesting premise but the only scary thing about this film is its lack of conviction. 4/10
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21 October 2020
I remember seeing the trailer for this some time ago and thought it looked like a fun comedy action horror. I rewatched the trailer again and decided to rent it off amazon. With most trailers what you get is what you see. That is not really this case with this one.

This film starts off slowly and now that i think about it, it never really gets going. We are introduced to a range of townspeople besides the main three leads, who are all kind of different from one another but just when we get to know them suddenly they just turn up dead or, as adam drivers character repeats, undead.

The humour is dead pan which works quite well throughout the film between Murray, Driver, and Sevigny but there arent any laugh out loud moments.

The only real action shots are with Tilda Swintons character but they are randomly spaced around the run time so we never get a really epic sequence. There are other odd areas within this film including three kids who are in some kind of school/orphanage (not even sure what its supposed to be) whose storyline doesnt go anywhere. After the credits roll you realised 'what happened to those guys?'. And believe me, thats the even the weirdest part of the movie - you'll understand if you watch it.

Overall, the comedy is alright if you like deadpan kind of humour but the story and pacing is a real problem here. I'm sure its supposed to be satirical or parody for the most part but the film never really quite pulls it off. There are better zombie, or even zombie comedies out there. 4/10
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Overlord (2018)
A Fun Ride
19 October 2020
From watching the trailer you probably know what to expect from this. Its a fun little independant horror film with a few good scares , some suspensful scenes and some decent action. Its not something that is setting up its own universe (despite it's previous rumoured links to the cloverfield films) which seem to be a current theme in cinema, nor is it yet another remake. Its just its own little fun project. It has a few minor flaws here and there sure - its not exactly aiming for the best picture oscar nomination, but i had a lot of fun just enjoying the ride. 8/10
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Midsommar (2019)
Just like other cult films, this is strange.
9 July 2019
A few years go i remember seeing Ari Aster's Hereditary in the cinemas. I was very excited to see it due to the reviews i had seen. However, by the end of that movie i was actually quite annoyed that I was pulled in by the same old tropes critics use for these kind of 'artsy' films by claiming it was a new classic. It certainly wasn't. Anyway, i decided to give Aster another chance after i thought the trailer for this looked very interesting. So here's my review:

First of all the acting in this is fantastic. Florence Pugh is the stand out in this as she goes through every emotion possible in this film and makes it feel believable as to why she feels a certain way at certain times. This is one of the things i DID like about Hereditary - the acting. Another thing to praise is that visually it's quite a stunning film. Every shot in this film feels like it was seriously thought out and in a strange way kind of makes you feel happy which i think the film is trying to do in a very strange brainwashing way. Almost to make us feel how the characters are feeling. Another great thing is that it's not the kind of film that relies on jump scares to make you feel uncomfortable. A combination of acting, setting, and camerawork do it just fine.

There are also some very funny moments in this. Will Poulter cracks a few jokes here and there but the main laughs in this film i think may have been unintentional. Without giving anything away, there's a lengthy scene towards the end that had my entire cinema laughing out loud. Its safe to say its definitely quite silly in some parts.

That said, this film deals with some of the same themes as Hereditary which is where it falls apart a little bit. Themes such as grief, paranoia, and sacrifice. The story doesn't really evolve too much and you can guess early on where this film is going to go. Also, like other strange cult films, there is never a satisfying explanation/conclusion to the film. It doesn't give enough for the viewer to really understand what the hell just happened.

Because Critics loved Asters previous film, lots of them talk highly of this one too. However, that's the weird 'artsy' part of themselves talking who think a slow burn is a bright burn.

Overall, I did find myself enjoying this film mostly for the reasons stated previously. It is a very well made film. Just dont expect to see anything you haven't seen before (except maybe that one hilarious scene i briefly touched upon!). It went on for probably 30 minutes too long and could have done with a more well developed story. If you liked Hereditary i think you will like this. If you didn't then you'll probably still have a more enjoyable(?) experience.

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Venom (2018)
Pleasantly Surprised!
3 October 2018
When I first found out Sony would be taking control of this film I was cautious because I wasn't much of a fan of the amazing spiderman films but im glad to say im very relieved that this film wasn't as bad as as those.

Again, I was cautious because of the critics slating this movie but lets face it 95% of critics just like to fit in with other critics. They either ALL love something or ALL hate something. But anyway on with the review...

The film tends to sort of have two halves to it. The first half we spend a lot of time with Eddie Brock. We see the ups and downs of his relationship with his girlfriends, his attitude towards his work and those around him, and how he copes with these kind of things. The 1st half helps us to build an understanding of Brock. It might be a little slow at times whilst Carlton Drakes story at this point is kind of a subplot but when these two stories meet, that's when we get the second part.

The second part is where the real fun begins. We're eventually introduced to Venom. The best part about this, and one of the standout things of the overall film, is the constant interactions between Brock and Venom. It's humorous and enjoyable to watch even if it is a little cheesy at times.

The action is fairly enjoyable but not the best and there are some parts which feel a bit rushed particularly towards the climax of the film.

The characters for the most part are interesting. I liked the dynamic between Hardy and Williams even if they don't have the best chemistry I've seen of on screen couples. Riz Ahmed does a good job as the villain but his character/s are a little bit uninteresting and disappointing.

The film obviously has a few negatives. For example the plot seemed a bit thin and boring at times whereas i feel the makers could've gave us more to sink our teeth into. It almost feels like they hesitated when deciding what direction to take this story in. Another negative is the pacing. Whilst I enjoyed the first half it does move a little slow and then the second half seems to go too fast (partially due to the way the films edited.

Overall i thoroughly enjoyed this movie and hope they do make a sequel or trilogy. As always there is a mid-credit scene which was satisfying so stay for that. If you try not to focus too much on the fact spiderman isn't in this movie you'll definitely enjoy it more. I think this film does prove that Venom can be a story on its least for now.
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Hereditary (2018)
Too slow for its own good.
20 June 2018
Recent reviews i had read insisted that this film was described as a whole range of things from an original classic to a terrifying horror and even a game changer that's as scary as The Exorcist. I've even seen people tell me that they are horror 'veterans' and found this film to be one of the scariest they have ever seen. Clearly in this case, they are not horror veterans; and i imagine they probably found something like Gremlins to be utterly horrific.

As you can probably tell after seeing these reviews I had hopes going into this movie. I wont say high hopes because I've been let down too many times by those kind of reviews before.

To start with the positives, the acting in this film is as good as it gets from veteran actors Toni Collette (who is outstanding) and Gabriel Byrne to the younger actors in the film who played their children. The acting is so good that i felt the trauma and the tension within in that they themselves were feeling which is a really heavy concept throughout the entirety of the film. So A* for that. Also, something I liked for the first half of the film is that there lies this eerie silence that builds up tensions but at the same time this is part of its downfall which leads me on to the negative aspects. The constant feeling of something feeling like it maybe going to happen looms around for way too long and in the end the error in this pacing leads you to become tireless and honestly, quite bored. In the cinema me and my friend turned to eachother wondering when some thing was about to happen, not just in the jump scares department but in its storytelling. The film goes on for way too long before you even have any idea what the plot actually is. All we really know is that there has been a trauma and it isn't until its too late, where you've almost began falling asleep (which may be a tad harsh) that a thing or two, literally, happen. A case could be made to slot this film into the drama category as opposed to the horror/thriller genre.

All in all i don't want to spoil this film too much for anyone. The film has terrific acting but its lack of plot and scares leaves you with little to take away from this experience. I believe that the film thinks its better and more original than it actually is, and in the end doesn't come close to the all time classics like The Exorcist. 5/10
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Almost good!
22 August 2017
I first saw this film advertised on the IMDb homepage so decided to check it out after finding the trailer really interesting. Ever since the Blair Witch Project the hand held 'real life' camera method has always given the film an air of mystery as we don't always tend to see what the character sees. However, I can assure you this film is different and doesn't just build up anti-climatic suspense.

The film contains a group of adults wanting to make a documentary about different kinds of monsters to bump up views for their YouTube page when they're contacted by volunteers to give interviews, whilst the crew initially brush the claims off as ridiculousness, they soon start to change their beliefs.

The premise is interesting and the film starts that way too even if it is a little slow to get into. A film like this shouldn't really go over the 80 minute mark but what you gonna do?

There are a few jump scares and once the 'chaos' kicks in it does get really intense. The first 2/3 of the film are the most suspenseful and intriguing parts but come the final third act, we are left with that unfulfilling feeling of emptiness and predictability that these camcorder films tend to conjure up.

Overall, its a fun little film to watch with your friends on a weekend night for a few scares, but it's not a film that will leave a trace in your memory. 5/10
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Dull Vs Dull
26 March 2016
So DC has begun to bring all the heroes together just as marvel have done and kick off the Justice League with Batman Vs Superman. I'm a fan of Snyder and I thought after watching The Watchmen several times that Snyder could bring that dark, edgy kind of thing to the batman universe. However, this is ALL he really brings.

First of all there is no real character development (which some may prefer especially with Wayne as we've seen it a thousand times) and we have no real back-story on anyone apart from Superman which we've already seen in Man of Steel. The first half of the film is super dull (excuse the pun) and the film doesn't really get interesting until around the last half hour when the fight begins. Then onwards it goes from a poor film to an okay-ish, still slightly disappointing film.

The good surprise or surprises in this film were Jesse Eisenberg as Lex and Gal Gadot as Wonderwomen. Eisenberg was deranged and quite creepy and every time he was on screen I became more interested in his behaviour and motivations. He kept the film interesting. As with Gadot, she stole the limelight every time we saw her. BUT, that isn't enough to save this film which we've waited years for in anticipation. DC have rushed it with trying to form the justice league, lacking depth and story. Did a little joke here and there ever hurt anybody? They're failing to copy what MARVEL have managed to do so well over time. Maybe it's too soon after the Nolan series for it to work.

Fanboys will tell you this is the best superhero film they've seen because they refuse to believe that this was a dull affair.
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Darker, Smarter, Better!
25 April 2015
Age of Ultron is a spectacular Marvel instalment to end phase 2 of the ongoing superhero project.

All the familiar faces we've seen so far reprise their roles as lovable misfits who come together to put an end to HYDRA. Everything that the first Avengers movie had is doubled in this one. There is the oh so familiar clever wit which we have come to recognise within these films, tons of great action scenes where every Avenger gets their moment in the spotlight, and a new nemesis in Ultron who proves to be a formidable opponent, and the toughest the team have faced so far!

James Spader provides an intense and intimidating voice for our 8 foot iron giant, ultron, whose presence throughout the entire film is exciting to say the least. The other editions include the Maximoff twins who add great visual powers. In the previous films they relied on punches and energy blasts whereas with the twins we are introduced to new powers we haven't yet seen. Its fresh and adds a new dimension to the story and the universe.

One thing i particularly enjoyed (without giving away too much) was the development of Hawkeye. We see a lot more of him and his background in this movie as opposed to the first Avengers movie, and of course the 5 minute cameo spell he had in Thor.

I constantly felt excited and intrigued watching this movie as there was never a dull moment. It really is an epic, full on spectacle. Another aspect i enjoyed is that although Stark is the centre of the creation of Ulton, the story never solely focused on him as the first Avengers tended to slightly. The time on screen for each character felt even, although i do wish we saw a bit more of Thor who didn't seem to have as much dialogue even though he was present for the most part.

Overall, this is a fantastic film which sits comfortably in the top 3 Marvel films to date.
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The Babadook (2014)
Far from the usual..
6 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw the trailer for The Babadook around October time last year and I was instantly attracted to this movie.. The trailer suggested a spooky and retro theme which late horror film lack in a way, being all about scares and what not. I had high expectations of this movie, and in a way I left feeling somewhat disappointed.

The acting is on point, and if the Oscars paid attention to any film beyond the drama category, we'd definitely have two contenders right here. However, this is a horror film and with horror films come scares, which this movie really lacks! The first half is slow, perhaps to gain a connection with the two central characters, and it isn't until around the middle where we see occurrences begin to unravel It does build up and the last quarter feels like we could be promised a look at the 'babadook' or at least some action, which we have little of, but ultimately the ending is VERY bizarre. To those wanting to see a film for lots of scares and tension, this isn't your movie. But, if you want to watch something with a lot more depth and emotion on a psychological level, you should settle for this.
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Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club? I'm in.
29 June 2014
This film is sensational! Although funded by Hollywood, its one of those films that feel really anti-Hollywood and stick a middle finger up to the people behind it and to other powerful companies of the world. As much as it's about fighting, its about the way we live our daily lives. It's quite philosophical in a way. It discusses consumerism, capitalism, crisis in masculinity and all other themes. It's not just about the fighting but even when it is, it's fairly brutal and excuse the phrase 'kick ass'. But its true. The acting is great, the story is great, and who saw that ending coming? I haven't seen a film give me the same buzz as this. I don't mean a buzz to go out fighting or whatever, but a buzz just sitting and watching the story unfold. It really is a masterpiece and I'm not sure how it could be improved, but hey there are going to be people hating on this film and calling it 'controversial' or in bad taste because of some of the things included in the film but lets just stick a finger up at them! If you haven't watched this film already, then unless you have a good excuse, you have missed out on a great piece of cinema. MUST WATCH
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Detention (2011)
Serious contender for worst movie ever made..
29 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If it wasn't 1:30 in the morning I would have turned this film off pretty quickly. There is nothing good about this film and so I thought I'd come here to save you from wasting an hour and a half of your lives. I seriously can't believe some people enjoyed this movie. Firstly. if there's ever a film that has a character metaphorically wearing a sign that says 'I am the killer' then this wins it. The typically psychotic, boring old killer who talks too long before deciding its time to get on with the business and put us, as well as the victim, out of their misery is apparent AGAIN!

Secondly, the characters are soooo boring and yes, that includes Josh Hutcherson. The acting is awful, again including Hutcherson, and it basically includes awful back stories of each person to try and liven the film up, which is doesn't. I hate to sound so negative, but this film has no positives. I honestly don't know why the director decided to take the story in the direction it went in, i would have just preferred a 'who done it?' type film which just showed teens being killed after another but instead i end up with this which has barely even a slasher/comedy element to it. Just a ton of garbage.
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Nothing special I'm afraid.
25 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps I'm being slightly harsh when i rate this movie a 6/10, but honestly I don't think its deserving of anything more.

The movie contains some good action sequences that we'd expect from our wall crawling friend, and the film has heart, but there is too much lacking with the final product. Andrew Garfield is a good spider man, and Emma Stone an equally good Gwen Stacy..and I have no problem with Sally Field either. However, i feel that the casting of the rest of the cast was completely wrong!Jamie Foxx as electro? He would have made a better'Kraven the Hunter'to be honest, and what the hell is up with the appearance of electro? I felt like I was watching Dr Manhattan from Watchmen. Dane Dehaan i like, but he doesn't compare to James Francos Harry Osborne, and i think they could have chosen someone better. I don't really feel like we got anywhere in the story of his parents or Oscorp to really care, or feel excited for the next one either.

I'm a huge MARVEL fan, and in particular Spider Man and admittedly this reboot does feel more like the comics, but in all honesty, as much as I really didn't want to slate this movie, the original THREE were better than this one.

Obviously everyone has their own opinion, and i respect that, but this felt way too rushed and was rather plain.
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