
38 Reviews
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Surface (2022– )
Suspenseful, carried by Gugu
10 August 2022
So Gugu is beautiful, and a good actress. First episode is a bit slow but she's pretty hypnotic and carries you through as it delves into intrigue. At the moment it's suspenseful but not really unpredictable. Quite interesting/beautiful filming style, but some bits of film are unbelievable. As a person that had short term memory loss (after severe Malaria) the disorientation is shown well, but certainly people are more helpful than those I see in this series... Which isn't necessarily a bad thing - it makes you suspect some form of conspiracy.

I'm only on second episode and I'm keen to continue watching but it doesn't feel like there will be anything too unsurprising really.. possibly plot idea is good but not quite intricate enough.

Should you watch it? Well, nice eye candy and not painful to watch, but I don't think you'll be missing something ground breaking of you don't watch it.
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Moonhaven (2022)
Deserves much higher rating
30 July 2022
A well made (special effects perfect) amd acting top notch. Really love 2 main leads and the police are both amusing and interesting in the way they operate completely differently to what you'd expect. Those criticising the science must live in a dream world.. like all good science fiction, the science is not real but a cohesive reality has been created. Absolutely loved the first episode and completely drawn in.

My recommendation: watch 1 and see how you feel. So, some don't like it but I think it's a gem.
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Best film sonfar this year
27 July 2022
I wasn't going to watch this.. seemed to whimsical. However the lead actors are superb, esp. The inventor. Portrays a man uncomfortable in himself, nervous but with drive and a good heart. His characterisation esp. At the start is sad and beautiful. The robot he invents is funny, and somewhat like an adolescent teenager. The views of Wales are spectacular and heart warming.

This won't win film of the year as mot sufficiently high brow. Yep, the bad family in the village are 2 dimensional and the ending is a little 'Walace and Gromit', but I was intrigued, touched and tickled throughout. This was definitely a film worth making and worth seeing now and 50 years from now. While the story is simple, the filming, directing and characterisation of the lead characters os spot on. I could have watched 5 hours of this film.

Don't watch it if you are looking for a complex story, action or horror, but do watch this if you want something that will warm your heart in an original and amusing way.
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Starts well and gets even better
24 June 2022
It's engrossing. Well filmed and maybe first few episodes Naomi seems a bit whiney (maybe just her voice) but story develops well and at the right pace with plenty of changes to keep you watching. Not necessarily 'unexpected' but neither is it predictable.. just a nice fulfilling progression and interesting story.

As first series has moved forward I feel characters feel more comfortable with their roles and the story becomes more compelling. Quite a few series with great (interesting) choice of music which complements the episodes effectively. 'oh girl' (chi-lites)/ song at the end of episode 7 clinches one of the best scenes in modern TV viewing, bringing together the biggest reveal in the series so far, and also underlying a development in the relationship between the two leads. Can't say more, but keep watching!
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The Last Duel (2021)
Nice film but technique fundamentally flawed
22 December 2021
So the acting is as expected first class. That it's a true story about the last time there was actually a 'duel' (by which I guess they mean between knights, since duelling with swords and pistols continued for many hundreds of years after) gives interest, and the story itself is intriguing: it touches on themes of how people strive for success in a feudal system, the debauchery or ruling classes, the lack of women's power and rights, as well as the duty of a man in caring for his mother, protecting his wife and serving his lord.

I really enjoyed the non Hollywood way of depicting the era and felt there was some realism in Matt Damon's character as this down trodden and bitter man who fought hard. Of course the battle scenes are fantastic being gritty without simply being a blood fest.

What didn't work for me was that the story was told from 3 perspectives. Whilst an interesting mechanism it simply wasn't applied well enough for this story. The knights sense of betrayal by his friend, which was then replaced by a realisation that his friend was actually trying to protect him when his friend's story was told, was interesting. However, the wife's story was extremely similar to the husband's and seemed very repetitive. Just a few additional scenes which put her life more in context and had some obvious symbolism (the horse breaking in and mating with the mare).

Personally I felt the last story should have been done to reveal something different and controversial or a twist, but it didn't really. Last duel bit was well done, and I fully expected his friend to admit his guilt.

Anyway... overall a nice film and I recommend, but it was too long and uneccessarily so. At least half an hour should have been edited out for the bits that were simply exact repeats of previous scenes. Not for kids due to romantic/rape scenes and violence as well as fact they'd get very bored. Good for adults not looking for an action movie but something deeper and more rooted in history, if they have some degree of patience.
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Visually beautiful but dull story
9 December 2021
One of those films you feel they spent lots of money on except for the writing. If Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is a ming vase, this is a red plastic cup. Has all the superficial concept of being 'chinese' without any subtelty. Basically a story for kids with nothing original. Shame cos the actors were good and it was almost but not quite a fun film. I could have written a better story when I was 10 years old. Anyway, kids will love it, adults probably just be happy that their kids are quiet for the duration. I guess it fits into the superhero mold of films that are all coming out now, but I'm finding these increasingly 2 dimensional and shallow. Is it worth watching. No, unless you are 10 yrs old.
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Nightflyers (2018)
Had potential it didn't fulfill
9 December 2021
Actors seems fine, ideas seem fine, effects at times are great. Overall though there's too much screaming, characters show little true love for each other, and the plot is too disconnected. It feels there isn't really a progression or reveals.. there are interesting plot concepts, but the reveals are poorly executed. Characters not stable enough. I wonder whether more time should have been spent fleshing it out. In the end none of the characters are loveable, the sub plots fall flat and the overall plot seems to be a bit contrived. The poor lighting and scenary also make it feel a bit clostraphobic.

A space horror of sorts, but the story never quite hits any intrigue or excitement.
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No plot, an embarrassment
13 November 2021
If a 14 yr old angry black kid wrote a film about cowboys, this would be it. Production great, cast great, some great music. What a waste. Story and character responses are purposeless. The film is basically about people trying to look cool whilst looking like cowboys. Got very bored and irritated. I feel sorry that this amazing cast made such a melon.
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Great light romantic movie
6 November 2021
So, it's not a arty or super deep film. However, it has light amusing comedy, and is beautifully romantic. Not cheesy, and so both men (I'm a 50 yr old cynical guy) and women will love this.

The two leads are beautiful, funny and have great chemistry and exhibit lovely personalities. The father and child are a bit annoying, but of course that's also part of their characters.

Not sure why people love something sickly sweet like The Notebook, but then crticise something more human but beautiful like this. Anyway, congrats to the writer and director, as well as the leads.

Who should watch this? A couple who want an inoffensive beautiful romantic film that will make you feel positive and great afterwards. Great to show your wife/girlfriend and if you're a guy you'll love it too.
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Tense, great, enjoyable, clever
12 September 2021
Wish this had been two films as the content deserved it. Not sure how much the film reflects the book, but the story was interesting and the concept original. Lead was well casr. Thoufh plenty of action, not just an action film. Great for scifi lovers. Also, sone of the most realistic military action I've seen in properly applying cross fire and also I think with book author being a vietnam vet some of this seemed to be represented in the cynicism of how the military prepared, trained and deployed the first recruits. Worth watching, esp if you like good scifi.
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Just a great film.
5 September 2021
Is the film deep, is it art cinema, is it pretentious? No. But one thing it has, is great writing. The dialogue is great,the fight scenes, whilst favouring the hero, are not outlandish but more real... (hero gets stabbed, beaten down). For an example about the writing, the woman who loses her husband asks if she can keep the letter because it has hos writing on it. Now that is touching and well delivered in a subtle unobtrusive and thus ultimately powerful way in the film. I'm sure the writer and director could make an Oscar winning masterpiece. They definitely have the ability, but this is not the genre that would appeal in that way. It's a paletable film for 15 and above without excessive or gratuitous violence. It's a crime film with ultimately loveable characters and a really satisfying progression and ending without fulfilling tired tropes. It's not a comedy but there are amusing bits in it in both the dialogue and the action (guy's head being held underwater in the water of a foot spar whilst woman who was usong the footspar looks on). The scene where one of the characters compares them to batman and robin in a cynical way is just delivered really well such that it's amusing. I just loved the way everything fitted together. For me it was better than say any of the Bourne trilogy, but possibly because it is lighter hearted and the main character is more interesting.

Really, I believe it rates as a 7 (I rarely give films an 8 or more unless veru very special) however I gave this a 8 because I think it has widespread appeal. Im not a fan of action movies, I just like good stories. Maybe the story doesn't contain too many surprises, but the delivery of the scenes and the small touches in the dialogue brings this film to life. If you like films with investigations , you'll loe it. But to be honest I can't imagine anyone that wouldn't enjoy this film. Of course, I nearly didn't watch it because of some bad reviews. I'm guessing this has more to do with them comparing it to the book and being displeased. I never read or even heard of the booo, so I can't comment on that. However I feel it's unfair to just be critical of a good film because you liked the book more. I think I'll try and find the book, but if you go into this film fresh faced, you'll love it. Watch this film. It won't change your life but if you don't like it I'll refund you the cost.. that's how confident I am that anyone would enjoy it.
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Vagrant Queen (2020)
Fun, witty, light hearted
20 August 2021
So the CGI and effects are not top notch. If you want a serious scifi with great effects this series isn't for you. But I can remember watching the first episode of the Expanse 3 times to get through it and thinking it was dull (despite being the best recent scifi by far).

Vagrant Queen is different. It's light hearted, witty humour. Think Fire Fly with worse effects and more one-liners. It's not serious, but there are some surprising, touching and shocking moments that if they don't make you cry, they'll at least make you gulp.

And the acting? Lead is perfect, as are other main characters. Yep, there's so cheesiness in some of the other characters, with some sterotypical bad guys, but that is the point! What's not sterotypical is the jokes, like the guy playing strip poker who forgets to turn comms off and walks away in his underpants.

Not necessarily 'new' but certainly novel. I watched first episode before work thinking I'd get through 5 minutes and turn off. Had to finish it and was late for work.

My advice, if you're not a young kid and have watched a bit of scifi you'll understand the humour. Lead is beautiful and absolutely not cardboard or over the top heroic. Try the pilot and then go from there. My guess is 90% of people into scifi will love it, and those that don't are looking for episodes with a Star Trek Engineer talking about warp coils and imagining that it actually makes sense in physics.

I would have loved to have given this an 8. Certainly with better effects it would be an 8, but to be honest, maybe the average to whacky special effects are part of its charm. Think Red Dwarf early seasons standard.

Possibly this could end up being a cult classic, but like many cult classics, it doesn't fit into the mould quite how people expect it to so may take some time to get recognition. Glad I ignored the critics here. Go Queen Alita/Aldea ! Whatever.. eh eh.
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Bad Trip (2021)
Ground breaking but can't be repeated
24 July 2021
So, this is unlike anything you have seen before. If you know Candid Camera, where the public reaction is filmed when weird of funny events happen, this is the basis of the scenes in this film. The reason I gave it an 8 is that it is tied together in a simple but compelling story that is funny and clever. Acting is top notch, particularly given they are acting with an unpredictable public. I expect this took alot of work to do well and the same scene with many different groups of people. This should win an Oscar for originality, for making it into a film, but unfortunately if it was repeated in another film it would get very tired.

The gorilla scene is priceless. Yep, humour a little coarse in places (not for young kids) but some beautiful scenes too (friendship scene on bus). Very American, but the three leads here are just fabulous in what they've done.

Fun, clever, light hearted humour with basic story.
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Fatherhood (I) (2021)
This could have been cheesy, but it was amazing
21 July 2021
Very well produced. In 5 minutes I was in tears (I'm a 49 yr old guy). With this subject matter it could have played on an incapacity of a man to bring up a child, or focussed on sorrowful aspects. Instead it was just a simple but good story with great characterisation that made you like all the characters. Young child was great actress as was female support and indeed all of them. Not a comedy but some light hearted one liners within character.

I really don't know how such a story could have been told better. It didn't try to wrench emotion even though it could have, making it seem realistic and gently touching. Very pleased I saw it and you will be too. Made me think Kevin Hart is a very intelligent man with a beautiful heart who is able to humbly approach a film with gentle wit and beautiful story telling.
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Sleepless (III) (2017)
Twists and turns in a gripping police action/drama
17 July 2021
Surprised at low rating here. I'm not a one for crime movies or much for action, so I wasn't looking forward to this. However it's a very clever story. I don't want to give away the plot, but just to say, never seen a film with this police theme done in such a clever way. As a viewer I really didn't know who to trust, and who was good or bad.

Ok, so drug theme can get a bit tired and typical nasty drug guys, but acting was fine, action was good and not over the top or over extended. Yep, locations pretty limited, but I think that's out of choice and improves film. I'm a cynical 49 year old man but even for me the tension in the movie was palpable and really lasted a long time because you didn't know what would happen. About 3/4 way through, of course it all falls into place but conclusion was also fulfilling though not unpredictable.

Overall a great action movie with some real thought behind the plot and well executed. Watch this is you like action, but also something a little more intelligent. 2 leads were great. Definitely worth your time even if it is a 1 time watch.
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The 8th Night (2021)
Meh. Neither horror nor good metaphore
17 July 2021
Point of film seems to be a metaphore about anguish and hatred superficially taken from Buddhism. Story certainly not in the diamond sutra as explained at start. Anyway, that this attempt to make the film have more meaning was the best part, but pretty much failed.

The main character (older guy) was good, effects and filming good. Film was too long for the content (2 hrs) and first 1hr was a little boring. I wanted to watch whole thing, and ending is ok, but to be honest the concept could have been executed much better.

Film reminded me of The Empty Man, but The Empty Man is far better. I love Korean films, and whilst this is the worst one I have ever seen, it means I was just a little disappointed. I would put it on par with an American teen horror, and though theme very different, it would probably appeal to the same audience. Although some really interesting twists, the execution of the reveals was so poor that they seemed flat. Also, the narration at start, end and halfway through just seemed trite.

Overall, it would fill 2 hours of your life, maybe on a late evening when you're bored, but then you could always just go to bed instead without really missing anything important.
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Touching, interesting, well written
2 June 2021
This is a film like warm wine on a chilly eve. The characters are beautifully written, and the story depicts how they fit together and somehow fill each other's gaping holes in their lives. Huggable middle aged men with complex pasts that get vengeance on a perceived wrong. The analytical trio are especially amusing and few people can write intelligent characters without it seeming trite, but this script writer does so. Although there is some action, the story focuses on the character development and personal resolutions, particularly the difficult reconciliation of father and daughter, as well as bringing up questions of how events are produced by a causal web, rather than simple causal links, and whether when seeking justice it is simply for our own benefit and the recipient of that justice, are they to blame or just part of a causal chain. Of course the philosophical aspects are very much a subplot rather than the main story, and so is interwoven without being overbearing or pretentious.

Though a well produced film, the way it develops and the witty well thought out script are well beyond Hollywood tropes. If you like Mads Mikkelson or Danish films you'll enjoy this. Don't watch this if you're expecting high octane action, but do watch it of you want a thoughtful and reflective film with some beautifully scripted scenes.
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Definitely worth watching.
17 May 2021
This film has great acting, fantastic photography (loved the colors, effects and angles, but it's not arty), good mood music (dramatic but not intrusive) and absolutely 100% perfect pacing. By that I mean no part is too long and it fits together perfectly (most modern films seem to have half an hour or a bad guy/woman chasing someone around the house at the end). The two major twists were well delivered and mostly unexpected. I've not read the book but the film had me gripped all the way through. Characters were well portrayed and balanced the plot well.

Why negative reviews here? I'm 49 and have watched many many films. Yep, there is something reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock in the wit of the plot and the mystery, and also the main character watches alot of old black and white mystery/murder films which appears to be a nod to these films from the black and white era. However, it's a very good film in its own right and in no way copies a story from another film (unless you think witnessing a murder from a window is copying a story).

In many ways this is a perfect film for its genre (suspense/murder mystery) in the modern era. Thankfully not a period type murder mystery, but with a focus on the problems of this woman with agrophobia. No plot holes that I could see at all, and seemed entirely believable and emersing. I think the negative comments maybe come from officionados of murder mystery who will always consider older material better, or those that just don't like this style of film (and let me repeat it's not the type of film with the whole estate gathered around the bloody candlestick in the library type of film, it's partly psychological mystery drama type).

I'd say for any adult this is a thrilling and gripping film. Very glad I watched it. Although unlikely to be film of the year (partly because of genre and theme) or top 20 films ever made (and not in my top 20 either I doubt) it was a well crafted and extremely enjoyable film that I highly recommend.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Good fun. Family man is a tough guy
28 April 2021
Reading other reviews I had reservations because I don't like typical action films, nor films with blood and violence. Thankfully this falls more into the arena of fictional violence with the hero shooting guns, exploding bombs and being good with his hands. I loved the main character and the actor playing him. Had a family feel about the film, but not really for under 16s. So, a house invader reels when hit with a plate, and our hero can pick up the phone without wincing when shot in the shoulder, but it's just that type of film.

Felt fantastic after watching it. A great idea behind the film and I loved that the first half of the film wasn't really action. Some interesting film work, though I must admit the ending was a bit formulaic and combat orientated.

I advise this film for everyone over 15, men and women, because it's fun. Even those that don't typically watch action movies. The main bad guy is a stereotype, but the hero character was just great and fun to watch.
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Lapsis (2020)
Intriguing, original, relevant
28 April 2021
Ok, so it's a scifi, but really it's a commentary on how technology controls humans for work and every day life. Coming from the UK, the country with the highest surveillance in the world, as well as having the situation off being unfairly charged 20,000 dollars for an education course that was supposed to be free, and which contributed to me leaving the UK because I could only ever talk to call center guys that new nothing, it seemed very relevant and powerful.

But back to the film. The characters are great, the story build intrigue and it was an original concept. Glad I watched it. Not great for action and it's not futuristic. Some avenues of the plot seemed unexplored, but I recommend it to educated adults, especially cynical adults. Definitely not for kids and not a fun movie. Could have been dull if the actors had been rubbish, but they weren't.

Watch this if you are interested in the effects modern society has on us, and like scifi which is a commentary on modern times. Original and really quite daring to so such a film which doesn't revolve around holywood cliches nor is arty or avante guarde.
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Nice horsey
11 April 2021
Good film. I wouldn't say excellent or a classic. It is an interesting story, drawing attention to the stables in Philadelphia as well as the dominance of black cowboys. Yeh, no surprises, but it isn't a film for surprises, it's just a sweet tale. It is true, people that know horses may find some parts unrealistic, but what is real, and is shown well in the film, is the bond between horses and people. Anyway, don't go out of your way to find this film, but watch it if you can. PS, I never found it slow or boring. It was well paced and story developed nicely.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Can be slow but great characters, actors and story
7 April 2021
So, the first time I watched this I stopped at the first episode. Seems slow and confusing. However, the series slowly reveals an amazing story. You must watch first 3 episodes, which sets the scene and the story, then it is a wonderous roller coaster ride about a team that manage to problem solve and work through the crazy politics between earthers, mars and 'belters'. Well thought out characterisation and mixes action, political drama and personal relationships perfectly. Season 4 story I thought couldn't match any of previous seasons, and though I liked season 5, at times it was just too slow. However, I kept going back for the characters. Will be one of the best scifi series in history, up there with Babylon 5.
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South Korea does it again
30 March 2021
So many amazing films come out of S Korea. I'd say they have a knack of producing beautiful human characters that touch your heart along with fulfilling stories.

This is a fine example. Little girl is an amazing actress, as is her father. The story itself is touching and particularly effected me as I've seen how authorities can bypass what they should be doing under the law for their own jobs or convenience. Although not graphically violent it has parts that will make you sad, and the scenes between the girl and father, as well as the care shown by fellow prisoners, is touching.

I would have given this a 10 if it hadn't been for a rather drawn out ending. However, this is a must watch film for anyone that understands that human feelings and love are more important than the social structures we live in.

I guess I was worried that this would be a soppy over sentimental film, but there are great tension breaking snippets of humour. Please watch this if you like films that will make you feel deeply about the characters. Best film I've seen? No, but definitely a classic and somewhere up there.
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Sweet, touching, fun
17 February 2021
I have to admit I loved this film, but not sure exactly why. It certainly has funny moments but is not set out to be all out funny.. it is light hearted and touching and any jokes hit the spot (nothing falls flat) but aren't designed to be hilarious.

Will Ferell was great as was female lead. Really it's about his desire to be in the Eurovision and their unrequited love. The filming was beautiful, when they are all singing together it was touching and emotional. Films like Mama Mia should be more like this (ie with a proper story, surprises and interesting characters). I doubt if any of them were from Iceland, but that doesn't matter as the culture, scenery and characters (or more accurately characatures) are beautiful, fun and fulfilling.

I feel like it did exactly what the writers and directors set out to do, but I find it a bit outside just standard genres, possibly because it is romantic, a comedy yet set in an uncommon arena of iceland/international singers. I'm not a fan of Eurovision but it did make me realise that Europe is a pretty damn cool place.. especially in the way countries and Europeans try to move along together in one direction, although a culturally diverse milieu.

At the end of the film I'd felt emotional, happy, relaxed, fun filled and overall content. If you want a positive experience and a smile on your face, especially if you're a Europhile, watch this (I'm a cynical grumpy 48 yr old male, so not easy to make me smile).
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Another Round (2020)
Up there with the best
7 February 2021
If you've seen the film 'Hangover' well this is what it would be if it had been written for intellectuals. The actors are great and you get a genuine feel of their friendship even though the emotional interactions are understated as we would probably expect in Norway.

Basically a group of teacher friends experiment to see if alcohol will improve their performance and possibly their lives. It perfectly illustrates both the benefits and problems of alcohol and fundamentally, I guess, illustrates why we humans have such a love/hate relationship with it. The setting is interesting, and the story weaves the sincere care they have for their students within it with beautiful small subplots.

The final scene is also touching, beautiful and touches a part of your heart in a way few films do: the innocent joy of life and acceptance of both the good and bad things that come with it.

It's not a comedy. It's a sincere film that draws you in and makes you feel for the characters. I wanted another film just like it afterwards. Anyway, not for those looking for laughs/action/crazyness but is for those that want a small insight into Norwegian culture, how middle aged people feel about their lives, and how alcohol touches us in both good and bad ways. The lead is fantastic. I'd say this was definitely one of the best 2 or 3 films of the year.
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