
108 Reviews
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Smile (V) (2022)
Biphentin Generation Drivel
6 November 2022
This is not a good film, it is filled with overacting Only teens and adults in their 20's would consider this a good film.

I was ready to turn this off on multiple occasions. It tries to be modern and hip like Heriditary(cinematography), and nostalgia with films like The Ring and The Grudge.

Some of the score is very similar to Sinister starring Ethan Hawke. Which is far superior to this film.

I have no clue as to why Smile is rated so highly. It's nothing but Hollywood's attempt at capturing something that isn't there, nor will it be.

It would of worked if it didn't try so hard at being everything else that we have seen before.
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Paranormal Franchise Sequel?
18 September 2022
The film script is pretty solid, not too many unnecessary shots as far as unexplained camera angles like most found footage films.

The acting was fantastic by the lead protagonist. The film is set upon an Amish community and is very well done in that regard. It has really good character development and very believable.

I understand its a sequel but it should of been called something else and not part of the PA franchise. It should of been an independent stand alone film. It almost feels like a Halloween III situation, it bombed at first but now is a cult classic and well respected as a stand alone.

The atmoshphere was perfect, felt haunting atvcertain points. Inreally enjoyed this film for what it is.
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The Double (I) (2011)
Pretentious "B" Grade Boredom
5 June 2022
If you want a synopses read the homepage, this review is about whybthis film is mundane drivel.

First off why is Richard Gere in this film? Its a low budget direct to video film in my opinion. Its one of those bargin bin pickups I purchased for $5.

Gere hasnt been relevant since 2002, and thats too bad, he's a decent actor. So is Topher Grace. With that being said, I thought this would be an okay film to watch.

Unfortunately it was lack there of. The score is in your face, television series type score, you know the one, always murmuring in the background to try and rouse some actual feeling from the viewer. It falls flat on its face.

There is also overly serious floaty camera work, with the cheap irritating score pounding in your ear, in pretty much every scene to try and add tension, but again, falls flat.

The character development is lackluster. The viewer is thrown into a story with not a lot of development from any characters. They are just rehashed from other films like it.

The Double feels like a mish mash of scenes from other great films, with an actual captivating script. This film is the opposite of that. There is a ton of arial shots with once again pounding cheap action score into your ear, trying to keep its audience awake.

This film is something you throw on if your into taking naps. 3 out of 10 for me.
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Pig (I) (2021)
A Beautiful Film
2 September 2021
Nicholas Cage stars in one of the most heart felt fi;ms of 2021.

He gives an excellent performance honing in on his hidden acting talent. I really loved this film, it is amazing start to finish. Very original in concept. I honestly haven't seen anything like it.

Really great cinematography, fantastic opening, and just a wild roller coaster ride for where this story ends up. PIG is one of Nick Cage's best performances, aside from 8mm. This film has a simple concept, Cage is very subtle in this film. Not once does he go over the top.

Cage delivers. That's all I have to say.
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Nice Twist! Great Job!
19 August 2021
Yes very weak script, well.... On the surface.

This film is well shot, really cheesy at times(maybe on purpose), well that will have meaning after. John LIttlefield has a great performance, as well as the rest of the cast. To the folks with negative reviews, they must not of watched this until the end. Also special thanks to Eric Roberts, he's always good.

Why such a short review? Well it's because I don't want to spoil it silly!

That's all I got. Bravo to the writers and director!
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Slow Burn, Worth The Time!
15 August 2021
Devil's Island is a very simplistic film on the surface, based in a world where local folk don't like outsiders. I'd imagine we've all been there before, or at least I have been. Seems to be a lot more going on behind the curtains as we delve deeper into this film.

Danielle Jean Schaefer plays Carol who inherits a small cottage in 1000 Islands NY, where we meet strange locals along the way, who seem to spark more questions than answers. Within the first twenty minute marker we actually find out who this lead female is, in relation to the opening scene.

Devil's Island from what I can understand leaves a lot of the plot up to the audience to decide, there are some creepy moments, but over all, it's a film about an outsider. That's all I'm going to say, the rest is up to you to decide.

After all said and done, Devil's Island does not over stay it's welcome with it's just under 1hr12min runtime, yes it is a slow burn, but it does not bore me. The main character development is subtle, but that's okay with me. I love the cinematography, the feeling of being alone in the middle of nowhere surrounded by water. The acting was spot on. I didn't feel anyone on screen overacted in any way, shape or form. The actors did their jobs, the direction was on par, and I like the atmosphere, and scenic back drop.

So I thank the writers and directors for this hidden little indie gem. It was a nice little summer movie.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Alone Is A Blend of Two Great Films
28 June 2021
Alone is of cat and mouse style, the lead female role is played by Jules Willcox, and the male lead role is played by Marc Menchaca. Written by Mattias Olsson and directed by John Hyams, who's credits are mostly from television.

This film starts out with an intriguing character Jessica, we don't really know who or what she is about, but the opening scene makes the audience feel that somehting is troubling in her life.

We then cut to a road trip scene, where Jessica sets out in what seems to be starting a new life. What she is running from we are not shown at this point in time. During this trip she encounters a vehicle that seems to be playing speed games with her. She eventually passes the vehicle only to meet up with the person later on while she is stopped. It definitely triggers the flight or fight scenario from the viewers prospective, as well as the characters prospective.

A lot of people that have seen and reviewed this film seem to ask daunting questions, and knocking the films core. I don't want to give anything away or spoil the film, but to respond to a lot of viewers questions, this is a road cat and mouse film, it doesn't pretend to be something else. The director did a great job as far as cinematography goes, the writer kept you in suspense even though this sort of story has been tackled before. The final scene is definitely shows the strength and originality of the film.

This film also gives nods to the films "Breakdown" and "The Vanishing" from the 1990's, the film meshes those two scenarios well. The performance from Jules Willcox and Marc Menchaca are very well rounded, once again, they don't pretend to be something that they are not.

I really like this type of genre, and it was in my opinion well done. It's nice to just sit back and enjoy a film, that is entertaining, keeps you on your toes, even though like I said it's not really anything new, but it's definitely worth a watch.
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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Sleepy
7 June 2021
With this latest edition added to The Conjuring universe, I can say it is a one time watch, and definitely a forgettable film, it really does nothing to progress the franchise in any way, shape, or form. It's seems like it's leaning towards more of a copy and paste from other films of this genre.

Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise there roles once again as Ed and Lorraine Warren. Aside from this, within the first ten minutes I was shaking my head. We watch a character on screen contorting his body in such a way it becomes comedic, with bone crushing sounds during an exorcism, also showing the audience how to turn a child into a human pretzel. I literally laughed out loud when watching these scenes.

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. Well lets just say, with a tagline like that what did you expect? This film is at least worth one watch, that's it, with an egotistical almost 2 hour runtime, you may find yourself feeling sleepy, in many parts of the film. There is also a blatant, and I'd say, a plagiarist opening scene which depicts the most iconic scene from The Exorcist. In my opinion, this scene really isn't a hats off, or should I say, a nod towards that film. It feels like I said, a blatant ripoff. Many scenes I found were way over the top and unnecessary, to me it seems the writers wrote ridiculous parts to the script to try and scare it's audience, but they come off as campy and very predictable, and fell flat.

Now don't get me wrong, the cinematography by Michael Chaves is well done. The main characters did their job at holding this film together, they were all fairly good, but the film uses way too many horror tropes. It creates jump scares that are very predictable, and seems really silly at times. With that being said, this is a silly film. The Exorcism concept has been done to death, there is really nowhere else to go with this sort of story line. In the end, it does tell the story about one of Ed and Lorraine Warrens supernatural cases. But I find it hard to believe.

Final verdict. No pun intended. This is a sleepy film, filled with scares that are decades old, and really offer nothing new. In fact this whole franchise is not really that great, after the first entry. I give it 2 out of 10 stars. There is very little horror to this so called horror film. It's kind of sad that the end credits were more intriguing and actually telling a more chilling story.
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Every Actor Is Terrible
17 March 2021
This is probably the worst film I've seen in a long time, all the characters are annoying, from the sheriff and his idiotic deputy, the family is just hard to watch, especially the father.

Last but not least we have the lead actor from the murderers, his only line seems to be "shut the f#$!* up"

I have nothing more to say, other than pass on this one. There are much better films to watch in this sort of genre.

Thanks for reading.
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A Pretentious Mess
14 March 2021
We Summon The Darkness, is a badly written film with unlikable characters, and plays its audience like they are all dullards.

We start the film with three teen girls on a road trip to see a band at a concert, from early on in the film there is a lot of foreshadowing.

The female character development is at times annoying, with over acting, and also the male characters are as equally badly written.

I was very surprised Amy Forsythe had taken this role, I think she did her best with the lines given to her, at times even she came off as idiotic. I have seen her in other films and TV shows, Channel Zero to name one, and she was fantastic in that.

Regardless, this film tags along the audience for most of the film, and when the big reveal happens, it was definitely predictable.

The weapons used were at times a bit silly, and just plain stupid. An outboard boat motor was used as a weapon in one scene, I don't understand how the thing even ran without a gas line running to it. Maybe the writers should of done more research on that one. This film also preys on the 80s retro flashback rage going on these days, and it wasn't executed very well to say the least.

Regardless I'd say don't waste any of your valuable time, and watch something else with more depth of character and better writing.
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Utter Garbage!
8 February 2021
This film should not even be called a film, it's not fun, it's not even campy, it's everything you would hate in a movie all wrapped up into one ball of a script mess.

So called writers seem to want to cash in on The Blair Witch Project, and why after all these years? What's the point? That train seemed to have left long ago, 20 years ago to be exact. According rdomg to release date of this piece of garbage.

The actors are terrible, the scenes are garbage, the script seems to want to grapple the YouTube experience, but they can't even do that right.

Avoid this nonsense at all costs. Go watch something else. There is no character arch, there is nothing that matters in this film. This is a giant waste of time. Bad acting, bad camera direction, in fact someone should take the camera away from this director. This is not a director, this is an idiot trying to remake The Blair Witch Project 20 years later.

Like I said, that train is long gone.
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Forgettable Plaigerized Nonsense
5 October 2020
Lets get one thing clear this is not a Blumhouse Ouija franchise production. It is a stand alone film mimicking the Blumhouse title/idea Ouija. Just so it attracts an audience. Why the film is branded as Ouija is beyond my logic, it had many factors not just about a Ouija board. but there are a million examples of this throughout film history, especially when it comes to horror, where producers/writers/directors copy popular titles such as Ouija.

This film is done in a found footage style. Three people set out to debunk ghost rituals such as Bloody Mary, Ouija boards, and so forth. The acting is mediocre, the story is very weak, and to put it bluntly, it is a forgettable film. Reason being, it has nothing to offer. It copies core elements from other popular films, such as Sinister, Lights Out, and last but not least The Blair Witch Project. We've all been here before.

Most of this film consists of bad writing, what I mean by that is, one of the scenes after the main female protagonist was asked a question after doing a ritual where she was locked in a freezer, her partner goes on to say "What did it feel like"? She responded "dark". Of course it's dark the door is closed!

Sorry folks saying that it was "dark" is not a feeling, it's an observation of the environment your in. This is one of the reasons this film is awful, it tends to copy as I said key scenes from other films in a plagiarized sort of way. Some scenes are highly irritating as far as camera work goes, what I mean is shaky cam syndrome, It was like shaky cam on crack in parts of the film. At least it has good cover art.

(Note to directors/producers shaky cam does not make a scene more enticing, it actually annoys your viewer, please stop trying to be Spielberg in Saving Private Ryan, because that's where that effect originated from.)

In closing, I must say watch anything else. But if you want to waste your time go for it. I do not recommend this film.
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Ultra Boring
24 February 2019
This film has no focus. The main female star is annoying, the surrounding characters are annoying as well.

Watching this film is like watching 3 people trying to make Blair Witch without learning the basic concepts of how to build a story and how to present them on screen.

We get none of this while watching this film. The characters don't even know what they want, or it seems like they are fed lines. I am really confused as to why this film was made.





Bad character development, bad camera work, terrible script, and just no focus. Also a real click bait style title that just rattles on way too long.
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Session 9 (2001)
Sleeper Masterpiece
17 February 2019
Session 9 is a psychological thriller most people think this is a horror, but this is incorrect, it's a thriller.

The film is about an abatement crew that cleans out the dangerous and toxic fiber known as asbestos out of an old institution for the insane. There is one case this film focuses on. But as the story rolls on we start to mix the sane with the insane until the final product is revealed.

This film is very eerie, and just unsettling, it invokes confusion with it's atmosphere. It makes you think your going crazy, until the very end.

Bravo to the film crew, director, also actors and screen writers, this film is not one to just pass by, this is a must see.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Soy Boy Artsy Mess
3 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Suspiria Remake 2018 is a Soy Boy Hipster film, where every valley girl and soy boy is jumping on the band wagon for promoting this slop. Sorry but I don't do CGI blood, the original Suspiria was fantastic, a bit strange at times none the less, but fantastic.

The original you knew who all the characters were by the end of the film. It also was filmed in Technicolor, which gave it an "Alice in Wonderland" feel to it.

But Suspiria 2018 production decided to suck the life out of the original, no color, terrible score, and no character introduction or development, it left the audience to wonder who is who, all the while using William Friedkin style camera zoom's(director of The Exorcist). Also the film made us think right from the start that the people in the dance academy were bad, just by subtle insinuations, unlike it's predecessor which hid the truth from it's audience as much as possible until the big reveal at the end.

This new inception gave away characters motives way too early on in the film. Also all the political reference's of the era were highly annoying, the original film had absolutely no political bias in it. It was just a good ol' gory Italian horror story and that's it. Why films today have to reference current or past politics are beyond my logic.

Also the run time was way beyond overboard and a bit cocky in my opinion, almost an hour beyond the original, they filled this film with bleak and boring shots, it's almost as if the editing team were asleep while doing their jobs. Tilda Swinton I could never like as an actress, she is a very bleak looking human with no likable features, her acting is bland in everything I have watched her in.


This film is boring, nothing we haven't seen before(even though the fake critics will tell you otherwise on imdb). This film has nothing to offer that is inventive, it's lack of color and sub standard score leaves the audience asking "Was this good or bad?"

The answer is, it's bad, it's far beyond bad, I find this style of directing to be to artsy for me. It's more for a niche snob viewer, who was never a fan of actual Italian horror films. It's all about being a hipster I guess.

Do yourself a favor and watch the original!
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Cash Grab 2018
28 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Halloween 2018 is not a remake, nor is it a reboot, it is a rewrite of the original Halloween II film. Now with this in mind, this might confuse many cult fans as what timeline this exists in, but they probably already know this aspect.

Halloween features many throwbacks, including the score, one actress, and just a whole lot of scenes from other previous sequels to make one whole film. There is no secret, there is no who dunnit. There is only Jamie Lee running around in her 60's looking like a total idiot, the survivalist idea was rather tiresome, the acting was sub par, the silly comedic relief had terrible timing,

I am not too sure how many more reviews I can make on the modern horror genre, but I must say one thing, at least Rob Zombie wasn't involved.
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Leatherface (2017)
Leatherface: The True Prequel
22 April 2018
I hesitated and waited for a very long time to actually watch this film, I hated the trailer, it was terrible, especially when they slap a 40 pound chainsaw on the table and tell this little boy to pick it up. The trailer was awful and that's what turned me off.

When we just got off the band wagon of Texas Chainsaw(yet another remake) we get this low budget film with an advert that makes it look stupid. Whoever was in charge of making the trailer for this film should be fired, they picked all the shock and awe of the film to sell it, but all they had to do was be a little more discrete while trying to advertise the movie.

This prequel erases all other prequels like "The Beginning" which was branched off the remake starring Jessica Biel. This film takes place before the original film, this tells the story of Leatherface how he was molded into a monster, even when you thought you had figured out the monster this film has a nice surprise and I welcome that idea. For once no glitz or glamour just a simple story, which sets up the original film nicely, what a smooth transition it makes at the end to the 1974 original.

I gave it 7/10 just because of the little twist, so make what you want out of it, anything is better than that Michael Bay garbage.
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Unacknowledged Is Unbelievable Silliness
13 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film starts out as a very believable film, with proof and evidence galore then about an hour into the film it transitions from believable to out right ridiculous. From connecting dots to Marilyn Monroe's involvement in aliens and JFK and all that nonsense with the main storyteller to start talking about shadow people in one scene he talks about when they told him that a bullet has your name on it and so forth. It always seems to be in these sorts of films that it comes down to the men in black to "threaten the family" or "threaten the friend" or "threaten the co-worker" type of storytelling to make their story appear to be the absolute truth. But in reality this is just one person talking in front of a camera.

With this being said, these people telling their personal stories and encounters sound a bit like science fiction not science fact. There are multiple era's of clips all slung together like they were all shot in 2017 the release year of this film. But that's the part that people are not seeing, clips are taken from interviews from many different decades, you can tell by the way the screen is stretched to make it look widescreen, also some interviews you could tell they were transferred from analogue to digital. This is very sloppy editing and quite frankly makes this film feel more like the television broadcast called Alien Autopsy starring Jonathan Frakes, we all know what became of that idiocy.

I for one can't believe one word of what this person is telling the audience. Now don't get me wrong I do believe in aliens or just people existing on other planets or other realms but this film is just nonsense and they try to connect aliens to everyone that seems to have made a mark in the history of history especially the Marilyn Monroe portion of the film. Seriously a drug overdose now it's because of aliens and knowing they exist? Come on people I am not this stupid or naive about any of this information.
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Pathetic Horror Version Of Groundhog Day
28 October 2017
Happy Death Day is one of the worst horror films of 2017. The cast is highly irritating, and just forgettable. Tree Gelbman yes you read that right, the main character is named Tree, played by Jessica Rothe. Her character is nothing that I even care for, just an ignorant girl from a rich family acting like she is better than anyone around her, her sorority sisters are just as pathetic. So here we sit watching some over privileged character walk through the steps of a "Groundhog Day" style film, living her death over and over again, which was portrayed in the trailer.

Scott Lobdell was the writer for this terrible film, and in my opinion highly plagiarized from Groundhog Day, except this hack of a writer will not be sued because the story was tweaked enough and he turned it into a horror slasher style film, instead of a comedy.

If people want to pay money to see such drivel then by all means, go right ahead. There is no likable character, I wanted them all to die, and there is no point to see this film unless it's something to fall asleep to. That's it folks move along now nothing to see here. 6.7 is a fake rating made by this fake website and fake people. This is a big old zero people. Avoid at all costs.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Star Trek Mess
25 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Star Trek Discovery is the latest inception of Star Trek, non-free, yes folks this didn't go to a regular network, it is on CBS all access pay website. That was the first mistake. My hypothesis as to why it is on a pay site, well it's because no sponsor wanted to touch it, JJ Abrams reboot of Star Trek is utter garbage and has ran out of steam, Abrams second instalment did not do well. And the third entry flopped.

So what advertiser would even touch this? Also the early trailer released depicted a half Klingon half Federation ship, with Klingon score playing in the background, this was a flop of a trailer on Youtube and Trekkies were enraged by the nonsense. So it was tabled and re-slated for a fall release instead of January.

You can see this was a cash grab right off the hop. Regardless of it's pre-release mess, I decided to give it a chance. First off the Klingons in this show look strange, they speak Klingon but certainly look non- Star Trek, they look like a freak of nature, but so did the Klingons in the original show, so I can't really make a big stink over that, they evolved over the years,with larger ridges and also different attire, so I can forgive that. Also on a side note, in one of the DS9 episodes it was explained that the Klingons in the original Star Trek were some sort of genetically altered version of that race, so that kind of explains this a bit in this show.

The ship in this instalment doesn't look half bad, but regardless, this show for some reason doesn't feel like Star Trek, it feels like some distant cousin of the original iterations of the show.

What went wrong?

They were trying to recreate that idiotic Jar Jar Abrams lens flare effect, it looked like crap, and they need to go back to steady cam mode instead of cinematic constant panning mode, it was trying to be a big budget film, but the director had no clue as how to do that, so they just tried to copy Jar Jar Abrams style and it doesn't work. Quit trying to be big budget film and just be a Star Trek normal television show, all this fluff is absolutely unnecessary.

The tilted camera angles and panning while tilting the camera was irritating. It was like they tried to have a new angle for every scene, I really wanted to like this, seriously I did! I can't forgive this big cinematic mess, it's trying to be something that it's not, it's not being shown on a 100ft screen it's being broadcast on a small screen and maybe even an tablet, laptop or smartphone, so this director needs to go, the moronic executives need to hire someone who knows how to use a camera, having it panning while on a tilted angle makes it look like the director is a moron and can't find the subject he/she want's to focus on.Very sloppy story telling. Note to directors, fancy floaty-cam doesn't work on the small screen!

Final Thoughts.

This show like back in 1966 needs a re-shoot, it has lost all Trek lore and is almost an abomination. Now don't get me wrong there are some things I like, such as the makeup it was well done, the space scenes looked great, the captain was pretty cool, I liked her, and I didn't mind the rest of the crew either, but it just feels like a Star Trek wannabe, felt more like Stargate to me.
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A Silent Surprise
1 September 2017
It Comes At Night is a psychological thriller mixed with undertones of The Walking Dead on a small scale with a very tight knit cast.

This film deals with the topic of human annihilation and how it would pan out in a real world experience. The story takes place in the woods with a small family ready to bury their Grandfather, apparently at this point we get the idea that there is a virus plaguing the human race, and this is just one family dealing with the issue.

The family seems to have everything down pat in a shite hits the fan situation. I know this is probably how I would feel and that is to protect your family and also protect the things that will keep you alive.

The film deals with many situations such as internal family secrets which I won't give away, also it deals with the topic of trusting one another. Like I said earlier this is a psychological thriller on a small scale and a close knit family.

Don't expect some grandiose epic big budget ending because you will be sorrily disappointed, this is a low budget well directed quality film, it has much to offer. I beg the question, why can't we see this in a national theatrical release? Why is it always have to be jump scares and tacky films?

Regardless It Comes In The Night, is an excellent watch, cinematography was spot on, the acting was well above par, and I wasn't once bored of what I was seeing, I kept wanting more, and that's what matters in a film. So do yourself a favour and check it out.
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The Mist (2017)
Weinstein Bros Sissy Generation Propaganda
27 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This version of Stephen King's novel is absolutely awful. It's more of a modern day sissy generation politically correct idiotic series than anything else.

We have terrible characters, with really bad lines, for instance after The Mist invades the small town, some of it's citizens get trapped in the mall, where at one point the mall manager says "Stop fighting or this place is going to blow!", I'm just paraphrasing of course, this line just confused me, because there was no bomb planted, why did he say that? Was it a line that was suppose to omitted? But regardless, that was just a taste of the cringing script, there is too many to count.

In the first episode we see a lot of lines pertaining to the snowflake millennial generation,of course this was produced by the greedy Weinstein brothers, so that explains most of the political agenda behind the script of the series.

We have our typical over emotional teen characters to add to the mix, with scenes dealing with homosexuality, date rape, and many other things I don't feel like speaking about. The issue with this version is, it uses these almost like a public service announcement every five minutes, to the point where it becomes annoying. What does any of these things have to do with the actual novel?

The actors did what they could with a garbage script. Terrible lines and just obnoxious characters. Don't blame the actors in this series blame the greedy Weinstein brothers, there is an agenda here and it has nothing to do with the Mist, it is just pure generational brainwashing, to the point where I must roll my eyes in just about every scene. The only thing this script/version has to offer is the mysteriousness of The Mist.

If your into cringe style films or television shows, then this is for you. If you have any form of intelligence in your brain, then stay far away from this Hollywood sissy generation ideology. They even had to film this garbage in Canada so the Weinstein bros could save some money due to the unbalanced exchange rate. Just pathetic.

1 out of 10 for me, thank you for reading.
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WTF! (2017)
A Roller-coaster Of Rat Turds
20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a rat turd, I see there are 3 people from production making fake reviews again, sadly there is no way to stop idiots from production crews from writing these fake reviews.

Regardless, the characters were annoying little libtard rich kids going to a cabin in the woods so to speak, that's it you know the rest. Just stay away from this one unless your into mundane garbage such as this film.
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A Deal With The Devil
1 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Devil's Candy is a predictable but likable film. I mean predictable in a good way. The cast of this feature presented themselves very clear and concise, meaning that you kind of knew what they were all about.

With all that being said, the family felt very real and fluid, Ethan Embry is portrayed as someone you may look at twice on the street, sort of a "Devil's Reject's" look to him. But the father figure he presented to us was done very well. Pruitt Taylor Vince was creepy in all aspects, he has that sort of demeanour about him. Kiara Glasco that played as Embry's daughter did a great job, very believable.

The word believable is the important thing here, that is what makes a good film, the characters have to be believable. There was a bit of bad CGI at the end but forgivable.

Movie characters that may seem similar would be from the film Body Parts(1991), meaning Brad Dourif's character. Also the hard metal aspect to the film is a character in itself. There has been a long history of rock musicians making deals with the devil, a very interesting concept that this film delivers.

It may not be perfect, but the characters were developed well, and I think the score and cinematography saves the film in the end.
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A Hidden Gem
14 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Dig Two Graves is a throwback to an era when films were still good, was this a horror? Was it a drama? Or was it a little in between?

This film feels like a lot of films, such as Pumpkinhead, Pet Cemetery, also Thinner. As we go on this journey of revenge, we will see hints of the titles mentioned. I find that the performances in this film were far beyond great, and a lot of the times it felt like I was watching a good old western, waiting for the Sheriff to take out the bad guy.

I must say, this film is underrated and deserves more attention. I give it 7 out of 10 stars due to the fact it looks fantastic, due to the stellar acting, and the great cinematography. It was well directed and the cast was awesome. Too bad this type of film doesn't hit mainstream cinemas, with all the garbage being sold these days this would of been of been a breath of fresh air.
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