
10 Reviews
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Lo (2009)
13 April 2011
Lo is one of my all time favorite movies. Sure the acting is over the top at times and the film must have had a budget of about $20 bucks, but it doesn't matter. Why? Because the story is engaging, darkly funny, emotional, and satisfying. The story is extremely original. The style is unique. The ending is incredible. It's short, sweet, and right to the point. It's beautiful, quirky. I love this movie. Of course everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, but I fail to see what's not to like about this truly unique and clever movie. I loved every second of it, but the ending makes up for any flaws that the first 70 minutes might have had.
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The Take (2007)
13 April 2011

The Take is a drama starring John Leguizamo, Tyrese Gibson, Bobby Carnavale, and Rosie Perez. Leguizamo plays an armored truck driver named Felix who is shot in the head in a robbery by Tyrese Gibson. The film mainly involves the aftermath of the shooting and how everyone was affected by it as well as Felix wanting revenge.

This movie is excellent. Leguziamo gives an extraordinary and very powerful performance. Tyrese Gibson gives the best performance of his career as a very brutal and frightening villain. Rosie Perez and bobby Carnavale were also excellent.

There are plenty of reasons to hate this movie. It's low budget. It's slow paced. The camera is a bit shaky at times. But this didn't bother me. The storyline is very engaging and the conclusion is very intense and satisfying. Get past a few plot holes and you'll be satisfied.
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American Son (2008)
How is this not rated higher?
13 April 2011
This film was beyond excellent. How is it at a mere 5.5? Transformers 2 has a higher rating. Everything was great in this movie. The story. The acting. The music. The direction. First off, Nick Cannon has proved that he is more than just a great actor, he's an extraordinary actor. His performance was Oscar worthy. Jay Hernandez has a small role here, but he was also incredible. Also a great performance by Matt O'Leary as Nick Cannon's friend Jake. This film deserved multiple Oscar nominations including best picture. It's short at only 85 minutes, but a LOT happens and not a single second feels wasted. This film was funny, sad, and deeply moving. This movie deserves at least an 8.0. Incredible
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You Again (2010)
18 February 2011
You Again is an unfunny comedy that fails in about every way possible. The movie starts off showing Kristen Bell attempting (and failing) to be a stereotypical nerd. She gets bullied by Odette Yustman.

And by bullied, I mean that Odette calls her Moo. Not kidding.

OK, so sometime later, Marni (Kristen Bell) is a publicist, because in rom-coms these people are always publicists. She finds out that her brother Will (James Wolk) is getting married. Also, Will is supposed to be older, but he certainly doesn't look it. It turns out that he's getting married to Joanna (Odette Yustman). To make matters worse, Joanna's aunt Romona (Sigourney Weaver) was rivals with Marni's mom Gail (Jamie Lee Curtis) back in high school. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! So what follows is a series of unfunny pratfalls and other crappy slapstick. James Wolk is a pretty bland actor. Odette Yustman was awful. Kristen Bell was so-so. We also have Betty White and Victor Garber, but they aren't given much to do. The best performances are from Weaver and Curtis, but they're still not that great.

I get it. It's a romantic comedy. It's gonna be predictable. blah blah blah. But it's neither romantic nor funny. It's boring as hell. It'd dull as hell. It's stupid. It's irritating. All the characters are unlikable except Will and the actor playing him couldn't act.

Then we get one of the stupidest endings that I've ever seen. I hated this movie. 2nd worst movie of 2010. Worst movie Kristen Bell has done. Worst movie any of these cast members have done. It's not funny. It's not charming. It's not cute. It's not engaging. It's just stupid. Skip You Again.
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Remember Me (I) (2010)
One of the worst movies that I've ever seen
30 January 2011
7.1? Really? I had high hopes for this film, because I enjoyed Allen Coulter's last film Hollywoodland. What did i watch. There are so many problems with this movie, it's unbelievable.

The main protagonist is incredibly unlikeable and unsympathetic. The film takes the oldest cliché in the book. Boy meets girl. Boy tricks girl. Boy falls for girl. (you see where I'm going)

Robert Pattison really just overacts here. I mean wow. "WHY AREN'T YOU LISTENING??? LISTENING???" Pierce Brosan also overacts Chris Cooper is given much to do. Tyler's friend is lame comic relief. The chemistry between Pattison and the girl is awkward

And the ending. Worst. ending. ever. So manipulative. It served no purpose but cheap tears. Simply horrible. Rotten tomatoes was right with this movie. 28% is where it belongs.
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25 January 2011
the 6.4 rating is beyond me. I hated this movie. Hated it. hated it. hated it.

First off, Gerard Butler's American accent is pretty horrible. Katherine Heigl's character is a walking cliché. (A workaholic woman who's unlucky in love, even though she looks like Kathryn Heigl)

The movie ends with one of the most stupid endings that I've ever seen. WARNING SPOILERS

Why would she fall in love with Mike? I still don't get it. They had some decent chemistry as friends, but were not believable as a couple.


Even worse is the fact that the movie is a big sexist lie. It's offensive to both women and men. In interviews, the cast and director defend it saying that "it's the truth." Bull****. It's not the truth. Women don't need to degrade themselves to land a man. Not all men want their women as sex objects.

The film is mean spirited, not funny, not charming, boring, dull, and clichéd.

And the film really failed to take advantage of it's R rating. There are much better romantic comedies. Don't waste your time.
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Orphan (2009)
OK what the hell
24 January 2011
How is this piece of crap at 7.1? Did we watch the same movie? I absolutely hated this movie. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it.

First off, the performances are pretty good.

That's the only thing that I really liked.

The film starts out alright. It's an interesting, if familiar premise. First off, this film is not frightening. It's not scary. It's not thrilling. It's just dull. The last 30 minutes are just your typical mindless horror flick. It also has a lot of classic clichés, like how nobody ever listens to the main character even though (s)he is always right.

Then it ends with one of the worst endings that I have EVER SEEN! The ending makes no sense, it's offensive, it's unnecessary and it's just stupid. In fact it's laughable. I was seriously laughing when the twist was revealed. It's so ridiculous. How could anyone take this film seriously after the twist? I guess you people saw something that I didn't. I still hated this garbage. No better than your typical slasher film.
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Armored (2009)
Great Fun
24 January 2011
Call me the minority, but I loved this film. All the plot holes aside, I though this was well made, suspenseful and well acted. Columbus Short and Matt Dillion both gave very good performances. Laurnece Fishburne also did a great job. I thought Jean Reno was underused. Some of the characters weren't super well developed, but they were interesting enough. They kept my interest. I thought it mixed action, suspense, and drama together quite well. I also enjoyed the fact that Matt Dillion and the others weren't criminal masterminds. In fact, their plan was pretty flawed, which I thought was realistic and interesting. The endings not totally satisfied, but overall, though not perfect, I thought that this film was fun and very well made. It's no Reservoir Dogs, but it's still exciting. Very bloody for a pg13. A very dark and gritty feel, but for me personally, it was never dull, never stupid, never a waste. I really enjoyed it. You just gotta suspend disbelief with some of the plot holes.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
24 January 2011
How is this crap at 5.9? one of the worst movies that I have ever seen.

Now before you say that I have no sense of humor, I will say that I'm a big fan of some of Adam Sandler, Kevin James, and Chris Rock. David Spade and Rob Schnider? Not so much. I loved The Waterboy, Hitch, Madagascar, Funny People, Dogma, Good Hair, The King of queens, Spanglish, Punch drunk love, happy gilmore etc.

So I do like these actors. That's why I was so disappointed. This films a mess. No plot. No characters. The jokes are dull as hell. The humor is so lowbrow. The script is so flat. The actors do their best with what they're given, but it's not enough.

and to make things worse, the film is just boring. From the very beginning, I was checking the time. I maybe chuckled twice. That's not enough. These guys probably had a lot of fun making this movie and they probably thought that they were being really funny, but I just didn't feel the same way. I was bored, irritated, and disappointed.
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S.W.A.T. (2003)
Perfect popcorn movie
24 January 2011
I seriously had so much fun watching this. Is it clichéd yes? Is it stupid? No. First off, the performances are great. Sam Jackson is still a badass. Colin Farrel is very cool. LL Cool J does a decent job. Also Jeremy Renner was awesome.

The film also worked because it didn't take itself too seriously. it wanted the audience to have a fun time. The action scenes are really fun, the effects are good, the climax is really entertaining. It's not the best action film ever. It's not the best cop movie ever. It's not the best movie ever. Even so, i got what I paid for. A fun popcorn flick. I was never bored. I never checked my watch. I was having too much fun watching this to be worried about anything else. Great entertainment.
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