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Almost better than Blade overall - decent effort
30 October 2009
Okay I saw a trailer for this at the cinema when I saw that awful "Drag Me To Hell" a while back and I was eagerly waiting to see this as it reminded me of the" Blade" movies which are great in parts.

First of all I did enjoy the Blade Trilogy although there were parts of that which will be relevant in what I am about to say about this movie also....

Blood has had such a mixed response and some reviews have slated this movie which brings me to "Blade" - Basically if you hated "Blade" you will probably hate this but some of the main criticism of Blood is the CGI effects which if I am to be honest in a couple of scenes they are pretty outrageous and are more resembling of a PS3 game but the same can be said of the effects in "Blade" and not just in the first movie either - I was disappointed with the CGI used too! I am not a huge fan of this but hey that is technology for you! In short Blood: The Last Vampire is a cross between Kill Bill/Blade and has some similarities with some great Japanese movies too. I just wish at times they would not try and go the extra mile and keep things simple and if they did then this could have been a cracker.

I don't want to spoil any of the story when I write these hence likening the movie to others as a rough idea of what to expect and what I will say where "Blood" gets one over on "Blade" is the fight sequences. Now I have read a few reviews that have mentioned that they are far-fetched but hey are you trying to tell me that this is based on a true story... no! This movie is based on an animation...let me repeat that - It is based on an animation and therefore you can't be expecting miracles but what they have done is made it enjoyable. I love how the vampires don't disappear into ashes during fights like "Blade" - there is enough blood and the movement of the main character is fantastic. I am biased as I love the whole art of samurai and also love the vampire/demon mythology so this was a treat in parts.

Going back to the CGI that I did not like; you will see why - I didn't think it was necessary and wish they had perhaps reduced the scenes involving the demons. But hey, "Blade" got away with it so I think it's only fair that this movie is watched without expecting too much.

All in all the story is good as can be expected, the fight sequences in parts are superb and the characters likable too. It could have been so much better but I will give it a 7/10 overall. I loved Kill Bill 1 & 2 and this is the first movie since then that got the adrenaline going with some fancy swordplay which was great.

I will add this to my Blue ray collection eventually and would recommend fans of vampire movies to check it out, even fans of martial arts movies will get something from this so it please more than one audience. What I will say again is try not to be put off by the CGI scenes and just imagine if they took those darn demons out of the equation as far as showing them then this could have been far superior to any of the Blade Trilogy in my book.
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Summer's Moon (2009)
Pleasantly surprised by Summer's Moon
30 October 2009
Just watched "Summer's Moon" - Non spoiler opinion follows; I wouldn't say this is a typical horror but it certainly was disturbing in parts - but it really depends on your mindset.... I found the 88 minutes pass pretty quickly which is usually a sign that I did enjoy the film. Looking back it had some good moments, kept my interest and had me say to myself a few times..."WTF". Definitely worth watching if you like survival horror/thriller type of genre's.

Having watched "Paranormal Activity" recently which has been hyped up to be one of the scariest films to date, which I don't agree with by the way, this was refreshing and reminded me as a cross between films such as "The Devil's Reject's, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Misery...... As you can see it takes a little from a wide range of movies. 7/10 perhaps! Oh and Ashley Greene is lurvely... ;o)
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