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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
Good twists and turns, but...
12 March 2023
This is a show about the police corruption investigative unit, AC-12. The plots are pretty well written and acted, for the most part, but what gets me is that this is an intelligence gathering unit, supposed to be the best of the best, that seems to act more on emotion--great for soap opera watchers--than on facts; they allow themselves to be played so easily!! An anti-corruption unit that has an extremely corrupt member who no one suspects and they seem to sweep their own crimes under the rug with a shrug of shoulders. What could be more wrong with that picture? (They also drive very slow, except for those who are supposed to stay behind.)
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Shameless: There's the Rub (2014)
Season 4, Episode 5
Lucky and Stupid
15 October 2022
This series started out as something very different, a literally unbelievable breath of fresh air with a huge twist of realism. A totally dysfunctional family, as many American families are, living on the slummy side of town, as MANY American families do, on the brink of poverty, again, many... Frank is the luckiest man ever, managing to talk his way out of anything and convincing everybody no matter how absurd his arguments are, which just goes to show how stupid everyone is, but unlucky enough to never hit it big. And then there is Fiona, growing stupider by the episode, so stupid that there is no drama to anything that happens to her because everything is so well deserved. When one loses the emotions towards the characters and their situations, there is something very wrong with the script. If stupid makes the viewers emotional, well... The acting is fantastic, but the writing is going down hill from where it started.
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Defiance: Dead Air (2015)
Season 3, Episode 4
Can't win for losing...
7 August 2022
The Defiance series has been... entertaining so far; not exciting, not thrilling, but predictable in an unknown way. Not five minutes of things going well go by when the next catastrophe shows up; we know it's coming, we just don't know in what shape or form.

Predictable: Datak and Stahma not only get away with murder, but even the best tracker cannot see through them, I mean, is Stahma's hypocritical, conniving smile only for the idiot audience and not the other characters?--they even serve them, almost cater to them. Amanda is an idiot with courage, and the town suffers endlessly. Do all aliens look like humans, except for the Volge?

In the previous episode, Pilar walked to the Voltan camp faster than it took Nolan to drive there. HUH??

In this episode we can witness (2:10) some of the worst computer graphics since Duke Nukem or Space Invaders. How much worse is it going to get?
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The Terminal List (2022– )
I will blame the director for the darkness and slowness of each episode.
31 July 2022
I lasted exactly 33:00 mins into the 1:05:06 FIRST episode of season ONE.

I could not deal with how dark it is. That has taken into fashion like IMDB's use of "Burning Questions"; if EVERYTHING is a Burning Question, nothing really is, just as if it ALWAYS dark such that we see nothing, nothing good is really happening and they must be hiding a lot, Overly dark and constant dark scenes tend to hide clip-splicing due to bad acting or crappy directing, just like half-second shots hide lack of continuity in action scenes.

Everything that has been said in the one-star reviews is accurate, but I am a believer that bad directing can seriously cause bad acting from a good actor and a seemingly bad plot from a good book or script.
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The Flight Attendant: Seeing Double (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Prototype of the B TV series
22 June 2022
Having "turned her life around", Cassie sets out to be the heroine that even the CIA just has to admire, although she continues to think and act as she did when she was actively drunk, lying, screwing up and dismissing Everything she does with a simple and lame, "I'm sorry, I know I screwed up".

This episode is Extremely Predictable rendering it without mystery or drama.

It also has its share of absurdities such as a bright red coat while inconspicuously following someone through half of the city and not being noticed, not to mention a complete cast of dim-witted characters who believe everything she says and do as she asks, never so much as scolding her, even when she breaks CIA rules.

Production wise, one can grow as tired of the split screen as we did of the non-stop circling camera which some director think that its the greatest thing since sliced bread.
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Designated Survivor: The Oath (2016)
Season 1, Episode 10
S01E10 - Inept people defending the country
18 May 2022
What kind of FBI agent is Hannah Wells? She has classified damming evidence against Peter MacLeish and which could get her boss out of jail on the seat next to her which she totally forgot about at the time of the accident. She basically allows her attacker to choke her and instead of reaching for her gun she drives. Even after she got out of the car, leaving such important papers behind, she still didn't think of her gun and instead thought about running to hide? What good was all the training that she received and alleged experience that she has accrued? Her actions do not match the relentless and absolutely great agent that her boss, the FBI's Deputy Director, praises her to be. This series has some good plots, but also some seriously stupid ones, not to mention that the first lady can just barge into the Oval Office, interrupting important discussion about critical issues, to discuss some family melodrama of no urgency at all. They all talk about telling the truth, yet they all keep everything a secret such that the right hand has no idea what the left hand is doing and vice-versa. BUAGH.
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