
6 Reviews
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Back to the Olden' Days, But Still Just Second Best
10 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Transformers Dark of the Moon gives you the same feel of awe that the first film did. The second film did not provide this because there was nothing really new compared to the first, except devastator. This film, however, has things that the first film did not include, specifically the public knowing of transformers, the driller, betrayal,optimus prime's trailer, and 3D effects, to name a few. However, this films plot, although a huge improvement from Revenge of the Fallen, is not quite as good as that from the original transformers. Also, the action, Which i loved, it was so exhilarating, might be to much for some viewers, like in Rotf.But, there's plenty of action to satisfy any transformers fan.

Many people hated the switch in Sam's girlfriend for "some blonde". First of all, the girl from the original transformers cartoon had a blonde who's name was Carly. And the change in girl has no effect on the feel of the film.

This is the second best transformers film, with even more exhilarating action, and more emotion(if you're a fan, you'll be upset when ironhide is killed by sentinel)than either film. don't watch this film if you don't like tons of robot action, a plot thats better than the second, not as good as the first, and tons of explosions.
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Action Lovers Only, the worst in the trilogy
10 October 2011
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I love the transformers trilogy. I love this film. But, unfortunately, it is the worst in the trilogy.

I'll admit, the film is under plotted, however, this is partly because, fans expected action. And that's what they got. Many critics forget to realize that this film was not meant to deliver an excellent plot. But, when i walked out of the theater I felt there was this strange dislike for the film that I later found to be caused by the removal of some good characters from the first film, which is another flaw in the film.

Now, lets move on to the good things. The number one good thing was the ridiculous amount of action and robot guts. Yeah for robot guts! And that's about it, and that makes the film sound bad, but trust me, it's not as bad as some make out.

Now, the last and worst criticism that some accept as fact is in my opinion absolutely stupid. Skids and Mudflap are not racist. The racism that these two are criticized for is caused by their monkey-like posture and body shape, the way they talk, and the fact that their illiterate. This does not necessarily mean that these robot's are racist. And even if they are, I don't doubt there are other films that many think of as great that are also racist.

So, this film is for die hard action or Transformers fans. If you plan on seeing this film, it's important to know what to expect. In this film, expect lots of robot action and robot guts and a plot that is only acceptable in films like this. overall, this film is a great visual effects thrill ride, with a plot that could definitely have been better.
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Transformers (2007)
A Sci-Fi Masterpiece, The Best of the Trilogy
10 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying this film is the best in the Transformers trilogy, like most films in a series. This film set the standard for the films that followed it(Unfourtunately, the 2nd failed to meet these standards).

This film has what every summer blockbuster has; CGI, action, explosions,and romance. But, compared to other films like it, it has a good story, which I noticed was greatly criticized for having to much humans and not enough Transformers, which brings me to my first point. 1)The reason for humans and their deep involvement in the film is to acknowledge the fact that Transformers are on PLANET EARTH, which is the normal habitat for human beings, and if the events in this film were to happen, there would be a deep human involvement. 2)These criticisms are what brought films that some consider to be terrible because this films focused on the Transformers more and the humans less.

The run time is also a widely criticized element in the film. Some think 143 minutes is to long for a film with (supposedly) no or little story. 3)If this film were the appropriate run time for the lack of story it has been accused of having, there would be little room for the action which contributes to this films greatness.

Now,of course this film has it's flaws, but for me, their hard to point out. The major flaw I noticed was the highly unnecessary sexual humor, but this is to be expected in a summer blockbuster film. The second most noticeable (to me anyway)flaw was the main antagonists Megatrons late arrival in the film.

Let me say I am very nostalgic about this film. It brought me and my friends lots of good times.

Overall, this film is great with a somewhat predictable, yet somewhat surprising ending with Sam killing Megatron. If you haven't seen this film, I recommend you do,but remember, with all Transformers films, you need to know what to expect in order to like it. In Transformers, expect explosions, heavy CGI, incredible action, and a decent if not great story.
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FREAKIN' AMAZIN'. what else can I say
5 February 2011
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this review is divided into 3 parts

1) THE EXPLOSIONS, GUNFIRE, ETC. Most people would think there were to many explosions in this film,and therefore its too loud and they don't like it. I personally think there wasn't enough explosions and gunfire, which is why i'm seriously anxious for a sequel. 2) THE 3D As with all movies today, the best 3D part is the credits. and i cant believe that nobody noticed the true potential for 3D.when the claw whatever thing popped from the wheel, it would have been awesome if the camera were directly in front of it and it were 3D. but instead,it came from the side,and was not as cool. same with the missiles. for every one that was fired, the camera was to the side, and it wasn't as cool 3) THE MOVIE IN GENERAL. Great.Great.Great. wonderful action, with a good mix of comedy and emotion. (i thought it was a little sad when Kato almost drowned in his fight with Britt.) however, i thought it took them a little to long to become The Green Hornet and Kato(or the little stinger, blue wombat, red hippo, whatever you want to call him).Overall, wonderful, great, excellent film.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
why is a raven like a writing desk?
21 January 2011
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why is a raven like a writing desk?

neither appear in this Disney version or the 1951 animated Disney version.

this movie was wonderful. I was never a big fan of the animated version. I haven't seen it a lot. but this, i could watch twice in a row. maybe even three times. it is very adventurous and funny. however,Mia Wasikowska's acting was cocky when she said 6 impossible things. but,the whole idea of fighting a huge dragon thing while saying ANYTHING that is irrelevant to fighting it is very cocky.

other than that, it was great.
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why such bad reviews?
20 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***spoilers!*** 1)this movie was great. so many people have criticized it for it's Christian propaganda.however, not many people criticized the 2008 remake of the day the earth stood still for being environmentalist propaganda. not many people criticized avatar for being anti-military propaganda.(please note i have not read every single review ever made of these two movies) 2)alot of people noticed the "plot hole" or "error" of how it took 30 years for Eli to walk west to Alcatraz. but,as i recall, he never said he had been traveling for 30 years. he said it had been 30 winters since the war

any way, i think it was a great movie. a good ending when we find out hes blind. "we walk by faith not by sight"

P.S. i LOVED the movies avatar and the day the earth stood still
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