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Great comedy for avid hikers
25 November 2020
This is great. I kept laughing at his novice blunders because they reminded me of my childhood mistakes learning about hiking. I kept saying, "Dude, what are you doing?" And "God, don't do that." He brought back so many memories. And then, the movie conveys his growth in character from his experience and yet still leaves a novice. Unless you're a hiker, you'll miss most of the humor or appreciate the journey the movie conveys.
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Vacation Blog
16 August 2020
This guy ought to be proud of the hard work he did to be in shape at 68 years old. He deserves applause and inspiring for the elderly to be all you can be. The movie is basically a vacation blog. It's not in the same league as Free Solo or Meru or Touching the Void. Perhaps if I was older, I'd appreciate it more but it doesnt inspire me in my fifties.
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Watch it. It's good.
9 July 2020
Ignore the low stars. It had a good plot and ending. Lots of twists too. If you like Jumanji or the Hangover trilogy which have impossible plots but are good "rides" then you'll enjoy this movie. Yes, there will be no Oscars but it's a well done for it's genre.
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Too much screaming and crazy
15 June 2019
This was a very difficult movie to watch. The screaming, domestic abuse, and insanity was just unrealistic and hard on the mind and ears. It was like that hard rock music that is just dark and screaming.
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Not Magnificent
2 October 2016
This didn't even come close to the westerns of the 1950's to the 1970's. John Wayne is probably rolling in his grave. Nor did it come close to the remakes like 3:10 to Yuma or Tombstone. Nor does it come close to Free State of Jones released this year too.

Another comment says "Diversity 7" and that's dead on. This rendition is just too unrealistic for the American period of 1880's that it doesn't make it enjoyable for a die hard western fan. It's an action film set in western time, not a western film with action.

Even the accent and delivery of lines from Chisum had too many similarities to Bart's delivery in Mel Brook's Blazing Saddles. I was waiting for the line, "'cuse me while I whip this out." Even the town's name is similar to Mel Brook's Rock Ridge.

The unrealistic bringing together of Doc (Doc Holiday), Billy the Kid, Chisum, and others took away any sense of reality. The use of weapons for that time period is unrealistic too.

John Wayne's Chisum was actually a pretty accurate movie to the history of the Lincoln County War. But this movie isn't about it at all.

The Magnificent Seven is actually a Samurai movie from Japan that was remade into a western. This doesn't even come close to those two classics.

If a millennium wants to watch a good cowboy movie, don't go to see this one. It borders more on an action comedy than a western. Search for the classics. The acting, style, and historical accuracy is there.
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Meaning of Life
2 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great movie. Loved it in all it's silliness and great moral lesson. In 2016, this is a great movie for the USA culture lost in the values of "Money is king" and "Following your passion will always lead to success."

The movie does a great job showing how "wealth at all costs" breeds arrogance beyond law and the common good of humanity. It also does a great job showing that the root of happiness is creativity, even if creativity doesn't lead to success, and seeking the common good of society. It shows a Utopian ideal that everyone can be happy if we allow everyone to just be themselves and each person pitches in to help the common good of everyone regardless of their station in life.

A great perspective that even a "rich kid" who is in love still cannot fully grasp respect of persons despite his love. (The restaurant scene.) He had ample opportunities not to embarrass his beloved but takes advantage of her situation for the pleasure of a laugh. Hence, he's drawn to her innocent courage and freedom from fear but still is tied to the conditioning of his parents.

He is own pursuit of happiness is bound by his family's wealth until he finally breaks from it.

Great - awesome in fact - portrayal that the rich aren't just accepted. One has to earn their way into the hearts and lives of others regardless of the size of their wallet. And, earning your way into the lives of others is something we must all work towards.

No doubt, there are some flaws against reality. One example is a person not paying their income taxes for 20+ years. Also, the viewer is left wondering how does the poor family maintain their livelihood. Friends coming to the financial rescue (but this drives the moral that if you seek the common good, there is a tangible payback).

There's scenes that will offend some post-modern sensibilities - sexual harassment in the workplace, early 20th century buffoonery from black actors, Russians are uncouth, etc.

Interesting how the movie pushes the common good but adds just a small subtlety of how communism is bad. The middle class is the hero and the "right way" for humanity. It has a strong Republican message but a Republican view that supports the common good of the middle class and not serving the wealthy alone.

Grandpa is an interesting central character. All wise, ever loving, willing to sacrifice self, creative, free, and capable of enjoying rest, reconciling with enemies, not burdened by ecclesiology but religious. His sprained foot could be interpreted as the cross he bares for loving his children - an inconvenience that cannot rob him of his intrinsic joy. He even doesn't give into temptation of throwing a dart yet speaks the truth that hurts the ego of people who are lost in a life of oppressive wealth. He finished his work years ago and "came down the elevator" to enjoy his creation and family. He is an image of the Christian god or at least the Christian ideal.

If Grandpa is the Christian God. Anthony Kirby is likened to Satan, who oppresses everyone around him and even causes the death of a person who once was his friend. He has worldly power but it cannot withstand the common good or Grandpa's wisdom and charity. But eventually, he repents of his sins.

Another Christian motif is the harmonica. When one is focused on the wrong things in life, there is no song in his heart. But if one is right with God (be like Grandpa), life becomes a song which invites others into the joy of it.

Definitely a classic in my book. Hollywood doesn't make them like they use to.
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Finding Dory (2016)
Bumbler Survives To A Happy Ending.
2 July 2016
Adventure in Fantasyland sums this up. It's cute, it's cuddly, it's silly. It's a cartoon. It's Disney.

So, stay on the surface if you want to enjoy this movie but don't dive deeper into it b/c it's unpleasant.

Every movie has a villain/difficulty for the protagonist to overcome. Dory's short term memory loss is the "villain". It separates her from her loving parents and plagues her throughout the movie with a gnawing sense that she's not where she's suppose to be. It causes her to trust strangers, some who are natural predators - one who does not have her best interest but eventually gives into her plight. The message: Even predators will help you if your persistently cute and innocent. Not a good message in reality.

Her memory loss leads her into dangerous situations as she is physically lost. But the main, clear message is "Just bumble along in life, you won't get hurt, and everyone is there to help you. Life is a happy adventure." The reality is she would have been victimized or killed each step of the way.

Inaccuracies abound. Salt water fish surviving in fresh water. Sea Urchins in a touch and play tank - ouch. Shark whale called a whale. A fish has the capability to read English but can't remember moment to moment - that's just stupid.

More and more movies are coming out that are too much like video games. Action without consequences. Story lines abandoning reality - even physics and the natural laws - promoting moralities based upon dangerous falsehoods. First thing you learn in middle school English is "What is the moral of the story?" What IS the moral of this story? It's not just wrong, it's dangerous.

So, if you really want to enjoy this movie just be like Dory! Just bumble along for the ride and don't think much. La-la-la. Weeeee.
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The Shallows (2016)
A thriller for sure
1 July 2016
Taut thriller indeed. Loved the tension throughout the movie. Riveting. Oh, and you will cringe. Nicely done by the actress. Even had a couple of throw backs to Jaws including one scene that clearly mimic'd the musical score and action. Does Steven Spielberg know this?

I liked the cellphone scenes but I've never gotten reception in a secluded spot, let alone a jungle/beach in rural Mexico. Gosh, and those international data charges. What was she thinking?

I'd rate it a 7 but what person goes off to a secluded beach by herself in another country in real life? An idiot. Sorry, but I've traveled a lot: One does not go off on their own, to an unknown location, without a check in time, or a confirmed ride unless they're an idiot. Uber, please...didn't you see the jungle you just drove through? Of course not, you were looking at your phone.

There is one scene that is just so fake it's hysterically funny. That made me downgrade the movie too.

But, complaints aside, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat and out of the water this summer.
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The Duel (I) (2016)
I want to like this movie but can't
1 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Top Five Positives: 1.) Story moves like a Louis L'Amour western novel - fast & hard. 2.) Actors do a fine performance. Nice job Kerry Cahill. 3.) Scenery, costumes, and props seem authentic. 4.) If you're into blood count, there's enough to slake your thirst. 5.) Interesting timing of release with political tensions around Mexican immigrants.

Top Negatives: 1.) Woody can't act. His character is the same in every movie/show since Cheers. 2.) Hey! It's Jim from the Office, what's he doing here? 3.) Wait. Is this the short story "The Most Dangerous Game"? 4.) Snake handler church were in Appalachia not Texas. 5.) There's no compelling reason for Marisol to leave her husband. Likewise, there are several scenes that show Kingston's passionate love for his wife but he leaves her behind. Incongruity. 6.) Double tap all zombies. Who doesn't finish off a villain? - Dumb movie characters, that's who. Don't worry though, a surprise "cavalry" saves the day. Who sits next to a villain and falls asleep? Step back a few yards, Son. 7.) The protagonist, Kingston, is a confused little boy. He says, "I'm not here for my dad, I'm a Texas Ranger" but at the end, he goes off into the woods as a sort of lost soul and doesn't return to report in at the Ranger's office. I get Rambo going off into the jungle b/c he's disillusioned with the government. What is this poor protagonist wrestling with in his head that he'd leave the and love of his life and job after winning the battle? The weight of Kingston's soul doesn't add up with the story.
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