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The Five (2016)
God help us if people like this really exist
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And I am referring to the paper thin characters who the pitifully two dimensional actors attempt to portray.

Unlikable doesn't come close. Horrorshow is better

Uptight, rude and effeminate 'm4les' and aggressive entitled ugly alternatives come together in a diversity heaven mash up to solve a murder or whatever and naturally come across a bunch of evil britons in the process.

The 'plot' is so full of holes and distraction that one is left feeling total apathy for the leads and begin to care even less for a resolution.

The weak baby speech that goes with type of acting these days is shockingly unrealistic for people with nads and the abrasive harpee non fairer s3x is too repulsive for the eyes to get past episode two.

I began to watch on x2 speed then cut to the synopses and x3 the last episode.

I was only here for Michael Maloney and he probably only had about 9 minutes screen time.

That'll teach me.
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Hard Candy (2005)
22 November 2023
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A movie for I-Iill.ery fans and those screaming in cars about the death of are bee gee, AND that green thing screeching ree in the streets in 2016.

Page is a disgruntled skinny thing who takes it upon its self to have a go at the local p36o. The end goal is to castrate him.

How this could fill 90 mins or whatever, is a challenge that Mr Director phoned in.

And we are left waiting for the 'denouement' which was really in the first 15 mins but you know, let's drag it out to get popcorn sales.

The man hay tas who take this seriously will envisage all kinds of mutilation and none will live up to what gore they deem righteous. The humans who happen upon this 'entitled fest' turned mind control, are more likely to have fantasies about ripping Page apart before the first half. Page's sanctimonious, entitled, imagined victim becomes everyone's unscratchable itch that drives us to cut our arm off than find a more civilised way of providing relief.

After three hours, the minute hand has moved 59 times, so you wait it out as date etiquette sez so while dreaming of the cold beer you could murder.

Two options - credits roll and you wish you were Page but with more torture, mutilation and precise speech OR you decide you will choose a good soul from church to parent your kids in holy matrimony.

One path leads to a quality life. In the other , you end up having a big Ess 4 head as you bald your way into MAN 0h paws and freak out Fallon.
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Poldark (2015–2019)
And then
22 November 2023
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It got silly.

And I couldn't get past the bl0key Demelza and the much desired Elizabeth was.. passable.

Old timey stories are supposed to ensnare that last demographic of old folk who have faith in a tale with traditional values and and a whopping hetero romance.

Then it gets messed and you know exactly what I mean.

Shortly after season one the seeds of modern politics were sown and manured up to fully fledged ess jay double you reee causes.

I advise all of you to heal your selves and eyeballs with a well deserved binge watch of the 1970's series. Storytelling and acting that brings Graham's writing closer to the period than Demelza's 2015 L'oreal locks. Studio settings matter not as the tale unfolds and the effortless Ralph Bates steals it anyway.

Reading most of these classics is the way forward , no modern agendas and you can create your hero/ine to suit your unique imagination. Imagine that, humans that create for themselves and refuse the force feeding of rigid pea sea thought.
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
It's Not Shakespeare, thank God
22 November 2023
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A simple tale of an ex con breaking loose to visit his family and the subsequent discoveries of his deceased brother's double life.

He has social issues which have alienated him from society and his relatives but his shrink has faith in him.

Gibson's shrink, with issues of his own, adds a sparkling relief to the 'Dirty Harry' intensity of Eastwood's amoral killer. He is actually a modern Fistful of Dollars drifter but with some insight into his psychological state. The Western hero just 'is' without any explanation. Here we are given reasons for his monosyllabic almost low IQ behaviour that naively trusts his therapist, Gibson, to guide him through his foray into the real world having been out of it for sometime.

Entertaining movei, with zero agenda , zero excess of gore but with laughs where you least expect. Fun for all the fam.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
We're moving to Banshee, just sayin'
30 August 2023
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Well, this was a surprise.

As a fan of Thomsen and Pelphrey I took a chance on this series and was I glad I did.

Apart from Cross and his generic Rusky accent, I did not know any of the other actors, so following the charismatic Starr through this rollercoaster of a ride was a revelation. Sex scenes were only gratuitous when involving the 8 foot linerbacker shouldered, long haired ,square faced invert. Other wise the rest of the cast were passable and the intimate moments were definitely relevent to the plot and funny at times.

The implausible main plot became less so the more the story progressed and then it was up to you to go with it or jump ship. The introduction of various bad guys to Banshee was well paced and the inevitable humour as to why this small town was going to hell in a hand cart after the new sheriff arrived was not missed with witty asides by the Banshee residents.

I enjoyed the back and forth with the leads - Starr and Thomsen. Each flawed and with questionable moral tendencies but earning mutual respect as they were forced to unite against common enemies before getting back to trying to kill each other.

Realism did not take a back seat as each Banshee resident in law enforcement found their instincts about the sherriff's code being questioned but grudgingly accepted.

I don't watch TV news, so speaking for my self , it certainly provided an education into the minds and political opinions of the Amish and indigenous Indians, whether completely true or not.

My test as to how good a script and story arc are, is the shock one has as the credits roll seemingly ten minutes after the beginning. The non linear time edits were put to good use as the conclusions to scenes never felt dragged and any emotional questions one had were duly answered.

So, highly recommended. The male characters were excellent and the Amish niece and female deputy earned my respect by the end with a more 3D nuanced interpretation than expected.

Will there be another season set ten years later? Maybe not, what would be the point? I think the writers crammed everything they could into 44 episodes plus backstories. It's a series, unlike SOA, that I could watch again with friends a few weeks after the finale - its fast, furious and fun.
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Betrayal (1983)
Two stars for
29 August 2023
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Bringing us back to the drab posh early 80's with a bump.

However this is set in the 70's with appropriate clothes and hair but shockingly limited unemotional dialogue that was probably the norm for British TV, pre watershed.

I don't think I ever met anyone who spoke like that and it was extremely hard to imagine such people displaying passion or love of any kind. Which is why, here, the subject of adultery came off as meaningless and as practical as going to the toilet.

It is hard to understand why Pinter was considered a playwright of substance when in real life he was despicable and his work was just as depressing and dull.

Yes, he managed to stretch an idea to 90 -120 mins of bitterness and maybe if you weren't a fan of Shakespeare , his was your go to for theatre at the time. Predictably his characters often feel like various versions of Only Fools and Horses - Dell boy. Desperate, devious and dirty.

But back to this movie. Irons comes across as soft and weak, Hodge is as stiff and flat as an ironing board and the too tanned Kingsley's psycho stare acting makes you hope this tale will have a texas chainsaw massacre ending to redeem itself. Unfortunately we are short changed. The closest we get to imagine lust existing in this uptight clipped accented world is Irons' 'drunken' witterings at the end and Hodge giving him a kiss and a smile a short while before that.

If someone could re write this today with actors who were able to convey emotion , it would be worth seeing, even if they chose to stick to the 70's background. But with people divorcing at the drop of a hat there would be nothing much to work against.

Pinter's trio deserve the misery and hopelessness they leave as the credits roll.

Major flaw - Hodge choosing to marry the fey Kingsley is incredulous and trading him in for a fling with the married family man Irons seems like a red herring fantasy.

Guess back then, as long as Pinter, the lady killer,could sell his alter ego to the BBC masses, the nihilistic view of marriage with a confused wife, kept the post war agenda intact.
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28 June 2023
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There is a hidden message here.

The actors play characters in stories to intrigue and attract . Once that happens, the media push a certain look, fashion, hairstyle onto the women in the audience via magazines and so begins the social change. If women cut their hair and wear straight dresses, no matter how boyish they look, a guy has to keep shtum or he won't get any. Then the personal lives of these 'stars' become tabloid fodder as women lap up the tales of love and romance off screen.

And then comes the tragedy. Overdoses from unrequited love between the 'famous' and 'celebrated' and women collapse with grief when their heroes and heroines meet their untimely end.

But that is part of the story. That is also the movie. The tragedy never ends as decades later such 'names' are feted and biographied to death, no pun, to new generations, hammering home the tragic unfullfilled lives of these creations.

Return to Babylon proves with its soundbite bios that the constant revering and subsequent fall of these 'artistes' is nothing more than badly written fairytales, pushing degeneracy disguised as romance on to the ever naive audience, too trusting to realise they are being played

And look where we are now.
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Daisy Diamond (2007)
And the message is.....?
14 February 2023
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Boys have no problem stripping off for the camera. Stunning and brave advertising for post op inversion is the key here.

The cover story of the worst kind of mothering after the whiteman has mistreated the po innocent , becomes an unanswered question. The lead character is determined to be a performer after endless rejections. I mean, a real woman would probably leave the kid with someone if they really were as hard headed as the Anna character, or get some sort of work until the kid was at school before attempting to grasp at unclothed fame .

The message , one of several , is that a baby is a intrusion and nusiance and whatever freak brought it into the world needs some serious help.

Regarding the horror of the matrix performance industry, we are shown the worst of its souless productions. Everything is reduced to degenerates in search of a climax.

I could go on but suffice to say , be glad that we normies have a choice. Mothers choose a good man to father their children, men provide security for their families.

It's about time tortured inverts quit showing us their miserable lives , passing it off as educational entertainment.

I will not be convinced that the baby was not abused during the making of this film.
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Possession (1981)
Truth be told
21 January 2023
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When you work for the ess are eh tavis tock cult, I guess your only outlet is putting your stroy out there and to hell with those who haven't got an eff in clue what you are on about.

The fact that the lead actors found their roles profound and the highlight of their careers tells you all you need to know about the intiation of these inverts into academy award sycophantic fake art propaganda.

So yeah , if you have two hours to kill or need to force a post alcoholic puke purge, this is right up your street.

Nothing makes sense because we haven't lived anything close to this kinda trauma , and yet there are those who will turn themselves inside out pontificating about hidden meanings and surrealism and outside the box ism.

And I hope they all have a nice day.

Personally I am due back on planet earth creating my own reality.
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Stick with the music, assuming you like squawking guys
19 November 2022
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Once again, another bio celebrating the dead, lest we forget, the poor put upon dead privileged slubs who 'died' before the time. Or so the story goes.

Selected by tavistock as usual for the US hippydom. All their in verted promoted and in your face 'talented' guys, given wall to wall coverage with a good helping of controversy to divide parents from kids was boudn to end badly.

These privileged mutilated kids end up with confused sexuality and an inability to feel secure with a gi normous stadium of fans because they know they are living a lie and forced to pretend to be something they aren't.

Many have voices that are let's say unusual - Winwood, Nicks, Marriot,Cass Elliot, result of operations?

When you inspect the appearance of their families and check out the fake historical news headlines of the time, it is no wonder that these 'icons' bio are less than two dimensional.

So like alto voiced Carpenter, recording folk are given a long rope, seduced by flattery, money and fame for mom and dad, until they realise that they are not normal and can only play with and hook up with other selected freaks.

Pity the fans who believe the lies and the fake tragedy.

But the world is waking up.
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Payback for When Harry Met Sally/About Last night/Along Came Polly
24 August 2022
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A cynical viewer is thoroughly rewarded ,having sat through a fair share of 80's/90's Romcoms, with this parody of the 'how we met'/'how couples meet' 'comedy' genre.

Poehler and Rudd milk their usual sincere personas for bigger laughs during this mocking Hollywood formula date flick.

Like The Hangover this is not be taken seriously. TCT requires you to accept the basic premise that this couple are entertaining their mates over dinner with a detailed account of their love story and it cherry picks moments from all 'how they met'/Friends/Bullock movies.

For all of you who have gritted you teeth at the predictable ups and downs of those stories, this helps you let off steam at all the fakery that irritated with some great out of place one liners and new reactions to familiar situations.

It's just fluff, and thankfully, without David Schwimmer.
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Time travel you must
23 August 2022
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This one took me by surprise. Remove all pc thoughts and the systematic mind control and brainwashing of the last couple of decades and treat yourself to this delightful comedy set in the infancy of the post war advertising world.

Tbh this honest take on underhand tactics to sell rubbish to the public for an exorbitant paycheck is a tell all with Day playing the role of the indignant creative who objects to Hudson's base line schemes. Nowadays the blatant agendas pushed to sell washing up liquid are over looked as the audience sleep walks from one sexist man hating soap to another.

Randall never fails to deliver his simple lines with innovation and charm, a skill which Ryan Reynolds has taken to an acceptable charismatic level in the 2000's.

Day's reactions to Hudson's unprofessionalism are a little OTT for modern audiences but ensure that his confidence wins us over. Curtis and Wood were far more obvious a few years later in the disaterous Sex and the Single Girl and far less funny.

Colourfully photographing big city gloss , LCB is highly recommended for a pleasant escape after a week at the treadmill or worth watching with the family from teens to grans.
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The Hours (2002)
A.Gen.da movie
22 August 2022
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Why is the gay thing presented as the only choice for happiness when all of them are miserable and suicidal and ch.ran.z?

Seriously, this excursion into the poor put upon female through the ages is embarrassingly two dimensional. The suffering is seen as normal, which it is for these supporters of ess are ay but depression in normies is constructed in this matrix to finish us off and thwart our ability to create happiness and our own journey into productivity.

The selected talented luvvies in this tragedy milk their privileged lives of discontent for our viewing pleasure and woe betide those watching this who are already in the throes of hopelessness. Anything to depopulate I guess, and the movie industry dutifully supplies encouragement.

The abandonment of kids, the unfullfilling relationships and the ideology that suicide is the way forward in this two hour slice of superficiality, gives horror wood the Whine steen name and abusive reputation it deserves. The ugly actors don't help either.

On a side note, the homes of New York privileged are cold and unappealing as hell and we learn that when a dyck is in distress , no point in expecting your gay male friend to offer support or a hug. Your problems are your own and they are way too self centred to be chivalrous. Real ladies beware.
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Rock Follies (1976)
2 August 2022
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Was British TV really this bad? Or was this a one off experiment?

A bunch of 40 year old drag queens, one pushing a Norman Wisdom act, another babbling empty lines like a runaway train and a tall one with an irritating sand paper voice, are thrown together to sell this wafer thin tale about a flat chested girl group with cringeworthy contrived attitude.

Apparently the songs made it to the top 20 but knowing how that set up is manipulated to push ideaologies, even that is not enough to warrant eye ball time for this amateur theatre production.

Maybe this is how middle whites spoke in the seventies I wouldn't know, but the cliché 2D characters are desperately trying to tell a story of the trials and tribulations of the performance world.

Covington who did a good job shrieking 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' seems to have sunk without trace after a tiny career in pop, Cornwell probably stuck to TV bit parts and Lenska married into the incestuous TV family set up which say a lot about the person Lenska was connected with and then divorced shock horror, whenever, later.

The supposed (boy)friends of the leads pave the way for the future invented stereotype of , unsupportive , lazy, vain partners of the invented stereotype of the struggling yet emotionally empowered woman.

In the 90's women talked of the being subservient while mixing with users and abusers in the music business and then eventually leaving or selling their soul for 10 years of fame and nice clothes. The trio here are mouthy, aggressive and unwilling, so why any of these industry folk would want to spend time and money on pushing these hags into a pop career is beyond me.

So, if you make it past the second episode , I imagine that is because you have seen everything ever created for visual entertainment and are reduced to scraping the BBC/ITV barrel.

Rock Follies is seriously embarassing.
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Stardust (1974)
Strange mismanaged nostalgia
11 July 2022
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Essex baby voice and girly hands do him no favours here, since this was made to draw money from lovesick 70's teens this red flag slipped under their hormonal radar.

His mean streak of petulance which was jarring throughout That'll Be The Day , once again, makes it hard to give a flying one about the character's 'problems' in the machine that he signed up for after trampling every well meaning acquaintance and relative underfoot along the way.

Essex as a pop idol struck me as an unusual songwriter whose noise was uneasy on the ear, whose lyrics were no better than the worst rap of 2022 and whose vocals mimicked a drunk baby.

I think his looks were the selling point, the English counterpoint to David Cassidy who was able to pull off the pretty boy idol far better. Maybe it was an American thing. Even Donny Osmond did teen idol without seeming feminine.

So Stardust is a one way street in story telling. Band get the gig, ambitious singer is raised above them, gets a bit too sorry for himself when band dismiss him, thinks he is God and wonders why his life is a mess when he runs out of friends. In the real world he came from, we are reminded that he wanted more women and fame, so he deserved everything that came his way due to his lack of responsibility and callous attitude to all but himself.

With eyes open now, we know this story does not exist.

Singers are manufactured as usual but it's more or less three strikes and you're out..... unless you have signed in blood for the earthly deal of your lifetime, the transaction means you do their bidding, say what you are told to say and sing songs that are selected to manipulate.

If you feel you have made a mistake somewhere along the line, there are enough women , wine and substances to numb you from thinking about it and with any luck your ticket buying audience will continue to think you were a gifted god to have an extensive back catalogue of 'hits' if you make it to your 80's.

This movie was on the back channels and was surprisingly watchable as Essex went from using his mates and women to being a narcissistic delusional druggy.

Probably only of interest to his 50 year old lady fans who will ignore the script reading in favour of those blue eyes.
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Freex trying to remove the most important gender
1 July 2022
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Walsh has the patience of a saint interviewing so many cretins who cannot answer the question.

Kinda like someone who gets a tan , wears a dreadlocked wig and calls themselves West Indian. Yeah , not gonna fool anyone 'cept the fearful pc brain dead

Great Watch, banned from most places which proves how much the controllers hate the divine feminine, mother.
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Not a horror movie, far better than that
22 June 2022
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I had heard about this CUBE movie and finally saw it the other day.

It was a hysterically great comedy. However the array of overacting 'Orrible people made for a tough hour and a half and like many reviewers have said, one scarcely cared by the end, especially with the extremely angry people hating leader, the neurotic spinster, the annoying Hoffman-like savant and the whiz number 'girl'. The ending was beyond ridiculous.

Now, Hypercube was a whole nother thing. Not a follow up if you wanted to see new ways of killing people. But it literally took the door idea to another dimension.

The movie victims represent what the government controllers think of us - a nasty, neurotic, selfish bunch of humans who deserve to be used in population reduction experiments whilst they harvest any unique skills that interest them.

We are told that the Hypercube was created and a whistle blower, amongst the victims, knew that no one was supposed to survive the construct. Looks like she also had info to prove it. So her punishment was to die amongst them.

The leader victim was sent in with the gang to retrieve the info off the whistle blower whilst being subjected to the same unsettling experiences as each door way was used. Or not.

Some doors were in a different time zone, a parallel experience or gravity reversed.

My take is - this construct represented the worlds we live in, have lived in and the worlds running in tandem to ours right now. Sometimes we catch on and leave messages or clues to help our new self passing through - deja vu. In the movie, the one survivor learns that - there is no time to spare. Everything in the construct will implode.

Everything in the controlled matrix world will implode also, assuming the we ignorant, slaves/victims do not kill each other first. Resorting to hedonistic baser instincts, promiscuity, materialism and financial obsessions, may change the quality of the journey but once we realise we've been played we come back and try to help our old selves and the enslaved newbies.

Hypercube is a veiled ''project looking glass'' (research it), with which the government want to distract humans, using fear. They rely on everyone being selfish, isolated and creatively thwarted by using movies and msm to educate people to be just that.

If we were not, we would work together and overcome anything they throw at us. The mind is a powerful thing. Tuning out of the fear emotion they make us endure is the weapon of resistance.

This is shown when the whistle blower and the leader realise that by staying calm, the evil destroyer grid cube reverts to nothing.

Great message.
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The Waltons: The Romance (1974)
Season 3, Episode 5
A whole lot of nuthin'
17 June 2022
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Never found Michael particularly attractive, just functional as the old fashioned trad mom of loads and loads of kids.

Caroline Ingalls on the other hand ....

Here we have a young art teacher being drawn to Michael..yeah right.

Guess this episode was to ensure we don't forget that Michael is a home maker, a cook , nurse and advisor..who Ralph Waite fancies a lot.

Ok. We get it.
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The Waltons: The Gift (1974)
Season 2, Episode 18
This episode really
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Irritated the 4£ (( out of me.

For all the hometown cooking and community assistance and Sunday church, we are treated to a depressing and hopeless tale of a dying teen who touches the life of Jason , the musical Walton.

Ritchie Cunningham, in a not so happy day, is here to visit us in the guise of Seth who is suddenly diagnosed with leukemia. This serves to ensure all youngsters who did not see O'Neal and Macgraw's Love Story, do not miss out in the knowledge that there is a life threatening youth killer that comes at kids in their bloom and dees Troyz.

Where they slipped up in the writing was leaving out the spiritual beliefs that the series is supposedly selling. Sure Grandpa sledgehammered home the emotional devastation of the loss of loved ones but with little comforting explanations for the souls that leave early. I thought eternal life with the Lord and passing through from this world to the next would've been a more appropriate message for the characters and the young audience , instead of oh well , another life snuffed out for no rhyme or reason.

Living on a farm in the country teaches one about birth and death and this life lesson was predictably omitted.

This was a Jason episode and he was given a chance to lead us into the required emotional suffering that the godless media inflict ad infinitum.
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The Waltons: The Substitute (1973)
Season 2, Episode 11
Where's Freud when you need him?
16 June 2022
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Granite Faced teacher sub shows up whilst Kind Hearted Miss Hunter is away.

'Tis truly a wondrous lesson when you realise how good you had it when the 'it' is gone, albeit temporarily.

And so it is with the whole village. Granite Faced, Emotionally Stunted blonde Teach comes close to being responsible for a whole passel of uneducated kids as one by one they stop learning anything and in some cases refuse to go to school.

Her reasons? Daddy issues.

Daddy was a cold hearted sob and Teach decides this is the way forward for all youngsters.

'Tis all neatly wrapped up as her temporary residence .. IN THE WALTON HOME... ensures that Teach has to take on board Walton opinions about her inflexible (read inhumane) attitude to'ards larnin' and by the end of the hour she has incorporated compassion and humility into her skill set before having a do over with her forgiving apt pupils.

Naturally, EHJ finally lets us know that Nice Teacher, Miss Hunter , returned eventually and everything went back to normal.
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The Waltons: The Fawn (1973)
Season 2, Episode 9
Yeah but
16 June 2022
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This was for everyone who hasn't seen The Yearling , My Friend Flicka or Black Beauty.

Only those stories were far better.

This was rushed and very predictable and kinda unrealistic.

I mean, these Walton kids adopt anything tadpoles, bullfrogs, more frogs but have no idea that a wild fawn will eat them out of house and home.

Not to mention destroying Granma's clean washing hanging on a stick.
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The Waltons: The Prize (1973)
Season 2, Episode 7
The Fair
16 June 2022
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So much fun for cents 2022 so much fun for pennies, if you want.

The creative process is there for a competition, not prize money. The award of praise by your peers in your community give the satisfaction.

This has been hijacked in the iphone age by tricking kids into wanting praise - read approval and permission to exist - from fake false media idols, who are paid to keep you in compliant line and away from traditional values by vilifying your old relations for non pc attitudes.

How the tricksters weave their wicked web.

In Walton land Olivia is heard time and again to say how happy and satisfying family life is and that the spouse gives her all that is required - that is - support, a friendly ear, counsel and providing the basic needs to sustain the lifestyle they manage.

There is always talk of 'if we were rich' but what is always hammered home, despite it being in Earl H junior's autistic monotone, is that priceless emotional support and extending that to your community, will always outweigh the instant gratification, fiat temptation which the ca baa1 bombard us with 24/7.
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The Waltons: The Chicken Thief (1973)
Season 2, Episode 6
What I got from this tale
16 June 2022
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The Robin Hood schmaltz was the usual fit for a Walton episode but the bit I did not fast forward through was the Ben/John-Boy storyline.

John-Boy, the unacknowledged, frustrated writer is a tad jealous when his brother Ben wins a prize for writing a poem.

A guilt ridden Ben confronts JB with the info that he stole JB's work and passed it off as his own. JB's role model behaviour is sorely tested , however when he compares the winning poem with his own demo idea , he is greatly impressed with his kid brother's work as it bears no resemblance to his and is mighty fine in its own way and deserving of recognition at school.

The takeaway - nothing is new under the sun but the individual puts their own unique creative spin on it and adds something new to the world.

Us modern folk forget this and give up under the weight of comparison with the false privileged botoxed media idols who don't exist when we do not let them enter our thoughts.
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Oczy diabla (2021)
I don't care
7 June 2022
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To entertain any criticism of this film.

The low rating here is irrelevant.

The finger pointing at certain races, cultures and creed is irrelevant.

What one should take away from this is a universal truth - trauma breeds trauma. Cruelty and abuse knows no limits. Evil will subjugate and shred the innocent. Evil has no soul and lives in the moment of the devil's playground . And it is in every establishment, every privileged group or exclusive club . Its members are protected by msm's mind control and fear propaganda directed incessantly at each new generation.

The purity of youth and their gifts of creativity and sovereignty are quashed as the controllers thwart their lives and feed on their subsequent hopelessness and depression;until we get to the stage where the youth comply to evil willingly because they know of little else.

Vega's documentary gives us much food for thought.

To rage against the machine wastes our precious energy.

To spread integrity, care and concern to everyone you meet is the only way forward. We are in too deep but an army of non compliance will, in time, set the next generation free.

We are sovereign, we know what is right.

We must ask and we will be rewarded with the power to self care. The information is out there. Seek and ye shall find.

We do not need the controlling cult that takes our young without guilt, we do not need the controlling cult that encourages us to create a world for us to hate while we consume its poison.

Finally , it is not for us to be judge and jury for what has been and gone. We must find our own tribe and protect what is pure and innocent. We are not evil. And the devil knows that only too well.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Hail Satan
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Guess the Bateman who can get the work does the job to pay for the other Bateman's mental sacrifice in the psychiatric ward. Such is the way in h0rrorwud land. Paid to play the funny guy for EVA must get wearing, so self funding and begging to play Hamlet is the way to go.

Even if you ignore the agenda infestation, inverted couples and c\/lt hand signs everywhere, the intial idea was good. The draw, the trust was built. Bateman weasling his way out of being gunned down, like his money laundering skimmer colleague, by offering his boss a lucretive deal and consequently sacrificing his kids well being and moral code forever. The mother sacrificed her morals way back but is dragged along because Bateman, the guilt racked dad, hasn't got the guts to divorce her and destroy his family unit. And he probably intends to spend his life punishing her for her blatant adultery, this opens him up to more blackmail by insisting she is not sacrificed by his disgruntled boss. Ozark and a whole sleazy underbelly of unemployed trailers trash with sheriff owning next door neighbours selling opium is where it's at , according to desperate dad.. No research, no tweaking on reflection. And boss sits back, gets popcorn and lets him work.

Season two goes full drug lord wars, complete with respective lawyer/hitmen characters. The Bateman/Byrd fam unite, the kids find independence by throwing truths at their immoral parents and the trailer trash thieving Langmore fam is given a back story for sympathy as they aid Bateman/Byrd for a percieved free lunch. Opium and honey selling neighbours, the Snells, have a falling out over financial arrangements and their marriage is suddenly over after they get a back story episode.

Season three - more drug lords and sudden death sees the Bateman/Byrd fam decide, well if you cant' beat em, join em. We find that the Bateman/ Byrd fam have their share of trailer trash in the fam, courtesy of rear entry preferring adulterous 'wife', when a traumatised and troubled brother in law turns up. Now I have to say, Pelphrey was a breath of fresh air. The humour that Bateman played down, but we could still detect, was out in full force in brother in law's oneliners. Unfortunately our pleasure was quashed by evil Byrd wife whose insatiable addiction for power, manipulation and money to enliven her life is put to the test. There is a moment where we are supposed to feel sorry for her blood sacrifice but cabal cults need this show of loyalty if you want the big buck life style and Bateman's tale tells his truth.

Season four was a loyalty watch since the wrapping was announced.. Or so they say.

We told ourselves that we were going to get a finale and say goodbye to this satanic tell all family diary and check out that Mike Myers series that everyone is talking about.

As the convoluted issues of drug dealing were thrown at us, cast members were hastily killed off ruthlessly, ahem, with none of the humourous finesse of Darlene's first porch 'I'll get some lemonade' shooting. I assumed the main cast were bored out of their tree and wanted out, and fast. Or both elongated kids had better offers on the Victoria's Secret Catwalk.

Old characters were resurrected, the budget stretched to buy in John Boy to get our waning attention and then, just when you think evil will eat itself. It doesn't.

We are left with nihilism and evil wins .

There is no God and no justice because in this msm cullt the last thing they want to reveal is the power of goodness, loyalty and love. There is no logic but there are loopholes galore.

Season Five cannot exist because no one will care after this diatribe of story telling and 1 dimensional flip flopping characterisations. It would be as embarrassing as Carrie Fisher's botoxed, dead body, jump started, token Star Wars casting.

The Byrds declare their love for each other, bound for life as they must cover for each other deeds.

Bateman needed to tell this story.

Whether you are born into the life or you choose to enter it , you will lose your soul for riches you cannot flaunt for fear of being found out. You will lose your soul as you live with what you did to get to the top of the pile of immoral trash. You will drink and drink and drug and drug because the real,heartfelt golden pleasures which fill an honourable life will be forever beyond your reach.

The matrix in this corner of Ozark is supposed to instill hopelessness in the average viewer. What it really does it expose the lies, fraud and fragile luxury that the controllers wallow in.

Empathic souls have no need to yearn for this illusion of a pleasurable existence; simply co create true happiness into your own brilliant future.
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