
5 Reviews
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fantastic four = fantastic bore
5 August 2015
Terrible movie as previous reviewer writes the pacing is all wrong the characters are bleh you don't feel any attachment to them with them creating no chemistry.The middle section of the movie is drawn out while the climax feels rushed like the director went gosh where running out of time quick rap it up. After the recent awesome avenger movies and the Thors this felt like some hacked together 1990s offering.The story has so many gaps in it with supposedly super smart scientist doing super stupid things and Miles Teller playing Mr Fantastic is just a terrible choice he has no screen presence as a leader. Wait for DVD or what ever and let it go quietly in to the past .
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The Pact (II) (2012)
Just a good spooky watch
1 October 2012
Really enjoyed this movie i like ghost spooky scary/horror more than gore and slasher pics with stupid characters running around in the night.Yes it has shades of many other films but with so many made it must be really hard to be totally original.The cast was great Caity Lotz was very good and damn sexy too and all the support cast for mainly unknowns acted fine seen a lot worse from some so called bigger actors in bigger budget films.This is not really horror its what i call scary its along the lines of what lies beneath etc etc. If you want an enjoyable movie with good tension and a creepy feel them give it a go,gave both me and my girlfriend a few hands/cushion in front of face moments waiting for the inevitable scare -).
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Alcatraz (2012)
pretty lame seen it all before
27 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I tune into this looking forward to a new mystery twist and what a concept i thought all the inmates of Alcatraz disappear and come back 50 years later or so. From the first 10 minutes or so i was groaning ,a kid wanders off to non access area of Alcatraz ,no guard notices no parents notice no one notices as if.Big scary secret guy who has spent 50 years watching and planning for the expected returns spills all to female detective and author in like 1 min no warnings, once i tell you you your in or i kill you ,no sign official secret act to ensure keep what about to tell you secret just blam spill the beans and so it goes on, is this show aimed at 12 year olds there is just so little realism audiences are surely more educated these days by better cops shows reality procedure shows etc etc than to believe this .Shame shame great idea terrible execution .
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good slow paced thriller/ drama
15 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wouldn't say this is a B movie feels more like a made for TV movie but it rolls along nicely. The movie is a slow burn cop thriller murder mystery similar to something you may see on the BBC there are no big action scenes shoot outs or car chases like so many cop thriller seem to have.Unlike the other review i think the acting was fine especially the lead actor Wade Williams who was very believable as the alcoholic police chief i have seen far worse in many so called big budget movies and the story though kinda slow was nicely done. Good movie to watch with older parents or grand parents no sex no noticeable swearing,I'm no prude and watch everything but its hard to find a decent movie you might like to watch with say your parents that is not full of the f word or the obligatory sex scene that really has no bearing on the plot.I got my mum 70years old to watch and she enjoyed.Hope this helps.
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The Hunter (IV) (2011)
good film bit slow left me feeling was a missed opportunity
18 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just got back from watching this film and i did enjoy it.As previous reviewers have stated beautifully shot and well acted the kids and Dafoe in particular.I was so looking forward to seeing this as the story was so different from Hollywood block buster fare cops in LA ,aliens etc and all though as stated i did enjoy it i felt it was a bit too slowly paced and left me feeling like it could of been a classic but was a missed opportunity. I didn't want nor expect an action film but a little more tenseness or action mid way or even stretching the climatic last quarter out a bit would of lifted this film higher.Still any one from over seas who has never scene Tasmanian go see this for the landscape shots alone.
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