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L'Atalante (1934)
What a wonderful Love story
21 January 2024
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ChatGPT "L'Atalante," directed by Jean Vigo in 1934, stands as a timeless masterpiece that has left an indelible mark on the history of cinema. This French film, known for its poetic and evocative storytelling, captures the essence of love, longing, and the human spirit in a way that continues to resonate with audiences across generations.

The narrative unfolds as a simple yet deeply moving love story between Juliette, played by Dita Parlo, and Jean, portrayed by Jean Dasté. Set against the backdrop of a barge journeying along the French waterways, the film embraces the simplicity of its premise while weaving a complex tapestry of emotions. The barge, named L'Atalante, becomes not just a vessel for transportation but a metaphor for the emotional journey of its characters.

Vigo's direction is nothing short of visionary, employing innovative techniques for the time. The use of poetic realism, characteristic of French cinema in the 1930s, infuses the film with a dreamlike quality. The juxtaposition of gritty, realistic scenes with moments of surreal beauty creates a unique cinematic experience. Vigo's meticulous attention to detail is evident in every frame, from the bustling markets to the serene landscapes along the waterways.

The performances of the cast contribute significantly to the film's impact. Dita Parlo brings a delicate vulnerability to Juliette, and Jean Dasté's portrayal of Jean is imbued with a quiet strength. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable, making the audience emotionally invested in their journey. Michel Simon's eccentric character, Pere Jules, adds a touch of whimsy and humor, providing a delightful contrast to the film's deeper themes.

The film's cinematography, helmed by Boris Kaufman, is a visual feast. The camera moves seamlessly between intimate close-ups and expansive shots of the river, capturing both the emotional nuances of the characters and the vastness of the world they inhabit. The use of natural light and shadows enhances the film's atmosphere, creating a cinematic poetry that transcends the limitations of its time.

One of the film's standout features is its ability to evoke powerful emotions through its soundtrack. Maurice Jaubert's hauntingly beautiful score complements the narrative, heightening the emotional impact of key scenes. The music becomes a character in itself, guiding the audience through the ebb and flow of the characters' relationships.

"L'Atalante" also serves as a socio-cultural commentary, offering glimpses into the lives of ordinary people in 1930s France. The film reflects the economic hardships of the time, portraying the struggles of a working-class couple. This socio-realistic element adds depth to the narrative, grounding the love story in a broader social context.

In conclusion, "L'Atalante" is a cinematic gem that continues to captivate audiences with its timeless beauty and emotional depth. Jean Vigo's directorial prowess, coupled with outstanding performances and exquisite cinematography, elevates the film to the status of a classic. As a testament to the enduring power of love and the human spirit, "L'Atalante" remains an essential watch for cinephiles and a landmark in the history of world cinema.

What a movie 😍 !!!!!
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A comeback trail never taken
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Comeback Trail" is a 2020 comedy film that centers around a washed-up film producer who attempts to save himself from debt by concocting a scheme to make a potentially fatal movie with an aging, volatile actor. Despite having a star-studded cast, including Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, and Tommy Lee Jones, the film falls short in delivering an engaging and enjoyable plot. The general idea of the film feels unoriginal and underdeveloped, leading to a lack of excitement and entertainment. Sorry but the performances of once great actors does not save the movie from being a disappointment. For the sake of old times stop your career here ,it's not good for your reputation to take part in these kind of movies.
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Man of God (2021)
A piece of art not needed
15 April 2023
"Man of God" directed by Yelena Popovic is a film that fails to deliver on its promises. The movie revolves around a story of a young man's journey to become a monk, but it falls short in many aspects. The acting performances are lackluster and fail to evoke any emotions from the audience. The script is poorly written, with the dialogue feeling forced and unnatural. The pacing is slow, and the story fails to engage the audience, making it difficult to stay invested in the film. Overall, "Man of God" is a disappointment that fails to deliver a compelling story or engaging performances, making it a forgettable experience.
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Don't stop the fight
13 April 2023
Percy is a 2020 biographical drama that tells the story of Percy Schmeiser, a farmer who fought against the biotechnology corporation Monsanto over the issue of genetically modified seeds. The film presents a compelling and inspiring narrative of Schmeiser's battle against a powerful and wealthy opponent.

One of the strongest aspects of the movie is its exploration of the ethical and legal issues surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The film makes a strong case against the practices of Monsanto and the agricultural industry as a whole, highlighting the dangers of a system that prioritizes profits over people and the environment.

The film also does an excellent job of portraying the complex and emotional struggles that Percy Schmeiser faced during his legal battle with Monsanto. His determination and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds are truly inspiring, and the film captures this well.

However, some critics have argued that the film takes a somewhat one-sided view of the issue, presenting Monsanto as an entirely villainous entity and failing to acknowledge some of the potential benefits of genetic engineering in agriculture. While there is certainly a case to be made for the potential benefits of GMOs, the film's focus on Schmeiser's story means that it necessarily prioritizes his perspective over others.

Overall, Percy is a well-made and engaging film that offers a powerful critique of the agricultural industry and the practices of biotechnology corporations like Monsanto. While it may not present a balanced view of the issue, it is a thought-provoking and inspiring story that is well worth watching for anyone interested in the intersection of agriculture, ethics, and the environment.

Down to Monsanto.
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Blind Sun (2015)
Family rocks
1 June 2020
What's happening here ? We all saw the same film that pretty much wasn't a film that deserved even a critic !!!!! But No you got into the trouble to write what came to your mind just to praise something that was an absolute nothing !!!! You rated with a 7 to a10 ? Bravo to the cousins and batzanaki of the director also, you can come on Sunday to eat pastitzio with the family. And wear your shades because the sun is not the only one blind !
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The Cut (I) (2014)
History of the region
9 May 2020
The crimes of the Turkish imperialism and the pain they served to all nations that were in this particular geographical region is in this exceptional movie seen. These days we can see more clearly that history is been repeated in a ridiculous way again and the Turks are as usually playing the same war games with the same victims!
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5 Fingers (1952)
5 Fingers is Thrilling
12 April 2020
This is a great film from a director that has given us so many excellent masterpieces. A film that watching was so thrilling with Mason on his peak of performance. Although Turkey had never fought, its diplomats have been active in the background. They managed to keep their country intact, balanced on two boats, and finally Turkey declared war on Germany essentially after its end. But it has been proven that Turkey was Germans Ally. The most important book on Turkey's stance on World War II was written by American University Frank G. Weber and is English title is "The Evasive Neutral" and it was first published in 1979 by the University of Missouri. This is just to replace the false explanation for the film that's taking place in the " neutral Turkey during the WW2 "
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Stinking movie
22 October 2019
This kind of movies must been seen only on the English island ! Please do not export your civilization You can still enjoy though ;-)
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Remake that fails
2 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Remake that fails a 1959 Greek classic film that offers still today the laughs. This version lacks to bring the least of the actors, the directing, and the freshness of the production year, just an modern arpachti Sometimes I wonder why all these actrors are studiyng and cant bring the 10% of the acting all these old school actors brought without acting lessons If actor Thanasis Tsaltabasis played the role of Petros Filippidis and vice versa I suppose it would achive (maybe ) the desired
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Oldboy (2013)
Sorry Oldboy
8 May 2018
Just trying to see an excellent Oldboy and finally saw the wrong Old boy of 2013 My rating is fair enough for this movie My next Oldboy is going to be the right one!!!
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A must see film
23 March 2018
A film not so well known to the greek audience for reasons i cant explain.
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