
5 Reviews
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Amusement (2008)
Not bad at all!
11 November 2012
I read a lot of bad reviews on this site, but I saw this DVD yesterday and don't think the movie is that bad. O.k., there are a lot of plot holes, the movie is way too short and it could have been a lot better with a better scenario, but there are a few very good scenes, especially the scene with the clown... This is the creepiest clown since 'It'! The first scene is also good and scary. And the scene with the mute person... The end was not very satisfying, but if you want to see a creepy movie on a late Saturday night, you won't be disappointed. On internet the movie is often compared to 'torture porn' like 'Saw' and 'Hostel', but those movies have much more gory scenes than 'Amusement'.
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Hellbent (2004)
Death never looked better!
14 August 2011
Hellbent is the first gay slasher movie and it's great fun. The guys look great, there's a cute love story, the killer looks extremely sexy and there are some really gory scenes. The characters are nicely developed before some of them are killed. So you really care a bit about them, and that's more than you can say of most horror movies. Evidently it follows the rules of the slasher movie (the ten little Indians-scenario, the killer-behind-the door, etc.), but still it works. Sometimes the characters act just a bit too stupid, but that's just a minor point. I think that the ratings are really much too low, it's just a good slasher with some genuine scary moments. A great movie for a Saturday night.
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Really bad!
19 January 2011
I wanted to see this movie because of the great picture on the front of the DVD (a cheerleader-skeleton!). But the movie is a bomb... It's plain boring! And there's no cheerleader-skeleton to be seen in the entire movie... George Clooney gets killed in fifteen minutes, how stupid can a director be! The movie wasn't scary and there are way too many plot twists. The only reasons to watch this film is Clooney in an early role (I guess he too had to start somewhere...) and the actress who played Marcia in The Brady Bunch, she's kinda funny. But it's still a C-movie! If you want to see where other famous actors started check out 'The burning' (Holly Hunter), 'He thinks you're alone' (Tom Hanks) and 'A nightmare on Elm Street, (Johnny Depp).
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Deep Red (1975)
The best giallo ever!
15 January 2011
Dario Argento's movies have a unique, creepy atmosphere and between 1970 ('The Bird with the Crystal Plumage') and 1987 ('Opera') he made a couple of masterpieces ('Suspiria', 'Deep Red') and a couple of not perfect but still great movies ('Phenomena', 'Opera', 'Tenebre'). After 'Opera' he seems to have lost his touch. 'The Cardplayer' and 'Mother of Tears' are really bad... The only good movie he made between 1987 and now is 'Sleepless'. If you want to see what Argento was capable of, see 'Deep Red'. Everything 's great about this movie, the music, the actors, the visuals... And now on blu-ray, the complete Italian version (two-plus hours). Don't miss it!
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Inception (2010)
12 December 2010
I just can't believe that this movie gets a 9!!! It's pretentious, boring and 'much ado about nothing'. I thought it would be a movie as good as 'The Matrix' (the first one!), but that movie is so much better. If you like movies with a twist, try 'Blade runner', 'Moon', 'Minority report' or even 'Triangle', but skip this one. What a waste of time and talent. With that money you could make 20 or so great, personal movies. Or feed a small African country... Watching this failure really made me angry. It's an empty shell. O.k., there are some pluses: the actors do their best and some scenes look great, especially the crumbling cliffs and the 'ceiling' of buildings, but that's just not enough for a movie that lasts for 2 1/2 hours...
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