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Painful to watch
11 June 2011
This may be one of the most abysmal movies I have ever seen. It surprises and disgusts me that it has a rating as high as it does. First of all, it basically sets the feminist movement back to the 1920s. It is offensive to both genders and portrays women as up-tight whiny control freaks and men as heartless and and arrogant jerks who only want sex. I hated the main characters and I honestly didn't care what happened to them. The jokes weren't at the least bit funny. I did not laugh once in this movie, mostly just cringed at the horrible dialog. If you like annoying, unintelligent, and disgusting humor, by all means go out and rent The Ugly Truth. If you you like Romantic Comedys that are actually funny and not grossly insulting, I highly advise you to watch something else.
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My Life as Liz (2010–2011)
A huge blow to our generation
15 May 2011
When I saw the commercials to this on Mtv, I thought it was going to be great. Boy was I let down. I expected this to really reach out to the out casts, nerds, and teen angst kids in high school. Instead I get a whiny bitch who complains about everything. I seriously can't stand Liz Lee. The whole show is just her complaining. She even has a list of things that she hates. I don't even understand what she's complaining about. She's pretty, wealthy, a talented singer, has a great wardrobe, a great group of friends, and she even has her own TV show for god sakes! I can't believe she is perceived as a protagonist when she acts just as class less as the means girls, yet her behavior is somehow justified since she's not "preppy." I can't believe people have the nerve to compare to this to the awesome show "Daria." I give this three stars because her friends are really funny. Why isn't this show about them?
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Mean Girls (2004)
The best teen movie of the new millennium
15 May 2011
Mean Girls has everything a great teen movie should have. It has a fantastic script with lines that people are stilling quoting, 7 years later. The characters are funny, relateable, and have depth. You can find something you like about the protagonists, and something you don't like about the antagonists. The plot is unpredictable and interesting. What more from a teen movie could you want? I think a lot of people who gave this movie a low rating are missing the point. This movie is not supposed to be taken completely seriously. Its exaggerated on purpose to be funny. It's not telling your teenage daughter to go out and act like a bitch. If you think that, then you obviously completely missed the message. In conclusion, if you are looking for a light squeaky clean teen comedy, Mean Girls is not for you. If you want something hilarious with great dialog and essences of classics like Heathers, go out and rent this movie.
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Spectacular! (2009 TV Movie)
Spectacular fail
15 May 2011
I sat through all 3 High School Musicals, both the Camp Rock movies,Bandslam, and Lemonade Mouth. I even sat through Mean Girls 2. It was painful, but I managed to do it. This movie, however, I had to stop watching in the middle of it. At first, the movie was stupid yet enjoyable. Niko had some amusing snarky comments. However,after the first half an hour you realize that the characters are incredibly annoying. Niko is an egotistical whiny douche bag, and Courtney is a controlling selfish bitch. The plot is predictable and the acting is painful to watch. I think I need to stop watching these awful TV movie musicals. If you want to watch a good movie musical, go to your local movie rental and pick up Grease, Cry Baby, Rent, Chicago, Rocky Horror Picture Show, or Dream Girls. Don't watch some cheap squeaky clean garbage made by a kid's network. I give it a two because I'm in a good mood.
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Lemonade Mouth (2011 TV Movie)
Am I the only one who didn't like this movie?
2 May 2011
So I was really bored one night so I decided to flip on the telly only to see that "Lemoade Mouth", a brand new Disney channel movie, was playing on Disney channel. In the past, I have seen both successful Disney channel films High School Musical and Camp Rock. These movies are cheesy, innocent, goofy, and predictable. However, they are exactly as they market themselves. Lemonade Mouth marketed itself to be a serious film, not a comedy musical. To me, the plot of this movie was completely recycled. It was basically a cross between The Breakfast Club and Bandslam, and not as good as either (which is really saying something since Bandslam was not very good.)The acting was bland, but not horrible. Many of the scenes where very awkward. The music was terrible. It was very blah bubble gum pop with some of the worst rapping I may have ever heard. I found it hard to believe that a punk rock dressing activist like Stella would play this kind of music. But that's not what bothered me most about this movie. What bothered me most was how hard this movie tried to be relatable. The movie got so in depth with each of the character's background, yet I didn't feel like I could identify with any of these kids because they don't act like kids. Real teenagers swear and talk about PG13 rated stuff. I don't think there was even a kiss in this movie. Now I am aware that Disney does have to keep it's movies to a PG level, but I think they should start making movies more about their target audience, 10 and 11 year olds. I don't think anyone had a high school experience like the kids in Lemonade Mouth.
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Mean Girls 2 (2011 TV Movie)
Deserves to be in the Burn Book
24 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I have to say that I love the original Mean Girls, it is one of my favorite teen movies. However I found that this sequel was not even close to as good as the original. It was awful, and not just in comparison to the original. These are the problems I have with this movie.

Meaghen's performance was really bad. Everything that came out of her mouth sounded way too forced, like she was over-acting. Her voice got really annoying after a while too. As for the girl who played Mandi, she was sort of the opposite. I felt like she was way too subtle. Jennifer Stone did okay and I thought she probably did the best.

Another problem with this movie is the characters. What bothers me is that Jo is so frigging perfect. In the original Mean Girls, Caddie starts out nice but power takes over and she becomes something she never intended. In this, Jo is just misunderstood. This bothers me because it made me not understand the theme. Was it to just not be a mean girl? As for Tyler, he was just a big, annoying Gary Stew. I didn't like Abby because she lacked any wit or charm. She was just really bland.

However, I think my biggest bone to pick with this movie is that everything is just so FORCED. I feel like they FORCED it to try to connect with a more "counter culture" audience. It felt FORCED every time they swore or talked about sex. Meaghen Martin's performance feels FORCED. I felt like every joke was also FORCED.

In the end, this movie truly sucked. They tried really hard to make a sequel with a more "Janis Ian" like main character, and ultimately failed. This movie seemed like it was written by a bunch of old people who wanted to make money off of a movie that related to teens. This movie is a joke. If you loved the first Mean Girls, you will hate this one. I really hope they don't make anymore sequels of my favorite movies,
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Girl (1998)
A really stupid movie
23 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off,I have to say that i enjoyed the book. This however, is trash. The acting was so bad it was painful to watch. Dominique Swain's performance was terrible. It was like watching a middle school play. The reaction when Darcy said she was raped and Matt commits suicide was just completely wrong. Not only that, but the soundtrack was awful. It sounded like really watered down grunge. The only good song was one that Cybil sings. Surprisingly, I thought that Tara Reid as Cybil was really interesting. However, because of the script, not even an Oscar worthy performance could save this movie. In conclusion, this movie is garbage, but it was a lot of fun for my sister and I to make fun of.
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Bandslam (2009)
Great Idea, bad execution
22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Oh god, where do I even start. I was reading about this movie somewhere online and thought it sounded like a really good idea. The thought of a bunch of misfits who are into music and want to start a band sounded like a great idea. The first half an hour in I really enjoyed the movie. It was really funny. However, after a while it got so annoying it was hard to take. First of all, as a teenager myself, I don't think this movie is relate-able to older or younger teens. It's much too witty and classic rock savvy for tweens to understand, and too corny and hokey for older teens to like.The movie obviously lacked a target age demographic. I also found that the characters where not very likable. Will didn't have any negative character traits (unless you count awkward,) which made him seem like he couldn't be a real person. I also found the whole reason that he was made teased in his previous school INCREDIBLEY unrealistic. As for Charlotte, it seemed odd that she would start a band to try to be nice to people. Her whole motive made no sense to me. However, I do think that Aly Michalka playing Charlotte was the best performance in the film. I liked Sa5m a lot. She was angsty, sarcastic and whimsical. Unfortunately I started to REALLY dislike her the second half of the movie because she completely changed characters and started smiling, which got on my nerves. Finally, I think that this movie got mixed up with what the term "indie" means. Indie means a band that is apart of an independent record label. Most of the bands in this movie where Classic Rock or Classic Alternative. The only indie bands mentioned where The Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, and Peter Bjorn and John. In conclusion, I tried to like this movie. It was such a good idea, I REALLY REALLY wanted to. But in the end, this movie just ended up sounding poserish and unhip. The movie was a lot of fun, but definitely not something I would watch again.
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A really underrated movie
22 January 2011
I adore this movie. Right after I saw it, it was my new favorite. It was really funny and had a great script. The soundtrack ROCKED. But I think my favorite part about this movie is the characters. They all seemed so real, like people I could be friends with or go to school with. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, and good points and bad points. It seemed a lot more realistic than how most teen movies are where there is one really bland main character and then he or she has its quirky stereotypical friends. This movie is little hard to get into at first but thats the only thing I don't like. I would recommend this movie to anyone, especially if they like movies like The Breakfast Club. I fell in love with this movie, and I hope you will enjoy it too. DAMN THE MAN, SAVE THE EMPIRE! ;)
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