
4 Reviews
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The Vigilante???
29 April 2024
I guess the vigilante is supposed to be the "Messenger of Wrath?" He and his sidekick kind of just appear and could have been left out of the script completely and made this movie three stars instead of two. They seem to serve no purpose other than to kill the bad guys who are looking for other guys. The whole story is like three bad movies in one. There are a lot of questions and stuff in the movie that make no sense. Where is the money? Was the money behind the safe? I guess that was the money left on the nurse's windshield. Then there is the $9k that belongs to the owner of the home they randomly invade as a hideout. If you're going to make a bad movie, at least tie up some of the loose ends. The whole thing seems senseless. They could have done this low-budget flick on a lower budget by cutting out like six or seven parts. Seems like the writer/Director Callaway was just writing parts for friends or friends of the other actors to be in a movie. There was a lot of redundancy when it came to the characters. I expect to see cliched stereotypes in low-budget movies like this, but not three or four of the same character in one movie. Come on! 🤔🙄
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The Right Bus (2021)
Frusrating and full of bad cliches
26 October 2023
So bad, so bad. The premise of the story had promise but it was just so frustrating. Two 40-year-old adults who waffle back and forth constantly. It was embarrassing to portray adults, even in a supposed love story like this in such a fickle manner. Hey, let's ak the two teenage kids what we should do? I don't know which character was more frustrating, the man or the woman. It's an hour 40 minutes I won't get back. The actors seemed to be mostly unknowns that were given bad dialougue and plot devices to work with that isn't going to do any wonders for their careers going forward. It was very predictable, but that was a given. However, how they got to the pridictability of the plot could have been done with some credibility instead of making the adults look so foolish. The teenagers in the film were more dependable and sensible than the adults, but I don't think that was intentional. Just nonsense. I wanted to like this movie so much becsause the core of the story is good, just bad execution.
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Coffee Town (2013)
Why isn't this movie available???
27 May 2023
Why isn't this movie available??? This movie is 10 years old and I watched on Showtime six years ago. With all of the streaming apps and devices, this movie along with hendreds of others are unavailble to the public. Makes no sense when there are 100,000's of crap movies one several stremers at once...SMH!

I found this film by accident and am glad I did. What a great film, great comic timing, a great storyline and a great cast. Yes I thought the film was great.

The film harks back to the films Kevin Smith made in the beginning of his career and I wish he had continued.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film from its brilliant and creative opening credits to its little jokes in the end credits. There were actual laugh out loud moments and I really think that Josh Groban stole the show.

The cast worked well together and they all seemed to enjoy the film. The extras, down to Phil's happy birthday opera being dismissed was really funny.
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Dirt Music (2019)
Solid Indie Film
12 May 2023
I always laugh about the negative reviews. People that give Indie/Art films like this really shouldn't be watching them. Stick to DC/Marvel/Action films. You want to be entertained and not think. You want to forget about your life and escape...I get that and that's fine. However, don't watch films like this and expect to turn your mind off. You are expected to some kind of think and mental work when it comes to watching Indie/Art films...they are more realistic to our daily life. Most consumers aren't interested in these type of films; this is fine and really okay, but just stop watching them. Just go watch some DC/Marvel movie with no substance and two hours worth of noise and fight scenes.
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