
2 Reviews
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Locusts (2005 TV Movie)
So many clichés, so little time..
24 April 2005
This movie has everything you would ever want from a TV movie: Cheesy plot, cliché romance, over-dramatic music, ridiculously over-the-top special effects, and most importantly, horrible acting. If you're looking for a thought-out, interesting movie, this flick isn't for you. However, if you enjoyed such cheesy movies as Day of Destruction, or if you're just looking for a good time, this movie can be somewhat enjoyable. I know I laughed all the way through it. The silly one-liners and the even sillier plot are enough to make give a sophisticated film buff a headache; but sometimes, you just have to sit back and go with it, because there's nothing else on TV on a Sunday night.
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A Disappointment for Action Lovers and Tarantino Fans
17 April 2004
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 was, by far, one of Tarantino's best. With witty dialogue and tremendous fight scenes, Volume 1 was a delight for move-goers everywhere.

So here we are.. Six months later, lined up outside theaters for hours on opening day to see what? A lame script, lackluster action, and mediocre dialogue. Not only was Kill Bill: Vol. 2 disappointing for action-fans, whose hopes were to see Volume 1's fight sequences matched and possible surpassed, it was a disappointment for Tarantino fans everywhere. What was Quentin thinking? A lousy and conclusion to a brilliant beginning. It's hard to believe that it's being considered to merge these two movies into one. Two hours into the extended release, there would be a cease in all action, and plot.

Aside from 2 or 3 flashbacks, Volume 2 was in perfect chronological order. There was (in total, no exaggeration), about 10 minutes of good, actual fighting. And the end? It was just plain dull and ridiculous, even for an 80's B-movie. Once again, I ask the question, what was Tarantino thinking? It seems our beloved writer/director has sold us out, as we were looking forward to more of what we had in Volume 1. About 20 minutes into the movie I was skeptical as to what Tarantino had done, and watching some of the flashbacks from Volume 1 only made me miss watching it. Hopefully Tarantino will be remembered for Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, and not this only-mediocre flick. Thanks for nothing, Quentin.
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