
43 Reviews
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Another Round (2020)
Instant classic
24 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another Round (original title Druk) is one of the best movies I have seen this year.

Four close middle aged friends decide to test the theory that the quality of life improves while maintaining a constant level of alcohol in your blood.

Mikkelsen once again shows his talents and is supported by a great cast. The story is original and not too moralizing. On the contrary to be honest: I don't think the AA will be too positive about this film.

The dance sequence plus the freeze-frame ending, also gave me the goosebumps, instant classic for me!
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Very interesting: nice archive material
13 December 2020
The Phenomenon is a recent documentary currently available on demand at Vimeo and on Itunes. The documentary is made by James Fox and narrated by Peter Coyote.

The 2017 story in the New York Times shook up the near dormant world of UFO chasers and believers. A main stream media outlet seriously weighed in on the topic, with viable sources and credible video material.

This documentary zooms in on some of the major events with footage of people that were present or in function at the time. To name a few; the Rosswell incident of 1947, the Westall sighting in 1966, the Ruwa Zimbabwe incident of 1994 and the tictac UFO event in 2004, the last one was also covered in the NYT article.

The Phenomenon is certainly entertaining. The only thing I disliked is the structure of the film, the mishmash of big and small items and chronological ordering left a chaotic impression with me.
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A personal take on Covid
10 December 2020
Just watched the Dutch documentary COVID-19 The system (available for free until December 19th via

Main protagonist of this documentary is Nico Sloot, international businessman extraordinaire. He put thousands of hours in researching the current pandemic. He also has a boat and goes hiking, sometimes he stares thoughtfully in the distance.

It's refreshing to hear another sound other than the cookiecutter blabber of politicians. I must admit there are interesting points made. In order of appearance: the T-cell argument, the dubious role of big pharma/big tech/(inter)national politics, the absence of critical and independent press and the legacy of an outdated monetary system to name a few.

To my personal taste, Nico has a bit too much screen time and paints a too subjective picture to make this a great documentary. As an introduction to geopolitics and power machinations, it certainly is interesting material.

English captioning available
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Mank (2020)
Great; at least with some background knowledge
7 December 2020
I just watched the first Netflix feature that will probably be rewarded with best picture and best leading actor at the next Academy Awards.

If Amanda Seyfrieds role was just a little bit bigger, she would be a no-brainer for supporting actress, that will maybe be a close one.

Some words of caution; to be fully appreciated, this film demands some knowledge of movie history. In particular some basic understanding of what Citizen Kane meant for modern day cinema. For people not familiar with the era, Orson Welles and US politics, the historical references can be a bit overwhelming.
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The Undoing (2020)
Surprise, surprise
1 December 2020
The Undoing is a new David E. Kelley six-part mini series on HBO.

This show has it all; production value, a great cast, nice scenery and an engaging story. But it also lacked something. This 'thing' probably has to do with the fact there are no twists or surprising turns.

To me personally, this led to a rather unfulfilling feeling after the season finale. On the other hand, the fact there is no surprise is rather surprising aswell. So maybe the show needs some more time for me to sink in.

Donald Sutherland deserves a special shoutout, he has a small part, but aces every scene.
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Devs (2020)
Devs, meh
25 November 2020
Devs is an eight episode sci-fi thriller series. In Devs a mysterious development division of a tech giant, plays a part in the disappearance of one of it's engineers.

Devs is too flawed on too many levels to be considered good. The acting is mediocre, the story is messy and defies common sense and I did not like the soundscape very much. Too end on a positive note, it did look good technically and the editing is solid.
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
29 August 2020
As many Netflix productions there is nothing wrong with the production value, costs have not been spared to create this feature.

However, what is true for most Netflix productions is also a problem here, a lack of general quality; the execution of storytelling, characterbuilding, creating suspense or compasion, it all lacks in spectacular fashion, creating a bland picture with nothing much going for it except an impressive cast and some nice stills.

Such a waste of talent and money.
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Show me a David Simon production...
27 April 2020
Up until now, I have not seen one that has disappointed. Sure, the plot is not fast paced, you have to invest time and attention. But if you do, you are in for a treat.

The series uses compelling and intelligent storytelling, carefully built characters and great acting.

This is television at it's best.
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Part 3: alternative endings to actual events, a proposal
6 December 2019
On the 10th of september 2001, Jack (played by Chuck Norris) is having a bad day. His wife just left him, his job with the Russian mob as a kung fu hitman is going through some rough patches and his mistress is pregnant with triplets (girls).

To blow of some steam he decides to go party in Boston with his good buddy Frank (Steven Seagal). They take a lot of drugs and do silly things. When in the middle of doing all these silly things, they run into a group of five nervous and overagitated young men.

Things take a turn for the worse. Jack and Frank end up killing all five in terrible but very creative and inventive ways. They head on home to New York on flight 11 the next day with a crazy hangover.

The End
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Very much worth your time and effort
25 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How rich and entertaining this movie is. The depth of the story, the multiple layers of reality, fiction and dreams, great actors and acting, and some visual eye candy are making this one of my personal favorites of 2018.

The making of this movie has been cursed since the early start, according to the titles in the beginning, it has taken over 25 years to complete. When you like Gilliams oeuvre, you will definitely love this one.

I think a lot of people have underrated this title because of the complexity of the storylines and the multiple switches between fictional and 'real life' personalities of certain characters. When you pay close attention and really focus on the story that is being told, it is not chaotic or messy at all.
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Uplifting, great acting
10 January 2019
Don't worry.. tells the life story of cartoonist John Callahan, someone I personally never heard off before I saw this movie.

The performance of Phoenix is amazing, he carries this piece with his screen presence. Rooney Mara, as love interest Annu and Jonah Hill as the bearded wise man / AA sponsor Donny also really shine in this one.

What appealed to me, is the way the story is told. There are three major storylines. These are artfully sewn together. Not all is told in a chronological order, but that gives the movie more body and also emphasizes the character development of John during and after his recovery.

This movie is also an homage to the A.A. as an organization, it is nice to see someone at rock bottom get some grip on life by living the 12 step program, or turn his or her life completely around like in this film.
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Sully (2016)
Another solid movie from Eastwood
26 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Most people in the western world saw or heard about the miracle of the Hudson, where captain Sullenberger managed to land his severely damaged airplane on the Hudson river without any casualties. The film centers on Sullenberger and the crash investigation that questioned his choice to land on the river instead of returning to nearby airports.

With a relatively short run-time of 96 minutes it surprised me how rich a story Eastwood managed to make. With clever non-linear storytelling and repeating events from multiple perspectives he puts out a strong and compelling story.

Tom Hanks is perfectly cast as the captain Sullenberger, Aaron Eckhart who plays the part of co-pilot, does not get the chance to shine unfortunately.
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ARQ (2016)
Worth watching
21 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Renton and Hannah are stuck in a time loop. They keep waking up 6:16 am after one of them dies during the events of that day. The time loop apparently is caused by a device called the arq that functions as a alternative power source, but has some peculiar 'time travel like' side-effects.

The movie is similar to Groundhog Day in the sense that the main characters are aware (or become aware) of the fact that they are in a time-loop and act on events in the previous ones to change the outcome of the loop they are in and to eventually get out of it altogether in one piece.

The film is not a masterpiece but impressed me nonetheless. It has a simple but logical story line, some nice twists and turns and above average acting.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
Disappointing compared to original trilogy
27 August 2016
Jason Bourne is of the grid. Tormented by flashbacks he spends his days being a freelance free fighter. When an old friend resurfaces he is pulled back into the world of intelligence agencies, conspiracies and assassins.

Personally I was looking forward tot his new installment of the Bourne franchise, especially after mediocre Bourne spin-off with Jeremy Renner. The first 3 parts of were coherent as a trilogy, exiting and breathed a believable measure of realism.

The return of Greengrass and Damon as director and main actor proved not to be a deciding factor in the quality of the film though. The main reason is the plot and poor script. Events in the history of David Webb appear out of thin air to form a rather weak story line.

Tommy Lee Jones and Vincent Cassel play smaller parts but due to their flat characters, they can't save this film. Lead actress Alicia Vikander has plenty of screen time but makes no big impression like she did in The Danish Girl. What impressed me most about her performance was the way her facial expression didn't change at all during the two hours of the movie.

What remains is an above average action flick that unfortunately lacks the quality of the first three parts.
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Modern warfare 101
16 June 2016
We live in a brave new world where wars are fought in front of computer screens, lives are ended by mouse clicks, remote controlled drones carry the deadly loads that are dropped with pinpoint precision.

This movie shows us a British-US operation where the implications of a possible drone strike are on display. The political and moral dilemma's of the people involved are taken into account which makes it a reasonably balanced portrait of modern warfare from a western point of view.

The cast consists of many well known British and US actors with Hellen Mirren, Alan Rickman and Aaron Paul on point, all pull their weight and deliver a well constructed and balanced movie.
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All about the high
3 June 2016
Valley uprising tells the story of multiple generations of climbers in the Yosemite National Park. From the first hippies/pioneers to the modern day climbers. For a person like me; who has no in depth knowledge of climbing, techniques or jargon, the documentary gives a good and amusing insight in the psyche of the climber and the evolution of climbing as an outdoor sport in the past decades. It is amazing to see what progress has been made in terms of raw (climbing) speed and the mind boggling free climbing practitioners.

The colorful characters and stories, especially from the early days are very entertaining. Original video footage is mixed with breathtaking shots of classic Yosemite walls. Worth mentioning is the CGI technique that is used to give a more or less three dimensional feel to archive pictures and historical footage stills
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The Do-Over (2016)
Another Sandler comedy
1 June 2016
A high school reunion brings two friends back together. Max (Sandler) is an FBI agent and Charlie (Spade) a bank manager. They realize at the end of the night, that they both are disappointed about the way their life turned out. When Sandler decides to drastically take matters in his own hands, he drags his newly re-found friend with him kicking and screaming.

Truth be told, most Adam Sandler movies don't excel in subtle comedy. They are harsh, immature and over the top. This movie is not an exception. The plot is full of holes, logic and common sense are not pillars of this particular story.

Does this make it a bad movie? Yes! Did I enjoy watching it? I did! Sandler is one of my guilty pleasures though. There is something about his screen presence and charisma that keeps me glued to the screen. Most of the characters Sandler plays are effortlessly interchangeable. When he plays a serious character for a change, the quality of work improves (Funny People, Reign Over Me, Punch Drunk Love for example). Hopefully Netflix will steer in another direction for the remaining Sandler title.
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Synchronicity (IV) (2015)
Time travel shenanigans
16 May 2016
A team of scientist is frantically pursuing a breakthrough in their work. They are developing a kind of black hole back-door to communicate through time and space.

As in most time travel stories, the plot twists and turns and multiple perspectives on the same scene from different angles make up a lot of the fun in these kind of movies. And Synchronicity does this well given the available resources. To be honest, this is not the most sophisticated time travel movie, but it has character and is well-made. It kept me hooked and interested.

Michael Ironside probably is the most appealing name of the cast, he has a minor role as an investor/shareholder in the project. Main characters McKnight and Davis have a nice chemistry together and carry the movie with their performances.
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Triple 9 (2016)
Cops, robbers and a waste of talent
16 May 2016
A band of robbers needs a distraction to pull off their next heist. They plan to kill a cop (Atlanta PD code 999 is the officer down radio sign, hence the title) to create a large enough time-frame to get things done.

This film has a some pros; the cast is good, the Atlanta back-drop is nice and the overall technical look and feel is decent. However the cons take a heavy toll on this flick; character development is not available, plot quality and logic are far below average. This makes an incoherent mess, in the end it just is not good enough to recommend to anyone.
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Woodlawn (2015)
Beware of blatant religious propaganda
11 January 2016
Birmingham, Alabama in the 1970's is an infamous city with a lot of racial tension, violence and even targeted bombings. In the middle of all this turbulence, a struggling high school team finds the saviors it is looking for.

Being an sports film enthusiast, I had high hopes for Woodlawn, especially after spotting Jon Voight (and to some extent Sean Astin) in the cast listing. Unfortunately, the focus in this movie is not on character development, story or action choreography, it lacks quality in all these areas. What it does focus on is religion. This results in a rather poor outcome .

It is not uncommon in this particular genre to see references to a divine presence as a source of inspiration or comfort for athletes that try their best in harsh circumstances. In this particular case though, the presence of the Almighty is far too overwhelming.
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Homage to the pioneers of gangsta rap
9 January 2016
This is not an Oscar winning feature. It is definitely well made and brings back fond memories to the day and age when rap-music took a rebellious turn, But in the end it is just another biopic.

I was impressed though by the acting of O'Shea Jackson Junior playing his Ice Cube, the eerie likeliness to his father in posture and demeanor gives the movie a deeper sense of realism. Also worth mentioning is a fantastic Giamatti as agent Jerry Heller. I think he will get a leading male Oscar within the next three years if he keeps his game up so to speak.

I do believe Dre and Cube were the heart and soul of NWA and are musical en lyrical masters of their trade, in this movie however they are portrayed as saints. I enjoyed reliving past memories and a bit more insight in the story of NWA, Cube and Dre, the score is dope. I Say two and a half hours well-spent. Word...
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The Intern (I) (2015)
So sweet it will make your teeth hurt
21 December 2015
Jules Ostin runs a successful internet fashion start-up, but she has trouble combining business with her family live. Ben Whittaker, a 70 year old retired widower is looking for a way to give more meaning to his empty and unproductive live. When he spots an add for a senior citizen internship, applies to it and eventually gets the position, the two are teamed up.

Do not expect a lot of depth or insight from this comedy. The movie lightly meanders from start to its unfulfilling end. The only thing that keeps this movie from totally caving in on itself is the talent and charm of mostly Hathaway and to some extent De Niro, the latter acts on autopilot for most of the movie.
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Sicario (2015)
War on drugs you do not control
21 December 2015
Kate is part of an FBI abduction task-force, dealing mostly with drug-related crime. She is invited to a joint operation to neutralize a major Mexican drug-lord, whose handiwork she has often seen in her career. During the operation her personal boundaries and beliefs are greatly challenged.

The cast is good, especially Del Toro and Brolin are outstanding. Main character Kate, portrayed by Emily Blunt is a bit bland to my liking and gets overshadowed by her male counterparts. She also seems just a little bit too pretty for the part. The cinematography, editing and score are on par.

Overall Sicario is a well constructed movie. The ambiguous US drug -and foreign affair policy and the tension between the various law enforcement parties makes this movie a fascinating view.
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3 Idiots (2009)
Entertaining but overrated
14 December 2015
3 Idiots tells the story of three college friends; Rancho, Raju and Farhan. Rancho disappears after his graduation. When after years of absence a trail to his whereabouts emerges, the two friends set out to find him. During this road trip, the origin and history of their special friendship is told.

3 idiots is a typical Bollywood production with some songs and dance choreography's. The shots are wonderful and the movie breathes an atmosphere of 'joi de vivre' and playfulness. The casting of the main characters is on point and they seem to be enjoying themselves. The central morale/message that is conveyed in the flick is universally recognizable but put on way too heavy to my taste.

I must admit that I am not a frequent viewer of the Bollywoord genre, I came across the title reviewing the IMDb top 250 and became curious because of the high rating. Although the movie certainly is worth your while, I personally feel the rating is a bit inflated
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Original but slow
16 June 2015
A group of eight seemingly unconnected people develop a shared paranormal gift. With thousands of miles physically between them, they are able to see, feel and communicate with each other through their new talent. As a bonus they can also make use of the knowledge and skill set of the other members of their group. The background and location of the members is very diverse; a hacker, a cop, a thief and a musician from the west. A driver, a chemist, a martial artist from Africa, India and Asia. After their first confusing experiences with their fellow 'sensibles', the group learns that there is a powerful organization that hunts people like them.

The series takes it's time to build up the characters and the story. This is a strong point for the seasons to come because of the solid base that has been laid. In season one however it is also an issue. The pace and tempo of the narrative is so low at times, I felt myself losing interest in some of the story lines. The cinematography and scenes on location are beautiful, the acting and choreography of the action scenes is above average. What bothered me a bit was the amount of homosexual references. To each its own but it felt like a bit of overkill to me. There are instances of extreme violence depicted that effectively shake up the narrative and give the show a raw edge. There are also scenes that go over this edge and create forced and distasteful images.

In conclusion, the show has its merits and flaws. To me the pros outweighed the cons and I enjoyed season one. It is an ambitious project that has a lot of potential and room for growth. I am looking forward to a second season.
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