
3 Reviews
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Groundhog Day (1993)
A tale of redemption
6 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I checked the spoiler so as to not be accused of revealing anything that isn't already known. With that said, this film is a classic tale of redemption ala A Christmas Carol. Instead of ghosts showing him the errors of his ways and warning of the consequences, it is that he must live his in an unchanging way until it dawns on him that life is not what he made of it but what he should make of it. The most poignant part of the film is where he tries to save the life of the old man and realizes that there are things in life which are already determined and are immutable, but most of life is changeable. Listening to the soundtrack evokes powerful responses and imagery. I dare you to see this film and listen to the soundtrack and not be moved. This is what makes this film so great. Just like Scrooge, his transformation is complete and his life will be forever changed for the better.
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Family Guy progenitor
26 October 2005
This is actually the precursor to Family Guy. The similarities between Brian (the Dog) and Steve (the dog) are virtually identical as are between Larry and Peter. It would seem that Seth McFarland's main characters are mostly moronic even when compared to Homer Simpson (cf. Johnny Bravo, Chicken from Cow and Chicken, Dee-Dee and the father from Dexter's Lab). I have no difficulties with low intelligence characters, but it would be nice to see another creation from Seth that did not employ this over used technique. I remember this show from WAC show as it aired with the excellent Chicken from outer space episode of Courage. I think it was better when courage didn't speak. I'm not sure if Seth had any input into this one as well, and if he did I commend him for it.
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Midway (1976)
It's overall what counts
5 December 2003
This was one of my favorite movies when I was growing up and building models of land, sea, and air craft of the WWII period. Of course we all could have done without the romantic interest, but what counts is the overall telling of the story accurately (even if that includes sideline dramatizations etc.). In a nutshell Midway was a gamble and even though we knew where they'd be, we still took it on the chin with the loss of most of the aircraft and the Yorktown (which left only 2 effective carriers in the pacific and 1 in drydock). In the end we were lucky enough to be able to inflict sufficiently more damage on them than they did on us. This is the story that is told so well. It doesn't matter that the special effects were less than stellar (e.g., view of the fleet from the sealevel - obvious miniatures) or that they showed Essex class carriers which did not yet exist getting hit by kamikaze. The film is true in its depictions of gambles, gaffs, and good fortune which in the end allowed us to be victorious and end Japanese expansion. So quit knocking it and enjoy it for what it is!
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