
5 Reviews
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Divergent (2014)
I really thought about bypassing this one, GLAD I DIDN'T!
23 March 2014
I really enjoyed this one. I heard a lot of negative things about the novels and about the film itself. From what I had seen, it was one of those films that I didn't mind if I didn't get to see it right away. But my sister asked me to go see it so I did. Surprisingly I really liked this one. Coming from someone who didn't read the book and wasn't really wanting the see the movie, it's really not as bad as people say. I managed to sit through it for two hours and enjoy the whole thing. I also don't like how people bash things and fans of things just because they didn't like it and with people nowadays that's exactly what I've seen from reactions to this series. To the point where people were calling people that liked it "stupid", really let's grow up now. As for the film it's not a bad story, I actually enjoyed the plot and they seemed to explain the story well for a novel-to-film translation. They characters weren't nearly as poorly conceived as I thought they would be and the acting was actually good. The cinematography was great as well. The ending was OK, but it didn't feel as though it left any room for a sequel, at least I couldn't tell that there would be another just by the ending to the film itself. I'm actually hoping that this series gets the other two translated onto the big screen as well. I think I might be a fan of these now.
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Carrie (2013)
Everything's just not quite right with Carrie
9 January 2014
At first I really enjoyed the film, the acting is great and most of the CGI parts aren't too bad. The problem with this version is that some parts just aren't cutting it and they are the parts that matter.

1. The first thing is the prom scene, the part where Carrie goes all rage-quit on enjoying her prom was somewhat cheesy. I just think they should have at least attempted at capturing Sissy's insanity from the original. She stood there with that terribly creepy face barely moving, but in this version she is floating around and the CGI was too over the top and just ruined it. They had the right idea though they made it more action oriented and could have went all out with it.

2. The ending. The ending seemed like laziness, it's like they copied the original and made a terrible version of it. When remaking a film and novel the audience wants you to capture the essence of the original not copy it, which sort of contradicts my previous statement at how I think they should have kept Sissy's original prom performance. I don't think they should have used the same routine but something equally as creepy as she was in the original, not gyrating all around as she does in the new one it just didn't work.

Now this film does do a few things right that the original got wrong. It does keep the strong feeling of bullying and torment Carrie goes through, I just felt that this film pulled that off quite well as does the novel but not the original film. Another thing that I liked better was the car scene much much better than the original where she just flips it over and goes on she does a little more in this version...

All in all it's an OK film, it has a great setup and potential but ruins it with bad parts that should be the best in the entire film. I just think this could have been so great but it was just OK...good potential wasted, but I'd say it's worth a watch if you're interested in the differences between this one and the original.
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Vanishing Waves (II) (2012)
Amazing Story of Intense Emotion
9 January 2014
When I saw the trailer for this film I thought it looked amazing. I thought to myself this looks great, because I really love artistic films, yet when I finished the film I felt disappointed. It wasn't what I thought it was. I thought the dream sequences would be more like Inception and found that it's nothing like Inception at all but completely different.

This film is one what will stay with you after you watch it, and it's simply amazing once it clicks. I don't think most people today can understand films like this particularly western audiences. I absolute hate western audiences which is odd because I'm from here but people over here have no thinking skills when it comes to films like this. The story was breathtaking to me it goes in depth and visualizes what happens when our brains shut down. Where do we go? What kind of people are we when we leave our heads? What goes with us? What can we do?

This movie represents all that and some. The dinner scene was just, one of the best scenes that I've seen in a film in a while. It was so simple yet it was so great, it felt so chaotic. No rules bound to us and what becomes of us?

The visuals were actually really good even thought they weren't special effects, the way they are filmed is hypnotic in a way. The sexual scenes however aren't really meant to be pornographic as most people here would take them. They are meant to be sexual, human nature, what binds us together when we want to feel love, and what can swallow us never letting up it's grip one bit. The best thing about this movie however is that it can mean just about anything, I pondered on an explanation to the film for a few days and realized that it's one of those films that means something different to everyone, but with 2 basic concepts what is it like to be a free soul and can we find love within ourselves?

Fantastic film. Awesome acting. And superb story and visuals. Kudos to Kristina.
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I loved it, everyone else just doesn't get it...
4 January 2014
OK just to be fair I am a fan or the franchise and of "found-footage" style films. Now as of The Marked Ones it's really not that different from the first 4 films. If you've seen them then you know the routine...weird stuff and some jump scares. As for me I really enjoyed this one for a couple of reasons and here's why:

1) The Ending - Now I won't give any spoilers but they do something pretty cool for the ending and if you've followed the first 3 films and actually payed attention to the story of The Marked Ones then you'll get it and maybe love it like I did.

2) More Lore Explanations - Yes the Paranormal Activity films do have a very deep lore behind them, however most people ignore what the characters do and say in the film and just expect to see scary stuff to happen which is really why the movies get such a bad rep. All of those boring scenes are actually explaining what's going on and most people don't get that. The Marked Ones actually goes really in depth as to what is going on this time around and very much so as to why it's happening. More witchcraft :)

3) It's Not Meant To Be For Everyone - Now let me emphasize how much I feel about this last one. These movies since the 3rd haven't been trying to gather new fans they are made for fans of these films and PA films. I love it how most people who are saying this movie is terrible even went to see it. Most people who didn't like this one didn't like 1-4 and I have a question: Why would you even see this one if you didn't like the first four in a franchise?

Now time for a conclusion:

Are these films great? No.

Are they cheesy? Hell yeah and great at it.

The franchise is meant to be a see it once and make a fun time out of it franchise. This is a fun to watch others be scared film. If that makes any sense :) The movie has great effects, goes deeper into the lore, and has a great ending. It's for the fans and has been since 3. The films acting was actually okay, I've seen a lot worse so this one was actually good, it actually wasn't too scary not anymore than the first 4. The story is great IMO, I think if the first half of the movie and the first 4 did crazy things like the ending of The Marked Ones does then they would be a lot better. Don't hype yourself too much for this movie it's not the best but is it good? Hell yes! (Most likely if you're a fan of the first 4) All in all if you pay attention and think about what's going on and being said you'll understand why the movie is worth 8/10 even if just for the ending. Most people love to mainstream the hate for this series also so...decide for yourself and enjoy what you enjoy :)
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What's up with the terrible reviews? I loved it!
12 September 2013
I've read many books and seen many transition from the page to the screen, and all in all this movie was actually pretty good. At first I saw all of the negative reviews and was hesitant to see it but boy am I glad I did.

The story is a little cramped yes but the screenwriter did a good job at cramming it in, those of us who have read the original novel know that there is a lot of lore and story within the book and to fit it into a movie along with good character casting and music had to of been a tough job.

All in all it follows the books as much as it can without stomping on the series. It's not that bad of a movie...I mean I was more upset with some of the changes that they made in The Hunger Games than in this film, but that's beside the point.

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