
8 Reviews
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Finally... Real Entertainment From Hollywood!
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, I don't watch movies with the eyes of a critic. I watch movies to be Entertained! And man, did this movie entertain me! And it was especially entertaining in the fact that it's based on a true story. I was sitting in a theater that had a pretty good crowd and we all applauded at the end! The characters were fun and serious and the action was great. Our American government wanted to help the British fight Hitler. But he had the U-Boats out in the Pacific sinking anything that came along. So Churchill and some of his top peeps got a team together to "FIX" this problem. What's more, none of them could tell anyone else what they were doing because what they were doing was considered "Ungentlemanly" in warfare. The British... go figure! LOL! Lots of tension and action as a result! Great movie! Plus, Ian Fleming was one of the peeps and one of the "team" was part of the inspiration for James Bond! How cool! Go See It and Be Entertained!!!
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Snack Shack (2024)
Snack Shack - Best Movie I've Seen In A LONG Time!
20 March 2024
Wow! What a Pleasant surprise! This coming-of-age movie had me laughing and crying! There's a bit of cussing like real people figuring out life. But that's all! No cringy crap like sex scenes or nudity. The acting of these young newcomers is so honest and real! The story is not just a bunch of teenagers having a fun summer fling, but it includes real-world issues that real people deal with including real emotions that honestly brought tears to my eyes. It was all done So well! This one will be up there with the iconic teen films we all remember and love like Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Can't Buy Me Love and Easy A. And with a budget of under $5 million and Lots of heart, this one is gonna rake in the dough, just like the guys in this movie! I Highly recommend Snack Shack! Go see it with friends and remember the goofy fun times and the heart of a teenager dealing with real life. 5 Stars!
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Hypnotic (2023)
There Better Be A Sequel!
13 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie twice today. Went home in between to look up the explanation because I was intrigued but it had me a bit confused. When I really understood what was going on and considering the scenes during the credits, (stay and watch) all I can say is... There Better Be A Sequel! Went to another theater to watch it again! With a little polishing, this could turn into a great franchise! And for all the so called "critics" and naysayers, apparently, you don't go to movies to be "Entertained". You go to be critical. Waaaa! Get a life! Complainers just suffer and so do the people they know. This movie is not Inception. But it could turn out to be a great franchise if they handle the sequels right. The "Division" is lead by one guy and now he has a reason for a vendetta. If only he can out mind-control the young girl and her parents! That's all I'm gonna say. Go See It!
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I Don't Understand...
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first Matrix movie is Still the best of all. But here's what I don't understand... At the end of the very first Matrix movie, Neo gets that Trinity loves him. He really "gets" it. This is what brings him back from being pummeled with lead by Smith in that hallway. No one comes back from that! But he just did! He comes to and stands. First real evidence for Neo that he is the "One". Also, first evidence that he has overcome the laws of physics in the Matrix. He sees the Matrix for what it is... an illusion.

Second evidence... Smith and his two buddies see Neo stand and start firing at him. Neo says, No." Turns his head and stops the bullets. No ones ever done that! He looks curiously at one of the slugs and then they all fall to the floor. No one has ever done that.

Third evidence... Smith is pissed and charges Neo. He fights with all he has but Neo just turns to one side and fends off Smith with one hand. Then kicks the crap out of Smith, sending him flying down the hall! No one has ever done that!

Fourth evidence... Neo runs at them and takes a flying leap and dives right into Smith! Moves all around inside Smith and finally makes him explode! No one has ever done that to an agent. Totally outside the laws of physics in the Matrix. The other two agents turn and run! No one has ever made an agent run away!

Then, at the very end, at the phone booth, Neo says, "I didn't come here to tell you how this will end. I came here to tell you how it will begin." Then he steps out of the phone booth, looks up and Rockets right up into the sky! Neo Can Fly!

With me so far? So... how come in the sequels, "it" never began? Nothing began! Not in the second or third sequel. It was Still a constant battle! Even though Neo had come back to life, stopped bullets with his mind, beaten the worst agent to pieces and flew like a rocket, None of these abilities seemed to make any difference. It's like all that realization was for Nothing! And then, he and Trinity... die. Pfft.

So now, in this forth installment, even though he starts to remember what he knew, he Still struggles with crowds of agents and has to run away. He can explode the dojo. He can stop bullets. But he can't fly? Why does the Wachowski chick think it necessary to make Neo so forgetful and weak? I mean, if she's going to bring him back at all, why not make him the guy he was at the end of the first movie and beat the crap out of the agents like he did Smith? And why not at least three quarters of the way through this forth movie if not half way? I Wanted To See Neo Kick Some Serious Agent Butt!!! But noooooo!

Wachowski didn't seem to get that this what we all want to see. We want to see Neo Win! What's her problem?!?

So instead of 7 or 8 or 9 stars, she's averaging 6 at best and that might drop as more people realize what she's done to Neo. IF... if she decides to make another, I hope she makes Neo and Trinity the hero's we all want to see. At least that's what I want to see. Less total chaos and confusion and some serious agent butt kicking, more flying and general Winning for a change!

Very disappointed in this one.

Oh, and BTW, it was not a total loss at the end because it seems Trinity finally got "it". And this helped Neo to finally get "it" too. But not until the last 5 minutes of a 2 1/2 hour movie? Sheesh!

But that wasn't enough of a let down. Then there was the piece of crap girl rapper when the credits started... OMG. The Worst thing to have to listen to after another disappointing Matrix movie. When she was done ranting and raving, the real music started. Could totally have done without that chick rapper.

And a PS? Yes, there is a short clip at the very end of the credits. Totally pointless. The same bunch of boneheads talking about making the Matrix game in the beginning of the movie? They talk about the cat in it and make a bad joke about making a game called, "The Catrix". And that was the end. Not even worth the wait. Ugh!

Us real fans of the Matrix waited years for the next one and the best they could do at the end was to reference cat videos like on Youtube? Because that's what came to my mind when they said that. Is this disrespecting the movie? Or us fans? Or both? Absolutely Lame. 6 stars. And that's me being generous because I loved the first one so much. At least Wachowski got that one right.

Based on the end of this one, she might have one more in her. If so, I really hope she wakes up and makes the Matrix movie we fans were hoping for This time! Not another Wachowski mental breakdown. One winner out of four is Not beating the odds, lady. -_-
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1 December 2021
I saw this one at the theater twice in two days! First time I was with friends. We saw the short clip "During" the credits and thought that was all. Left during the credits. The next day I found out there was more at the "End" of the credits! Went back for another show. And as far as I'm concerned, THIS was almost as good as the original Ghostbusters! Loved it! Totally recommend it! And the clip at the End of the credits is encouraging! ;)
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1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was hesitant to go see this one even though I love Sandra Bullock. The reviews made it out to be a bit of a downer. Hey, I like a happy ending with a winner at the end and this one did not seem like that. But I relented and went anyway. And let me tell you... Wow! Such a powerful story with an incredible twist I did not see coming! Sandra is at her best in this one. Why she did what she did will blow you away! Loved it!
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I Had Hope - But Alas...
19 September 2021
I saw reviews for and against this movie. I liked the plot. I liked the stars. I tend to be pretty easy to entertain. But man, this is a Snoozer! I actually had trouble staying awake. Just little to no energy from the players. I especially loved Melanie Lynskey as "Rose" in Two And a Half Men. The director in this movie wasted her talent along with Justin's and the rest of the cast by settling for less than the best. Could have been a really fun movie. The plot idea was great. But the writing and directing were terrible.
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Kin (I) (2018)
Who Is This Kid?
3 December 2018
I Loved this movie! Seen it twice because of the ending! Why anyone would rate it anything less than 6 stars baffels me. It's got high tech gadgets, bad guys chasing, good guys, an Amazing ending that Toyally sets it up for a sequal and possible franchise and a mystery around who the kid is. Great acting, Top shelf cast and great production values. Please Make The Sequal!
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