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The most faithful Resident Evil adaptation I've ever seen
7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie knowing there was a From Dusk 'Til Dawn-like twist almost half way through. A lot of reviews mention the gore fest that comes before, and for a Cop vs Robbers movie, I would agree it's completely over the top. One would say it's something not that unfamiliar for Korean flicks. But when the movie reaches that awaited mark, it all of a sudden becomes completely justified. This is not a break out movie. It's a horror one. When the plot moved into high gear, I completely forgot about the sickening murders and the gamer fan in me woke up. Yes, to me this could probably be the best Resident Evil-like movie I've ever seen. It has all the plot elements of the first instalments of the Capcom franchise (the unique location, the weird backstory, the virus-like plot with super powered zombie, the conspiracy, the characters dropping like flies, the over-the-top fights and twists, some I won't even mention). But mostly, it has something that no other official adaptation has : a very dense electrifying tone. Something that makes you catch your breath only when the credits roll and the countdown is over. That countdown would actually be one of the few things that are missing from Project Wolf hunting. But who knows, they could make a sequel.. All in all, I was ecstatic during that second part. There are no lst time there, the progression is super enjoyable, and if you're a fan of those games, I highly recommend it.
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The Thin Line (2017)
Clerks at Hooters
3 May 2021
The fast pace editing and self deprecating monologues topped by the use of animation in the first 5 minutes got me hooked up right away, but it's the characters that made me keep watching. This is an unorthodox comedy tries its hardest to pay its dues to 90s comedies like Clerks, Singles and a hint of High Fidelity. Ok, the inventive editing and endearing acting might be a bit off key at times compared to those masterpieces, and The Thin line might not be the cult classic for a generation that the three above mentioned unforgettable gems definitely are, but if you're nostalgic for movies of that era, the charm & intent of a flick matters more than a crispy execution and super lovable characters, there's a high chance you will enjoy this light-hearted slice of charm that indeed has a soul. A weird one, as flawed as humans can be, with its multiple moods, tone turns and weird life lessons coming out of nowhere, but a soul nonetheless.
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No words, only Punchy Cage
14 February 2021
What happens when you drop a** kickin' Nicolas Cage in a Feebles/Killer Klowns universe ? Exactly what you'd expect. No words, no explanation to his character except punches, kicks and final blows, Cage is at his best doing exactly what you love to see him do. While he's known for award winning and AAA blockbuster performances, I always enjoy seeing him in projects no one but him would accept and pull to their best potential. In recent years, Mom and Dad, Mandy & Color out of space really gained points with his mere presence, and boy does he shine when he's having fun. On par with those, this is a refreshing flick and I'm really hoping we keep seeing more pop up from time to time. And while many horror and indie flicks get forgotten over the years, this one will be remembered by everyone who gave a chance to the experience.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
My new favourite Animated Comedy show
24 January 2021
Complete surprise ! I have to say I did not expect to be entertained that much ! The show's premise is fresh and fun, but the writing and acting takes it way beyond what I was waiting for. The fact that the characters (all lovable underdogs) are established from the get go as admires/geek/nerds of the canon figures of all the classic series get all the references both enjoyable and on point, but every episode introduces classic-like Star Trek storylines and plots that do not pale in comparison to any other entry in the franchise. Even better, the fact that it is animated allows for a lot of situations to be introduced naturally while it would look weird/cheap in any other format & a cost a, arm and a leg. Finally, the 22 minutes format allows for a fast-paced heart-thumping beat that made me eat the whole first season in one sitting, just pausing at episode 9 to write this review. To use one of my favourite quotes, it is "way better than it had any right to be". I LOVE it and am already eager to watch more. Kudos to everyone involved !!
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Possessor (2020)
Visuals and story on par with what I expected from the poster and trailer
5 November 2020
I expected to be visually amazing, moved as a spectator from what we usually are accustomed to see if we just watch mainstream. I actually expected something in the lines of what David Cronenberg did when he started. Somewhere near Crimes from the Future and Stereo, with maybe a mix of eXistenZ. And of course the visuals from the trailer and the presence of Andrea Riseborough convoked the visually stunning Beyond the Black Rainbow from Panos Cosmatos (because she played in his subsequent movie Mandy). And I have to say, Brandon Cronenberg did not disappoint by delivering a great mix of just that, with that unique canadian feel. I was first amazed by the set where the first scenes take place, and then completely at home with the montage, effects and concept of the story. The long "dive" sequence surely again make me think of an updated version of the somewhat similar nightmarish dive in BTBR. Definitely something I'll enjoy rewatching. I would have loved for the story to dive deeper in this and have a broader spectrum, move forward with what was showed in the end, and have something even more creeper to offer, because it showed and explained so much that it could have built on it even further. But definitively a movie that will stick and that I'll be happy to give another go from time to time.
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The Good Cringe
23 April 2020
I'm not usually a big fan of those movies where kids talk about sex and swear and use rap references to be cool. Actually, I usually just stop watching those after 10 to 20 minutes, even those highly rated here. But for some reason, I wanted to know where this was going. Maybe because I like Ed Helms, because it kept getting crazier and crazier, and it had a plot, and not just things happening here and there with no sense whatsoever (well -, just keep in mind this IS a comedy still). And I also related to the situation of an older man having to deal with his woman's kid, as this looks like the worst scenario that could happen. It is silly. It swears a lot. But It has a drive and it never stops getting crazier and crazier and even if you see some of the most obvious things coming, the ones you don't did make me laugh a lot ! And from start to finish, there's never a dull moment and it never let me down. I haven't had a good time with a lighthearted movie like this in a while, and I'm happy I saw it. If the trailer sparks an interest, give it a shot !
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Devs (2020)
I am 5% disappointed
22 April 2020
Which means i loved it up to 95%. And the 5% is not really the ending, which is marvelous. It's the fact that I thought I was going somewhere, and I wasn't. It's the sort of situation where you think you have plot holes, but maybe you don't. It's just the characters making some decisions that you don't agree with or aren't fully back up by previous scenes. And usually that isn't even a problem.

I'm a big fan of Alex Garland's Work. From his video games to early scripts, I love how he tackles concepts, how his treatment is perfectly shaped for it, and how, in retrospect, you can see how masterful the story is. Emotional and yet like an equation with rough preciseness. It conveys great morals, big questions and powerful philosophical views and hypotheses. The difficult thing is always making sure you don't overlook something when you write. Choose the good tone (and in the world of visual media, convey the right feelings visually). Again, Alex Garland is a master in that department. DEVS is one of those wild rides that don't let anything slide. That you cannot let go until you see it through the end. And of course, as it is customary nowadays, you always make theories about where you are led to while watching. Where you think you are being led to, and already think of how things could have been done differently. This kind of thinking is usually a plague for the viewer, but DEVS trumps them beautifully. It manages expectations on par with the show's subject matter and yet, never tries too hard in the misdirection department. The only disappointment you could have is not taking the show for what it is, and regret it's not what it could have been. But unless this is your show, or your book (and a great deal of writers are themselves disappointed by what they write), this is always going to happen. As the who lands on its feet, everything falls into place, as it should. And you might object at how it does while watching, because at first you don't have all the answer, and they come one at a time. And it all really makes sense. Beautifully. So I'm 5% disappointed. 1% because I cringed on all that could have been while waiting for the answers to be complete, while in the end, you have it all. And 4% because I would love for the show to have a follow-up because there's one thing that I'm missing some key scenes to fully accept, and I can't see those final shots as a CODA. Which still means I still give it a 9.5/10 rating. I would also like to mention that i LOVE the perfect cast and designs, which as usual in Garland's work, essential to its composition. If you like what the author made before, You are in for a treat. This is truly a show to be remembered.
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Super feel good inventive movie with a lot of well used references
6 March 2020
When the first trailer got out, I though to myself "wow, this is going to be fun". So much so that i didn't even see the problem with Sonic's design. Thank Father Christmas everybody else did, because the new design is really doing it. Which begs the question : Aside from the obvious "we need to make America part of it" (the little towns, the bars, the human diverse actors, San Francisco, etc.. and was one word in japanese enough of a reference to the country this game came out of ? maybe i don't know), how could they design it so poorly the first time, while the plot is so amazingly on point ? Well, maybe there was already discontent from the creative minds behind the curtains, and that's why it didn't take too long for the production to agree to a change. Let's face it, those who wrote and directed this really LOVE the games. The character is SPOT on in his humour and reactions, the plot make good use of a lot of things you think about when you think Sonic, and all the cast kills it -I was so happy with some of the smaller parts-, with Jim Carrey front and center using all of his inventive and genious craft to make a perfectly insane Dr Robotnik ! (the way he goes from one side to the other of the spectrum of mood swings during the course of one single sentence was amazing). I won't spoil in details what you'll find here -I spent time waiting for things to happen like they did in the games, and most of them did-, just know that if you can go past the fact that this doesn't happen in a far away land with furry animals transformed into crazy robots, this is a really fun and enjoyable experience. The end credits even give you hope for even more respectful material, would a sequel come our way in the near futur (part of it even makes you wish they would make a 2D+ adaptation for your dusty Megadrive/Genesis). Hats off to everyone involved, I would love to see more adaptations this respectful of the source material again, given the inescapable fact that is has to happen in a human world, in America, for it to be anything else than an anime adaptation-. I trust every retro video game loving kid, big or small, will have a kick out of this !
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Don't remake it if you don't get it. Change the title and the ratings will go up.
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I would actually have enjoyed watching this movie if it wasn't called that. I'm usually for the look-out for Jabob's Ladder/Silent HIll inspired movies, and I usually quite enjoy them. To name a few : The Dark, The Machinist, Fear X, Session 9... the list goes on and on and on. While there have indeed been movies with that theme even before 1990 (obviously Herk Harvey's Carnival of Souls in 1962 or Alain Resnais' L'année dernière à Marienbad the year before come to mind, to name only a couple), Adrian Lyne's masterpiece seemed to create a genre of its own. So why, oh why, should you remake that seminal cornerstone of a psychological horror movie and make it a horror B movie with a twist ? The cast is great (Im a big fan of Michael Ealy since Sleeper Cell, Jesse Williams makes a great believable brother, and it's always a pleasure to see Karla Souza anywhere, especially in dark gothy roles like this one), there are some interesting ideas, but have the trauma and psychological implications of afterlife reduced to a bad drug trip is insulting, to say the least. Even more if you quote Danny Aiello's monstrous quote by just dropping it without meaning, and take the subway vision by stripping it of its essence. "If you're frightened to die, and you're holding on, you see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the earth". In no way Jacob has to die or wants to, nor is he already dead. So this quote really makes no sense -and it seems really cheap as it comes without

People want to make movies about the VA ? Fine, by all means, make a contribution. Pay tribute to all the people who give their lives to protect the innocent, their family and their country. Their courage and sacrifice deserve it. Go along the likes of American Sniper. Want to add psychological trauma by injecting horror themed visions ? My pleasure. But going the B movie way with a drug twist, already seems a bit disrespectful.

So please don't call it Jacob's Ladder. Jacob's Ladder is a path that leads from earthly demons to heavenly peace. It's a real cheap shot to reduce all the mystical implications of this to just a rogue scientist in a dirty lab. No religious meaningful figures, no talk of the soul, not even cabalistic tricks that would explain how a drug would make a path to demonic vision that would explain what's happening here. Especially with a subject so deep and visceral as a soldier dying on the battlefield and seeing his soul ripped appart as he can't understand what's happening to him, with guts dropping and relationship shred to dust. Don't remove all this pain and heartbreaking shedding of the flesh by substituting it with a "oh, I'm sorry, it's all the drug's side effect" crap. Or if you do (and why not), please change the title. Pay homage if you want, but don't fall under the "removing all the deep meaning of classic movies with -for the show- licence to make a quick buck" folder. This could have been so much better by just changing the last 10/15 minutes.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Equally a Nicolas Cage and a Panos Cosmatos movie.
20 November 2018
I'm a big fan of Beyond the Black Rainbow. I have the Mondo poster on the wall up my computer screen, the limited Vinyl and I also have the VHS limited edition. Even with an ending as weak as it has, it's one of my favorite movies ever. And for a LONG time, Nicolas Cage was my favorite actor. Leaving Las Vegas, Sailor and Lula, Vampire's Kiss, Face/Off, The Rock, you name it. I LOVED the guy. So when I heard those two would team up, my mind exploded. And when I saw the movie, I was equally disappointed and delighted. Because It's not a Panos Cosmatos movie all the way. It's not a Nicolas Cage movie all the way. It's Both. I didn't understand that at first. Because I didn't think it was possible. I marvelled at the scenery, at how the shorts were eery and haunting. And I loved how unhinged Nicolas Cage was in the second part. But I thought it weakened the story telling. I wanted things to be logical. I wanted character building that just wasn't plot points given to you, and scenes just dropping like bombs. I was doing something I usually do not do : I was expecting to see something, instead of just being amazed to watch Nic evolving inside such a crazy and beautiful universe. The fact is, when you put Nicolas Cage in a movie, you cannot expect him not to be the monster actor that he is. It's as if he's not playing a character, but some version of himself coming from another universe. And only then can you truly enjoy the movie. It's the same with Panos Cosmatos. You cannot expect the vision to have a logical explanation. It's as if you expect Mucha's illustrations to make sense of all the flowers, windy hair and light clothes to look realistic. It wouldn't be as beautiful. Just sit and enjoy the show, nobody does it like these two do it.
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This one is for the fans
20 November 2018
I've discussed with a lot of friends that didn't like the movie as much as they would have loved to because to them, there was no plot to enjoy. Just small snippets of subplots here and there, and too many to keep up or understand. I have to say I quite enjoyed the way the movie tell its story, because there is one, but only if you can grasp the winks and universe building this one has to offer. I guess you can't really enjoy this as a one shot, just going to the theater and expect an amazing experience if you don't keep in mind that what happens here are the many causes of what we already know watching the Potter movies (and even more, reading the books). Some people say Rowling gets her facts mixed up, I'd say she's incredibly accurate, as much as you give he the credit she deserve, which is she knows what she's doing. If you believe that to be true, you can grasp the many clues that will tie this saga the the next and, oh boy, that's so much to get in one sitting ! Also, don't miss the chance to see it in theaters. Yates is again a master at his craft and gives us so many incredible shots and sequences. Yes, There ARE action sequences even if they aren't as numerous as one would think. I have to confess, the first one looked a bit messy but it describes a messy situation, so I guess it fits. But it's more a character movie than it is a stand alone. I'd say it compares to the Empire strikes back, in that it doesn't tell as much as it builds drama and gravitas. I won't spoil it, but Keep in mind what you see, compare it with what you already know is gonna happen and just think of what could happen to get from there to there. If your imagination is not rusty, you will get it : Vertigo.
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Hereditary (2018)
Nice effort !
15 June 2018
For a first movie, it's a really nice one. The cast is amazing, some scenes are really heartbreaking (in the first third of the picture) and there are many good ideas (the first shot is just... wow !). I didn't know what to expect because i meticulously avoided every article, review or trailer, just knew it was sort of a Rosemary's Baby/The Exorcist/The Witch kinda flick (which are quite différent, but let's say it's not a Saw or a Freddy Krueger). And it was supposed to be the movie that finally gave you some real terror on screen. Unfortunately, the movie, even though it doesn't use all the easy tropes that we are common to these days (like cheap jump scares and such) takes too long to get into the fantasy-horror element. Or let's say, you can consider the movie just being a family drama up to some point (with again one heartbreaking moment you never want to live as a human being). And that shift point came too late in the movie for me. So late I wasn't part of the audience anymore. I was just someone sitting there, waiting for something to happen, as someone who's watched tens of thousand of movies before. The magic was gone when it finally started to come together. I find it sad because there are a lot of good things. I mean a LOT, from plot development to an ambiance that reminded me of the best creepy feelings I had watching the first season of True Detective. Also, the director/screenwriter's intentions are really interesting (I won't spoil it, you can find a good article diving into everything on the /Film website). Finally and again, some shots are really creepy on paper and and make for memorable big screen moments (again, no spoil, just check the movie out). But alas, I wasn't in there any more. I was still interested in how that would end (in contract to what i felt watching "The killing of a sacred deer" for exemple), but I felt like someone was just telling me what was happening, instead of being engulfed in it. I'm really interested with what's coming next in Ari Aster future because there's so much to dig in here (screeplay, narrative, story building and directing wise), and I'm really happy I took some time to go and watch this in theaters. Just sad it didn't have more of an impact on me. But I have to confess, The Exorcist never had that grip on me everybody is talking about. So maybe if the Friedkin flick scared you to death, don't forget to check this one out.
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Like an 80s psycho brawler. A great one.
26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I kept hearing that The Guest was a good movie despite its cheesy setting, and i have to admit it is, to the point it made the list of my favorite movies in recent years. I'm a sucker for efficient brawlers with great characters and nostalgic feel, especially is the nostalgic feel traits for the 80s. Somewhere in the lines between Rutger Hauer's Hitcher and Christian Slater Heaters, Dan Stevens is a force to be reckoned with, especially when he reveals what lies behind his cheerfully communicative smile. Along with purple dark light and blunt characters, the OST keeps that 80s feel and pace with classic tunes from Clan of Xymox and haunting tracks that do not pale in comparison with Brad Fiedel's Terminator soundtrack. Highly recommended if you're into that sort of thing as I am.
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As good, weird and definitive as first movies should be
26 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect much from this at first, as we started having it displayed in the back ground at a friend's home while eating. But even without the sound, I was blown away by the quality of the stellar visuals. At some point i asked the host to stop the movie because i really wanted to discover it in a good setting. This seemed to be a too good movie to waste, and boy was i right. The universe i was thrown into was some sort of mix between a terrifying spooky Cronenberg early tale wrapped in the comforting cocoon of inspired by Kubrick visuals. The music did help a lot to create that uncomfortable while surprisingly familiar experience, and i regret it has not been granted a CD or digital download release. The science behind Mr Cosmatos' frames makes a slow rhythm seem so deep that it was hypnotizing and kept me wanting more and more (as to watch the movie 20 times in one week). Who cares if the ending lacks depth, and the story isn't that complicated. It holds its own beautifully and that's all that counts. This is an >Experience< you ought to have if you like mind-trips set in a solid yet new universe. Actors are great, so are the lines they give. Obviously one of the few stand out movies of the year, and a director i will watch closely. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.
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Russian Dolls (2005)
boring an senseless
29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILERS* I don't know why I usually think that Romain Duris always gets the same parts, the "french guy" part, playboy without a cause, always dumb and uncontrollably spiteful when he's angry, spending his time destroying all he's trying to build, always trying to find dumber answers to dumb questions ( and believe me, as a French, seeing the "french guy" is such a bad cliché is quite annoying ). And that movie wasn't there to prove me wrong.

The thing is, I'm not into movies where characters do not evolve when those are so dumb i cannot identify myself with them. Here, Romain spends his time flirting, sleeping with every kind of girls he happens to find, not making any kind of effort just trying to make it work with one of them and asking himself "why is life so damn complicated ?". He doesn't hesitate one bit to cheat on his so called "loved one" and finally "realises" that he does love her ( dose he really ? ) because the nice chick that's got him cheating leaves him just like that to hunt for more interesting people. I quoted "realises" because it's less "realises" than it is finding himself an excuses to get back to the previous chick.

There are in this movie some of the most Dumbest reflections about love and relationships that I've heard in my life ( for example : you have to "try" every girl you can get your hands on to find the "one"... in fact that is not really dumb if you take it in a large scale, but in the characters perspective, regarding how he deals with women without making anything of effort except for begging them to forgive whatever mistakes he makes all the time, ( that is, when he's not just yelling and shouting at them ), i find it really revolting )

Of course there are good points in the movie.. The "describing the writer's profession" is often true and realistic, some jokes are really to die for ( especially the one with the neighbor being so amazed to realize that the big bang theory is just a .. theory :D ), the cast is great ( Tautou makes a great "idon't care about my surroundings, i just acer about everyone else" kind of 70s ideas person, Cecile De France Strongly depicts a bit too excessive lesbian), and finally, the movie depicts greatly the mood and state of mind of 30 y/o nowadays ( i'm 30, I should know some ). I'm sad that the "we are all part of the same planet" part is done in 2 minutes at the end of a marriage, like it HAD just to Be somewhere in the movie, just to honor the one character that has evolved since the previous movie, the characters usually being depicted in a single boring and minor storyline...

But I think the thing that mainly bothers me in this is .. it isn't at all a reflection. It isn't at all a movie saying " you won't get far being an idiot" because the girls will always fall for you and forgive you whatever stupid things you might do and that's just the way it is. Shouting, cheating are not issues, because there's love. And at the same time, the characters spend their time not understanding what's wrong with their lives, while not making any kind of efforts. Just living passively, just compelled by what they want to do or not. because their so called "freedom" is something that has to be absolute, whatever the consequences. and why is that ? the Romain's character says it like there's no way around it : i won't change, it's my way, that's who i am. ( i couldn't help but understanding it as : i'm just a complete idiot, bear with me because that's all there is to it" ) I won't be surprised to see another movie with yet again the same characters making exactly the same mistakes, and asking themselves the same dumb questions in another 10 years or so. May be that's the point finally ... proving that people do not evolve ?

I got strongly annoyed and bored at the half of the movie while still struggling to find it interesting, but i'm sorry, i just didn't. I've heard rumors here and there saying that Mr Klapish tried to make a bad movie on purpose ... i don't know if these a accurate, but to me he certainly succeeded
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Hellraiser: Inferno (2000 Video)
Best silent Hill movie yet ?
12 August 2003
Well, I'm really onto movies AND video games, and it's been a while since I've been looking for a movie that matches the graphic designs and horrific visions of that fantastic chilling series that is Silent Hill.

I've been told that session 9 was great, but since I was waiting for a silent Hill like movie, I was somehow disappointed ( even if session 9 is a very good movie in the end ).

But here .. For once, the alternate reality matches what I've been looking for. for once You never really know what's real or what's not. And even If some parts of the plot are easyly discovered if you just ask yourself the good questions, It's the first time I see it go this far.

I've rated It 10 because the movie is just perfect for what it is. Graphically and mentally. One's people's Hell.

I hope the people working on the silent hill adaptation for the screen will take good notice of this once as : the way it should go.
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