
13 Reviews
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So many things, way too many things
9 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've decided that for this review I would only mention the things I liked about this movie. I really didn't feel like being negative today and it'll save me on writing. Now I want all of you wonderful people to know that I'm not being sarcastic nor do I intend to be funny in any way. I guess they're my real feelings or at least the ones I had right after seeing it. So here it is... 1 - The Potential, 2 - Perdita Weeks, 3 - Water, 4 - Perdita Weeks, 5 - Chocolate (not in the movie but it was really good when I was watching it), 6 - Perdita Weeks, 7 - Rocks, 8 - Perdita Weeks, 9 - The fantasy I just had (well it could be linked to the movie in some way I guess) Me and Perdita Weeks sitting on rocks eating chocolate, 10 - Paris, 11 - Perdita Weeks, 12 - Perdita Weeks.
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Man on Wire (2008)
Fascinating and Wonderful, but...
17 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this documentary last night and I thought it was simply amazing and I agree with all the positive reviews on this title, but somethings are missing. Like humility and loyalty...the man has none...NONE. Yes he did all that but what he soon forgets is that his dream was realized because a lot of people not only believed in his abilities but helped him...without them, there's NO "Man on Wire" No books, nothing. These people went back and forth between France and the US a couple of times, spent all that time planning and training with him, they've put their lives on hold for this guy so he could do what he wanted to do, and as soon as he came back down, he was gone from their lives. The man never once spoke in appreciation for all that they did for him, he even went and had sex with an admirer before seeing his girlfriend for the first time after the stunt. Well as a performer he's great, other than that the man plain s*&%s!!!!!
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Rabbits (2002)
26 December 2011
I think the movie sets out to do exactly what it was design to do. David Lynch basically got a huge kick out of seeing all the reactions of the people who saw it, I mean it's a real knee slapper. He made it for himself folks. It's entertaining for him to see how people are so easy to manipulate into seeing something that isn't there. There's no deeper meaning. I think people should critic themselves instead of the movie. For anyone who has said or will say in the future "Well, yes I can see exactly what kind of experience he wanted to create for the viewer, while at the same time trying to convey a sense of.....blah blah blah" I have this to say.....No you don't...the joke's on us buddy!!! I was going to give it a 1 for the time I've wasted on that. But then I thought that, since I got a big kick out of people trying to give me their own analysis of it, I wanted to give it a 10. So I'll give it a 5.
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Parasomnia (2008)
30 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Here goes the perfect example of what not to do when you have a great idea. That is the problem isn't? The concept is fresh and full of potential, but the script and the execution of it lacks any real substance. It should grab you from the start and then pull a little on your emotions, get you interested and invested in the characters. This movie doesn't have what it takes to take off and sustain flight, and here is why. First you don't really care about the characters because they are not presented in a way that people can relate to, I mean this is not Superman or Mission Impossible here, it's suppose to be about normal people put in a stressful situation. They are not believable in the way they act and interact. Example : Jeffrey Combs as a cop over chewing is gum, frowning and looking intense all the time isn't the way to go here. I mean what is that?, he looks like he's on the toilet or something. I loved him in re-animator and the way he was playing the intense/neurotic, unappreciated medical genius was right on the money. But not for this, he tries too hard to over compensate by looking so intense and on edge but in a still mild neurotic manner, it's not natural, I'm surprised he didn't dislocate his jaw during filming. The movie is basically on life support, it barely has a pulse and it kept me waiting for something that would never come.
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Southland (2009–2013)
Not a good start.
10 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I think there was a lot of unrealistic expectations for a show that's replacing ER, but this is not the way to go here. First of all, the characters aren't relating to each other in a natural way at all. The speech given to the rookie cop from the more experienced one was, I'm sorry laughable and sounded like it was made for a movie in the 70's or a provocative after school special or something. I don't want to compare it to ER but I have to, because almost everyone else will, if you've been chosen to replace the pope, you better wear the hat if you know what I mean. The chemistry has to be there in the first place and then it builds up and branches out as the show grows, but you can't force it. With these kind of shows (cops, medical dramas...etc) we always see the same "been there, done that" situations, but the thing that makes it stand out from the others is how everyone will deal with them. We want to get into it and we want to relate to the characters and the only way to achieve that is by making them more emotionally accessible and socially acceptable to the viewers. I mean when we watch Superman we accept him as a superhero and a fictional character, but when people watch a show like that, they need to relate to it on a more realistic aspect, and the way it was done, I don't think it was happening. Needs a lot of work.
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Gary Unmarried (2008–2010)
Not gotta give it time
25 December 2008
I like this show, It's a light comedy and there's a lot that people can relate to on this show. After seeing the kind of crap they have put on the air lately I think it's kind of nice to see a good old fashioned light comedy. Something that makes me laugh for half an hour and makes me smile after seeing it.

I'm not about to compare it to other shows after only a few episodes, any of you out there that remembers Seinfeld?, they almost canceled the show but they stuck with it and it became one of the best show ever. Not all sitcom starts off really strong like Friends, give it time people.

Anyway, I think it has a lot of potential, even though it's kind of hard to stay original on television these days.
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27 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I own Raiders of the Lost Ark and the other two Indiana Jones DVD's. The first was unbelievable, the second had a more sinister tempo to it but still was great fun to watch. The third one was pretty good. Now for this one, all I can say is WHY?. The last one before this one was Indiana Jones and the temple of doom and it was good, he was older of course but he still managed to pull it off because the Dr Jones we knew has never been a young man, and if he had been in his twenties it wouldn't have worked. But the third one was made in 1989 and almost twenty years had past, and he was middle aged then. So you can't apply the same recipe here and that's one thing they forgot to take into consideration. Second, I would have to characterize this movie has being a cinematographic quilt. It is almost a composite of bits and pieces of the first and the the second Indiana Jones. I think it's sad because if they would have allowed themselves to think a little deeper, I am sure they could've come up with something that would have complimented the character in this stage of his life, and with that in mind they could have built a storyline that would've been more suitable. I mean I know that in the story not twenty years had gone by, but we can still see it on the screen. Third, I like Harrison Ford and all but even for a fan like me I can't help imagining that if there is a Indiana Jones 5, he wont need a whip, he'll need a walker. In conclusion, I think that this movie was big mistake from the get-go.
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8 March 2008
I know I'm a little late on this one but I always thought it would be the worst film ever and I really didn't want to put myself through that kind of pain. So I chose not to view it until my curiosity got the better of me. I started to watch parts of it, a few minutes later I was pronounced dead.

Lucky for me my hand has a mind of it's own and it stopped it...I was alive again. Now a note to the producers and director : Why?, No really...Why??? Did we do anything bad to you people? Do you have a grudge against artists or art in general? Were you abused when you were children? I firmly believe that negative numbers are really what we need here...and I mean way down there, I'm talking about -259 or something because 1 is unthinkable. This is not awful, this is so bad that words alone can't even express it.

I need symbols, complex symbols because I'm sure that deep down inside I have emotions about this "lets call it a" movie that are unknown to the human psyche that I have yet to express. For many nights I just know that I will wake up in a cold sweat thinking about this. The worst part is that, it all could have been avoided, if I had only listened to the voices that said "What are ya, nuts???" "Ok put down the remote" "Ok, OK, you've proved it, you got a pair, now for God's sake don't do it!!!".

Oh well at least I'm not constipated anymore.
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Nitro (2007)
What the??? (May contain spoilers in some people's views)
13 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I like a good action movie as long as it's well balanced and that the story can at least stand on it's own. Well not for this one folks. It lacks any CREDIBLE elements and if a plot could be in color this one would be gray at best...gray in an off white setting how's that. To me it's like a collage of bits and pieces of mediocre stories that were on shelves everywhere for the past few years. I have nothing against movies made in Quebec, last year I saw the movie Bon Cop, Bad cop and I really liked it. It was funny, the characters related well to each other, some parts were a bit sappy but still it was a fun movie to watch. This movie lost me in the beginning because it made NO SENSE AT ALL...none. Even the few punch lines were off. I like a movie that keeps me interested, keeps me on my toes a bit you know, but it was so predictable, dry and unoriginal...but that's just me, I have a fault, I like to be entertained.
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So addicted to this show...but tonight's vote?????
3 August 2006
I want to start off by saying that I wasn't really interested in this show at first, but I started to watch it in 2006 and it is one of the most entertaining show I've see so far. Now, my first comment is on the show of August 4th 2006. I just love Donyelle to pieces, she is a great dancer, she has the most beautiful eyes and has a great smile.

I have to admit I have a little crush on Donyelle, but on the other hand, I don't think that she is the one that should have stayed in the competition at this stage. She's great, she really is, but Natalie is a much stronger competitor. She has a knee injury and still gives a strong performance. She has wonderful stage presence, such amplitude in her movements and a lot of finesse when performing in general, whether it's a solo routine or not. She is so wonderful and more than a pleasure to watch.

The way she generally interacts with the audience and her partners is another strong point. My feeling is that the fact that she had Ivan as a partner at this crucial point in the competition (before the previous vote) is what killed it for her. Ivan is really great but by his lack of professional training he has way less versatility and is far less refined than the others. He enjoys dancing and it shows, he's lots of fun to watch, but in my opinion, unlike many dancers he wasn't really what we call born for that.

Some people have it in their blood but way more important it's in their soul and that cannot be taught, but is felt in everything they do. But as I said earlier he is great to watch and he always seems to have the best time when performing, and that's important too. He will need to get to the basics and fundamentals of dance and get the training he needs if he chooses to make a career out of it.

Natalie is a dancer in every way, heart and soul and even though I love them all, I think it is very unfortunate that she was voted out. Donyelle is very talented and has a lot going for her, but she will need to give it all she's got and beyond to beat Heidi.

Heidi (she is so unbelievable) and Benji...WOW!!! I love them to death, but in terms of giving it all 100% and climbing, even though I like Benji a lot and he puts on one hell of a show, Travis is a stronger competitor in general. Overall they are all very talented, and they have a great career in their future that's a given. Keep up the good work people.
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American Hot Rod (2004–2007)
What the???
3 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by mentioning to the producers that this show is so bad that I believe I'm the 8th person on this site to take the time to write about it since 2004...this isn't bad, it's frightening...why are you keeping this garbage on the air??????? I'm voting 1 out of 10 because I can't use a negative number to rate it. Look at all the negative comments (shouldn't be too long)and all of them have pretty much said everything that needs to be said about that show.

However I do want to add 2 others. Dwayne...I am amazed that with the way you treat people, no one has ever tried to pop you one in the Chiclets. I would condemn that kind of reaction, but I would understand it...come on, would you take that kind of demeaning, insulting and very often pointless behaviour from your boss? You must be a smart know what I'm talking about don't you...and if you don't, I wouldn't advertise it. And Boyd.....Great reputation...Got a word for ya "Television", do you want to know what it is??? Because apparently you don't. Aside from the fact that the way you run your business and the kind of work environment you provide are not on the same standard as everyone else, you find a way to bring all that even lower when you open your mouth. Has mentioned in previous comments, you have no clue what so ever on the production time for anything that's being built in there. What is it? Getting information from your client, your shop manager and making a bridge between your clients needs and your employees capacity to provide a safe product with the quality that deserves you NAME within a reasonable time period and leaving a reasonable margin for errors to accommodate life's little problems without making everyone including you, suffer over it...would be way too smart. And then after giving of course a delivery date on a very unrealistic time frame to build the car, you turn around and give your crew your vision on team spirit to repair any damage that your own inadequacies has caused to damage that wonderful race to the dead line. How can you ask anyone who works for you with a straight face "Sure come on, stay and work all night and all week around the clock if you have to, lets face it, you probably don't have a life, and if you do have one I don't really care about it because in case you haven't noticed planning and assessment isn't really a priority in a project for me"...AND YOU OWN THE PLACE...AND YOUR FACE, NAME, REPUTATION and lets not forget QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT AND PROCEDURES are plastered every week on television for all the competition past, present and future to enjoy. After seeing that show, I wouldn't even buy a coffee from you...A good reputation is like anything doesn't last forever, and if you don't listen to what people are saying you'll go down the pipes. I don't like the show nor the way you run things but you don't look like a bad guy and you seem to think once in a while when you're not too busy with your head in the clouds thinking that your name and reputation stand for something and that nothing can tarnish it, well I got news for you Boyd. Turning your back to bad critics is expected but, to not learn from them is criminally stupid. I would imagine that to be that dumb would have to be crime...please don't be it...clean it up and you might have a chance, or don't and take one, we leave it to you.
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7th Heaven (1996–2007)
Ummm...Hello, anybody in there?
8 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Was curious about the show and I watched the episode about Ruthie going on her first date and then "Oh my god my baby is going on a date, I mean how can this happen after all she is just a TEENAGER" and then her big brother the medicine man of the Camden tribe goes like "Well I should be driving them to where ever they want to go" and that's fine but then the boy genius decides that when the young man Ruthie is suppose to go out with is a bit late he decides to organise a stake out outside his house. And if that wasn't enough everyone gets in on it...I mean her brother in law wanted to talk to her about sex and is arguing with the medicine man over there who wants the honor of having the talk because he's her brother and to top it off daddy big guns, big chief, the head viking of the Camden family is almost in tears, fainting, frantic because Oh my god is daughter is going to be sitting next to a boy alone in a car as if she would be dragged to the woods by a monster. Ummm...I heard that it was a show about family and about going back to the fundamentals...people it's a show about know it's about going back in time. Give me a break!!!
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Jonny Zero (2005)
Starts off good!!!
23 January 2005
I have to say that Johnny zero is a bit different from the other action shows that I have seen on TV for the past few years. I have to agree with an other user's comment saying that Franky G is sometimes a little too stiff in certain scenes but I can see that he fits the bad guy / good guy mold know, rough around the edges but smoother in the inside!!! He will grow into his character and then he'll be able to make us relate to that guy (Johnny) because it will come out a lot more natural. Since he seems to have all the right ingredients for that part I'm sure it will get way better!!! I have to say something about the sidekick (GQ)...from the first episode the character seems to be a little too comfortable in being shot at or looking at a gang of thugs waiting to beat you up and acting somewhat a little too calm about all this. It's like Johnny has found someone who's been waiting to be a sidekick all his life. Johnny has been in jail so he's somewhat used to that...but him??? I like GQ (Random)he's all right but the writers need to have this character step back a little and slowly get to be the friend, partner, sidekick of has to be a lot more natural people!!! My opinion also is that he needs to have somewhat of a better reason for wanting to hang around Johnny...not just because he wants to be pals with him. We all know why johnny bends in that direction, we know his angle...what's his??? With a little fine tuning I see a future for that show!!!
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