
8 Reviews
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No Good Nick (2019)
17 April 2019
I meant to click on "Special" on Netflix but wound up watching the first half of an episode of "No Good Nick" thinking it was a really odd intro for the episode. Turns out, it wasn't a parody of what Buzzfeed writers thought was a sitcom - laugh track included. Indeed the show might've faired well six years ago, but the joke laugh joke laugh formula is bygone at this point. Avoid at all costs.
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15 December 2011
I'll be the first one to knock this film off its pedestal. Though, it may be under the context of which I was watching this film that made me unable to connect with it. 1966 neo-realistic film that had a very specific feel to it. Something I could appreciate was that no actual documentary footage was used in this film, but some scenes sure felt very real in a way that put the viewer right in the middle of the action. Based on the Algerian revolution of 1962. But the grit and grim of this film never brought me to sympathize for the rebel Algerians. I never managed to be won over by the "others". At least not whilst bombing innocent civilians. I felt no remorse for any of the fugitives and therefore couldn't find myself enjoying this film.
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15 December 2011
The truth has never been shown so unhindered on screen before. This truth comes from the father of Surrealism, Bunuel (inspired heavily by Neorealism)l. This film is founded on characters that are so far from perfect you're not sure if this is a documentary. The film focuses on a group of children, most of them lacking any ounce of parental guidance. Particularly a mother figure worth having. "Los Olviados" is also graced with surrealists touches. The greatest scene, in my opinion, is a beautifully executed dream sequence where slow-motion and symbolism take hold of your imagination whilst fulfilling motifs of the movie in the most subtle yet jarring way. Absolutely fantastic film.
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Life Changing
15 December 2011
First off, wow. I don't think I'll ever get this film out of my head. It had me in tears throughout. Although, at the same time, I wished I'd never seen it all just on the grounds of how depressing this film is. You think this family could go through no more but not a moment later another appalling thing befuddles them. In a string of tragic events my urge to stop viewing and cry by myself in a tiny closet did not win out against staying around until the end. This compelling film manages to push you so far away and yet rope you in even closer to the characters in a way I've never experienced. A film not for the faint of heart, but a must see for any cinefile or potential filmmaker.
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Multiple Viewings Has Changed my Opinion
15 December 2011
After seeing the film at least three times, my perspective has changed quite dramatically. Where at first I found most of it dull and trying I can now appreciate it for what it is. The acting, first and foremost, is fantastic. After a screening and Q&A with the lead actor, Damian, as well as the director I was really able to put together their relationship and see the struggles they went through to get this film made. "The Other Conquest" is a film in a league of its own. A film for the people, made by the people without getting muddled up in Hollywood actors or just another "Braveheart" or "The Last Samurai" situation. This film is best enjoyed by someone who knows a bit about the history and can appreciate natives playing natives.
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Beautiful but Disappointing
6 June 2011
I found this film really hard to watch. It's probably the fact that I lost someone close to me recently and the movie evoked some negative emotions from me so maybe that is actually a good thing. Pain, hate, and judgement serve as the premise for this film, which happens to be my first Bergman experience so I had no real idea of what to expect. The world within the film is cold and dull, a reflection on the movie itself in my opinion. I couldn't get myself to care for the characters whatsoever. I don't think there was one thing I enjoyed during this film. It's just too simple and too slow for my liking, but hell this is a movie about the human condition and when you're following three depressed souls like these you can't exactly go in a different direction than the way this film went.
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6 June 2011
Some friends explained the satire in this movie to me before seeing it and I had the intentions of laughing going in. However, the film was not as humorous as I though it would be in the sense that I never really found myself chuckling out loud but still one of my favorite Bunuel films of all time. It's Bunuel, obviously it is going to be a good film. This film made me want to go out and make a movie or write a script but at the same time discouraged me by just knowing I could never make anything even close to as good. As discouraging as it may be, it is so fun to watch and just observe the skill. There isn't any tricky camera work or special effects which makes this film even more respectable. In times like these when films are all about explosions and crazy camera work it is so refreshing to see a gem such as this.
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Harakiri (1962)
Blown Away
5 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I believe coming into the movie blindly is the only way to view it properly. The film is intelligent enough to explain everything you will need to know though you may know nothing of Samurai culture. This film is amazing to say the least! It forces introspection and doesn't punish you for it, rather you have to come to terms with the fact that you condemned a man with out knowing his story. At least that was how it occurred in my case. Although slow at first, this film picks up momentum and easily enthralls the viewer with a magnificent showcase of storytelling. Of all the films I've seen in my International Cinema class this has to be my favorite, just a top notch film all the way around.
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