
12 Reviews
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A magical tale
14 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Once again this magical film showed me how life affirming great cinema could be and that is strange given the grim subject matter. what really enthralled me was the subtle juxtaposition between fantasy and reality whereby the reality was shown as far more evil than the fantasy.the scene with the two peasants was made all the more horrifying by its matter of fact manner as is the case in real life. when Ofelia was chased by the monster I didn't feel the sense of fear as when she was chased by the captain which was the point of the film to me that real horrors are far darker than those imagined.and the part where the dragonfly turns into a fairy after seeing the picture where a good indicator that Ofelia was responsible for the imaginations but that they were still real as it were. in her mind anyway!
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the best yet
11 April 2005
Hey there's one thing to know about harry potter. like lord of the rings you love him or hate him! Me I love him so come to this with a prejudiced view point lol! Firstly thought azkaban was the weakest of the three on first viewing but after a third look found it to be the strongest in terms of character development and atmosphere. also found it to be the best in terms of real experiences and dilemmas in fact how many of us haven't been through similar experiences albeit of a more physical pattern! Harry just keeps getting better and better as befits the books and hermione is a torch bearer for young girls every where. elsewhere the standard of acting is par excellence, for a fantasy film of course, and the manner in this is maintained harbors well for the sequel!
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not a false note
11 April 2005
Pete posthlewaite hits a performance that is so unique it is frightening. so true was the passion there where times in the movie when I wished he would die! The episodic and random nature of the flashbacks made it seem like memories from one's own childhood which reinforced the naturalistic acting and indeed made it almost voyeuristic! The true beauty of the film lies in the realism of the scenes and in the accurate depiction of life as it really is in all it's ugliness! Above all the movie said to me that out of "brutallity" can come "compassion and humanity". One scene really hits home is the Christmas scene where the camera pans up an idyllic British street where the Christmas lights are shining and by nature our faces are starting to smile and then dissolves into the living room where the family are sitting in expectation. You can feel the tension as you see the first shot and when he pulls the tablecloth off the table and shouts "CLEAN THIS UP",I remember jumping up!!! MASTERPIECE In my eyes yes! 10 OUT OF 10
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Peter Pan (2003)
the ethos of the book
5 September 2004
firstly may i say i loved the film. I read the original the other day and this is the closest version I have seen! J M barrie succeeded in bringing us a modern day fairytale (no pun intended). amd P J hogan has brought a modern day screen version to life. the casting is perfect both wendy and peter are as they where meant to be. hook and smee are note perfect. and the cinematography is excellent. all I can say about this film is my grandson of 5 years old has watched it every day for 2 months now and I'm not far behind him! the sexuality of the two leading characters is far more to the fore in this version which is truer to the story as peter may have stayed young because of that reason.the jealousy of tinkerbell lends a hand in this respect.
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The Grinch (2000 Video Game)
12 February 2004
firstly i liked the film as an extravagansa of a movie, especially jim carrey's OTT performance.the look of the film is perfect.a winter bound fairyland.our dream reality of christmas. the plot hinges on the nasty old grinch finding the error of his ways and embracing the lifestyle of the whovilles. however why did he become so nasty is explained throughout the film with the little girl emphasising that, for all his meanness he embodies the spirit of christmas more than the money obsessed whoville's.. secondly the film has an inner message-racism!!! the grinch was excluded from the start purely because he was different. admittedley a thorny charactor but he did try fitting in , especially when he made the christmas present, which was so dramatically thrown back in his face. and resulted in him going into exile. so is it people's personalities that make them the way they are or other people's perceptions of those personalities. anyway 7/10. a good way to spend an afternoon.
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Badlands (1973)
love is not caring your a killer
12 February 2004
this film is a classic. from start to finish the tone is perfect. dialogue as if it came out of fresh air. always a good sign. two lead players who look as if they where born there. always a good sign. supporting cast doing their job. martin sheen playing a sociopath with such conviction I was scared. the scenes where he killed and looked genuinely sorry, but a minute later showed no remorse were truly frightening. the mind of a sociopath heck he still remained a likable guy, that's what's frightening.

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one of the better epics
12 February 2004
as a debut in movies peter o toole's must be the best.he fitted the part to a tee even showing the inner emotions of lawrence. i.e. the scene where he had to shoot the man he went back to rescue. cinematography was excellent although some might argue all you had to do was point the camera. I would mention the shot when sheriff ali rode out of the desert. lawrence on top of the train after the carnage. the meeting in sheik faisals tent, etc, etc. he is given a christ like reverence in the film but his failings are shown too.Before the charge he shouts show no prisoners, which i think was when it started getting out of hand for him. At the end of the film i was left with the feeling of a solitary man who wanted to do some good in the world and got carried away with it. power corrupts.absolute power absolutely corrupts. still one of the best film's i have ever seen. 9 out of 10
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reappraisal of the zombie movie
8 February 2004
personaly i thought "dawn of the dead" brought the zombie genre bang up to date with a vengeance.admittedly they are not the brightest of individuals but when you are outnumbered about a 1000 to 1 the residual onslaught could be enough to wipe anyone out, however well armed you are. loved the setting of the mall for most of the film which is a logical choice because the subliminal memories of the "undead" would quite possibly affect the motivation of the supposedly brain dead. also its good to see a horror story set in such a banal location wich to me makes the horror more explicit. i thought the fairly low budget and lesser known actors helped as well giving the film an almost documentary or news item feel. all in all a thought provoking film that stayed in my mind for a long time. 8.5 out of 10
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Mimic 2 (2001 Video)
3 February 2004
if you go in looking for another exorcist leave right now.this is a bug movie and as such it delivers.performances are decent, the storyline is half decent,except for the military involvement.... however the "bugliness" delivers! splendid effects but not too many shocks. oh well can't have everything.6 out of 10
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About a Boy (2002)
me just a boy as well
20 January 2004
the book must have been written with hugh grant in mind because he is just perfect.he was so good in NOTTING HILL and ,who cares, he is so good in who cares if he's playing hugh grant, if he's this good so what!the storyline is all of our fantasies basically..good looking guy,financially substansable,need i go on???but redemption(redemption who needs redemption),is at hand in the shape of marcus a clever but inneffectual young boy who ,i think, resembles the boy will actually wanted to be.will missed out out on the vital things in life and in his own words wants "bite sized chunks".through marcus he sees another way,albeit unwillingly,to see another life.hence is use as an apropos son to seduce rahel weizz.the ending is rather chunkily put together! THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.but in keeping with the film's feel it sort of fitted.
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20 January 2004
not often i give full marks to any film but this film outweighs any terms of character study even the minor players give their all.including her from the waltons(ellen geer i knew that lol).. what i love about this film is it shows,knowingly admitteddly,both sides of the human charcter.heck there was even a rock band called "zuzus petals". how many of us have not thought what this world would be like without us in will miss me when i am gone is the phrase.well this is vividly put to the test when george does just that. maybe the outcome of a world gone to hell might be over the top but that was surely to reinforce the message that we need each other. especially after the hell that had just gone in the real world. in conclusion any film that shows the worst of this world and ends up coming out best deserves a thumbs up...
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Fly Away Home (1996)
life affirming movie.go see
2 January 2004
heartwarming and life me an old softy but this film brought a tear to the eyes of a self confessed cynic.I think due to the fact that it was shot in such a naturalistic style. the performances themselves were low key which i thought suited the film's tone making it akin to a documentary feel.Anna paquin ,fresh from "the piano" really made the role her own and imbued the film with a freshness that carried the viewer along.
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